Treatment of grade 2 scoliosis at home is possible only after a professional treatment course, but in this case, therapy should be monitored by the attending physician.
Non-surgical methods for treating scoliosis are often aimed at rebuilding the spine, usually by muscle relaxation or stretching of muscles or ligaments.
Basically, treatment of lumbar kyphosis is a traditional, comprehensive treatment that includes drugs, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, swimming.
To relieve pain caused by muscle fatigue, relaxation techniques and relaxing massage are sufficient, but the same muscle tension in myositis often requires medical treatment and physical therapy.
Among the variety of means and methods of dealing with intense pain in the back and lumbar region, warming procedures are very popular, because it has long been known that the body relaxes under the influence of heat, and blood circulation and metabolism are activated, which reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome.
So what about the back pain workers in pharmacies can offer? Since injection therapy is the fastest and most effective way for pain syndrome, first aid in case of severe back pain can be considered injections, i.e. Drugs in the form of solutions mainly from the category of NSAIDs.
Kyphosis can be found in very young children 6-12 months. Pathology is indicated by a narrowed chest, round back, shoulders inclined forward. The reason lies at times in the violation of intrauterine development, heredity, rickets, poliomyelitis.
Lumbar lordosis (you should immediately make a reservation - if we are talking about lordosis as a pathology, with excessive curvature of the spine) can only be corrected with the help of physical exercises.
Thoracic kyphosis is a fairly common pathology that progresses rapidly if timely measures are not taken. What should be done if this problem is suspected? The first is to see a doctor.
When it comes to lordosis, you need to understand that this term can be defined as normal, physiological curvature of the spine, which performs a number of important functions, and is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the spine.