Curd and other symptoms: odor, itching
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The vaginal secret is normally transparent, sometimes slightly whitish or yellowish, its consistency varies from watery to mucous. The amount of it varies slightly depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The secretions secreted by the glands of the genital organs perform a protective function in the female body, eliminating infectious agents and moistening the walls of the tubular structures of the genitalia, preventing them from sticking together. Healthy women almost do not feel the discharge from the genital tract, they are not disturbed by the itching and unpleasant odor. But sometimes there are cheesy discharge from the vagina or leucorrhea. This process is often accompanied by itching, hyperemia and edema of the external genitalia, brings tangible discomfort and is the most common complaint when visiting a gynecologist.
Such secretions most often appear from the genital tract in persons of both sexes, but sometimes they can appear from other natural openings, the wall of which is covered with a mucous membrane.
What do the cheesy discharge mean?
Detachable, apparently similar to the flakes of poorly pressed cottage cheese, suggests that the mucous membrane of the natural hole was colonized by yeast fungi of the genus Candida (Latin Candida). These representatives of conditionally pathogenic flora in a meager amount are revealed in the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes and on the skin of the majority of healthy people. However, under favorable conditions for them - reducing the number of beneficial bacteria that restrain their development, the fungi immediately begin to multiply unhindered, causing the disease - candidiasis of the mucous membranes or thrush. This is the most common reason for the appearance of whites, with candidiasis being encountered throughout the life of ¾ women, and the number of complaints about this, according to the world medical statistics, is growing steadily.
Do you always have curdled discharge with milkweed? - visitors to Internet sites are interested. Not necessarily, much depends on the place where the fungi settled. Their colonies may look like a thick white coating or whitish translucent film, for example, on the tongue; as multiple white dots, for example, on tonsils; Like liquid white discharge reminiscent of sour milk or fresh sour cream. Nevertheless, accumulating in the folds of the skin, they get lost in the curdled lumps. The color of excretions in candidal monoinfection is always white, shades of another color indicate a mixed, so-called, mixed infection.
Lactobacilli or Dodderlyna sticks belong to the useful flora of the vaginal mucous membranes and make up 90-95% of the microorganisms inhabiting it in fertile women. They provide an acidic environment in the vagina and restrain the development of fungal and other pathogenic flora. However, when certain conditions are created, lactobacilli begin to multiply intensively. Such an environmental situation in the vagina is called Doderlein syndrome or cytological vaginitis. Symptoms of it are very similar to thrush - the same white discharge of curdled consistency, itching, hyperemia and swelling of the external genitalia.
Causes of the cheesy discharge
The presence of whites, similar to the curds of cottage cheese, is always caused by imbalance in the microbial ecosystem of the vagina or mucous membranes of other organs.
Vaginal whitecaps are characteristic both for reducing the number of lactobacilli, which leads to the development of fungal or mixed flora, and for an abnormal increase in their number, which causes overproduction of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, and too aggressive environment leads to the destruction of cells of the vaginal epithelium (cytolysis).
So, the cause of pathological discharge is a change in the acidity of the vaginal environment, the color and odor is influenced by the additional presence in it of certain pathogens - bacteria or parasites.
Some women are concerned about cheesy discharge after sex. Sexual intercourse in this case provoked the appearance of symptoms of candidiasis. Beli can appear immediately after contact or after a while. If the discharge continues to appear, it means that either the partner has "thrown on" the fungus flora, or sex "wakes up" the dormant infection. Normally, the discharge after sex can be more abundant, it is the protective reaction of the body to the arrival of foreign substances. The consistency of the mucus to be separated can be more dense with whitish or yellowish clots, the color is white, but the curdled structure is no longer normal.
Often there are complaints about curdled discharge after candles. The reasons for this can be very different from completely innocuous - the exit of the remains of candles, which are also white in color and can be interpreted as curdled. They are usually uninhabitable, they go out immediately after use, for example, in the morning, after applying candles before going to bed. The output of residues is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and does not take long.
If the secretions are accompanied by itching or burning, then, probably, suppositories caused an allergic reaction, and the drug should be replaced.
If the cheesy discharge is persistent, abundant and accompanied by other symptoms of thrush, then, depending on the type of candles, the causes may also differ.
Custard liberation after candles Hexicon according to the instructions to the drug should not appear, however, many women complain about their appearance.
First, the reason can be the use of the drug for other purposes. The active substance of the hexicon is not effective in cases of thrush, so if the lady was engaged in self-treatment of candidiasis, he could only increase as a result.
Secondly, although the candles themselves have no effect on the microbiocenosis of the vagina, the presence of pathogenic microbes disturbs it, and after treatment it is almost always necessary to restore it, otherwise the candidiasis develops.
Cottage cheese after candles Betadin, Lomexin and Zalain may be more evidence of the development of Dodderlyn's syndrome, because the drugs are intended for the treatment of candidiasis. Perhaps excessive zeal or overdose of the drug was shown, the treatment was supplemented with the use of means for intimate hygiene with an increased level of acidity. Also, there is a possibility of re-infection in violation of the rules of therapy, for example, unprotected sex during treatment with an infected partner. The manufacturer's instruction does not exclude the development of resistance of microorganisms to preparations in some cases.
Curd extracts after Metrogil-gel and candles based on Metronidazole are possible according to the manufacturer's instructions, since this active substance has an antibacterial effect of a wide spectrum of action. After these drugs, a course of antimycotics and restoration of normal vaginal microflora is recommended.
In general, if the use of a drug prescribed by a doctor has led to undesirable consequences, then the question of treatment failure should be addressed to a doctor. It may be necessary to replace the drug or more carefully monitored. If it is a result of self-medication, then, especially, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the disease, and not guess at the coffee grounds, as the ecology of the vagina can be broken both in the direction of reducing lactobacilli, and in the opposite.
The causes of cytolytic vaginitis or vaginosis (Dodereillin syndrome) are still hypothetical. In its appearance, the excess of menstrual glucogen, which is the nutrient for lactobacilli, is used, the use of suppositories with these microorganisms, which are prescribed for the normalization of the vaginal microflora, hygienic intimate means with high acidity (pH below 4.5), spermicidal local and hormonal contraceptives, Such pathologies are subject to lovers of douches for hygiene purposes.
The microflora of the mucous membranes of other organs differs from the vaginal in composition, and the cause of secretions of curdled consistency, basically, is candidiasis.
It is believed that a fifth of the protracted rhinitis is triggered by the development of fungal flora in the nasal passages. Spores of fungi fall into the nose with air, from the mouth, can be carried by dirty hands. Penetrating through microcracks in the mucous membrane, they perfectly coexist with many other opportunistic microbes and for years do not make themselves felt, but under favorable conditions they begin to multiply and quickly colonize the nasal passages. They can spread further, causing candidiasis angina. The way back from the throat to the nasal passages is also possible.
Fungus flora can develop in the urinary tract, in the intestines, on the skin of the nipple in nursing mothers, in most cases - during the first postpartum, but the fungus almost never gets into the milk ducts, as it is washed with the flow of milk.
The well-known reason for the activation of fungal flora is the use of antibacterial drugs that have a harmful effect on both pathogenic and useful bacteria. Many note after antibiotics curdled discharge from the vagina, urethra, the presence of white flakes in bowel movements with intestinal dysbacteriosis.
What diseases are white curdled discharge?
The first signs of thrush mucous membranes look like an easily removable whitish film on the tonsils, tongue, gums, beneath it is an erosive or erythemic surface. From the genitourinary tract there are thick white discharge or liquid with lumps and flakes of the curd fraction. The mucous membrane of the genitals is irritated with marked swelling, in the acute stage of the disease itching is felt, especially pronounced during and immediately after hygiene procedures. Emptying the bladder is accompanied by discomfort - from tingling to burning sensations.
White cheesy discharge, accompanied by similar concomitant signs, are observed in the Doderlein syndrome, when the painful itching, hyperemia, friability and puffiness of the vaginal wall are caused by the lysis of the cells of its epithelium.
Diarrhea and curdled white secretions with flakes in feces are characteristic for noninvasive candidiasis of the intestine, when opportunistic fungi under favorable conditions (intestinal dysbacteriosis) begin to multiply actively. It often develops as a complication of peptic ulcer disease or after a course of antibacterial, hormonal, chemotherapy. In addition to diarrhea, with candidiasis dysbiosis, patients complain of sudden abdominal pains, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, a feeling of incomplete evacuation of the intestine. There may appear acne on the face, urticaria throughout the body, often affects the oral cavity, the skin around the anus and the genitals in women.
Different shades of cheesy consistency are typical for mixed infections, when against the background of a reduction in the number of Dodderlyn's sticks, in addition to the fungal flora, bacterial, pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic develops in parallel.
The yellowish shade of the discharge can occur when the candidiasis is chronic, and also the traces of white curdled discharge on the laundry, dry up, take on the appearance of dirty yellow crusts.
When a combination of candidiasis with bacterial or viral infections, often sexually transmitted, appear orange or yellow curdled discharge. For example, this color is characteristic for a combination of candidiasis with ureaplasma, gonococci, chlamydia. In such cases, an unpleasant odor is present in the secretions. Acute infections can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, fever, itching and swelling of the external genitalia and Bartholin glands, painful urination.
Curd extracts of greenish color indicate the presence in the curdled secretions of pus. Such discharge can be a sign of a purulent inflammatory process in the appendages (salpingitis, oophoritis, salpingoophoritis). Acute processes are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain over the pubis, giving back to the lower back and thigh. Allocations are usually abundant. In greenish discharge of curdled consistency, along with Candida, pyogenic bacteria can be sown - Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and / or Escherichia coli, Proteus. Yellow-green color of secretions is characteristic for bacterial vaginosis (gardenerellosis), gray-green or yellow-green copious foam mass - for trichomoniasis.
Gray cheesy discharge can be with nonspecific vaginitis, with the development of this process and the disappearance of the surface of the vaginal epithelium, impurities of pus appear and the discharge becomes a greenish shade, if ulcers or erosions appear on the epithelium, brown curdled discharge may appear with an admixture of dried blood. The presence of coagulated blood can also indicate a violation of hormonal status.
And small inclusions of fresh blood, manifested as pink curdled discharge, can be symptoms of cervical erosion in combination with thrush, a rising inflammatory process caused by specific infections and affecting the uterus.
In acute inflammatory processes, strong, thick curdled discharge is observed, and for chronic inflammations, scanty ones are observed.
Tumors of the uterus are benign (polyps, fibroids), malignant, endometrial hyperplasia in combination with candidiasis can cause a woman to have curdled discharge with blood both gummy (brownish) and fresh (pinkish with veins).
The admixture of blood in the curdled urethral discharge in men can be observed with intense inflammation of the urethra, concrements and sand in the urinary tract, in nephritis, the brownish color of the coagulated blood may indicate a malignant process in the genito-urinary organs.
The same color of discharge can be a symptom of different pathologies and in itself is not a diagnostic marker, however, the presence of such signs indicates a disadvantage and is the reason for the examination for diagnosis and the appointment of adequate treatment.
Cottage cheese, itching and burning do not threaten life, but seriously reduce its quality, causing significant discomfort. Any patient wants to get rid of such symptoms as quickly as possible, however, it is necessary to treat the cause that caused them, and independent reception of drugs without modern diagnostics and examinations can only exacerbate the situation.
If the patient has a stomach ache and curdled discharge appears from the genitourinary organs, this indicates that the inflammatory process has spread to more deeply located organs. The nature of pain in acute inflammatory process - periodic strong contractions, with chronicity - the abdomen constantly aching above the pubis and / or in the lower quadrants from the sides, giving itself back to the waist region. The intensity of pain is moderate.
In addition to abdominal pain, fever, weakness, discomfort when visiting the toilet and during coitus can be observed. After sexual intercourse, the intensity and amount of detachable increases.
Curd extracts with a smell indicate an acute inflammation or a severe exacerbation of the chronic process. The duration of the pathological process leads to destructive changes in the epithelium of the vagina. On it appear bubbles, filled with whitish and dense contents, which burst and bleed, changing the color of the separated into pinkish. Discomfort in the affected area (burning and burning painful sensations) is enhanced.
Curd extracts with an acidic odor are characteristic of thrush in the acute phase. When the candidias infect the infectious process most often develops and for a long time exists on the surface of the epithelium of the oral cavity or genital organs, without spreading further. The human body restrains any further infection for a while, not having the strength to completely suppress the infection and restore balance. Strengthening the immune status can lead to recovery, however, chronization of the process occurs more often.
Curd extracts with a fish smell are characteristic for attachment of a bacterial infection. With such diseases as nonspecific vaginitis (gardnerellez), mycosis of the nasopharynx, candidiasis urethritis, various pyogenic bacteria are present in the bacteriosseae, giving a very unpleasant odor to the secretions. Isolations when combined with pathogens of specific sexual infections also have a characteristic rotten smell.
Curd extracts without odor and itching are characteristic of the chronic process, when fungi attack the deeper layers of the epithelium. Then the cells of the epithelial surface are renewed, the allocation is poor, pain and itching pass. However, the symptoms in the form of small white flakes in the folds of the skin, dirty yellow crusts on linens and pads continue to appear. Such a condition, while not causing significant discomfort, is not normal. Equilibrium is very unstable and any event that reduces immunity leads to a relapse.
Curd extract from the nipple, similar to colostrum, in women (not during lactation), and also in men in most cases causes a galactorrhea. She faces with pituitary pathology, reduced thyroid function, suffering from bronchogenic cancer. Taking certain medicines, herbs, can promote hyperprolactinemia.
The defeat of the candida of the milk ducts is extremely rare, when the patient has a bloating mycosis of the skin of the breast and nipple. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such a development of events. Precisely establish the cause of the anomaly can only laboratory diagnostics.
Curd nasal discharge indicates candidiasis of the nasal passages. It can appear in a person who suffers from frequent colds, excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa, fungal infection of the mouth or pharynx. Symptoms of fungal rhinitis are similar to ordinary colds, only the appearance of the discharge is different.
Curd extracts from the tonsils are characteristic for the so-called fungal angina or candidiasis tonsillitis. On the tonsils, cheeks, sky, tongue is visible white or yellowish-white coating, accompanied by discomfort in the throat and an unpleasant odor in the mouth. The course is often asymptomatic, although the temperature may rise, malaise and other symptoms characteristic of ARVI appear. It often develops in childhood after viral infections.
Curd extracts from the urethra are symptoms of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), which often adjoins the inflammations of the genital organs and cystitis. The peculiarities of the anatomy of the female genito-urinary organs are such that it is possible to figure out where the secretions are from the gynecological chair, and isolated urethritis is extremely rare, usually it is combined with inflammation of the vagina. The main symptom, suggesting that the thrush developed specifically in the urethra, is discomfort when urinating.
White curdled discharge in men is usually caused by candida urethritis, the odor of such secretions is sour. Sometimes they can be with an admixture of blood, the amount of which is directly proportional to the intensity of the inflammatory process, or have color shades, characteristic of impurities of pus or mixed infections. Collective curds in the head, under the foreskin accumulate in men, causing itching and inflammation of the glans penis or prepuceum. Emptying the bladder is painful, in the morning the edges of the outlet are often stuck together.
Cottage cheese in women of any intensity with or without itch and odor is not a variant of the norm and, at a minimum, indicates the development of candidal vulvovaginitis. In recent years more and more cases of long-term chronic recurrent forms of the disease have been registered.
Curd extract from the vagina may not appear permanently. In different phases of the menstrual cycle, their intensity can fluctuate from practical absence to very strong and dense, for example, after sexual intercourse.
Some patients notice that the curdled discharge and the delay in menstruation are somehow related and appeared almost simultaneously. The thrush itself does not affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle, however, if the inflammatory process is ascending and the ovaries and uterus are affected, then the disturbances in the production of sex hormones are quite likely, which will affect the regularity of the cycle; also malfunctions in the immune system, long-term use of certain drugs can be simultaneous provocators of both hormonal disorders and vaginal dysbiosis, and consequently, thrush.
It is known that more abundant secretions can be noticed by women and at the time of ovulation (approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle). Usually it is a mucous discharge that does not cause any discomfort, just more abundant than on other days, sometimes even traces of blood are regarded as a variant of the norm. However, white curdled discharge in the middle of the cycle indicates the presence of a candidiasis in a woman and the need to visit a gynecologist, even if they are not accompanied by any more symptoms - nothing hurts, does not itch and smells. Simply this period of hormonal spike is a provoking factor for exacerbation of the chronic process, especially if the curdled ovulation appears monthly.
The same applies to the period before and after menstruation, when also the secretion of vaginal mucus is also intensified. White curdled secretions before and after menstruation are not a variant of the norm, if this is not a one-time situation after gastronomic excesses - busting sweet or spicy.
Pregnancy predisposes to the development of thrush, so the curdled discharge during pregnancy is not uncommon, and at any gestation period. As soon as the fetal egg is implanted into the uterine wall, a natural decrease in immunity occurs, preventing the rejection of a foreign object. White curdled discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is caused by a change in the immune and hormonal status of the future mother. During the same period, latent, specific and non-specific infections can "raise their heads," then the discharge acquires a yellowish, greenish, grayish hue and produces an unpleasant odor. There is discomfort in the form of itching, burning, painful urination. This problem must be voiced at a gynecologist's reception, which will make the necessary tests and prescribe a treatment.
However, an increase in mucous (but not curdled) white separates at the beginning of pregnancy is quite normal. It is caused by the increased secretion of sex hormones and performs a protective function.
White cheesy discharge without odor during pregnancy can appear at any time and be caused by the same reasons as in the usual condition. Especially it is worth paying attention to your taste preferences, which are a weighty provocateur of thrush appearance. Perhaps a simple optimization of the daily diet will help get rid of cheesy discharge in just two or three days. Other methods of self-treatment during pregnancy should not be practiced, and if the allocation is persistent, it is necessary to share your problem with the attending physician.
Many children face candidiasis from birth, having infected from the infected mother, from the maternity hospital, through the household way, if hygiene rules are not respected, since these fungi can be found everywhere. More often the disease develops in preterm infants and with weakened immunity. Cottage cheese in an older child is usually caused by the multiplication of their own fungi with the favorable state of the body. The causes and risk factors are similar to those of adults. Most candida affect the oral mucosa in childhood, but there is also a lesion of the genito-urinary organs, both in girls and in boys.
Fungal glossitis, stomatitis, angina are accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the mouth, whitish or slightly yellowish coating in the tongue, gums, tonsils. The child begins to eat badly, to be capricious. The temperature is usually normal. Often appears after a course of antibiotic therapy.
White secretions of curdled consistency from the child's genital tracts cause itching, swelling and redness. In the contents of the pot with frequent diarrhea as a result of candidiasis dysbiosis, white curdled flakes are found. Often the adjacent skin is affected in the groin, mouth area, anus.
Poorly amenable to therapy, long-term curdled discharge in a child should be the reason for his thorough examination for hormonal, metabolic and immune disorders.
Risk factors
It contributes to the appearance of curdled immunosuppression, which occurs against the background of viral infections and chronic diseases, stresses, physical and mental overexertion, irrational nutrition, beriberi, medications that depress immunity, as well as traumas of mucous epithelium.
People with endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus) are at risk; changes in hormonal status-pregnant women; persons undergoing hormone therapy; taking hormonal birth control pills.
The probability of the emergence of cheesy discharge increases with the use of means for intimate hygiene with high acidity, regular douching, the daily wearing of synthetic underwear, tight clothing, traumatizing the genitals.
Risk factors are frequent changes in sexual partners, the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, candidiasis of the intestine.
The occurrence of thrush provokes the use of alcohol and coffee, the prevalence of acute dishes, confectionery and flour products in the diet.
Professional risk is faced to employees of fruit and vegetable, pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises, as well - producing other biologically active substances.
Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are classified as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are found in small amounts in microbial associations on the skin and mucous membranes of most people.
A decisive role in the mechanism of thrush development is not so much the invasion of the pathogen as the state of the patient's body. Studies have established that the pathogenic properties of fungi are activated when the body loses its ability to maintain and restore the dynamic balance of its systems.
Until now, the question of whether candidiasis is transmitted sexually has not been resolved. This is evidenced by the following facts: for ten women with candidiasis of urogenital organs there is only one man; in sexual partners of sick women, candidiasis is detected only in 5-25% of cases. In addition, thrush sick and not sexually active women, as well as young children. Most patients with chronic recurrent thrush are also diagnosed with candidiasis of the intestine, while fungi isolated from feces are identical to vaginal. However, at present, the possibility of sexually transmitted infection is not denied by most specialists.
Candidiasis of the mucous membranes most often develops on the genitourinary organs - female patients are affected by the vagina and vulva, in male patients - the foreskin and glans penis, in childhood - the oral cavity.
There are 163 species of fungi of the genus Candida, pathological changes in the mucous membranes of humans cause only a few species, among which the dominant role belongs to Candida albicans (found in 80-90% of cases). In fungi of this type, adhesins have been identified that ensure their adherence (adhesion) to the epithelial surface of mucous membranes, especially in alkaline and slightly acidic environments. In the cell wall of fungi, oligosaccharides are found that depress the cellular immunity of the "host." The products of the life of fungi are lipolytic enzymes, destroying fats, and acid proteases that destroy proteins. In conditions of disruption of homeostasis, Candida albicans activate and colonize the mucous membranes, adhering to the cell surface as a yeast phase. Deepening into the tissue, fungi from the yeast phase are modified into the mycelial phase (process chronization).
Mechanisms providing adhesion, while still in the study stage, it is known that adhesion to the epithelium of the mucous membranes of yeast cells is more intense when they are in the stationary phase than when they start to grow and multiply.
Fungi of the genus Candida refer to aerobic microorganisms that need oxygen. The temperature conditions from 21 to 37 ℃ and a medium rich in glycogen promote their reproduction.
The pathogenesis of cytological vaginitis or vaginosis has not been studied in detail, however, its result is known - the emergence of cheesy discharge as a result of the destruction of the vaginal epithelium by aggressive products of the vital activity of excessive lactobacilli - lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the cheesy discharge
When the patient is troubled by cheesy discharge, the main thing is laboratory diagnostics - the microscopy of the contents of the smear is carried out, as well as its seeding on the nutrient medium, through which the species belonging to the main and accompanying pathogens of the infectious process is determined, their sensitivity to medicines, cytological study.
An overall assessment of the patient's health is conducted, for which mandatory blood and urine tests, feces for dysbacteriosis are prescribed, and blood sugar levels, thyroid hormone levels are monitored, and the presence of HIV infection and syphilis is excluded. If possible, a polymerase chain reaction of the smear of excreta, feces is prescribed.
It may be necessary to study the condition of the epithelial surface of the vulva, the vagina and the visible part of the cervix and their vessels by colposcopy. If necessary, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is prescribed.
When suspected of fungal angina, pharyngoscopy is performed, with endoscopic examination of the intestine candidiasis with a biopsy sampling.
Differential diagnosis
Vaginal cheesy discharge in candidiasis during microscopic examination is distinguished from similar excretions in the Dodderlyn syndrome. In the first case, leukocytosis (a sign of inflammation) and a yeast-like fungus in an amount exceeding the norm are found in the smear and a small number of lactobacilli (Doderlein sticks) are found.
In the second - leukocytosis, as a rule, no; high acidity of the medium; lysis of epithelial cells; a large number of lactobacilli are found.
It also excludes the presence of sexually transmitted infections and oncological pathologies.
Candidiasis of the oral cavity is differentiated from herpetic stomatitis, fusospirochetosis, throat - from diphtheria, angina and pathological modifications of the pharynx accompanying blood diseases.
Complications and consequences
Thrush does not represent the immediate threat to life of the patient. However, mycosis or mixed infection develops against its background with a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, can be provoked by quite serious diseases associated with metabolism and hormonal disorders. Therefore, with the appearance of persistent curdled vyideleny necessarily need to find out the reason for their appearance.
Prolonged disregard for pathological symptoms can result in chronic forms of inflammatory processes that involve an increasing number of organs and causing destructive changes. The presence of thrush creates a favorable environment for secondary infection, the long-term consequences of which may be tissue necrosis or the development of sepsis.
In addition, such discharges without treatment progress, produce an unpleasant smell, itch and give patients a lot of discomfort.
Untreated candidiasis of the mucous membranes can spread to other organs, for example, first located nearby, and then on. For example, candidiasis of the oral cavity will eventually seize the larynx, pharynx, nasal passages, esophagus and intestines, and then - and urino-genital organs. In patients with a weakened immune system, generalized infection can develop, which does not preclude death.
Chronic prolonged recurrent vaginal yeast infection in women can spread upwards and hit the cervix, cause inflammation of other reproductive and urinary organs, resulting in persistent infertility. Especially dangerous is the combination of candidiasis with other infections of the genitals.
The same applies to male patients - an ascending infection, spreading to the prostate gland and the vas deferens can lead to infertility and impotence. Permanent irritation of the head of the penis and the prepucium can cause the development of phimosis and lead to the need for surgical intervention.
The presence of thrush causes unpleasant symptoms, discomfort in everyday and sexual life, in the end-you can infect a partner.
Allocations of curdiness consist of a sign of pathology, so the faster the cause is identified and the treatment is carried out, the fewer undesirable consequences can be expected in the future.
The main measure to prevent the emergence of cheesy discharge is the strengthening of immunity and the correct use of antibiotics, hormonal and other drugs that affect it.
Following the elementary sanitary and hygienic rules will help to avoid the development of candidiasis in the oral cavity as much as possible.
Adherence to adequate intimate hygiene, timely treatment of chronic diseases, hormonal failures, sexual infections, wearing comfortable linen from natural tissues will also play a role in the prevention of candidiasis.
Cottage cheese is not life threatening and disability. A timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as - a responsible attitude to your health will avoid chronization of the process and get rid of secretions forever.