Allergic tracheobronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Allergic tracheobronchitis is an inflammatory change that occurs in the tracheobronchial tree. In this case, there is increased sensitivity. To arise this pathology is able in view of the infections existing in the body, in particular laryngitis, chronic tracheitis. Inflammation occurs due to bacteria such as staphylococci and pneumococci. A significant role in this play chemical factors, allergens and low immunity.
ICD-10 code
The code for μb 10 is a characteristic of the disease, according to the international classification of diseases. Under the 10th number, the ailments of the respiratory system are hidden. In total there are several basic indicators from J00 to J99.
If the lesion includes itself more than one anatomical area, then it is classified directly by this condition. I mean, tracheobronchitis refers to bronchitis, but under the heading J40. Exceptions are states caused in the perinatal period. So, the classification of the disease is divided into several main blocks.
J00-J06: Determines the presence of acute respiratory inflammation that occurs directly in the respiratory tract. J10-J18: pneumonia and the flu. J20-J22: other colds, originating from the lower respiratory tract. J30-J39: diseases of the upper respiratory tract. J40-J47: diseases that have a chronic course and affect the upper respiratory tract. J60-J70: lung diseases caused by external agents. J80-J84: respiratory diseases, the main lesion is the interstitial tissue. J85-J86: formations that affect the lower parts of the respiratory system. J90-J94: inflammation of the pleura. J95-J99: Other ailments associated with respiratory organs.
Causes of allergic tracheobronchitis
The causes of allergic tracheobronchitis may be concealed in many factors, and the nature of their development is multifaceted. Some people simply suffer from sneezing and runny nose during the flowering period. Other patients suffer from increased tearing of the eyes. Often there is a skin rash. The nature of the development of this phenomenon may be hidden in the use of certain foods or the use of special cosmetics.
Some people are constantly suffering from severe attacks of cough, and this is not accompanied by any ailment. Starting from this, it should be noted that the main cause of the disease is the presence of an allergen. It is he who settles on the mucous membrane of the bronchi and thereby causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.
Among the most common allergens include pollen of plants, animal hair, feathers of birds and even detergents. What is most interesting, the usual dust in the apartment can provoke allergic reactions. Therefore, the issue of constant wet cleaning is relevant.
After some studies, it was revealed that allergic tracheobronchitis is able to develop against the background of taking any medication. In any case, the appearance of the problem should not be compared with the presence of a cold. It is likely that this is a chronic form of bronchitis, but this conclusion was made solely on similar symptoms.
The pathogenesis of allergic tracheobronchitis is truly complicated, because the location of the localization of the main conflict is in the large and medium bronchi. When allergic manifestation of the disease small bronchi remain completely intact. This process completely explains the absence of asthma attacks.
In the presence of an ailment, the mucosa has a pale shade. It is quite inflamed, characterized by a narrowing of the lumen segmental bronchi. If in this process the dominant role is played by bacteria, then a purulent secret is observed. In children, the situation is somewhat different, here there is a prevalence of edema and hypersecretion. This factor significantly complicates the differential diagnosis.
The disease is able to develop in children of any age category. And relapses are possible, the frequency of which reaches 1-2 times per month. Symptomatic manifestations at normal temperature, long-term relapse depends on the immunity of the child. Cough is dry, it can even cause negative emotions or increased physical activity. Changes in the lungs are diffuse. The main feature is the constant change of physical data. And this can happen several times during the day. Chryps are able to disappear, but in time will reappear. The thorax does not increase.
If we consider the question from the child's body, then the ailment adversely affects the nervous system. Kids become irritable, sweat, quickly get tired. When determining the disease, an X-ray photograph shows a significant increase in the transparency of lung tissue.
Allergic tracheitis mainly affects children of preschool age. It provokes an immune conflict. Biological substances are actively released during the process. Repeated coughing attacks are normal. He tortures at night, often accompanied by pain. It is not excluded the redness of the face and attacks of vomiting. Often parents confuse this state with the development of whooping cough. The ailment is characterized by a prolonged course.
Symptoms of allergic tracheobronchitis
Symptoms of allergic tracheobronchitis are comparable with the usual allergic reaction. So, a person constantly coughs, but that the most unpleasant peak of his "activity" is at night. A rise in temperature is not observed, but if it is, it is insignificant. In general, a person feels bad, he has a painful condition. And it can deteriorate at the slightest contact with the allergen.
The first signs are characterized by the presence of a dry cough. Over time, it becomes wet. A person can be short of breath, breathing is difficult. When examining the patient, rales are clearly audible. There is a pronounced inflammatory process. It is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane. Attacks of suffocation are absent.
Against the background of the infection in the body, there may be discharge from the nose. They are provoked by the presence of an allergen. It is not excluded the inflammation of the trachea. The condition significantly worsens with exacerbation. The patient complains of weakness, he often throws into sweat.
Babies suffer from the disease also often. Symptomatics is similar and does not differ from adults in any way. The only thing that can affect the nervous system. This leads to increased irritability and capriciousness.
First signs
The first signs of an allergic tracheobronchitis are the appearance of a cough. He pierces a person throughout the day, but increased "activity" is observed at night. There may be complaints of slight malaise. During the cough, pains occur in the area of the diaphragm.
The temperature does not bother the person. It can manifest itself, but extremely rarely. The increase is insignificant, as a rule, not exceeding 38 degrees. The person is not able to take a deep breath and a full exhalation. Breathing is difficult, panting shortness of breath. Due to the lack of the ability to breathe normally, the lips can take a bluish tinge. Do not exclude increased sweating.
All these signs manifest themselves at first and do not change with time. Exacerbation occurs with direct contact with the allergen. If you have any symptoms, you should contact the hospital. If the voice has become husky - it is possible to develop inflammation of the larynx. In the absence of normal treatment, complications will not keep you waiting.
Allergic tracheobronchitis in children
Allergic tracheobronchitis in a child is quite a development of the disease. It affects the children of school and preschool age. Bacteria are capable of causing problems. Allergy is a complete inconsistency of the organism with the fact that foreign microorganisms of unfavorable action have got into it. The problem can arise on the background of taking medications and contacting with industrial gases.
This ailment is manifested in children, as complications after a cold. It arises because of poor-quality treatment or complete disregard for it. The course of the disease is comparable to laryngitis. The immune system of the baby is not so strong, therefore any load can provoke the development of the disease. To contribute to everything can the wrong diet. For the current generation this is a completely "normal" unfavorable factor.
Identifying the presence of an allergic disease is not always easy. After all, the main symptoms are a runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Often, parents confuse such a manifestation with a common cold and initially begin improper treatment. It is difficult to recognize the disease at an early stage. Therefore, there is a probability of an incorrect diagnosis.
The main symptomatology in children is a strong cough, characteristic of the night time, malaise, rashes, sweating, pain in the chest and blue lips. In the period of exacerbation, the cough is most ferocious. Elimination of the disease is possible after a correct diagnosis.
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Consequences and complications
The consequences of an allergic tracheobronchitis can take a heavy toll. In the absence of quality treatment, serious diseases can not be ruled out. Usually, the problems of the airways flow into a more complicated form. Ordinary allergy flows into bronchitis or pneumonia. These diseases are dangerous for their complications. Especially, pneumonia.
The existing process can be burdened by the involvement of the infection. This condition is characterized by an increase in temperature, and this happens quickly. In the lungs there is a hard breathing, rales are pronounced. A man complains of a general malaise. Symptoms of exacerbation of intoxication are not ruled out. In the lungs, local dulling of the sound is observed.
Constant problems with the respiratory system can lead to tumors, and any character. If the allergen acts on a person for a long time, then the tracheitis may leak into an allergic bronchitis. Difficulty breathing and attacks of suffocation are its main signs.
Complications of allergic tracheobronchitis are a particular danger. Against the background of the presence of a non-cured disease, it is possible to develop pneumonia. And the nature of pneumonia depends on the immune system of the patient. The problem is not rarely accompanied by bronchitis.
In time, the unresolved illness with involvement of the infection is fraught with a pronounced symptomatology. A man is tormented by fever, and its leap can be abrupt. Cough becomes exacerbated, breathing is difficult, but dyspnea is not observed. If it is a question of pneumonia, then the condition of a person as a whole worsens. Actively manifest themselves as a symptom of general intoxication.
The constant presence of infection and changes in the mucous membrane of the trachea can provoke a new growth. And his character can be both benign, and malignant. If allergens actively affect the body, there is bronchial asthma. It's hard for a man to breathe, he suffers from shortness of breath.
Diagnosis of allergic tracheobronchitis
Diagnosis of allergic tracheobronchitis includes a whole range of research measures. First of all, the doctor listens to the patient and acquaints himself with the symptomatology displayed. After that, a general blood test is administered. On it it is necessary to reveal eosinophilia, increased ESR and leukocytosis of moderate degree. Then he starts studying the sputum. Its character is determined, usually it is vitreous. Is diagnosed by the presence of eosinophils.
An important role is played by ordinary listening. Thanks to him, the lungs are listened and the presence / absence of wheezing is diagnosed. They can be diverse. However, one such study is difficult to determine the presence of tracheobronchitis.
Radiographic studies of the lungs are an integral part of the diagnosis. Thanks to them, you can exclude / confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the lungs. Laryngoscopy is also performed. It is often mandatory to visit a pulmonologist and an allergist.
Analyzes for allergic tracheobronchitis are mandatory. Thanks to them you can see the changes in the human body. Basically, a general blood test is done. It allows to determine the presence of eosinophilia. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to diagnose elevated ESR.
A blood test can determine leukocytosis of any degree. Normally, it should be moderate. The doctor who prescribes blood donating is appointed. This is a mandatory procedure. On the basis of the main symptoms and the conduct of an X-ray study, determining the presence of a problem is not so simple. Other confirmations are needed. Therefore, a person also gives a blood test. According to the data obtained, it is possible to follow the main indicators and find out what state they are in. Without these data, the correct diagnosis can not be made. As a rule, blood is surrendered directly to the polyclinic, and the results are known within a day. This is a necessary measure for compiling a complete clinical picture.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnosis of allergic tracheobronchitis includes a number of procedures, without which the formulation of the correct diagnosis is impossible. The first thing a person is referred to as a lung X-ray. This procedure allows you to see deviations in them, inflammatory processes and any other modifications.
Instrumental diagnosis includes laryngotracheal surgery. This technique is based on a complete examination of the airways, using a special laryngoscope device. Not the last role in the study is taken by pharyngoscopy. This procedure involves examining the pharynx and throat with a special mirror.
In many cases, a normal examination of the throat is sufficient. In addition, a sample is taken for an allergic reaction and an auscultation is performed. With the help of tests it is revealed how exactly the allergen causes the reaction. This will protect the patient from direct contact with it. In all the above procedures, the diagnosis is made.
Differential diagnostics
Differential diagnosis of allergic tracheobronchitis also includes a number of special procedures. Initially, a person must pass a clinical blood test. Thanks to it, the definition of eosinophilia is made. The rate of cell production is examined and how the confrontation occurs when foreign microorganisms enter the body.
In addition to the analysis of blood, bacteriological culture of sputum is performed. This procedure allows you to exclude the infectious nature of the development of the disease. As is known, both bacteria and infections can provoke inflammation.
An important procedure is the delivery of an allergological test. It allows you to determine the individual sensitivity to the main allergens. Based on the findings, a diagnosis is made. But, its correct statement is impossible without complex data of instrumental examination of the patient. Therefore, it is not necessary to separate the main diagnostic methods among themselves, they "work" exclusively in the aggregate.
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of allergic tracheobronchitis
Treatment of allergic tracheobronchitis is coordinated with the attending physician. When the maximum tolerated dose of the main allergen is reached, the treatment continues with the use of a maintenance dosage.
Elimination of the disease in children is done with the help of specific hyposensitization. This technique gives a positive result. The existing pathological process is not able to pass into bronchial asthma. Therefore, the procedure completely excludes the possibility of serious complications.
Nonspecific therapy includes a number of basic drugs. Widely used Histaglobulin, Sodium Nucleinate, Pentoxyl. Antihistamines have an anti-allergic effect. Among them are Pipolphen, Dimedrol, Tavegil. Concerning these preparations, a detailed description will be given below.
Physiotherapy plays a significant role. Often used ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to resort to medical gymnastics and general massage. Elimination of the ailment in adults is impossible without a complete cessation of smoking. In some cases, a change of job and even residence is required.
Medicinal treatment
Medicines for allergic tracheobronchitis are prescribed by the attending physician, based on the general condition of the patient. First of all, it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of getting the allergen into the human body. Medications should completely suppress the allergic reaction, and also remove the main symptoms.
Reduce allergies will allow such drugs as Taveig, Suprastin and Diazolin. It is often recommended to apply Suprastin directly. It can be either tablets or injections. The product is prescribed to children and adults. It is recommended to use one tablet 3 times a day. If the administration of the drug is intramuscular, then 1-2 ml is sufficient. Children under the age of 14 years should use half the tablets, 3 times a day. The drug has pronounced side effects. They are included in general weakness and dizziness. The main contraindications include a possible stomach ulcer, prostate adenoma.
Tavegil is widely used in any form. It is often not necessary to take it, because the positive effect persists for 7 hours. One tablet is enough twice a day. Children up to a year of taking it is not recommended. This prohibition applies to pregnant girls and nursing mothers. Side effects include increased fatigue, headache, tinnitus. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Do not take the drug to people with hypersensitivity to its main components.
To eliminate cough, a specialist will definitely write out special medications. Often recommend Broncholitin and Pertusin. These are syrups, which you need to take 2 times a day for a tablespoon. You can resort to the use of tablets. The most recommended are Muciltin and Bromhexine. Take them you need 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
The frequency of coughing attacks will be significantly reduced by Volmax. He will restore the patency of the bronchi and ease the condition of a person. Take it you need 8 mg not more than 2 times a day. A child suffices 4 mg. Like any other medication, this one has side effects. They manifest themselves in the form of headaches, tremor of hands and tachycardia. There are contraindications: pregnancy, lactation and sensitivity to the components of the drug.
If the above medicines do not have the necessary effect, glucocorticoids come to their aid. Among them are Flunisolide, Kutiveyt, Fluticasone. These drugs have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. You can take them even to small children. Dosage is assigned individually.
Singlon for allergic tracheobronchitis
Widely used in allergic tracheobronchitis drug singlon. It can be used by both adults and children. The medication is prescribed for 1 tablet in the evening. This dosage is relevant only for children under the age of 5 years. From 6 to 14 years, appoints 5 mg of medication, also in the evening hours. The drug should be consumed an hour before meals or 2 hours after a meal. Correction of the dose is not required.
The effect of taking the remedy is observed in the first day. Despite this, the use of the drug should continue, even during a period of significant improvement. The dose is adjusted for people with kidney failure.
The drug does not exclude the possibility of developing an overdose. It is characterized by the appearance of disorders from the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. Often, headache, abdominal pain and thirst are manifested. Overdose occurs solely with an unplanned dose increase. Side effects from the digestive tract are also possible. There may be an increase in allergic reactions. Take the drug is not necessary with increased hypersensitivity, pregnancy and during lactation.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment of allergic tracheobronchitis is not excluded, but it is performed only with the permission of the doctor. There are a couple of basic recipes that show the most pronounced effectiveness.
- Recipe 1. It is necessary to take 30 grams of althea roots. The ingredient is filled with cold water, in small quantities. It is sufficient that the roots are completely immersed in the liquid. All this is left alone for a day. During this period, the roots will be able to allocate a special mucus, it is mixed with 100 ml of vodka. The received product is again insisted throughout the day. Take it in a small dosage, until the cough is completely eliminated.
- Recipe 2. Take a liter of can of hay and eat it in a saucepan. The ingredient is filled with water in such quantity that the raw material has been completely closed. The pan is put on the fire and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the product is removed from the fire and infused for 45 minutes. The resulting broth is used for the bath. Take it in a day, and it is at least 15 minutes. In total it is necessary to pass a course in ten baths. In the days of the so-called break, you can use an infusion of violets. To do this, take the main ingredient, pour a glass of boiling water. All this languishes in a water bath and insists. Take the drug you need 3 times a day for half a glass, but before this drain.
Herbal Treatment
Treatment with herbs for allergic tracheobronchitis is possible only in combination with other methods and after the approval of the attending physician. When moistened with an unpleasant cough, it is recommended to use herbs in dried form. So, sage, alder and bark of an oak approach. It is recommended to take the funds in the form of tinctures. To speed up the healing process, it is worth paying attention to the expectorant herbs. It can be a European chop, a medicinal clover and a hyssop. Decoctions are prepared with extreme caution.
Good quality antibacterial properties are enjoyed by thyme and rosemary. A similar effect has a baseball and eucalyptus. Calendula will also suit. If the disease carries a fungal character, then it is worth taking a yarrow.
A universal recipe that helps to speed up the healing process. For preparation, the flowers of elderberry are taken, 5 tablespoons is enough. To this ingredient is added 3 tablespoons of sundew herb and 4 tablespoons of plantain large. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of the collection and pour 600 ml of boiling water. Soap the agent overnight, and in the morning put in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, everything is filtered, squeezed and taken half the glass 4-5 times a day.
Homeopathy with allergic tracheobronchitis is not so widespread. But, nevertheless, the use of this method is effective. Complex medicines that are often used: Aconitum, Apis, Arnica, Belladonna. But this is not all medicines. For understanding, it is worth a bit to characterize these extracts.
- Aconite. It is used for acute inflammatory processes. It perfectly eliminates the first symptoms of the disease and contributes to the rapid relief of a person's condition.
- Apis. Eliminates the inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by severe puffiness. Widely applicable for bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.
- Arnica. Eliminates bleeding of any origin. Fighting flu, acute tonsillitis. Provides rapid relief.
- Belladonna. The main purpose - the fight against inflammatory processes that have arisen in the upper respiratory tract. Dosage is prescribed by a doctor. These are homeopathic remedies, you can not just use them.
Operative treatment
Surgical treatment of allergic tracheobronchitis is not particularly used. Usually the problem is solved by medication. It is enough to correctly diagnose the disease and begin its treatment. For this, when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. The suppression of symptoms at the initial stage does not entail any complications.
Usually a complex treatment of the disease is used. One medication is not always enough. They also resort to therapeutic gymnastics. Operative intervention does not apply only because it is not necessary. Puffiness, therefore, will clearly not be removed.
As a rule, the problem arises because of the negative effect on the body of an allergen. If it is removed, to shield a person from contact with him, then the state will improve by itself. Naturally, without medicines to achieve complete stabilization of the state will be difficult. More detailed information can be provided by the attending physician.
Prevention of allergic tracheobronchitis
Prevention of allergic tracheobronchitis consists in eliminating the main stimuli. If a person has pathology of the respiratory system, they need to be eliminated. In order to exclude contact with the main allergens, it is worth sticking to the basic rules. In an apartment or house, it is necessary to do a wet cleaning. It is produced at least 2 times a week. Every week, bed linen should be changed.
In the room in which a person suffering from allergic tracheobronchitis lives, it is worth removing carpets and upholstered furniture. Simply put, get rid of the items that most accumulate dust on themselves. Eliminate the cost of plants. In the nursery, soft toys are completely removed. In the room can not start up the animals, because they can cause an allergic reaction. Foods that negatively affect the patient's body are completely excluded.
The main method of prevention is the timely elimination of problems with the respiratory system. It is important to observe normal living conditions, constantly clean up, eliminate allergens. What is most important, timely diagnosis of the problem is capable of saving much in the future.
Prognosis of allergic tracheobronchitis
The prognosis of an allergic tracheobronchitis is usually favorable, but it all depends on the condition of the person and the causes of the problem. So, if an allergy occurred against the background of a previous illness, then watching is at the root of the problem. Hence the previous illness was not qualitatively eliminated. In this case, one should continue to struggle with the problem and shield the person from serious complications. All this entails an exceptionally favorable current.
If the problem was not immediately identified and gained "turns", then the forecast may not be comforting. The fact is that allergic tracheobronchitis can occur against a background of serious complications. And he himself can provoke the development of asthma and pneumonia. Therefore, the prognosis depends solely on the condition of a person.
Exactly answer this question can only the attending physician, based on the condition of his patient. It is unequivocal to say that no one else can. Therefore, to pull with treatment is not necessary, then any forecast will be exceptionally favorable.