

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

High fever in a child without other symptoms

You need to know that this is not always a symptom of pathology, and sometimes it can be a physiological reaction. Parents need to know what can cause this and what to do about it.

Hypermobility in children

Most often, the pain that arises in the joints area makes itself felt. Especially it increases with intense physical activity, and even during the game, running. Pain can only cover one joint, or several at a time. 

High fever for no apparent reason in the baby

Most often, fever is the first symptom, therefore, as such, there is no reason for this. But it is important to find the cause of hyperthermia in a child, because sometimes it is an important symptom of serious pathology.

The temperature of the child in the summer without and with symptoms

Naturally, in the cold season, the incidence of children is higher, but in summer, viral and bacterial infections also occur. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause of fever in a child, especially if it happens in the summer.

Why does the child not lose heat and what to do?

Before you figure out why the child does not lose temperature, you need to know why and how it generally rises.

Syndrome of compulsive movements in children: why it occurs and how it is treated

Such repetitive stereotyped movements are either part of a general neurotic obsession, or are a manifestation of a paroxysmal neuropsychiatric disorder, or are considered a sign of extrapyramidal motor disorders.

Feces of light color in the child: what does it mean?

After all, most adults know that an unusually light color of feces can indicate pathological processes occurring in the digestive system. 

Temperature under 40 in a child with symptoms and without

The main task of parents in such cases is to differentiate states that require immediate assistance.

Vomiting and abdominal pain in the child

Infants often have colic, especially male infants. This is quite normal, colic begins at about two weeks of age and stops torturing the child at the age of three to four months.

Why is the child feces yellow and what should I do?

Cal is all that remains of food after getting into the body. In order for the food to turn into feces, it takes from one to three days. Feces consist of undigested food, dead cells, mucus, bacteria.


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