Demodectic eyelids
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Demodectic is a parasitic lesion of the skin, which provokes microscopic mites - demodexes. Parasites can be present on the skin of many people, while they are completely harmless, they feed on the products of the decomposition of the upper layers of the skin and help remove slags from the body. When a malfunction in the immune system or other provoking factors, mites penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and cause unpleasant symptoms.
Causes of the demodexia of the eyelids
The cause of the disease are parasitic microscopic mites - demodexes.
Promoting the penetration of mites under the skin may impair the functioning of the immune, hormonal, endocrine systems, prolonged nerve stresses, chronic diseases that lead to improper digestion, frequent visits to public bathing places (saunas, baths) or work in hot shops.
The most vulnerable to the disease are light-skinned women, demodectic can develop in adolescents as well as in adulthood. In young people, the disease can provoke increased work of the sebaceous glands or hormonal changes in the body during the growing up period.
Also, the cause of demodicosis is non-compliance with hygiene - the use of other people's towels, poorly processed bed linen in trains, hotels, etc., contaminated tools in beauty salons, use of one ink or shadows. The disease can also be transmitted from pets.
The ophthalmologist diagnoses the disease on examination, confirms the diagnosis of a laboratory test.
Demodexes prefer to settle in the sebaceous ducts or hair follicles, the skin of the face is most often affected, eyelids develop demodectic eyelids, which strongly worsens the appearance and causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.
Symptoms of the demodexia of the eyelids
The first sign of demodectic eyelids is swelling, redness, itching.
Also, during active breeding, mites begin to secrete viscous mucus, lead to the loss of eyelashes and the appearance of pustules covered with a yellow crust.
The skin on the eyelids becomes dry, begins to peel off. Usually, after a dream, yellowish viscous mucus appears on the eyelashes, the cilia are glued together.
With the progression of the disease, mucosal inflammation, dryness and fatigue are observed. To strengthen the itch, some creams that promote the reproduction of parasites, so when demodicosis until complete recovery should only use the means prescribed by the doctor.
The parasitic activity of demodex can lead to inflammation of the eyelids, the cornea of the eye, and tumorous formations.
Ticks produce toxic decomposition products that can increase the risk of allergic reactions, with prolonged flow or frequent recurrences, demodectic eyelids can cause various nervous disorders, depression, lead to a decrease in self-esteem.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of the demodexia of the eyelids
This disease is detected by the ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) during the initial examination of the patient, the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory tests, which are performed quite quickly and simply - on the freshly removed eyelashes of the patient under a microscope, the presence of demodexes is detected. Before the study of eyelashes they are poured with kerosene (gasoline), glycerin, caustic alkali solution.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the demodexia of the eyelids
Treatment of demodecosis proceeds well with early detection of the disease and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations. It is very important to observe the terms of treatment, otherwise the disease can go on into a chronic form, and then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of demodectic.
Demodex mites greatly deteriorate the appearance, which also entails psychological consequences - low self-esteem, depression, development of complexes.
Treatment of demodectic is prolonged, on average 3-4 months (depending on the type of mite and the severity of the disease).
The results can be seen already in the first weeks after the start of therapy, but it is very important not to stop treatment and take a full course.
In the advanced stage, with the development of complications due to concomitant diseases, with individual intolerance of drugs prescribed by a doctor, the treatment of demodectic can take more than six months.
The longer the patient refuses treatment, the more the disease progresses and the more difficult it is in the future to be treated, which can lead to infection and inflammation in the mucous membrane of the eye, hair loss on the head, thickening and proliferation of fibrous nasal tissue, damage to other parts of the body (back , breasts, thighs, etc.).
Treatment of demodicosis is aimed at killing the mite and normalizing the immune system, increasing the resistance of the skin, improving digestive function.
Demodectic eyelids indicate an abnormal functioning of the body, so the main treatment is to eliminate the root cause of the disease (factors that provoked excessive activity of the tick).
During treatment, it is important to follow a special diet, exclude alcohol, foods containing caffeine, tobacco, and also enhance personal hygiene (change bed linens, towels, etc.), and during the treatment you should refuse to visit the sauna, solarium, hot baths and other places where the skin can be affected by hot air.
Self-treatment of demodicosis is contraindicated, after consultation with a doctor, basic therapy can be supplemented with alternative medicine.
Scheme of treatment for demodectic eyelids
The treatment plan is made up by the doctor, taking into account the degree of the disease, the concomitant diseases, and the like.
Therapy must include the intake of antibiotics, drugs for normalizing the immune system, digestion, and applying external ointments.
Treatment of demodicosis is prescribed for at least 1.5 months, in severe cases, treatment takes 10-12 months.
Remedies for demodectic eyelids
With demodekoze, the external ointment for the eyelids Demelan shows good effectiveness. Before the application of cilia must be cleaned from dry crusts, wipe with alcohol solution. It is best to use the tincture of calendula on alcohol, which must be applied twice with an interval of 15 minutes.
Demelan is applied to the eyelids by gentle massage movements twice a day, the course of treatment is from 1.5 months.
In case of democose, Blepharogel is used for eyelid massage, which for prophylaxis should also be used for close relatives of the patient.
When demodicosis is contraindicated hormonal external means, which promote the reproduction of parasites.
When the disease spreads to the eye mucosa, antibacterial eye drops (tobrex, levomycytin) are prescribed.
In severe cases (when joining the infection, vivid symptoms) antibiotics are prescribed.
Today, the most effective drug against parasitic diseases is Demodex Complex, which should be used as part of complex therapy (in combination with soap, cream, drugs to improve immunity, etc.).
Demodex Complex is extremely easy to use, allows you to get rid of parasites in a shorter time, has a minimum of side effects, has a natural composition and reduces the risk of relapse.
Ointment from Demodectic
Often, a doctor appoints a tri-choleric ointment, which can be used by pregnant and breast-feeding women in demodectic cases. Ointment is easy to use - you just need to apply to the affected areas.
Also, ointments on a fatty basis - tetracycline, clotrimazole, which have a low risk of allergic reactions and increase the resistance of the skin to parasites, also show good efficacy.
In some cases, a high-speed drug, benzylbenzonate, NM is prescribed, but such drugs have recently become less popular, since they contain alcohol and sulfur, which destroy the upper layer of the skin, which leads to excessive dryness and flaking.
Tansy with demodectic eyelids
Tansy has a number of medicinal properties - anthelmintic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, destroys insects, soothes, relieves inflammation, reduces fever, pain.
When demodectic eyelids infusion of tansy helps relieve inflammation, stop the reproduction of ticks. Used infusion for rubbing, compresses, washing. It should be remembered that tansy is a poisonous plant, so do not exceed the recommended dosage.
To make a brew, you need 1 tablespoon. Flowers pour 200ml of boiling water and let it brew 1-1.5 hours.
Received infusion, you need to bury 2 drops in the eye three times a day, compress for 20-25 minutes at night. Every day it is recommended to make fresh infusion.
Duration of treatment 1 - 1.5 months.
Also with tansy, you can prepare an ointment - this requires fresh tansy flowers and wormwood herb. Well-washed and dried herbs chopped in a blender, put in a saucepan, pour melted fat (should get the consistency of sour cream) and protrude in a water bath for 20-25 minutes, then the resulting mixture to cool and use as a mask - apply for 20-25 minutes on the affected areas skin (on top it is better to cover with a cosmetic napkin). After such a mask, you need to wipe the skin with alcohol tincture.
Eyelid massage with demodicosis
Massage with demodicosis is an important part of complex treatment. For more effective massage is done with special means, which are prescribed for the disease.
The easiest way is to massage finger pads.
Also strengthen the action will help special cream (Kang, Xinsheng), which will help to destroy the parasites. Before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the edges of the eyelids with an alcohol tincture of calendula or eucalyptus, after drying, the cream is applied lightly to the closed eyelids (morning and evening).
Diet with demodectic eyelids
With the defeat of demodex mites, a diet is necessary for the normalization of digestion and protective functions of the body.
It is recommended to use boiled meat, lactic acid foods, fresh vegetables, not sweet fruits, boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat porridge, cereal bread, nuts (almonds, peanuts), raisins, fresh.
At the same time the disease should be completely eliminated from sharp, smoked, salted foods, honey.
More information of the treatment
Demodex mites are able to switch from skin to towels, bedding, clothing, cosmetics (mascara, eye shadow, etc.), so the basis for the prevention of demodicosis is the observance of personal hygiene.
When a relative is diagnosed, a relative should wash all objects in hot water with water that could come into contact with the patient's face - scarves, hats, pillowcases, etc.
With demodicosis, the prognosis is favorable only if the person has a fairly strong immune system and no serious concomitant diseases. In this case, the unpleasant consequences of infection with mites pass after a full course of treatment (3-4 months).
When demodicosis is important, the doctor's observation of the patient's condition, as a rule, the specialist notes the effectiveness of the chosen treatment regimen and, if necessary, makes adjustments.
The disease is easier to treat if it is detected at an early stage and has not passed into a chronic form. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the treatment scheme is incorrect, untimely cessation of therapy, relapses may occur, and then the prognosis will be disappointing.
Demodectic eyelids is a serious disease that is provoked by microscopic parasites that live on the skin. There are two types of mites that can cause disease, in normal operation of the body, parasites do not cause harm to humans, but in any malfunction the mites activate and begin to multiply actively, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms and worsening appearance.
Parasites are especially active in the autumn-spring period, when the body is weakened.