

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

Iron deficiency anemia in children

Iron deficiency anemia is a clinico-hematological syndrome, based on a violation of hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. The latent iron deficiency, which is 70% of all iron deficiency states, is considered not a disease but a functional disorder with a negative iron balance, it does not have a separate ICD-10 code.

Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia is not a single nosological unit, but a genetically heterogeneous group, a complex of multifactorial diseases, the pathogenetic basis of which is the individual features of the genome; the clinical manifestation is provoked by the action of damaging conditions of the external environment (intrauterine factors, nutritional deficiencies).

Imperfect osteogenesis

Imperfect osteogenesis (osteogenesisimperfecta, Lobstein-Wilkin disease, Q78.0) is a hereditary disease manifested by increased bone fragility, more often caused by mutations in the genes of type I collagen, caused by impaired osteoblast functions, which leads to disruption of endosteal and periosteal ossification.

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Ehlers-Danlos) (SED; Q79.6) is a genetically heterogeneous disease caused by various mutations in the collagen genes or in the genes responsible for the synthesis of enzymes involved in the maturation of collagen fibers.

Marfan syndrome

Morfan syndrome (Marfan) is a hereditary disease characterized by systemic involvement of connective tissue (Q87.4; OMIM 154700). The type of inheritance is autosomal dominant with high penetrance and various expressiveness.

Treatment of osteoporosis in children

Correction of osteoporosis in childhood is complicated by the fact that unlike an adult patient with a formed bone tissue, the child still has to accumulate calcium in the bones to create in the future peak bone mass.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis in children

In the evaluation of biochemical indicators, routine methods of investigation are required-determination of the content of calcium (ionized fraction) and blood phosphorus, daily excretion of calcium and phosphorus in the urine, and urinary excretion of urine in relation to creatinine concentration in the same urine.

Osteoporosis in children

Osteoporosis [osteopenia, reduction of bone mineral density (BMD)] is a complex multifactorial disease with a slow asymptomatic progression until the development of bone fractures.

Symptoms of rickets

Rickets is a disease of the whole body with a significant disruption of the functions of a number of organs and systems. The first clinical symptoms of rickets are found in children 2-3 months. In premature infants the disease manifests itself earlier (from the end of the 1st month).


Rickets is a disease of young children caused by insufficient intake and / or formation of vitamin D in the body, characterized by a violation of bone formation and the functions of various organs and systems due to changes in phosphorus-calcium metabolism.


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