

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Sarcoma of the jaws

Among sarcomas of the upper jaw, there are osteogenic sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrotic histiocytomas, Ewing sarcoma and a number of rarer tumors.

Injury of the paranasal sinuses

Trauma of the paranasal sinuses (traumatic injuries of the paranasal sinuses) is a traumatic injury that leads, as a rule, to a fracture of the walls of a paranasal sinus with or without displacement of bone fragments, with the possible formation of a cosmetic, functional defect and hemorrhage into the paranasal sinuses.

Nose fracture

Nose fracture is a trauma of the nose, in which there is a violation of the integrity of the bone pyramid of the nose with or without displacement of bone fragments.

Adenokistozny cancer (cylinder) of the nasal cavity

This epithelial tumor is localized both in the nasal cavity and in the maxillary sinus. Most often they arise from small salivary glands.


Estesionnerablastoma - this tumor among non-epithelial malignancies is the most frequent. It develops from the olfactory epithelium.

Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is more common in men. Among the factors that affect the incidence of cancer in this area, professional factors also play a role.

Malignant tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The squamous cell forms of the maxillary sinus cancer that are 80-90% of malignant neoplasms of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are most common.

Benign tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Tumors of the nasal cavity are relatively rare diseases. Much more often diagnosed tumors of the paranasal sinuses and, in particular, tumors of the maxillary sinus. Malignant tumors of this region make, according to different authors, from 0.2 to 1.4% of cancer tumors of other localizations.

Rinofima: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Rhinophyma (greek, rhis, rhinos nose + phyma outgrowth) (wine nose, pineal nose) is an inflammatory disease of the skin of the nose, characterized by hypertrophy of all its elements (connective tissue, blood vessels and sebaceous glands), enlargement and disfigurement of the nose.

Chronic sphenoiditis

Chronic sphenoiditis (chronic inflammation of the sphenoid sinus, chronic inflammation of the main sinus, chronic sphenoidal sinusitis (sinusitis sphenaiditis chronica).


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