

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

Diagnosis of obesity in children

Children with obesity are required to consult a medical genetics and endocrinologist to exclude hereditary and endocrine diseases requiring specialized treatment.

Overweight and obesity in children

Obesity (Latin adipositas) is a chronic eating disorder characterized by excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. Currently, the terms "obesity" and "excess body weight" are equally often used in pediatrics, and the term "overweight" is more preferable.

Diagnosis of hypotrophy

The diagnosis of "Protein-energy deficiency" (hypotrophy) in children is based on history, clinical manifestations of the disease, anthropometric evaluation and laboratory data.

Pathogenesis of hypotrophy

Despite the diversity of etiological factors that cause the development of hypotrophy in children, the pathogenesis is based on a chronic stress reaction - one of the universal nonspecific pathophysiological reactions of the organism that arise in many diseases, as well as with the long-term action of various damaging factors.


Hypotrophy is an alimentary-dependent condition caused by a predominant protein and / or energy starvation of sufficient duration and / or intensity.


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