

The bone system

Lower nasal concha

Lower nasal concha (concha nasalis inferior) - a pair, thin curved plate, has a body and three processes. The lateral surface of the body with its upper edge is fused with the shell crest of the upper jaw and perpendicular plate of the palatine bone. All the processes of this shell depart from its upper edge.

Palatine bone

The palatine bone (os palatinum) is paired, participates in the formation of the hard palate, the orbit, the pterygoid palatine fossa. In it, two plates are distinguished - horizontal and vertical, joining at almost a right angle, and three processes.

Upper jaw

Upper jaw (maxilla) is a pair of bones. The upper jaw has a body and four processes: frontal, alveolar, palatine and zygomatic.

Temporal bone

The temporal bone (os temporale) is paired, it forms part of the base and lateral wall of the skull between the sphenoid bone in front and the occipital bone behind. It accommodates the organs of hearing and balance. In the temporal bone, a pyramid, a drum and a scaly part are distinguished.

Ethmoid bone

Latticed bone (os ethmoidalis) is part of the facial skull, forming together with other bones the walls of the nasal cavity and orbit. The latticed bone distinguishes horizontally located trellis plate, from which a perpendicular plate departs downwards into the nasal cavity.

Parietal bone

The dark bone (os parietale) is paired, broad, convex outward, forming the upper-lateral divisions of the cranial vault. The dark bone has 4 edges: frontal, occipital, sagittal and scaly.

Sphenoid bone

The occipital bone (os occipitale) is located in the posterior part of the brain area of the skull. In this bone, the basilar part, the two lateral parts and the occipital scales, which surround the large (occipital) foramen (foramen magnum), are distinguished.

Frontal bone

The frontal bone (os frontale) participates in the formation of the anterior part of the roof (roof) of the skull, anterior cranial fossa and orbits. In the frontal bone, frontal scales, ocular and nasal parts are distinguished.

The nasal cavity

The cavity of the nose (cavum nasi) occupies a central position in the facial skull. The bony septum nasi osseum, consisting of a perpendicular plate of the latticed bone and the opener connected at the bottom with the nasal crest, divides the bony cavity of the nose into two halves.


The skull (cranium) is the skeleton of the head. This is the most complex part of the skeleton, which serves as a receptacle for the brain, organs of sight, hearing and balance, olfaction and taste, a support for the initial parts of the digestive and respiratory systems. Human skull form 23 bones (8 paired and 7 unpaired).


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