Treatment of cheesy discharge
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thrush of mucous membranes of any localization delivers a lot of discomfort, so you want to get rid of such secretions as soon as possible. Moreover, it is considered a fairly innocuous pathology, therefore, it is often resorted to self-medication, especially since the advertisement is full of suggestions to rid itself of thrush literally for a one-time use.
And yet, before treating the curdled discharge and itching, it is highly recommended to find out their cause. After all, you need to eliminate it, and not the manifestation of trouble.
For example, the therapy of cytolytic vaginosis (Doderlein syndrome) is aimed, first of all, at normalizing the acidity of the vaginal environment. For this, syringing or sessile baths with a solution of baking soda may be prescribed - a weak alkali neutralizes the increased acidity (in candidiasis such treatment will not bring any result). In this case, the use of antimycotics is impractical. Excludes suppositories with lactobacilli, means for intimate hygiene with an increased level of acidity. Specific treatment does not exist.
If local procedures do not help, the doctor can prescribe an oral intake of Augmentin to inhibit the activity of lactobacilli.
Yet, more often, the curdled discharge is caused by candidiasis, and then treatment with antifungal agents is prescribed. Preference is given to local effects on the affected areas of the mucosa.
Very popular are candles from white cheesy extracts, which are triggered by the activation of fungal flora.
Betadine is a vaginal suppository with an active component of povidone-iodine and a polymer substance called polyvinylpyrolidone, which acts as a depot for the drug substance and secrete it for a certain period of time. Contact with skin and mucous membrane activates the release of iodine. Iodine has not only fungicidal, but bactericidal, antiviral and antiprotozoal activity, so this drug can also be used for mixed infections. Most microorganisms die within the first minute of application. Used for colpitis, vulvovaginitis, dysbacteriosis of the vagina, during menstruation treatment is not interrupted.
Betadine in the form of an ointment can be used for topical treatment of candidiasis of the urethra in men, in the form of a solution and a spray - in the candidiasis of the throat and oral cavity.
Contraindicated drugs for people sensitized to iodine, with thyroid disease, kidney failure and dermatitis Dühring. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
Clotrimazole - is available in the form of vaginal tablets with an applicator, which is convenient to administer them intravaginally. The active substance is a known antimycotic, in addition it is active against trichomonads, staphylococci and streptococci. Dissolves the cell walls of fungi, which leads to their death. During menstruation are not applied, also it is not recommended to use in the first trimester of pregnancy, later - only as prescribed by the doctor. The only contraindication is the patient's hypersensitivity. It is also available in the form of a cream and a solution. It is not compatible with Nystatin.
Polizinaks - a combined preparation in the form of vaginal suppositories of the widest spectrum of action, contains three antibiotics:
Neomycin sulfate - disrupts the function of RNA bacteria;
Polimexin B sulfate is a polypeptide antibiotic that is active mainly in gram-negative bacteria; violates the osmotic resistance of bacterial walls, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
Nystatin is a known antimycotic, to which Candida yeast fungi are particularly sensitive.
The active ingredients do not affect the activity of Doderlein sticks. It is used for mixed infections, nonspecific bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis.
Contraindicated in patients who do not tolerate the active ingredients of the drug, as well as with allergy to soy and peanuts. During pregnancy is used only as prescribed by the doctor.
Pediatrics uses the Poliginax Vergo. The use of the drug is not interrupted for the period of menstruation.
Pimafucin - vaginal suppositories are considered one of the safest and are not contraindicated in pregnant women. The main component of the drug - antibiotic Natamycin, is active against pathogens of candidiasis, disrupting the integrity of the cell membranes of fungi. There are no known cases of development of resistance and allergic reactions to this substance. The most sensitive to the drug Candida ablicans, causing the vast majority of mycosis mucous membranes.
It is also available in the form of a cream.
If the thrush is accompanied by violations of the menstrual cycle, the doctor may prescribe the suppositories of Utrozestan containing synthetic progesterone. However, this drug affects the hormonal background, rather than the fungal flora, so self-medication from the milkwoman with these candles is unacceptable.
To eliminate violations of the microflora of the vagina after treatment of vulvovaginitis, colpitis, antibacterial therapy and for the prevention of candidiasis, vaginal antiseptic Salvagin (intravaginal gel in disposable tubes) is prescribed . The active substance of the preparation of plant origin is an extract of grapefruit seeds. Contains inulin - which is a nutrient for beneficial bacteria, and an extract of aloe vera, which renews and heals epithelium of the mucous membrane. It restores the physiological balance of the vaginal environment.
The oral cavity and throat, when infected with yeast fungi, are rinsed with Rotocan - an alcohol solution containing extracts of chamomile, calendula and yarrow, or Iodinol. It should be remembered that any local drug can cause allergic reactions in the form of itching, rash, intensification of secretions.
If necessary, the doctor can prescribe oral medications, vitamin therapy, drugs for the treatment of the underlying disease, which causes symptoms of candidiasis.
Folk treatment
With a thrush you can, after consulting with a doctor, supplement the treatment with the application of traditional medicine recipes.
In case of damage to the urogenital organs, douching and sessile baths with antifungal solutions, the administration of tampons, rinsing of the throat and oral cavity are used.
With cytolytic vaginosis, a solution for spirits or baths with drinking soda is prepared at the rate of one teaspoon per half liter of boiled water at a temperature of about 37 ℃.
The fungus of the mouth is rinsed with a solution of soda with the addition of two drops of iodine or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, as well as infusions of medicinal herbs.
When candidiasis of the mucous membranes are widely used treatment with herbs that have fungicidal activity - calendula, chamomile, oak bark, walnut leaves. Infusions and decoctions of herbs well relieve itching and inflammation, inhibit the growth of fungal colonies. They are used for douching and sedentary baths.
Mix in equal parts chopped chamomile flowers and plantain leaf. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a liter of steep boiling water, after half an hour strain. The procedure for syringing is performed once a day before bedtime.
Mix dry chopped chamomile flowers and walnut leaves (five pieces each), sage grass (three parts), mallow curls and oak bark (two parts each). Brewed boiling water in a volume of one liter two teaspoons of the mixture and languish over low heat for half an hour. Twice a day they make the procedure.
In the same proportions, prepare a decoction of marigold.
Sitting baths are daily for 1/3 hours, adding in them broths of medicinal herbs.
Professional homeopaths treat thrush successfully, because they do not try to suppress symptoms, but to reveal and cure the root cause of this condition of the mucous membranes.
Appointments are made, proceeding from the constitutional features of the patient, individually. Many drugs are used to treat candidiasis. Specific are Kalium muriaticum (Kalium muriaticum), Thuja (Thuja occidentalis). Abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor and discomfort requires the appointment of Alumina or Berberis, a violation of the integrity of the vaginal epithelium suggests the appointment of Cantharis or Lachesis. The preparations of sulfur (Sulfur) and sulfuric acid (Sulfuricum acidum) are widely used.
From pharmaceutical preparations prepared in homeopathic dilutions are offered in case of acute thrush accompanied by itching, as well as to prevent relapses in chronic form of the disease, tablets for resorption under the tongue of Bioline Candida (Walsh Pharma, USA). The drug has an immunomodulatory effect and contains ten components in different dilutions:
Baptisia tinctoria - is indicated for acute conditions, one of the symptoms of which is the putrefactive odor of secretions;
Bryonia (Bryonia) - is indicated for acute conditions and pains, including in the ovaries;
Echinacea angustifolia (Echinacea angustifolia) - discharge in women, more abundant in the evenings; pain when urinating, in the testicles and in the right spermatic cord in men.
Eupatorium perfoliatum (Eupatorium perfoliatum) - itching in the clitoral region;
Chamelirium yellow (Helonias dioica) - vulvovaginitis with lining and pain in the uterus, hormonal disorders; men have problems with potency;
Thuja (Thuja occidentalis) - urethritis, cervicitis, oophoritis, hormonal disorders; acts on the mucosa of the urinary organs;
Mistletoe white (Viscum album) - used to treat diseases of the genital area in people of both sexes
Kreosotum (Kreosotum) - swelling and itching of the genitals, itching in the urethra during the emptying of the bladder;
Nodes Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosus - revitalize the defense mechanisms.
Tablets are kept under the tongue until complete dissolution, in acute conditions - one unit in two hours, then two weeks - one tablet four times a day.
With hormonal disorders and ascending inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages, the vagina complex homeopathic preparations, for example, Ginicochel drops, can be used . Its components have a comprehensive impact on the sexual sphere of women
Metallic palladium (Palladium metallicum) - diseases of the uterus and ovary (especially right), accompanied by pain and discharge;
The poison of the honey bee (Apis mellifica) is the absence or too abundant menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, accompanied by pain, swelling and severe weakness;
Ammonium bromate (Ammonium bromatum) - effective for inflammation of the appendages and its complications;
Aurum iodateum (Aurum jodatum) - beneficial effect on endocrine organs;
The poison of the Indian cobra (Naja tripudians) - diseases of mainly the left ovary, dysmenorrhea, pain, consequences of gynecological operations;
Hornet (Vespa crabro) - ulcers and erosions of the cervix, lesions of the left ovary;
Metallic platinum (Platinum metallicum) - infertility, cysts and tumors, bleeding, vaginismus;
Yellow chamelirium (Chamaelirium luteum) - disorders of the menstrual cycle, the normalization of the production of female sex hormones, prevents spontaneous abortion;
Lilium lancifolium (lilium lancifolium) - pain in the ovaries, sensation of prolapse of genitals, depression, increased excitability, haste;
Kalina vulgaris (Viburnum opulus) - disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, pain in the uterus;
Donicant officinalis (Melilotus officinalis) - discharge from the genitals with pains and sore sensations in the lower back.
The drug is prescribed to patients over 18 years of age, with caution used in patients with liver and thyroid pathologies, after traumatic brain injuries. Take 10 drops, dissolved in half a glass of water three times a day, holding in your mouth.
In the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases, to increase the effectiveness, the combination with Traumeel C drops is combined, in menstrual cycle disorders - with the homeopathic spasmolytics Spaspucrel.