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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications of the chlorophyllipt
In the form of tablets it is used to eliminate pathologies of the upper parts of the respiratory system (such as tonsillitis with pharyngitis and laryngitis), in addition to stomatitis (its ulcerative or aphthous form).
A solution in 0.25% concentration is used for septic disorders of the staphylococcal nature (arising after surgery, childbirth, and in addition to these infections), and at the same time to eliminate complications of purulent-inflammatory nature that are of staphylococcal origin and developing after operations:
- staphylococcal form of endocarditis in persons who underwent heart surgery;
- burn disease;
- osteomyelitis;
- pneumonia;
- sepsis after-abortion;
- peritonitis or pleurisy;
- endometritis myometritis;
- gynecological pathologies of acute or subacute inflammatory nature, not having a connection with abortion or childbirth;
- pyelonephritis of a purulent-destructive nature or complicated by the development of urosepsis (combined treatment).
Entering the drug parenterally is necessary for certain diseases, which are provoked by the activity of non-staphylococcal pathogens resistant to the effect of drugs. For example, the medicine is used for tuberculosis (any localization), erysipelas, and infections of listeriogenic origin.
Alcohol-based drug solution (1%) should be used to eliminate staphylococcal diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature (this also includes pathologies triggered by the activity of strains resistant to antibiotics).
Chlorophyllipt is also used to accelerate the healing processes of wound surfaces of a chronic nature, trophic ulcerative lesions, and in addition to therapy for erosion of the uterine neck, and at the same time burn disease. A medicinal substance is also prescribed for the prevention of complications after operations. In addition, it is used for intestinal sanitation in persons who are carriers of staphylococcus aureus.
An oil-based drug solution is used to eliminate pathologies caused by the activity of resistant to the influence of antibiotics of staphylococcal strains, and, at the same time, for sanation, to persons who carry staphylococci of a pathogenic nature. In addition, it is used as a lubricant for the tip of the can in the procedures for performing therapeutic enemas.
Use of drugs is recommended in such cases:
- burn diseases;
- difficult and long healing wound surfaces;
- ulcer pathologies of a trophic nature in the limbs;
- sphincteritis or hemorrhoids;
- gastric ulcer;
- Ulcerative form of colitis;
- erosive form of proctitis;
- erysipelas;
- burns in the eye area, in which the corneal shell is affected;
- furuncles or carbuncles on the nose and in the nasolabial area;
- ENT diseases of purulent-inflammatory origin (the drug is effective in the treatment of etmoiditis and sinusitis);
- dental pathology;
- cracks in the area of the nipples in women with lactation.
Solution of the substance Chlorophyllipt on an oily basis is prescribed for the treatment of such gynecological diseases as erosion of the uterine neck, tears in the vagina, and in addition fistula in the rectovaginal area.
In the form of a spray, the drug is used during therapy for diseases caused by the activity of staphylococcal strains that are resistant to the activity of antibiotics: ESH, ARVI, tonsillitis, burns, and trophic ulcers.
Release form
The drug is produced in the form of tablets - a volume of 12.5 mg (20 pieces inside the pack) and 25 mg (20 and 40 pieces inside the pack).
In the form of an injectable medical solution based on alcohol (0.25%) - in ampoules with a volume of 2 ml (in a pack - 10 ampoules). Also in the form of a solution on an alcohol basis - for local use and oral intake (1%), in glass bottles with a volume of 20, 50, and 100 ml (1 bottle inside the package), and in 100 ml glass jars (1 can in the box).
In the form of a solution on an oil base (2%) - in glass bottles with a volume of 20 ml. In the box - 1 such a bottle.
As a spray for local treatment - in containers with a capacity of 15 ml. Inside the package there is one such container.
Chlorophyllipt is a mixture that was obtained from the chlorophylls of eucalyptus leaves (Eucalýptus globúlus). Has etiotropic and antimicrobial action against staphylococci (among them antibiotic resistant and dependent on them strains).
The drug is capable of eliminating the carrier genes of microbial resistance causing bacterial infections against antibiotics that enter the plasmid ecosystem. It also increases the oxygen level inside tissues and has a pronounced detoxification effect.
All these properties make it possible to use drugs in the event of a weakening of the body's natural immunity, to eliminate tissue hypoxia, and, in addition, to increase the drug efficacy of antimicrobial agents taken with the drug.
Experimental tests have shown that the drug has a tropism for lung tissue, and also has no teratogenic, embryotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.
Bactericidal values of drugs inside the blood are formed after a one-time injection of 8 ml of a 0.25% solution of the IV method. To get the bacteriostatic values of the drug, you will need a serving half as much. Drug drug level after IV injection is maintained for approximately 6 hours (on average) - therefore, it is most optimal to conduct injection procedures four times a day.
Dosing and administration
Use of medication in tablets.
For adults, the regimen for taking tablets with a volume of 12.5 or 25 mg is determined taking into account the severity of the pathology. It is required to keep the taken tablet in the oral cavity until it completely dissolves. It is forbidden to swallow or chew it.
Mode of application - taking the first pill at an interval of 4-5 hours throughout the day. For a day an adult is allowed to take a maximum of 125 mg of drugs. This course lasts for 7 days on average.
Use of drugs in the form of a solution based on alcohol.
During treatment of burn diseases, inflammation of the lungs, as well as septic conditions, it is necessary to slowly inject the drug into the patient in / in the method. The contents of a separate ampoule (2 ml of the drug), it is necessary to dilute in sterile 0.9% sodium chloride saline (38 ml) just before the procedure. The finished substance must be completely transparent.
Intravenous administration of Chlorophyllipt is performed four times a day, every day for 4-5 days. The size of a single serving is 40 ml.
With pyotorax or peritonitis therapy lasts a maximum of 8 days. The drug is required to dilute in a solution (0.25%) of novocaine in a ratio of 1k20. Next, the drug is administered to the patient inside the pleural cavity using a drainage tube.
Use of the solution for local and oral use.
Chlorophyllipt on the basis of alcohol (1%) can be used orally or used topically.
Size of oral dose for an adult - 5 ml of the drug is diluted in plain water (30 ml). In order to prevent the development of complications after surgery or for intestinal sanitation in carriers of pathogenic staphylococcal strains, it is required to drink the solution daily, three times a day (before meals - for half an hour).
During the intestinal sanation the solution is injected with an enema - rectally. To make a solution for the 1st enema, dilute 20 ml of LS in plain water (1 L). This procedure should be carried out 1 time in two days. The whole course consists of 10 such procedures.
With local use of drugs (elimination of burns, wounds of chronic nature and trophic ulcerative lesions), it is diluted in a novocain solution (0.25%), in a ratio of 1 to 5. Further, it is required to treat the affected area impregnated with gauze dressings in the solution. This course lasts 2-3 weeks.
During therapy with EShM, before using the drug, it is necessary to drain all the vaginal folds, as well as the vaginal area of the uterine neck with tampons. Next, you need to lubricate the cervical canal, using Chlorophyllipt, previously diluted in the proportion 1k10. These procedures must be repeated for 10 days.
Next, a patient in the period of 14 days prescribed syringing with the use of drugs. To make this solution, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of the substance in ordinary water (1 liter). If after completion of the course did not complete epithelization of the uterine neck, it is necessary to repeat the course.
Use of an oil-based chlorophyllipt solution.
The oily solution can be used topically or ingested.
During therapy with ESHM, they lubricate the cervical canal - insert a swab in the vagina soaked in the preparation. The whole procedure should last about 15-20 minutes. This course lasts 10 days.
Then the woman should use medicines in the form of douching for 14 days. Such a solution is produced in the same proportions as alcohol. After each syringing procedure, it is necessary to leave a tampon impregnated with undiluted medicinal substance inside the vagina - for 12 hours.
It is necessary to repeat the treatment course, if at the end of the previous there was no complete epithelization of the cervix.
In therapy to eliminate chronic wounds and trophic ulcerative lesions, the drug is used topically - applying dressings impregnated in the preparation to the affected areas (in turn, with bandages soaked in an alcohol solution of LS (1%), which was diluted in a ratio of 1 k10).
With the help of the solution, the tip of the can is lubricated, which is used during the execution of medicinal enemas or when treating complications of a local nature - with sphincteritis or hemorrhoids.
During the treatment of diseases caused by the activity of antibiotic resistant strains of staphylococci, the oil solution is taken orally - in the amount of 1 teaspoon (5 ml) four times a day. This therapy should last for 2-3 weeks.
When treating gastric ulcer drug is used in combination therapy - taking 3 times / day portions in the amount of 1 teaspoon, in the period of 3 weeks. After 3 months, repeat this course.
The oil-based solution is used in this mode:
- 1st reception - on an empty stomach, before breakfast (for 60 minutes). It is necessary to pre-mix the medicine in the oral cavity - before acquiring the state of the emulsion. In this case, 1-oun teaspoon of LS should be mixed with plain water (30 ml);
- 2nd reception - after 4 hours, 1 hour before lunch. The medicine is used in the same portions according to the same scheme;
- 3rd reception - before going to bed, 2 hours after dinner. Dosage remains the same.
In cases of ulcers, high efficiency is also shown by the administration of drugs with the help of an endoscope - directly into the area where the lesion is located. This procedure should be done once a day for 10 days.
During the treatment of erysipelas, the medicine is applied topically, with the help of bandages.
In dentistry (for example, in the treatment of stomatitis), the oily solution is used for the treatment of gums and oral mucosa.
To eliminate ENT diseases (sinusitis or etmoiditis), an adult should take the drug orally (the size of a single dose is 5 ml, the frequency of the procedures - four times a day), in addition to using a medicine for the nose. For an adult, the size of the instilled portion is a minimum of 10 drops / maximum half of the pipette. To enter this portion should be in each nostril 3-4 times / day. For children, the dosage is 2-5 drops.
The procedure for instillation of the solution should be carried out, lying on the back, throwing his head back. In this position, the patient should stay for another 15 minutes after the end of the procedure.
For the treatment of the throat (such diseases as laryngotracheitis or laryngitis), and in addition inflammations of the bronchi the drug is consumed in a dose of 20 ml / day. This dose should be divided into 4 receptions (for each reception - 1-ounce teaspoon of LS). To consume chlorophyllipt in such cases it is necessary for 7-10 days.
During the treatment of sore throat, the medicine is impregnated with pieces of cotton wool, after which the affected tonsils are treated with them.
When eliminating acne (this includes chickenpox), and in addition to this treatment of common type boils, impregnated in an oil-based preparation, bandages are used in turn with bandages that are moistened in chlorophyllite on the basis of alcohol (1%), in a ratio of 1 k10. It is necessary to change these dressings 2-3 times a day.
To prevent the appearance of cracks in the nipple area of nursing mothers, it is necessary to treat the nipples with the preparation after each feeding procedure. In this case, before the new feeding, it is required to rinse the rest of the solution with boiled water.
Use of the medicine in the form of a spray.
For the treatment of respiratory pathologies of inflammatory nature to children of 12 years, and in addition, adults need to use a spray 3-4 times / day: it is necessary to spray the substance on the pharynx, performing 2-3 injections. Use the medicine is necessary for 3-4 days.
It is recommended after refreshing the mouth with a spray for 20-30 minutes to refrain from eating food or drinks.
During therapy with erosions, burns, as well as trophic ulcers, it is necessary to apply a cloth moistened with a spray of gauze in the affected area of the skin or mucous membrane - 2 times / day for 15-20 minutes. The treatment of wounds should be carried out daily, for 10 days.
Diary of chlorophyllipt on alcohol basis for throat rinsing.
The use of a 1% alcoholic drug is indicated for inflammation developing in the oropharynx. The proportions of dilution of drugs for patients of any age are the same.
When making a solution for rinsing, dilute the medicine (in a dose of 5 ml) in warm water (half a cup).
When rinsing, you need to use the whole portion of the resulting remedy. Continue this rinse for at least 5 minutes. It is recommended to perform it after eating, and do it at least 4-5 times / day (optimal regime - with intervals between procedures of 3 hours). In the period of half an hour after rinsing, you should refrain from eating and drinking.
When allowing the use of pregnant women to rinse the throat, the drug solution should be diluted in the ratios that are expected when used in all other categories of patients.
You should also perform an allergic reaction before starting the procedure. This is as follows - it is required to rinse the mouth with 25 ml of alcohol substance, which was previously diluted in warm water (also 25 ml). If after 6-8 hours the woman does not show any allergic symptoms, the drug can be used for treatment.
Dilution of medicinal product for inhalation procedures.
For inhalations, an alcohol-based solution (1%) is required. This method of therapy is used to eliminate infections of the staphylococcal origin in the respiratory tract.
The agent for inhalations is made according to this scheme - Chlorophyllipt is diluted in saline solution in a ratio of 1 k10. To conduct a one-time inhalation procedure with a nebulizer, 3 ml of the manufactured substance is sufficient. Repeat medical procedures should be 3 times / day.
Use of the chlorophyllipt during pregnancy
The safety of taking Chlorophylliptum, as well as its effectiveness in prescribing to lactating or pregnant women - have not been studied. Because of this, it is necessary to prescribe medicines only in cases when the probable benefit for a woman will exceed the possibility of developing consequences for a fetus or a child.
Any medicinal forms of drugs are prohibited to be used in the presence of intolerance with respect to the extract of leaves of the plant Eucalyptus globulus, and in addition to this other elements of the medicament.
There is also a contraindication regarding the oral intake of a solution on an alcohol basis (1%) - to persons under the age of 18 years.
Side effects of the chlorophyllipt
When using Chlorophyllipt, you can expect the appearance of symptoms of hypersensitivity. A solution for injections can cause disturbances at the site of its administration.
Because of intoxication, potentiation of the severity of side effects can be observed.
Storage conditions
Solution for injection, tablet, as well as spray Chlorophyllipt is required to keep at elevations of not more than 25 ° C. For 1-2% solutions, this limit is 20 ° C.
Shelf life
Chlorophyllipt in a 1-2% solution and tablets can be used for 2 years from the date of manufacture of the drug. Shelf life of the spray is 3 years, and 0.25% solution is 5 years.
Chlorophyllipt is a universal antimicrobial drug that helps to get rid of pathogenic microflora (it demonstrates the highest efficacy against staphylococci). The medicine perfectly removes the inflammation, promotes the acceleration of wound healing processes, it is effective in the treatment of sinusitis and tonsillitis, sweating in infants, teenage pimples, and in addition with hemorrhoids, burns and pathologies of a gynecological nature.
Reviews about the drug are overwhelmingly positive. Oil-based solutions, sprays, and tablets are effective when used in a single form, as well as when combined in different combinations. People who used this drug, consider it as effective as possible in the treatment of rhinitis and pain in the throat.
Among the advantages of drugs are also low cost (compared to analogues), and in addition a variety of its dosage forms, which allows you to choose the one that is suitable for a specific diagnosis, as well as the age of the patient.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Chlorophyllipt" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.