Cervical Hyperplasia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The proliferation of cells lining the cervix beyond the normative indices is the cervical hyperplasia. As a result, the thickness of the endometrium increases, which leads to an increase in the size of the uterus itself, and, in some cases, and adjacent organs.
The structural parameters of the mucosa also change, disrupting the normal functioning of the female genital organs.
Causes of cervical hyperplasia
Hyperplasia is a quantitative increase in anything, in this case, an increase in the thickness of the endometrium. This pathology in most cases is associated with benign neoplasms, but to predict that in the future it will not degenerate into a malignant tumor, not a single doctor will undertake. Therefore, cervical hyperplasia must necessarily be treated and treated, without delaying the "long box".
In the overwhelming majority of the causes of cervical hyperplasia is:
- Violation of the hormonal balance in the body of a woman (for example, with dysfunction of the ovaries). This failure is capable of triggering the mechanism of rapid disordered division of endometrial cells. Most often, the first symptoms of pathology are manifested in 14 - 20 years (puberty) or after 45 years (the onset of menopause).
- Failure in the program of metabolic processes: obesity, diabetes mellitus and others.
- Later the onset of menopause (after the age of 50).
- Presence in the patient's anamnesis of other concomitant diseases. Such as, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, hypertension and others.
- Inflammatory processes in the genitals.
- Abortions.
- Clinically prescribed cleansing (fractional-diagnostic curettage).
- Used intrauterine contraceptives.
- Medicinal products.
- Operations on the organs of the small pelvis.
- Sharply rejection of hormone-containing drugs.
- Smoking.
- Alcohol.
- Decreased immunity in the patient.
- Early sexual intercourse.
Symptoms of cervical hyperplasia
In many patients, clearly expressed symptoms of cervical hyperplasia are absent. In some, they are expressed by the following manifestations:
- Increase in the number of mucous secretions. And quite often the amount of mucus allocated is so great that a woman often has to change both pads and underwear.
- Lean bleeding in the period between menstrual cycles.
- Abundant bleeding during menstruation. They can last for six to seven days, and may last for several months.
- Failures in the cycle of menstruation.
- The appearance of contact bleeding that occurs after or during the sexual act. Such a symptom should especially alert the woman, since it can indicate the degeneration of the benign endometrium into a malignant tumor.
- Cessation of ovulation. Female reproductive function falls.
Proceeding from this, each woman must remember that in order not to miss the initial stage of the development of cervical hyperplasia, it is necessary, preferably every six months, to undergo a preventive examination at the gynecologist. It should also be remembered that this symptomatology is not specifically belonging to this pathology, but may be indicators of another gynecological disease.
Hyperplasia of the cervical epithelium
The overall well-being of a woman, and in particular her reproductive capabilities, is complexly influenced by all the functioning of the body. But the normal work of the female genital organs is of particular importance for the continuation of the genus. Any representative of the fair sex knows that the frequent inflammatory processes and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs (without effective treatment) are able to move into the rank of chronic diseases. Absence of symptoms, or a lingering manifestation of it, makes a woman feel calm, consider that all problems with her health are behind, but this is not always the case. Often in the inflammatory focus is born and begins to develop hyperplasia of the epithelium of the cervix. This pathology can occur at any age: both in a teenage girl during puberty, and in a woman at the threshold of menopause.
The fact that this disease does not always greatly annoy your hostess, makes it even more dangerous. After all, if the disease is not diagnosed and not treated on time, endometrial cells can degenerate into cancerous structures. In this case, treatment is often more radical, and the outlook for the future is less optimistic.
Glandular hyperplasia of the cervix
Modern medicine distinguishes several types of the disease under consideration:
- Glandular hyperplasia of the cervix. Rapid proliferation of glandular structures of the cervical region. Incompetent doctors can take these lesions for erosion. They send patients to cryo moxibustion, which is strictly forbidden in this situation.
- Cystic appearance of the disease. Very active formation of cystic formations.
- The glandular-cystic pathology of female genital organs. Polymorphism of glandular cells proceeds with rapid formation and growth of brushes.
- Atypical micrugellar type of pathology is an increase in the thickness of the cylindrical epithelium of female organs, including the cervix. Such a development of the disease gives a real threat of the degeneration of neoplasms into tumor structures.
- Microalgesic form of the disease. There is a polifering of the cervical glands.
Glandular hyperplasia of the cervix, often characterized by uneven growth of the endometrium, is manifested by thickening the surface of the cervical canal with local foci. There is an increased division of cells of glandular epithelium, with multiple formation of nodules of various sizes and shape. The epithelium of the endocervical species is covered with a different configuration of the gland.
If the cervical canal is affected, then in the region of the throat and throughout the cervicalis thickens begin to form. Hyperplasia of the cervix and lesion of the endometrium almost always occur simultaneously. This requires the doctor-gynecologist to take a more careful approach to diagnosing the disease, so that the treatment is as efficiently directed to the lesion focus.
Hyperplasia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix
To date, ten to fifteen percent of gynecological diseases in women of the reproductive period account for the pathology of the cervix. And this figure is growing every year. Malignant damage to the cervix, today, has already come in first place in the frequency of detection and accounts for approximately 12% of all cancers diagnosed to women.
Hyperplasia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix, being initially a benign neoplasm, has the highest degree of predisposition to degeneration into a cancerous tumor. The basis of this process is the bipotent capacity of the reserve cells to reincarnate in both planar and cylindrical epithelial cells.
The formation of the cylindrical epithelium, on the basis of which the cervical hyperplasia develops, can take place in two directions:
- The actual hyperplasia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix, rather than flat cells. This is the main pathway of the disease.
- And the development of the disease, by replacing erosion with flat epithelial cells (traumatic and inflammatory genesis) on the cylindrical single-layered structures of the epithelium. A more rare path of development, but still existing.
Cystic hyperplasia of the cervix
Cystic hyperplasia of the cervix is differentiated as the numerous local location of the enlarged cystic glands, which are not enlarged, but single-row, somewhat densified epithelium. The basic basis for cystic neoplasms is often an increase in the production of fibroblast collagen (fibrillar protein, which is the basis of connective tissue in the human body), which develops in conditions of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) due to stagnant blood processes in the venous system of the small pelvis, and in this case, in the cervix.
Basal cell hyperplasia of the cervix
Basal cell hyperplasia of the cervix is a rather dangerous pre-cancerous state of the female organ. This pathology represents about 85% of the total number of pseudo-erosions. By histological studies, this disease is distinguished by the severity of the lesion (mild, moderate and severe). But to ascertain both the diagnosis itself and the degree of its severity can only the doctor-gynecologist on the basis of the provided research results, connecting, if necessary, for the consultation of specialists of other fields of medicine, for example oncologists. The main differentiating feature of the pathology under consideration is the absence of invasion of cells mutating into neighboring tissues. That is, the monolithic base layer remains intact. If it receives a "hole", and invasive signs begin to appear, then the microcarcinoma begins to develop. When it penetrates into the deep layers of the cervix, a pattern of symptoms of the first stage of cervical cancer appears.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of cervical hyperplasia
To diagnose cervical hyperplasia, an experienced gynecologist, often enough, and a visual examination of the patient with a mirror. But in most cases, the diagnosis of cervical hyperplasia is a comprehensive study, which includes:
- The doctor takes a smear on the flora from the cervical canal for examination. This procedure is performed by all women without exception who live sexually and who came to the gynecologist for an examination. Unequivocally state whether or not a patient's history of cervical hyperplasia is present with the help of this analysis is impossible.
- Data collection of anamnesis:
- How abundant is the discharge during menstruation.
- Whether there are blood allocation in intervals between menstrual cycles.
- Is it ovulation? Difficulties in planning pregnancy. Infertility.
- Colposcopy is a diagnostic method that allows you to more accurately assess the condition of the cervical canal of the uterus, using special optical instruments of increasing resolution in the study. To raise the level of the specifics of the study, the gynecologist uses a special coloring agent that makes it possible to distinguish healthy epithelial cells from pathologically altered structures.
- Biopsy. It takes a piece of painfully altered tissue from the foci of the cervix with a special medical instrument.
- Ultrasonic examination of pelvic organs. The thickness of the endometrium in the normal state should not exceed nine millimeters. It gives an opportunity to determine the nature of the pathological lesion: glandular and glandular-cystic manifestation of the disease on the monitor is represented by an equally distributed tissue structure, while the focal one represents "separately standing" areas of hyperplasia. Allows, if necessary, to identify concomitant hyperplasia of the cervix gynecological diseases.
- CT scan.
- Hysteroscopy. A gynecologist examines the uterus, vagina and other gynecological organs with a special optical probe.
- Study of the hormonal background of a woman.
- Clinical tests of urine and blood.
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Treatment of cervical hyperplasia
Practically in any case, the treatment of cervical hyperplasia begins with fractional-diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal and uterine cavity. This surgical intervention is carried out under the strict control of hysteroscopy. This allows not to miss the focal manifestation of cervical hyperplasia, which is often formed in the corners of the uterus.
The degree of surgical intervention depends on certain characteristics, which include:
- Age of the patient.
- Accompanying illnesses.
- Severity of the disease.
- Women's desire to have children in the future.
After the operation, the gynecologist appoints her patient a course of hormonal drugs, which should promote the fastest recovery of normal endometrium, in the first place. And as a consequence of this, the patient should normalize the menstrual cycle and recover reproductive functions. If the patient has already reached the age of 45, then the drug must support the development of a stable menopause.
- Andriol
The medication is injected into the muscle or subcutaneously. The doctor appoints a dosage and the way of its introduction individually. You can not ascribe the drug to patients with severe impairment of kidney function, heart failure of a chronic nature, diabetes mellitus.
- Dyufaston
The drug is taken from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle and ends on day 25. The daily dosage, divided into two to three doses, is 20-30 mg. The minimum duration of treatment is three months, but its greatest effectiveness is manifested when taking medication for six to nine months.
In the case where ultrasound and biopsy indicate an inadequate response to a progestagenic remedy, the daily dosage is adjusted.
Contraindications for this drug include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Individual
This hormonal drug is taken daily, without missing, one tablet, trying to withstand a time interval of 24 hours. The treated course of the drug is not tied to the menstrual cycle and it is possible to start on any convenient day.
Contraindications to the reception of this hormonal drug are quite extensive: estrogen-dependent cancers, malignant breast tumor, uterine bleeding of undetermined origin, pulmonary embolism, severe form of vein thrombosis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and others.
After the medication treatment is over, the patient will still have to periodically show up at her doctor's office, as she will be on a regular basis for a long time. Twice a year, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound to avoid relapses. Only with full compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor there is an opportunity to completely remove the threat of developing cancerous lesions on the cervix and other genitalia of a woman.
Another method of treating cervical hyperplasia is laser cauterization. With the help of this technique, it becomes possible to cauterize foci of pathological changes, thereby achieving a positive result. But the most radical method of treatment is still a complete removal of the uterus along with the cervix. Such a surgical intervention is used if there are cases of relapse that lead to more severe consequences. Such an operation is avoided if the patient is still planning to become a mother, but if the diagnosis does not allow - doctors go to a full resection in order to save the life of a woman.
It is necessary to remember the prescriptions of alternative medicine. In this issue, the opinion of doctors is unequivocal - to conduct treatment with the help of alternative means, with the disease of cervical hyperplasia, is not permissible! These tinctures and ointments should be used only as maintenance therapy and with the consent of the attending physician.
Sufficiently effective in this regard are considered such recipes from the alternative experience:
- With hyperplasia of the cervix, you can drink before meals 50 mg of this tincture:
- Within seven to ten minutes, boil, filled with one liter of boiled water at room temperature, 30 grams of horsetail.
- Further in this composition add another 20 grams of buckthorn bark and leave to languish on fire for another five minutes.
- In the already obtained broth is introduced approximately one tablespoon of chopped herb St. John's wort and chamomile. Let another five minutes to stand on the stove.
- After that, the composition is removed from the fire, with the help of gauze, separate the liquid component of the infusion from the actual grass.
- The resulting broth is mixed with half a liter of rosehip.
- The resulting composition is poured into dark glass panes and stored in a cool place.
- Just a good decoction, which has an immunostimulating and antiseptic effect, which is easy to prepare and can be drunk with cervical hyperplasia:
- Rinse well under the running water onion peel in an amount equal to approximately one glass.
- Pour half a liter of warm boiled water.
- The resulting composition should be boiled over a fire in a container with a closed lid.
- Carefully strain.
- In the resulting broth, enter 50 grams of honey.
- Drink throughout the day three to four times one glass (200 ml).
- The treatment course is five days.
- Take a break in four to five days.
- It is desirable to perform six such support cycles.
Finally, I would like to again warn those who wish to treat cervical hyperplasia alone. Do not do this, and apply in your treatment the experience of alternative medicine - please, but only after consultation and with the permission of the attending physician.
Prevention of cervical hyperplasia
Important is the fact that the prevention of cervical hyperplasia, like any other disease, is primarily a timely diagnosis of the disease, which can already be called one of the components of preventive measures to prevent the degeneration and growth of cancer tumors. It should also be noted that, according to experts, the risk of transformation of benign cells into malignant structures is greater in women during the menopause than in young girls.
So which items can be attributed to the prevention of cervical hyperplasia:
- With this disease all types of physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated.
- Women need to monitor their immune system.
- Try to maintain metabolic and metabolic processes at the proper level.
- Avoid abortions. Any surgical intervention is a trauma to the body.
- Sexual life in a woman should be constant. But the surplus of it, like the defect, is harmful to the health of both women and men. It is advisable to have one permanent partner.
- Do not abuse sun rays and hikes in the solarium.
- Minimize the use of products that contain preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers ... Give up fast-food production.
- It is necessary to minimize the use of contraceptives. Such funds should be attributed only to a gynecologist.
- Do not abuse hormonal drugs.
- Try to keep your body weight in the hole. Deviations in one and the other direction lead to a malfunction in the systemic processes of the organism, which leads to the onset of the disease.
- Timely and to the logical conclusion to bring the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
- Modern women, often, in order not to lose the shape of the breast, refuse to breastfeed the baby. But just breastfeeding can be called a good prevention of cervical hyperplasia and, in general, the reproductive functions of a woman. However, prolonged feeding is dangerous for a woman (there is excessive production of prolactin).
- It is desirable for a woman to have more than one child. During pregnancy, the organism of the future mother begins to produce gestagens, which are able to effectively resist the formation of malignant cells.
- In any case, do not self-medicate.
- It is necessary to undergo regular preventive examination at a gynecologist regularly, at least twice a year.
- Do not get involved in the douching procedure, you can not always use tampons during menstruation. All this can injure the mucous membrane of the cervix and the uterus itself.
- It is also necessary to remember that the arising periodic relapses (especially after several experienced operations) is the first call of the transformation of benign tumors into cancer cells.
- It is necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle, since smoking and alcohol can be an impetus to the development of cervical hyperplasia.
Prognosis of cervical hyperplasia
The prognosis of cervical hyperplasia largely depends on the causes of its occurrence and, most importantly, on the type of its course. Therefore, such a prognosis may be favorable in the event that the diagnosis of the disease was carried out on time and the patient received a qualitative and effective treatment. For women who are still planning to become mothers in the foreseeable future, it must be remembered that neglecting one's health can lead to cervical hyperplasia, and this, if not treated, is a direct road to infertility and illnesses more serious than not giving birth to a child, for example, to cancerous tumors.
Dear women, if you want to see yourself healthy, beautiful, loved, take care of yourself, first of all yourself. After all, most diseases are easier to prevent or cure at an early stage of manifestation, than to deal with its severe complications. Cervical hyperplasia is no exception. Stick to your daily life of elementary rules of hygiene, use preventive methods, do not neglect the approach to a gynecologist for a checkup, at least once every six months. It does not take you much time and energy. It will be much more difficult when the disease is diagnosed, moreover, at a difficult stage.