

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Furuncle of the nose

Nasal furuncle - acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland of the outer or inner surface of the wing of the nose, the tip of the nose, the skin of the nasal septum.

Curvature of septum of nose

The curvature of the septum of the nose (deviation of the septum of the nose, deformation of the septum of the nose, the crest of the septum of the nose, the spine of the septum of the nose) is a change in its shape resulting from a trauma (fracture) or abnormal formation of its bone-cartilaginous skeleton, causing difficulty in nasal breathing or development of changes or diseases neighboring organs (nasal conchae, paranasal sinuses, middle ear, etc.)


Ozena (fetid runny nose) is a disease of unclear etiology, characterized by the development of a chronic dystrophic process in the mucosa and bony walls of the nasal cavity with the formation of dirty-gray crusts on the mucosal surface; manifested by a sharp unpleasant odor from the nose, hypo-or anosmia.

Chronic rhinitis (chronic rhinitis)

Chronic rhinitis (chronic rhinitis) is a nonspecific and specific inflammatory process of the mucous membrane and in some cases of the bony walls of the nasal cavity.

Allergic rhinitis: an overview of information

Allergic rhinitis is a disease caused by allergens and characterized by the development of IgE-dependent inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It manifests itself as a classical triad of symptoms: rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal breathing (often also smelling).

Acute Coryza (Coryza): Overview of Information

Acute rhinitis (acute rhinitis) is an acute nonspecific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Acute rhinitis is considered one of the most common diseases in children and adults, there is no precise epidemiological data.


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