

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

Treatment of a deficiency of folic acid

The optimal result of treatment is achieved with the appointment of folic acid in a dose of 100-200 mcg per day. One tablet contains 0.3-1.0 mg of folic acid, a solution for injection - 1 mg / ml. The duration of therapy is several months, until a new population of erythrocytes is formed.

Lack of folic acid

Deficiency (deficiency) of folic acid can be both congenital and acquired; the latter is more common.

Lack of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin - Cbl) enters the body mainly with products of animal origin (such as meat, milk) and absorbed by absorption.

Megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic anemia is a group of diseases characterized by the presence of megaloblasts in the bone marrow and macro-cells in the peripheral blood.

How is iron deficiency anemia prevented?

It is reduced to adherence to the correct regime and nutrition of a pregnant woman, measures against anti-malnourishment, elimination of toxicoses, timely detection and treatment of anemia in pregnant women.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia must be complex. Etiological treatment involves eliminating the causes leading to the development of iron deficiency.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia

WHO recommends fairly accurate criteria for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, but the methods of diagnosis require blood sampling from the vein and carrying out quite expensive biochemical studies, which is not always possible in Ukrainian medical institutions. There are attempts to minimize the criteria for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia

When iron deficiency anemia, there are shifts in the hormonal status and in the immune system: firstly, the level of ACTH and TSH increases, which is apparently due to adaptive-adaptive response.

What happens during iron deficiency anemia?

Studies have shown that in children with iron deficiency anemia there is a deficiency of a number of vitamins - A, C, E (the latter provides the function of erythrocyte membranes), vitamin C is involved in the absorption of iron in the digestive tract, and vitamin A deficiency leads to a violation of the mobilization of iron from the liver.

What provokes iron deficiency anemia?

It is advisable to identify risk factors for the development of iron deficiency from the mother and child and the causes of iron deficiency anemia in children of different ages. In young children, factors of prenatal iron deficiency and factors determining the inconsistency of the need and intake of iron in the body predominate. In older children, conditions leading to increased (pathological) blood loss are in the first place.


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