


, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Betagistin is an artificial analog of histamine.

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Indications of the betagistin

It is used in the treatment of padalexia, and in addition to these signs, sometimes including ear noise, dizziness, nausea, partial hearing loss and problems with coordination.

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Release form

The release is made in tablets with a volume of 8, 16 or 24 mg, 10 pieces inside a blister pack. In the box there are 3 such plates.

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Often, the active element of the drug has the ability to influence the action of histamine endings H1, as well as H3 (antagonists with weak and strong effects) in the central nervous system. In this case, we are talking about endings located in the vestibular nuclei and inner ear.

Betahistine dihydrochloride has an effect on the circulatory function, stimulating microcirculation processes, and also affecting the strength of capillaries in the region of the inner ear. Together with this, the active element helps normalize the level of endolymphic pressure inside the labyrinth and cochlea.

Since Betagistin is a remedy that slows down the activity of the H3 endings of the labyrinth nuclei, it has a significant effect on the function of the CNS, normalizing the neuronal transmission within the vestibular nucleus.

Proper use of the drug leads to rapid neutralization of signs of vestibular vertigo. The exposure period of the active drug component is at least several minutes, and a maximum of 24 hours.

Regular use of medicines under the control of a doctor reduces the frequency and strength of dizziness, reduces ear ringing and noise, and at the same time restores hearing quality if it worsens.

The drug does not have sedative properties, and it does not lead to the development of a variety of coordination problems. Does not affect endogenous secretion glands.

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The substance absorbed is absorbed completely and quickly. Peak plasma values of the drug are observed approximately 60 minutes after eating the fasting pill. Further, the drug is synthesized within the blood plasma with proteins, but the rates of this binding are extremely low - less than 5%.

Excretion of the component is carried out by a metabolic pathway, in the process of which inactive metabolites are formed (the main element is 2-pyridylacetic acid, and the additional element is demethylbetahistine).

Almost complete excretion of the components of drugs is carried out for 24 hours; the main way is the kidneys (about 90%), and the rest (10%) is excreted by the liver and intestines.

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Dosing and administration

The sizes of adult doses.

In case of dizziness, the tablet should be consumed with food, or after it in a dose of 8 or 16 mg, three times a day (at the initial stage of therapy with the use of medication).

The sizes of supporting portions usually fluctuate within 24-48 mg / day (the exact dose is chosen by the physician). The daily dosage may be a maximum of 48 mg.

It is allowed to adjust the size of portions, taking into account the individual characteristics of patients. In some cases, improvement of the condition is observed only after several weeks of therapy.

Use in people with kidney, liver or heart failure:

People with liver failure need a thorough examination before starting therapy with Betagistin. The same conditions are also required for appointment to persons with heart failure / kidney failure.

Appointment of the elderly:

Elderly patients should prescribe the drug very carefully, because this category of patients has a high risk of the appearance of negative symptoms under the influence of active and auxiliary elements of the medication.

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Use of the betagistin during pregnancy

There is insufficient data on the use of betagistin in pregnant women or breast-feeding women.


The main contraindications:

  • pheochromocytoma - because the medication is an artificial histamine analogue, its use can lead to the release of catecholamines, which is why a strong increase in the pressure indices is observed;
  • the patient is intolerant with regard to the medicinal elements - both the active ingredient and the additional substances that are in the medicine;
  • it is forbidden to prescribe a drug to people who are less than 18 years of age, because there is no information on the effectiveness and safety of its use in this category of patients.


Side effects of the betagistin

Side effects that can occur as a result of taking tablets:

  • general deterioration of the patient's well-being;
  • gastric disorder (usually develops if you take the medicine before eating, what to do is forbidden);
  • headaches (with such a disorder you should take an anesthetic drug, after consulting with a specialist);
  • abdominal discomfort or flatulence;
  • symptoms of skin allergies, for example, rashes or itching (to eliminate such violations can be with an antihistamine drug, or smearing the affected area with a simple moisturizer).

If the above recommendations do not work, you need to cancel the use of Betagistin and always consult a doctor.

trusted-source[15], [16]


There is no general information about the development of intoxication. There is some evidence that individuals have had mild or moderate manifestations in the form of nausea, headaches or abdominal pains, and besides sensation of sleepiness - when using drugs in a dose up to 640-ka mg.

Other signs of poisoning: dyspepsia, convulsions, vomiting, and also ataxia.

There may also be more severe disorders - for example, complications affecting the function of CAS or lung. Such symptoms developed with the deliberate administration of extremely high dosages of drugs, especially when combined with other medicines.

There is no special antidote for the drug, therefore, with the development of an overdose it is required to perform gastric lavage in the period of 60 minutes after the drug is consumed.

trusted-source[21], [22]

Storage conditions

Betagistin is required to contain a sealed type inside the container, in a dark and dry place, closed from the access of young children. The temperature should be within 25 ° C.


Shelf life

Betagistin can be used for 2 years from the date of manufacture of the drug.

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Betagistin does not always receive positive reviews. Some comments on medical forums suggest that the drug does not have a stable effect. Therefore, many people who have chronic disorders of the function of the CCC, you need to use the medication constantly. Although this scheme of treatment does not guarantee that dizziness with headaches disappear.

But at the same time, there are many positive opinions about the action of the medication. Some women noted that they developed severe headaches during menopause, and in addition, sharp attacks of dizziness, in which it was impossible even to tilt the head down slightly, because this led to a complete loss of coordination. The use of betagistin allowed to completely eliminate all described negative manifestations.

Both negative and positive reviews show that the drug should be used very carefully and correctly - in some disorders the drug is able to show high efficiency, completely eliminating the problems, but on the contrary, it leads only to the easing of the symptoms of the disease, without eliminating its main cause.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Betagistin" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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