Treatment of demodectic by alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of demodectic by alternative means is carried out under the control of the attending physician. Home remedies can have an incredible effect on the tick and lead to a complete recovery of the person.
- Recipe number 1. It is necessary to take St. John's wort, a sheet of black currant, a leaf of strawberry, lemon balm, calendula, cherry blossoms, juniper fruit, mordovnik, hawthorn fruits, sea buckthorn fruit, rose hips, Echinocheus flowers 1: 1. One tablespoon of the collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist in the heat (20 degrees), strain. Drink in a warm form on a glass 3-4 times a day, adding honey or juice of the viburnum.
- Recipe number 2. Take before meals a water infusion of horseradish root for a teaspoonful or a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. To make it, fill half the 250-gram jar (from under mayonnaise) with grated horseradish and pour cold boiled water to the corolla. Close the jar tightly. If the stomach irritates with this medicine, then drink it with a jelly from linseed.
- Council number 1. At night, it is desirable to cleanse the face with lotion or almond milk. You can make a mask of grated raw apple and horseradish. When it is applied, it is worth taking care of the eyes. Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes.
- Council number 2. Eyelids of the eye, infected with a tick, are lubricated with yellow ointment. Prepare a remedy and at home. To do this, take a teaspoon of castor oil, rubbed into it 2 tablets of trichopolum and a glass rod gently rub this ointment into the eyelids for the night.
- Council number 3. To get rid of the tick it is possible and in such a way: fill a bottle with a wide neck for 1/3 with crushed garlic and pour to the top with vodka. Infuse in a warm and dark place, daily shaking.
Tar at demodicosis is widely used. Since ancient times it has been used to treat many diseases. In its pure form, it is a liquid of dark brown or black color with a specific odor. The product is obtained by distillation from birch bark. Basically, birch tar is used.
Many medicinal properties have this remedy. It is successfully used not only in folklore, but also in traditional medicine. It has excellent antiseptic, insecticidal properties. It is characterized by irritating activity in places of influence. This property is due to the improvement of tissue blood supply, acceleration of the keratinization process and stimulation of the regeneration of the epidermis.
Use the product is necessary after permission of a specialist. This will avoid possible side effects. There is always a risk of burns. Apply it in a certain order, more details will be described in the next section. Treatment of demodicosis in this way requires caution.
Birch tar
Birch tar from demodicosis has been used since ancient times. In its pure form, it is a liquid that has an unpleasant smell. The tar is obtained by dry distillation from birch bark. And for the production of the product, only the outer part of the bark is taken. As a result, a mixture of phenols, various resinous substances, aromatic hydrocarbons is obtained.
In medicine, the product is used to cure skin diseases. Such as fungal lesions of the extremities, erysipelas, scaly lichen, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, folliculitis, pediculosis, scabies, vitiligo, trophic non-healing ulcers, bedsores and others. Apply the product must be externally on the affected areas.
A special effect is achieved with the treatment of scurvy. The remedy admirably strengthens the tissues and nourishes the internal organs. In cosmetology, birch tar is often an excellent remedy for the treatment of acne, dandruff, hair loss, dry skin, or vice versa, excessive fat content and other problems that spoil beauty.
Despite such a variety of useful properties, there are contraindications. Prolonged and frequent use for medicinal purposes can lead to skin irritation. It is not excluded and exacerbation of the eczematous process. Do not use the drug in the folds of the skin.
Exact medical studies of the composition of the product showed that it contains many carcinogens. Therefore, the thoughtless and regular use of the drug can lead to harm to health. Inside take tar even in small doses is not worth it.
Herbs from demodectic
Herbs from demodicosis are widely used in alternative medicine. There are several recipes that have a really positive effect on the whole process.
Elecampane. It should take 25 grams (one tablespoon) of root and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mass should be closed with a lid and boiled for 7 minutes on a very small fire. Then wrap up the broth and let it brew for at least six hours. Means, after cooling, it is necessary to strain and use as lotions. Tampons, moistened in tincture, are applied to the affected places twice a day for no more than twenty minutes. Previously, the places that need to be treated are wiped with tinctures of calendula or eucalyptus.
Collection of herbs. You should take wormwood, plantain, mint, millennia, tansy flower, nettle (all herbs one tablespoon) and a turn (two tablespoons). These herbs must be mixed. Take 50 grams (two tablespoons) of raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water. This remedy should stay in wrapped form for at least 30 minutes. At the end of time, the infusion is filtered, and taken three times a day for half an hour before eating a hundred grams. Treatment should last at least six weeks.
Violet. To begin with, you should prepare a violet three-color, calendula (flowers) and St. John's wort, one tablespoon of each kind. You will also need a plantain leaf and an elephant root, one tablespoon each. These herbs are thoroughly mixed, and in a clean dish, put aside two tablespoons of the mixture. Boiled water pours the selected herbs and insists in a wrapped form for thirty minutes. At the end of the period, infuse the infusion. This drug should be drunk before eating (for 30 minutes) for one hundred grams. The course lasts six weeks. Treatment of demodicosis in this case is carried out with extreme caution.
Wormwood from demodicosis is no less effective than others. To prepare a healing broth you need to take a couple of spoons of herbs, but before that, grind it. All this is poured with a liter of boiling water and cooked for five minutes. Then you should place the broth in a dark place for three hours. Here it will find its basic useful properties.
This alternative remedy for illnesses is taken internally under a special schedule for six days, without interrupting treatment even at night. On Monday it is necessary to drink half a cup every hour. Tuesday - half a cup every couple of hours. From Wednesday to Saturday half a cup every three hours.
For every day of such a "sagebrush marathon" it is necessary to prepare a fresh portion of the broth. You can sweeten it with honey. During the treatment it will be possible not only to eradicate the hated tick, but also to clean the intestines perfectly. Therefore, this tool can be called unique in its kind. Most importantly, it is an absolutely safe solution to the problem.
Tea tree
Tea tree under demodicosis began to be used not so long ago. It has a number of useful properties that are caused by a harmless chemical composition. It can claim the primacy among the remaining essential oils, tk. It contains at least 48 useful organic components.
Tea tree is a strong antiseptic. It is 8 times stronger than carbolic acid and 12 times stronger than phenol. It has a pronounced bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral and immunostimulating effect. It is used solely as an external agent, its reception is not recommended. If irritation does not arise, you can use it, and the resulting slight burning and redness of the skin is considered a normal reaction.
With problematic skin, as well as for prevention, it is used as a cleanser. For a single portion of the cream or lotion, add 1 drop of oil. Not bad will be 1-2 drops of essential oil of tea tree in the compositions of home masks, intended for oily and problematic skin.
Garlic with demodicosis is used as an auxiliary. It has a positive effect on cure. It must be well sunk (in gruel), which can then be applied to the skin for about forty minutes.
It is not necessary to make a gruel, you can just use the medication and inside. Both in its pure form, and with the addition of vegetable oil. Suitable sunflower or linseed. In order that the gruel does not flow over the face, it is necessary to cover the layer of applied garlic with a layer of sterile bandage or gauze. From above, you need to cover the areas of the face with a compress with the help of pieces of cellophane.
Apply this plant can be both in its pure form, and in complex therapy. But, in spite of a lot of positive properties, you should take extra care. Garlic can cause severe burns to the skin. Neglect such treatment is not necessary. If the skin is sensitive, it is worthwhile to talk with the dermatologist about the further elimination of the problem. Treatment of demodicosis is also perfectly achieved by using alternative medicine.
Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar in demodicosis is a great help to correct this problem and eliminate acne. Useful properties of apple cider vinegar are really extensive. So, it contains an impressive set of vitamins, microelements, biologically active compounds that can influence the causes of acne.
As part of the "drug" is vitamin A - one of the most important and universal vitamins for the treatment of acne. Vitamin E - the strongest antioxidant, the alternative name "vitamin of youth". Vitamin C - an activator of immunity, helps to get rid of acne.
B vitamins - keep the skin healthy.
With external use, vinegar has a good anti-medicated effect. In its composition, there is also sulfur - it has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, it helps well with the treatment of demodicosis. The product is rich in other useful substances: potassium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, chlorine, pectin, calcium, sodium. Together, they have a positive effect on the body and help with: stomatitis, angina, polyarthritis, gout, hypertension, cholecystitis.
Treatment of demodectic kerosene
Treatment of demodicosis with kerosene is a very strange, but effective way. Damaged demodex skin should be treated with kerosene and not washed off for three days. Thanks to this procedure, an impermeable film is formed and the mites living in the skin will come out, as they will lack oxygen.
Use this tool, if already formed abscesses, it is impossible, since kerosene can cause additional irritation. Before applying it, it is first necessary to test for an allergic reaction. Simply apply the product on the skin and wait 15-30 minutes. If no unpleasant sensations have arisen, then use the "drug" is quite possible.
If there are unpleasant sensations, this method should be abandoned. Otherwise, development of negative side reactions is not ruled out. Elimination of the problem in this case can lead to serious "damage" to the skin.