Antilepressant (tricyclic antidepressant). It also has some analgesic (central genesis), H2-histamine-blocking and antiserotonin action, contributes to the elimination of urinary incontinence and reduces appetite.
According to the primary request for medical care, up to 80% of patients suffering from depression present complaints of a purely somatic nature, for example, headache, abdominal pain, muscular pains in the back, joints, and neck.
Anatomic operations are represented by decompression, transposition and neurolisis. In the presence of indications they are more often performed at the first stage of surgical treatment and are in many cases pathogenetically directed.
Placebo is a physiologically inert substance used as a medicine, a positive therapeutic effect is due to unconscious psychological expectation of the patient.
In 1998, WHO proposed a so-called anesthesia staircase, demonstrating the principles of escalating analgesic treatment. Proposed originally for the treatment of cancer pain, this scheme has become universal.
From the focus of damage is achieved using local (local) anesthetics, the most popular of which are procaine (novocain), lidocaine. The mechanism of their action is the blockade of the sodium channels of the membrane of the neuron and its processes.
For the treatment of chronic pain syndrome (HBS) of different myologies, combined therapies based on acetaminophen in combination with small narcologically safe doses of weak opioid analgesics such as codeine or tramadol are of particular interest.