Colpitis with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Climax is a difficult inevitable period in the life of every woman. Changes in the hormonal background affect virtually all organs and systems, immune defense weakens. In a woman's body, the probability of the onset and development of inflammatory processes associated with climacteric age-related transformations increases.
Colpitis (vaginitis) is an inflammatory disease that is associated with a violation of the vaginal microflora due to the thinning of the multilayered epithelium under the action of the decrease in estrogen hormones. Colpitis in menopause is called atrophic, senile or senile. After the expiry of 6-8 years of the climacteric period, every second patient suffers from colpitis. Over the next 10 years, the chances of this disease increase and amount to 70-80% of the female population in the menopausal period.
Senile colpitis is characterized by inflammatory reactions in the mucosa of the vagina (tunica mucosa) and has a pronounced symptom complex due to the introduction and development of the secondary pathogenic flora. Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant, sometimes with a suturing (due to thinning and increasing vulnerability of the vaginal mucosa), with a strong fetid odor, with intimate communication painful unpleasant sensations arise, as well as burning and itching sensations. The urge to urinate increases. A microscopic analysis and a cytological examination of the discharge from the urogenital organ confirm the changes in the flora of the vagina, attachment of the secondary microflora, and the presence of changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment. In very rare cases, senile colpitis has an asymptomatic course.
The reason provoking the appearance and progression of the senile colpitis is that the walls of the vagina are formed by a multilayer planar non-cornificating epithelium and with the decrease in the amount of estrogens in the blood stream, the thinning of the epithelial layer may result, leading to a decrease in cells producing glycogen, which is the source of lactobacillus nutrition.
The main metabolite of lactobacilli is lactic acid, which maintains a certain internal acidity of the vaginal medium. Reduction of glycogen polysaccharide provokes a decrease or almost complete extinction of strains of lactobacilli. As a result, the acidity of the vagina decreases, and favorable conditions arise for the attachment and development of pathogenic microbes that cause a local inflammatory reaction in the mucosa.
The pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora provokes the development of bacterial synovial colpitis (viruses, certain bacterial species and mycotic cultures).
Pathogens - E. Coli, streptococci, gardnerella, give impetus for the appearance of an atypical senile colpitis with mixed infection. The complexity of diagnosing an atypical colpitis lies in differentiating the type and type of pathogen.
Among the mycotic microorganisms, in most cases, colpitis with mild climacterium causes fungi of the candida family, which provoke the development of candidiasis (thrush).
Viruses cause colpitis with concomitant symptomatology and characteristic changes that determine the type of pathogen. For example, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia. Most often in this situation, the causative agents of colpitis are Trichomonas and cytomegalovirus.
Causes of the colpitis in menopause
The factors that precede and create suitable conditions for the appearance of senile colpitis are: natural menopause, ovarian ablation, partial or complete hysterectomy (surgical excision of the uterus).
The main reason for the appearance of colpitis in menopause is the appearance of estrogen deficiency, which is accompanied by a decrease in the growth of the vaginal epithelium, a decrease in the secretory function of the glands of the vagina, a reduction in the thickness of the mucosa, its dryness and sufficiently severe damage.
The change in the vaginal microflora is due to a significant decrease in glycogen, leading to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and a change in pH, which promotes the growth of opportunistic microorganisms and the invasion of the external bacterial flora. Provoking factors contributing to secondary infection, are sexual intercourse, non-compliance with hygiene rules or home gynecological procedures (syringing). In the presence of weakened immunity and extragenital diseases having a chronic course, senile colpitis becomes more recurrent and persistent in menopause.
Patients who have had early menopause have history of endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease) or who have had ovariectomy are most likely to develop senile colpitis.
The causes of senile colpitis are as follows:
- Weakening of the immune system, resulting in the body becoming more vulnerable and not adequately resisting the invasion of pathogenic bacteria from the outside;
- Prolonged use of synthetic linen, leading to the emergence of the greenhouse effect and the rapid proliferation of pathological microorganisms that cause inflammation;
- Radiation therapy, which causes almost complete suppression of immunity;
- Reduction or termination of hormone production by the ovaries, occurring in connection with premenopause, menopause, postmenopause or after oophorectomy.
At risk of developing atrophic colpitis, climacteric patients include overweight patients with diabetes mellitus, HIV, leading a promiscuous sex life.
Risk factors
To provoke the formation and promote the progression of colpitis in menopause can:
- poor quality and inadequate hygiene of the genitals,
- use of an antibacterial soap solution or gel with a strong odor,
- Wearing clothes from synthetic fabrics.
Symptoms of the colpitis in menopause
In a large number of cases, patients do not complain about the occurrence and progression of atrophic colpitis. It can have a lingering course and almost no significant symptoms until a certain period. Symptomocomplexes of senile colpitis are classified into subjective and revealed by the doctor-gynecologist during the examination of the patient.
Subjective include:
Scanty, recurrent, leucorrhoea, sensations of itching and burning when urinating or applying soap for the hygienic purpose, dryness of the vagina, painful intercourse and the appearance after it of the suppository emissions. The presence of blood in the vaginal discharge is associated with microtraumas arising during intimate proximity. A slight violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the vagina and the vulva is dangerous by superimposing a secondary infection and the emergence of a pronounced inflammatory process.
When gynecological examination, the doctor can state:
- Pronounced age-related changes in the vulva, vagina and its mucous membrane. Mucous pale with focal or total hyperemia and bleeding zones. Plots without epithelial tissue and loose spikes can be visualized.
- The vagina becomes narrow with indistinct vaults. Its walls are thin and smooth without folding.
- The cervix is atrophic, the size of the uterus body is reduced, there are age-related changes in the vulva.
- When a gynecologist takes a smear on a thinned and easily rubbed vaginal mucosa, a bleeding site may appear.
- The diagnosis is based on the data of the gynecological examination and the bacteriological analysis of vaginal discharge.
First signs
Atrophic colpitis with menopause develops at the age of 5-6 after the natural termination of the menstrual cycle. At first, the pathology does not have a clearly expressed symptomatology and can proceed, practically, asymptomatically. Patients are noted periodically arising discharge from the vagina, burning, soreness, irritation in the genital area, intensifying during hygiene procedures with the use of soap. Unpleasant sensations can become more intense after the act of emptying the bladder. The weakened tonus of the muscles of Kegel and the bladder (vesica urinaria) are the cause of frequent urge to urinate. Dryness of the vagina leads to damage to the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse. Appear small succulent discharge. Microtraumas serve as "entrance gates" for various kinds of infections that cause persistent inflammatory processes. Vaginal discharge with bloody inclusions is one of the initial manifestations of the disease. If you find the first manifestations or alarming symptoms of colpitis in climacteric consultation specialist. It is not necessary to postpone the visit to the doctor for a long time because of the danger of developing a secondary infection, which will require long and complex treatment.
Complications and consequences
Lack of timely treatment for medical aid, the appointment of adequate medication at atrophic colpitis can lead to quite serious consequences for the female body and the development of aggressive infectious processes.
Especially dangerous and require long-term therapy the following conditions:
- The transition of the acute stage of the disease to chronic, which is difficult to treat, reduces the quality of life of a woman and periodically recurs.
- The ability of the pathogenic culture that caused the inflammatory process to spread to the parts of the urinary system and provoke the emergence of ascending infectious processes (urethritis and cystitis).
- The risk of endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus), parametritis (inflammation of the periarticular tissue), perisalpingitis (local inflammation of the peritoneum, covering the fallopian tube), pyovar (inflammation of the ovary), general peritonitis.
It is possible to infect a woman with atrophic colpitis during menopause due to an incorrect invasive gynecological examination or a minor surgical intervention with access through the vagina.
The faster the problem is diagnosed and the adequate treatment is prescribed, the less chance of development of life-threatening complications.
Diagnostics of the colpitis in menopause
Methods to promote the diagnosis of colpitis in menopause include:
- Gynecological examination with the help of mirrors;
- Colposcopic method;
- Measurement of acid-base balance;
- Pap test and smear microscopy;
- UZ-diagnosis of pelvic organs for the diagnosis of concomitant pathologies.
The doctor can perform visual examination with the help of a special instrument (gynecological mirror): thinning, superficial smoothness and pallor of the vaginal mucosa, the presence of small eroded inflamed zones without epithelial cover, beginning to bleed on contact, presence of plaque (serous or serous-purulent), presence of foci with pronounced inflammatory processes and edema. If the colpitis in a climacteric chronic recurrent or neglected character, the visual symptom complex of defects of the vaginal mucosa may not be clearly expressed, and the allocation is meager and insignificant.
Colposcopy allows a more detailed examination of the affected areas of the vaginal mucosa, detect a shift in pH and determine with the help of Schiller's dough uneven or weakly colored areas of the mucosa without the presence of glycogen.
When microscopic analysis of the smear, senile colpitis can be suspected if there is an increase in the level of leukocytes, a significant increase in epithelial cells, a sharp decrease in the content of vaginal lactobacilli and the possible presence of various opportunistic microorganisms.
In addition, the material is sampled for cytology, biopsies of dubious areas of the vaginal mucosa can be prescribed to exclude the development of malignant tumors, PCR, and analysis of excreta to identify STDs and specific factors of colpitis.
For specification and confirmation of diagnostic details, the following must be appointed:
- Studies of the hormonal background.
- Smears on microscopy and cytology.
- PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to identify pathogens of STDs (chlamydia, ureaplasma, gardnerella, trichomonads, herpes viruses and papillomas).
- Bacteriological study of vaginal microflora.
- Bacteriological analysis of the flora of the vagina to determine the type of pathogen present and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
- Cytological examination of the cervical smear.
- Bacteriological examination of urine.
- ELISA test of blood (chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis, etc.).
- General analysis of blood and urine.
- Blood test for HIV and Wasserman reaction.
Instrumental diagnostics
To confirm the diagnosis of colpitis in menopause, in addition to laboratory microscopic studies, various types of instrumental diagnostic procedures are widely used:
UZ-diagnosis of pelvic organs (used to identify possible associated pathologies);
Colposcopy is the study of the vulva, the walls of the vagina and the cervix with a significant increase with the help of an optical instrument of the colposcope. Conducted in order to detect defects in the mucosa and determine their nature.
The Schiller test is a method of colposcopic testing with chromodynamics. Vaginal areas, with senile colpitis, with a decreased production of glycogen, will be weakly and unevenly colored.
Analysis of the acidity of the vagina using test strips. If there is a disease, the index will fluctuate between 5.5 to 7 conventional units.
Cytological analysis of the smear. For colpitis in menopause, a significant increase in the number of cells of the prebasal and basal layers is characteristic.
Microscopic and bacteriological study of the vaginal smear. In the preparation, the titre of the vaginal sticks drops sharply, an increased amount of leukocytes is observed, and a conditional pathogenic flora is possible.
Cystoscopy - treatment and diagnostic manipulation on the urinary bladder, performed with the use of a cystoscope. Recommended for the diagnosis of colpitis with an attached secondary infection is used to determine the possible consequences of the introduction of the causative agent into the bladder in an ascending type of spread;
Vaginal scraping and PCR diagnosis.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differentiate atrophic colpitis from a large group of infections and candidomas, which are transmitted sexually.
By the volume and nature of the discharge from the vagina, it is possible to presumably diagnose the causative agent of the inflammatory process. The final verdict is made by the doctor after receiving the results of a microscopic examination of the smear or bacterial inoculation.
With trichomonas infection, vaginal discharge is very abundant, foamed, thick, yellow or gray, with a sharp unpleasant odor.
Invasion of the gonococcal pathogen leads to the formation of excess secretions with a purulent component.
Infection with streptococcal or staphylococcal cultures promotes the appearance of yellowish-turbid, white, gray, with the presence of a fishy smell of vaginal discharge.
Accession to the inflammatory process of yeast-like fungi of the genus candida provokes curdled, thick discharge, accompanied by itching.
Diagnosed gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpetic infection is an indication for the appointment of a consultation with a venereologist.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the colpitis in menopause
Therapeutic measures for senile colpitis begin with the formulation of an accurate diagnosis and the design of a complex treatment regimen. It consists of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), local or general effects on the inflammation focus.
Therapeutic measures consist in the appointment:
- HRT and antibiotic regimens;
- sanitation of the vagina and vulva;
- therapy of concomitant diseases;
- temporary rejection of sexual contacts;
- examination, and if necessary, treatment partner;
- adherence to hygiene rules.
Vaginal inflammation is eliminated instillyatsionno, using anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial drugs or herbal infusions. Vaginal flushing can be carried out at home with strict adherence to aseptic and antiseptic rules.
When diagnosing: senile colpitis, the doctor necessarily recommends hormone-containing drugs. A woman is prescribed an individual therapy regimen that includes the use of tablets or injections, vaginal suppositories or tampons, vaginal douching with an anti-inflammatory component. Hormonal drugs correct the ratio of hormones and help reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process. Tampons with different medicinal ointments, which are prescribed by the doctor individually and act locally on the emerging focus of infection.
Colpitis responds to treatment if the diagnosis is accurate and timely. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary not to delay with a visit to the gynecologist. It is important to complete the entire treatment schedule prescribed by the doctor, and not to stop with the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. Untreated colpitis is complicated by chronic recurrent course and growth of specific pathogenic flora, resistant to anti-inflammatory drugs, which were applied and led to positive dynamics. To re-use drugs, microorganisms that caused inflammation may not respond and the course of the disease will worsen.
When an atrophic colpitis is detected in menopause, taking into account the type of pathogen of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to carry out etiotropic (aimed at eliminating the cause) therapy.
With frequent urination, the emergence of cystitis with an upward path of infection, urinary incontinence shows uroseptic drugs.
Drugs - hormone replacement therapy
For HRT prescribe drugs with estrogen and progestogen. Their form and dosage depend on the age of the woman and the state of hormonal balance of the body.
The drugs Femoston or Femoston Contin contain estradiol (the first figure) and dydrogesterone (the second figure), are available in the tablet form of three types with a dosage indication of 1 / 5,1 / 10 or 2/10. There are many analogues of the drug Femoston with an identical content of hormones: Climaxan, Activel, Divitren, Pausogest, Revmelid, and others.
In the treatment of colpitis in menopause, the combined hormonal preparation Klimanorm, containing estradiol or estradiol with gestagen, is used. The form of the release is two kinds of dragee: dragees containing estradiol and dragees with estradiol and levonorgestrel. Applying Klimanorm with estradiol, the shortage of a hormone in an organism of the woman is filled. Using the drug with a combination of estradiol and gestagen, a double effect is achieved: the balance of estrogens in the body is restored and prophylaxis of endometrial hyperplasia occurs. Prevention of hyperplastic conditions of the endometrium occurs under the influence of levonorgestrel.
For complex colpitis therapy with climax, Ovestin, the active ingredient of which is estriol, can be used. The drug is available in various pharmaceutical forms: tablets, vaginal suppository and cream. It is prescribed by a doctor with the corresponding colpitis symptoms.
To stabilize the hormonal background of the female body and eliminate the uncomfortable manifestations of the prickly colpitis, there are many combined preparations with a combination of estrogens and gestagens, the lack of which is observed with menopause. These are such drugs as Tibolon, Ledibon, Liviol.
In the therapy of atrophic colpitis, preparations containing phytohormones and extracts from plants that facilitate climacteric manifestations are widely used: Climadinon, Climakt-Hel, and Climacoplane.
Antibiotic therapy
Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to a patient with atrophic colpitis in accordance with the results of a bacterioscopy of a vaginal smear and bacteriological sowing of excreta.
The culture method (bakpos) is the most accurate in identifying the pathogen that caused inflammation in the vagina. During the growth of colonies of microorganisms, an analysis is needed for their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Such a study can effectively eliminate the pathogens that caused the inflammatory process. Usually it is recommended the use of antibiotics having a wide range of action.
If the inflammatory process is caused by yeast-like fungi, antimycotic (antifungal) agents are used: Pimafucin, Mycosoril, Irunin, Fucis, Diflazon, etc. In the fight against candidal colpitis (vaginal thrush), medications for internal administration (tablets of medication) or Locally (ointments, vaginal suppositories, creams).
Local treatment
At local treatment it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory emulsions, ointments, creams, vaginal suppositories, trays, vaginal douching. A positive aspect of topical application of drugs is the effect of the active substance of the drug on the pathogen of infection directly in the inflammatory focus, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and the barrier function of the liver. Local application of drugs gives a good result if it is combined with drug therapy, eliminating the cause of atrophic changes in the walls of the vagina.
With senile vaginitis irrigation of the vagina with lactic acid is carried out, and then swabs are introduced with a sintomycin emulsion or with oestryl estrogen solutions (Sinestrol).
To improve the trophism of the vaginal mucosa recommended suppository or cream containing estriol, and also ovestin. At the beginning of treatment, a suppository with atiseptics, such as iodide, betadine, hexicon or terjinan, is used. Such local therapy lasts for 7-10 days. All procedures should be done at night.
Recovery of a healthy vaginal microflora is promoted by a suppository of acylactate (1 suppository is administered overnight for 10 days).
Warm sessile baths and syringings using herbs having an antiphlogistic effect (sage, calendula, elecampane) produce good results if a secondary infection did not join the process of inflammation of the atrophied vaginal walls and treatment to the gynecologist was timely.
To treat colpitis with menopause and their complications, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used. The doctor can be appointed UHF-therapy or UV-irradiation, the use of a laser beam, magnetotherapy, mud sessile baths. The impact of physiotherapy on the body contributes to the activation of healing of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Common restorative means.
To stabilize the body's defenses use various vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes and drugs that stimulate immunity (for example, Aflubin).
During the treatment of the diet, the ration needs to be enriched with plant food and lactic acid products. Salty, fatty, sharp, smoked delicacies are completely excluded.
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Alternative treatment
Alternative healers offer a large number of means and methods for treating colpitis. But these methods should be just an addition to the basic drug therapy. The doctor can recommend the use of herbs if the disease at the initial stage and is not complicated by a secondary infection. Good alternative means for the prevention of inflammatory processes in recurrent colpitis. When designing the treatment plan, experts often recommend using a decoction from a single plant or collecting herbs. Apply vegetable decoctions for douches, irrigation, instillation. It is possible to insert tampons in the vagina moistened with herb decoction to disinfect and stop the inflammatory process. For the therapy of colpitis of various etiologies, herbal decoctions and infusions, which remove inflammation, irritation and have antibacterial effect on the affected areas of the mucosa, are perfect.
When senile colpitis - make a vegetable mixture of oregano (herb of oregano), bark of the quercus (oak tree), dried root of the marshmallow (althea). These components are taken in equal proportions. Blend 1 liter of pure boiling water and insist for 2-3 minutes, then strain through gauze or sieve. Apply in a warm form for gynecological syringings twice a day.
Decoction from the leaves of "cough" (mother-and-stepmother). Take 50 g of crushed dry plant pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. The ready-made infusion is recommended to be applied twice a day.
For syringing, anti-inflammatory swabs, it is possible to prepare a decoction from a herb collection. Mix in a separate container 25 g of chamomile flowers peeled, 10 g of dried flowers of forest mallow, 10 g of dried oak bark, 15 g of dried sage leaves. Pour 2 tbsp. Lies. Mix 1 liter of boiling water, allow to stand and cool slightly. Then the broth must be filtered and ready for use.
With pain accompanying colpitis, it is recommended to take in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile and the leaves of plantain large. 1 tbsp. Spoon mixture pour ½ liter of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, strain. Use during douching to treat atrophic colpitis twice a day.
Infusion of chamomile. At 2 tbsp. Spoons of flowers of a plant to use 1L. Clean water. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Leave for cooling, drain (it is best to use several layers of gauze) and apply as a solution for syringings, which are carried out twice a day, not to allow skipping procedures. Duration of treatment is 14 days.
Instead of chamomile, you can use the flowers of calendula. The preparation of the infusion and the pattern of use are identical to those described above.
Another way that alternative medicine doctors recommend for relief of pain symptoms of senile colpitis is to make a mixture of chamomile flowers (Matricaria chamomilla) and mallow (Malva sylvestris), as well as sage leaves (Salvia officinalis), walnut leaves (uglans regia ), bark of dried ordinary oak (Quercus) in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. Lies. A well-dispersed mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, cool and strain. Apply for both syringing and wetting of vaginal tampons to treat colpitis with menopause.
Doctors-homeopaths offer their methods of treating colpitis with menopause. For this purpose, the following drugs are usually prescribed.
S compositum Echinacea. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the immune system, has an indirect antiviral and antimicrobial effect, exerts detoxification (removes slags), and antiflogistic effects on the body. Single intake - 1 ampoule. The drug can be administered from 1 to 3 per week by various injection methods: intra / k, n / k, in / m, if necessary iv. In acute cases and with severe disease, the drug is used daily. One of the options for using the drug is oral (in the form of "drinking ampoules").
Gynacoheel. It is prescribed for various inflammatory diseases of external and internal female genital organs: adnexitis, parametritis, myometrium, endometritis colpitis, vulvitis, cervicitis. The presence of pathologies of the thyroid gland is not a contraindication to the use of the remedy, but consultation of the endocrinologist is necessary. Contraindicated homeopathic remedy for hypersensitivity to the poison of honey bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees. The maximum single dose is not more than 10 drops. The drug is administered sublingually (under the tongue) or orally with 1 teaspoonful or a tablespoon of clean water, three times a day for 15-20 minutes. Before meals or 1 hour after meals. In acute cases, use a single dose every quarter of an hour, not exceeding a two-hour time interval. The scheme of therapy and dosing of the drug is recommended by a homeopathic doctor.
In pathological processes of the inflammatory nature of nonspecific etiology (adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis, colpitis, parametritis, endometritis, myometritis), which do not require more radical methods of treatment, monotherapy with homeopathic preparation Ginekohehel gives a positive dynamics. Its use is advisable to combine with physiotherapeutic procedures. Given the neglect of the inflammatory disease, the course of therapy can last from 3 weeks to 1 month, with rare exceptions up to 2-3 months. The treatment time is shortened if bicomponent therapy is used according to the standard scheme:
- Ginekohel (10 drops twice a day, treatment up to 1.5 months) in conjunction with Traumele S (1 table 2-3 times a day, standard course - 3 weeks or 1 amp twice a week in / m or n / to).
- In the recurrent course of senile colpitis with a significant volume of leucorrhoea and the absence of a pathogenic agent of inflammation, therapy with Agun Cosmoplex C in combination with Ginekohehel (10 drops 2-3 times a day) is advisable. These homeopathic preparations increase the anti-inflammatory properties of each other.
Vaginal suppository Revitax. This drug combines natural ingredients with healing, antiseptic, antiphlogistic and immunoactivating effects. They are used in gynecological practice for regeneration of the affected mucous membrane of the vagina. Active active substance of vaginal suppositories is a natural polysaccharide - non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan (hyaluronic acid). As the suppository dissolves, hyaluronic acid spreads evenly over the surface of the vaginal mucosa and creates additional protection for the epithelial layer, stimulating the healing of tissue defects. Vaginal suppository significantly reduces the inflammatory reaction of the vaginal walls (hyperemia, itching, irritation).
The drug can be used to prevent vaginitis after prolonged therapy with corticosteroids or antibiotics. Apply a suppository in order to avoid the occurrence of infections when visiting swimming pools, saunas, baths or swimming in open, inactive water bodies. It is recommended to use Revitax with a physiological predisposition to inflammatory reactions due to microtraumas of the mucous vagina after sexual intercourse. The use of suppositories is necessary in time for a long time without the possibility to conduct hygienic manipulations (business trips, trips, trips, hikes).
For therapeutic purposes, vaginal suppositories of Revitax are prescribed for the regeneration of affected areas of the vaginal mucosa due to inflammatory conditions in atrophic colpitis and the presence of cervical erosions.
Suppositories during the day are applied once (preferably before bedtime). Suppository should be inserted as far as possible into the vagina. If the consistency of the suppository is too soft for administration, then it must be cooled for several minutes without getting out of the blister.
Duration of application is individual and is determined by indications. Standard drug is prescribed for at least 5 days.
Operative treatment
Surgical treatment is subject to a number of diseases that could arise and progress, as a consequence of a neglected colpitis. These include: pelvioperitonitis (not amenable to therapy for 4-6 hours), pyosalpinx, pyovar, tubo-ovarian saccular formation with perforation threat, perforation with the development of pelvic and peritonitis, peritonitis. To the appearance of gynecological diseases, which are treated surgically, leads to untimely access to a specialist and neglect of the situation. The doctor decides on the surgical intervention regarding the acute gynecological pathology that arises.
More information of the treatment
The main goal of preventive measures is to regularly monitor the gynecologist and timely identify pathological processes. If necessary, the specialist will appoint HRT after the onset of menopause. Hormonal drugs have a direct effect on the epithelial layer of the vagina, endometrium, contribute to the prevention of osteoporosis and cardio-vascular lesions.
Measures to prevent atrophic colpitis include early warning menopause, rejection of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages), regular exercise, proper nutrition, prevention of stressful situations. Activation of immune reactions, careful implementation of hygiene procedures of the intimate zone, wearing of linen from cotton fabrics will significantly reduce the risk of senile colpitis.
Colpitis with a climax has a favorable prognosis for life, although it reduces its quality, and is prone to recurrent course.
Implementation of preventive measures, regular visits to the gynecologist, timely detection of pathological abnormalities, adherence to hygiene rules minimize the risk of atrophic colpitis in menopause. Worried about hormonal changes and their consequences should start after 35-40 years. If in time to determine and start HRT, the unpleasant sensations associated with the onset of senile colpitis can be avoided.