

Diseases of the blood (hematology)

Follicular lymphoma

The diagnosis is follicular lymphoma. Such an incomprehensible and terrible at first glance disease belongs to the category of the most light and relatively safe pathologies associated with malignant neoplasms.

Werlhof's disease

So what is Werlhof's disease? Is it possible to effectively fight it? On all these and many other questions and try to find answers in this article.

Febrile neutropenia

Febrile neutropenia or as it is also called "neutropenic fever".

Treatment of thrombocytopenia

Treatment of thrombocytopenia is recommended to begin after a haematological examination.

Post-hemorrhagic anemia

Posthemorrhagic anemia is the lack of iron-containing elements in human blood plasma. Anemia, which arose as a result of blood loss, is one of the most frequent anemias. Physicians distinguish two forms of this disease: chronic and acute.

Acute posthemorrhagic anemia in adults

Acute posthemorrhagic anemia in adults is a disease that arises from the rapid loss of large amounts of blood. Let's look at the main symptoms of the disease, the causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of acute posthemorrhagic anemia.

Sepsis in children

To date, sepsis in children remains the leading cause of hospital mortality among patients in childhood. Severe sepsis ranks fourth among all causes of death of children under 1 year and the second among causes of death of children from 1 year to 14 years.

Angiogenic infection

Angiogenic infection is the primary infection of the bloodstream, the source of which is in the blood vessels or in the heart cavities. The laboratory indicator of angiogenic infection is considered bacteremia, and clinical symptomatic complex of sepsis.

Treating severe sepsis and septic shock

Effective treatment of sepsis is possible only if the full surgical sanitation of the focus of infection and adequate antimicrobial therapy. Inadequate starting antimicrobial therapy is a risk factor for death in patients with sepsis.


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