

Diseases of children (pediatrics)

Treatment of hoarseness of voice in a child

Methods of treatment of voice disorders are individualized for each patient and depend on what caused the pathological condition.


A congenital anomaly in the form of a skull deformity in which infants' heads are irregularly shaped and the skull appears triangular is defined as trigonocephaly.

Inhalation for hoarseness of voice in a child

One of the popular and at the same time effective methods of treating wheezing and hoarseness in the voice is inhalation. Inhalation with a nebulizer is allowed for patients from the age of one year.

Syrups for hoarseness of voice in a child

In case of hoarseness of voice in a child, which is caused by laryngitis, cough or other colds, two types of syrups are used

A child's voice is hoarse

In children, voice hoarseness occurs much more often than in adults. Consider the main causes of this symptom, types and forms, methods of treatment, prevention.

Epiphyseolysis in children

Displacement or detachment of the neocostal epiphyseal plate (sprout cartilage) - epiphyseolysis in children - can be detected in cases of tubular bone fractures in the metaepiphyseal region where this cartilaginous plate is located.

Epiphyseolysis of the humerus in children

When a fracture of the humerus of the upper extremity is accompanied by damage to the region of its metaepiphysis, leading to displacement of a thin layer of hyaline cartilage - the epiphyseal plate (cartilaginous growth plate), epiphyseolysis of the humerus in children is diagnosed.

Sensomotor alalia

Alalias are speech deficits that result from damage to speech areas of the brain during fetal development or during childbirth.

Speech disorders in alalia

In alalia, speech is impaired when hearing and intelligence are initially normal. The pathology is caused by organic brain damage in the intrauterine period or before the third year of life.

Cracked feet in a child

The skin on the soles of the feet and palms of a person differs markedly from the skin of other parts of the body. And although in childhood the horny layer of the epidermis is thinner than in adults, cracks on a child's feet appear quite often.


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