

Nervous system

Glossopharyngeal nerve

The glossopharyngeal nerve (n. Glossopharyngeus) contains sensory, motor and secretory (parasympathetic) fibers. Sensitive fibers terminate on the nuclei of the single-path nucleus, the motor fibers exit from the double core, the vegetative fibers come from the lower salivary nucleus.

Pradvola-cochlear nerve

The pre-vertebral nerve (n. Vestibulocochlearis) is formed by sensitive nerve fibers from the organs of hearing and balance. On the ventral surface of the brain, the pre-cochlear nerve leaves behind the bridge, laterally from the facial nerve.

Facial nerve

The facial nerve (n. Facialis) combines the facial nerve itself and the intervening nerve. Actually the facial nerve (n. Facialis) is formed by motor nerve fibers.

Abducens nerve

The abducens nerve (n. Abducens) is predominantly motor. The origin of the distal nerve is at the posterior edge of the bridge, between the bridge and the pyramid of the medulla oblongata.

Trigeminal nerve

The trigeminal nerve (n. Trigiinus), being a mixed nerve, innervates the skin of the face, the mucous membrane of the nose and its sinuses, the oral cavity, the front 1/3 of the tongue, teeth, conjunctiva eyes, masticatory muscles, muscles of the oral cavity floor (mandibular, sublingual, chin sublingual, anterior abdomen of the dorsal muscle), a muscle that strains the eardrum, and a muscle that strains the palatal curtain.

Block nerve

The nerve block (n. Trochlearis) motor, thin, leaves the midbrain behind the plate of the quadruple, near the bridle of the upper cerebral sail.

Oculomotor nerve

The oculomotorius nerve (n. Oculomotorius) is mixed, has motor and autonomic nervous fibers, which are the processes of the cells of the corresponding nuclei located in the midbrain.

The optic nerve

The optic nerve (n. Opticus) is a thick nerve trunk, which consists of axons of ganglionic retinal ganglion cells. Axons of ganglionic neurocytes gather together in the blind spot of the retina and form a single bundle - the optic nerve.

Olfactory nerves

Olfactory nerves (nn. Olfactorii) are formed by axons of olfactory (receptor) cells located in the mucosa of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity.

Cranial nerves

Skulls are called nerves coming out of the brain stem or entering into it. A person has 12 pairs of cranial nerves (nervi craniales). They are denoted by Roman numerals in accordance with the order of their location.


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