How to treat grade 2 scoliosis of the spine?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With a competent approach, the position of the spinal column can often be corrected when it comes to patients of childhood and adolescence. Deformity in an adult is difficult to correct, since the musculoskeletal system is already formed.
Independent attempts to get rid of scoliosis curvature in most cases are ineffective, and sometimes extremely harmful. To fix the problem, you should seek help from an orthopedist, vertebrologist, chiropractor. [1]
Treatment of grade 2 scoliosis at home is possible only after a professional treatment course, but in this case, therapy should be monitored by the attending physician. As an addition, the following can be assigned:
- fortifying treatment, including nutritional correction, taking multivitamin mineral complexes, drug therapy (antispasmodics, analgesics, etc.);
- physiotherapy exercises, corrective massages, electromyostimulation;
- backstroke;
- wearing orthopedic devices (correctors, orthoses).
When a curvature of the spine is detected, doctors not only prescribe methods such as manual therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, but also adjust nutrition to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Experts advise to increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin E. These are seafood, nuts, dried apricots and prunes, spinach, sea buckthorn, oatmeal and barley porridge. Brown rice, buckwheat, barley, pasta from durum wheat are also useful, since such products contain copper, iron, magnesium, boron.
It is important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin D, which is responsible for regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism and has a positive effect on bone growth. This vitamin is present in some types of fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna), as well as in eggs, butter, cream.
You should eat dairy products (in particular, cheese and cottage cheese), legumes, herbs, sesame - the main sources of calcium. But the intake of vitamins A and C into the body will help the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. These vitamins can be obtained by consuming carrots and sea buckthorn, apricots, pumpkin, eggs, currants and rose hips, bell peppers, citrus fruits, kiwi and cabbage.
The body of a patient with scoliosis also needs the intake of B vitamins, which ensure the normal course of metabolic processes and strengthen the collagen skeleton. Sources of these vitamins are beans, spinach, buckwheat, liver, walnuts, vegetable oils, black bread, meat products.
Physiotherapy treatment
With scoliotic curvature of the 2nd degree, auxiliary methods of correction are often used - in particular, we are talking about physiotherapy, which helps to speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, and stop the development of inflammatory processes. Competently selected physiotherapy procedures allow you to redistribute muscle tone, prevent atrophic changes. However, despite its effectiveness, physiotherapy is only an auxiliary method, since without special therapeutic exercises and getting rid of the original cause of scoliosis, the procedures will have only a temporary effect.
Patients with curvature of the spinal column are shown the following therapeutic effects:
- massotherapy;
- phono and electrophoresis;
- magnetotherapy;
- Charcot's shower;
- UHF therapy;
- laser therapy;
- electromyostimulation;
- hydrotherapy, mud therapy, thermal therapy.
Massage for scoliosis of the 2nd degree allows you to normalize the muscle tone of the back, improve blood circulation, eliminate pain and muscle fatigue. The main point: the massage should not hurt the patient, so the effect should not be too active. In the break between massage courses, the use of special massage chairs is shown. [2]
The use of a Charcot shower also provides a massage effect, thanks to a water jet that is supplied under a certain pressure. The procedure must be fully supervised by a specialist, as excess water pressure can exacerbate pain and exacerbate the problem.
The electrostimulation method copes well with muscle spasms that often accompany spinal curvatures. With the help of electrical impulses, it is possible to weaken the pain syndrome caused by the compression of the nerve endings of the spasmodic muscle.
Electrophoresis and phonophoresis ensure the flow of anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents directly into the affected tissues, through the skin, under the influence of galvanic current or ultrasound. At the same time, the likelihood of developing side effects is minimal, and the effect becomes noticeable almost immediately.
Heat therapy can include the use of moist heat (baths, compresses, therapeutic mud) or dry heat (hot sand, paraffin, ozokerite, wax, air or electric light baths, heating pads, etc.). The local effect of heat improves lymph and blood circulation, accelerates tissue repair, and optimizes local metabolism.
Magnetotherapy and laser therapy have a positive effect on blood circulation in the affected area, accelerate cellular recovery.
Ultra-high-frequency therapy helps to straighten the scoliotic arch by relaxing certain muscle groups and eliminating the local inflammatory process.
Corset for scoliosis grade 2
According to the indications, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of a corset, a special device that supports and corrects the position of the spinal column, for a patient with grade 2 scoliosis. It is important to understand that only the use of a corset will not be able to get rid of deformation. However, regular wearing of the orthosis helps to slow down the further progression of the pathology, provides a uniform muscular load - which is especially important in case of physical activity or the need for long-term retention of one position of the trunk. Some types of compensatory-reclinating corsets redistribute the load on the vertebrae, compensating for the work of weakened muscles.
More complex types of such devices - for example, a traction-immobilizing posture corrector for scoliosis of the 2nd degree is not used. It is prescribed with a strong severity of curvature, in particular, with 3 degrees of pathology. The patient has to wear such orthoses not for several hours a day, but almost constantly. [3]
Gymnastics for scoliosis grade 2
Almost any doctor who undertakes the treatment of grade 2 scoliosis will definitely advise the patient to practice breathing exercises. The most effective and generally recognized gymnastics of this kind is the breathing system of Katharina Schroth, a German doctor who herself suffered from curvature of the spine and subsequently developed a special set of exercises. The effectiveness of this therapeutic method is due to the correct distribution of the load on the respiratory muscles, prevention of muscle atrophy, improvement of respiratory function, elimination of pain, inhibition of the further development of deformity. [4]
The Schroth technique is used in many orthopedic centers and clinics. Exercises are prescribed according to individual indications, using the most appropriate and effective practices. [5], [6]
Treatment of scoliosis of the 2nd degree according to Bubnovsky
Treatment of curvature of the spinal column in children is often performed with the help of physical exercises, which are part of a special complex developed by Dr. Bubnovsky. The type of exercise depends on the physical capabilities of the child: it is much easier to apply such therapy than forcing the child to wear a corset or apply various applicators. [7]
Dr. Bubnovsky suggests restoring the physiological position of the spine through special kinesitherapy. The method not only corrects the violation, but also contributes to the general physical development of children.
At the 2nd degree of scoliosis, the training plan is drawn up individually.
Kinesitherapy involves exercising on simulators and parterre gymnastics. These exercises have nothing to do with regular fitness or weightlifting. Classes consist in eliminating the compression load on the spinal column, restoring muscle tone, strengthening the muscles responsible for maintaining posture.
Patients of almost any age can be treated, not just children. The correctness of the exercise must be monitored by a medical professional. [8]
A set of exercises for scoliosis of the 2nd degree
The following exercises are recommended to help eliminate grade 2 scoliosis: [9]
- The patient kneels down, rests on the palms. Relaxes your back as much as possible.
- With an exhalation, it smoothly bends the back up, with an inhalation, it bends the back down. Repeats 20 times in one approach, excluding sudden movements.
- From the starting position, the patient lies on his left leg, bent at the knee, while stretching the right leg back. The right and left arms are alternately extended forward. Breathing is even, with exhalation at the end of the movement. The number of movements is up to 20 in one approach, with the exception of sudden movements.
- From the starting position with an emphasis on the palms and knees, the patient stretches the trunk anteriorly as much as possible, maintaining the support and excluding the appearance of a deflection in the lower back.
- From the same starting position, the patient bends his arms at the elbows, with an exhalation falls to the floor. Then, with an inhalation, he straightens his arms, trying to sit on his heels, feeling the stretching of the lumbar muscles. Repeats up to 6 times.
- The patient changes the starting position: he lies on his back, bends his legs at the knees, holds his hands behind his head. Bends the torso, trying to tear the shoulder blades off the floor and touch the knees with his elbows ("shakes the press"). The number of repetitions is not limited to a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.
- From a supine position with bent knees and arms extended along the torso, the patient, with an exhalation, tears the pelvis off the floor, trying to raise it as high as possible. Lowers with inhalation. Repeats 20-30 times, keeping a second pause.
At the end of the session, it is recommended to perform a cool rubdown on the back to improve and stabilize muscle tone. [10]
Prohibited exercises for scoliosis grade 2
Medical specialists have identified a number of contraindications for patients with grade 2 scoliosis:
- intensive running is prohibited, as well as long-distance running;
- flexibility exercises are prohibited;
- you cannot perform sudden movements, somersaults, bending, stretching exercises, exercises on horizontal bars;
- sports activities that exert a high load on the spinal column, or contribute to the asymmetrical development of muscles (wrestling, parkour, kickboxing, basketball, badminton, fencing, hockey, etc.) are prohibited;
- uncontrolled visits to the gym are highly discouraged.
In addition, you cannot load only one side of the body - for example, carry a heavy object in only one hand. The load must be distributed strictly evenly. It is important to avoid traumatic situations, falls, jumps, do not overload the back, do not twist the spine. [11]
Sports for scoliosis grade 2
Doctors strongly do not recommend completely abandoning physical activity with scoliotic curvature, as this is fraught with aggravation of the situation. The following physical activities are shown:
- leisurely walks;
- race walking;
- Nordic walking;
- backstroke;
- ballroom dancing;
- yoga, pilates.
Professional sports of any kind are discouraged.
Should be especially avoided:
- asymmetrical sports (fencing, badminton, basketball, etc.);
- vertical loads on the back (cycling and equestrian sports, jumping);
- traumatic sports (wrestling, boxing, hockey);
- sharp turns and bends, lifting heavy objects (weightlifting).
Dancing for scoliosis grade 2
Dancing with scoliotic curvature is allowed, but not all of their types. So, sports and energetic dances, acrobatic elements, classes with an uneven and uncontrolled load, lifting heavy objects, active rotations and sharp twists, somersaults, jerks and jerks are prohibited. Ballet is also not recommended: you cannot practice the exercises while standing on one leg, lunges to the side or forward, because this way the lower part of the spinal column suffers.
Ballroom classical and amateur dances are suitable if the classes do not cause pain and discomfort in the back. If any dance element causes pain, then you need to stop its implementation or significantly reduce the load.
Diagnostics should be carried out periodically, monitoring the condition of the spine. If the pathology is aggravated, then classes will most likely have to be abandoned.
Yoga for scoliosis grade 2
Yoga can be used as an auxiliary therapeutic method to prevent the aggravation of scoliotic curvature. However, before starting classes, you must remember the following important rules:
- trainings should not be long and too intense: they enter the practice smoothly, gradually;
- power deflections are excluded, which increase the risk of muscle overstrain;
- twisting that can aggravate the pathology is excluded;
- inverted asanas, which exert excessive stress on the spinal column, are excluded.
Work with the body must be conscious. It is important to control your breathing, deeply relax at the end of each workout. [12], [13]
To obtain a lasting effect, it is enough to carry out classes every day for several minutes, for at least 3 months.
Pull-up bar for scoliosis of the 2nd degree
Regular exercises on the horizontal bar help to strengthen muscles, form correct posture, and prevent the development of curvature of the spine and diseases caused by insufficient blood circulation. So, to prevent deformities of the spinal column, it is recommended to pull up with a "wide grip", or change the width of the "grip" from narrow to wide. The use of loads is also allowed, but not more than 10-12 kg. When performing the exercise, it is important to ensure that the elbows are at the same level in front, parallel to each other. This condition provides the same study of the biceps muscles of the shoulder, infraspinatus, round and rhomboid muscles. It is equally important to control the respiratory function, avoid sudden movements and jerks, and increase the intensity gradually.
You cannot jump off the horizontal bar, as this leads to a sharp load on the spine and limbs, which is highly undesirable.
If scoliosis is already present, even if it is of 2 degrees, it is not recommended to use a horizontal bar to perform exercises.
Swimming with scoliosis grade 2
Breaststroke swimming is excellent for patients with grade 2 scoliosis. This style allows the muscles to strain qualitatively against the background of maximum stretching of the spinal column. It is not recommended to swim in dolphin, crawl or butterfly styles, although in some cases, doctors allow these styles, but with caution. Under the supervision of an instructor, you can practice symmetrical and asymmetrical exercises in the pool, backstroke, somersaults in the water, sliding on the water.
Many people note the positive effect on the spine of swimming with fins. The water should be warm enough - about 23-26 ° C. Before class, be sure to do a warm-up for muscle warm-up.
It is recommended to add water aerobics or aquafitness to regular swimming. [14], [15]
Aqua aerobics for scoliosis of 2 degrees
Water aerobics involves performing physical exercises directly in the water of the pool, using dance elements. Such training significantly improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
In the water, the muscles get more active training due to the water resistance provided. Even habitual exercises are perceived in an unusual way, which has a beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus and improves motor coordination. Exercises are accompanied by buoyancy, which ensures optimal muscle tone.
For patients with grade 2 scoliosis, aqua aerobics gives an additional chance of recovery. However, you cannot choose your own treatment and plan your training: first, the doctor must provide his recommendations. Before starting classes, you should exclude the presence of inflammatory processes in the spine, since they are a contraindication to aqua aerobics.
Running with scoliosis grade 2
Running is not a priority sports activity for patients with scoliosis. However, such activity is not contraindicated in patients with grade 1-2 pathology, although there are still limitations:
- while running, it is important to maintain a stable state of the body, only the lower limbs can move;
- it is important to equally distribute the load between muscle groups;
- running should not be too intense, sharp accelerations and high-interval loads are not allowed;
- preference should be given to non-intense running activity for short distances;
- jumps, including jumping, running with acceleration are prohibited.
Before running training, it is very important to conduct a high-quality warm-up, to prepare the muscles for the upcoming activity.
Stretching for scoliosis grade 2
Stretching includes a number of different exercises that can help improve flexibility and stretch your muscles. Such exercises can alternate or complement any training complex. In general, stretching involves the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, back and neck.
Stretching helps to improve joint mobility, prevents dysfunction of internal organs. Elimination of scoliosis is achieved by alternating tension and relaxation of certain muscle groups.
The main positive effects of such activities:
- muscle tension disappears, nerve blocks are removed;
- relieve pain;
- all muscle groups are stimulated;
- the posture is straightened;
- the work of the cardiovascular system is stimulated.
Classes are supervised by an experienced specialist. The first stretching workouts last no more than 10 seconds.
Stretching is contraindicated if the patient has injuries or muscular-articular pathologies, malignant tumors, osteoporosis, vascular diseases (including thrombosis), hypertension, hernias, infectious pathologies, as well as at elevated body temperature. It is better for women to refrain from exercising during pregnancy and at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
Push-ups for scoliosis grade 2
Push-ups are perhaps the most popular exercise among both teens and adults with a sporty lifestyle. However, is it possible to regularly practice push-ups for grade 2 scoliosis?
In case of curvature of the spinal column, vertical axial loads are contraindicated. Push-ups are not such loads, so they can be included in daily workouts. True, it is better to consult in advance with a specialist - in particular, with an orthopedist or vertebrologist. Doctors will help you to correctly select the entire range of exercises, since push-ups alone will not help correct the spinal curvature.
Sports activities should have the following target focus:
- straightening of scoliotic deformity;
- formation and strengthening of the muscular frame of the back;
- stabilization of the work of internal organs;
- normalization of muscle tone;
- posture correction.
And we should not forget that vertical and compression load on the spine in scoliosis is prohibited.
Orthopedic mattress for scoliosis grade 2
When equipping a bed for an adult suffering from grade 2 scoliosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the rigidity and structure of the mattress, to its filling.
As for the stiffness, it is preferable to stay on the medium-hard option. Excessive hardness is not suitable, since it is undesirable to create a lot of pressure on the deformed vertebrae, because this can aggravate the pain syndrome.
By design, preference should be given to spring models that can more clearly repeat the bends of the body. There should be a lot of springs and they should be located independently of each other.
The filler of the mattress must be soft and elastic at the same time. Coconut coir loses a lot in this regard. Experts recommend paying attention to products made from such materials:
- natural latex (elastic, soft, perforated material that does not squeeze fabrics, is good for air permeability and is not able to accumulate dust);
- memory (delicate and pliable material that easily takes the shape of the body);
- polyurethane foam (a less expensive material that nevertheless fulfills its function in good faith and does not harm the spine).
With scoliosis of the 2nd degree, you should not sleep on folding mattresses, non-orthopedic surfaces, old squeezed products. The sleeping place should be as comfortable as possible so as not to provoke the progression of the disease.
If the mattress is selected for a child with scoliosis, then the parameters here are radically different:
- the mattress must be firm enough;
- from the fillers, it is preferable to choose coconut coir (this option is not suitable for adults), or a spring block in combination with coconut coir.
Koira can be used up to 18 years old. As the patient matures, the mattress should be replaced with an adult version.
Manual therapy for scoliosis of the 2nd degree
Spinal deformity tends to progress, the appearance of pain. And in advanced cases, there are often serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs. Manual therapy in such a situation can be an effective adjunctive treatment.
Therapeutic manual effect consists in the use of various characteristic techniques, deep working out of muscles, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments. The main direction of action is to strengthen the muscular corset, stabilize the muscle tone, and increase the motor ability of the ligamentous apparatus. If done correctly, the procedure does not cause discomfort, activates blood circulation and trophic processes, and has a general healing effect.
In order to increase efficiency, the doctor can consistently apply manual massage, surface reflexology, acupressure and other methods.
Osteopathy for scoliosis grade 2
A full course of osteopathy for grade 2 scoliosis can last from 8 to 16 months. Usually it includes up to eight procedures lasting about 35 minutes, with long time intervals between them, which is necessary to restore the muscles, ligamentous and articular apparatus. By following this treatment regimen, it is often possible to achieve noticeable results, improve posture and get rid of discomfort within a year.
Osteopathic treatments should be directed and painless. A qualified specialist competently distributes the load during the procedure, determines the degree of force applied. With an adequate therapeutic regimen, the sessions are quite comfortable, so they can even be shown to children. The mechanisms of action are selected individually.
Different degrees of curvature of the spine require different methods of treatment, including the possibility of surgical intervention. [16]
The operation for scoliosis of the 2nd degree is not prescribed: the help of the surgeon is required only with the advanced, fourth degree of the disease, when the general condition of the patient suffers, the work of joints and internal organs is disrupted.
Surgical correction of the deformity helps to reduce the degree of curvature, slow down the further progression of pathology, and eliminate pain. [17]
Usually, two options for surgical intervention are practiced:
- corrective spinal surgery using a mechanical stabilization system;
- operation without the use of a mechanical stabilization system.
In the first variant, special cobalt-chromium or titanium implants are inserted into the vertebrae, which make it possible to give the spinal column a physiologically correct axis and bend. Implants are made of special hypoallergenic materials, which prevents the development of postoperative complications.
In the second variant of surgery, the surgeon performs plastic correction of the curved parts of the spine and chest bones. [18]
The need for a particular operation is assessed individually in each case of the disease, since much depends on the degree of deformation, on the general state of health of a person and his age, on the presence of concomitant pathological processes, as well as on many other factors.