Chronic tracheobronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Chronic tracheobronchitis often develops in smoking lovers. This condition is characterized by a constant discharge of sputum with a strong cough. Such manifestations occur more often in the morning hours. The general condition is supplemented with shortness of breath, weakness and hoarseness.
To develop the disease can and against the background of certain working conditions. So, most often suffer from miners, because their work is associated with increased dustiness.
There is an ailment in the form of a cough that occurs with attacks. The disease is characterized by changes in the mucous membrane.
ICD-10 code
The code of microbes is a special classification of all existing diseases that are directly related to human health.
The encoding for physicians is of particular importance. Thus, they code the disease, because in all cases a person should know how difficult his position is. Often in the hospital sheet together with the usual record you can see the code.
Standard classification includes 21 class of diseases. All of them are divided into blocks. Infectious pathologies are included in the first class. (A00-B99). In the second group there are neoplasms of various types (C00-D48). The third type is blood diseases (D50-D89), the fourth class is disorders of the endocrine system, digestive problems related to metabolism (E00-E90), the fifth group is disorders of the psyche and behavior (F00-F99) .The sixth type is disorders of the nervous system (G00 The seventh class is the ailments of the organs of vision (H00-H59), the eighth group is hearing disorders (H60-H95) .The ninth type is the circulatory system problems (I00-I99) .The tenth type is pathology related to the respiratory system J00-J99) The eleventh group - problems with the digestive system (K00-K93) .The twelfth class - the ailments to (N00-N99) Fourteenth group - pathology of the genitourinary system (N00-N99) The fifteenth class is the genus period (O00-O99) The sixteenth type is the problems associated with the genitourinary system, (P00-P96) The seventeenth group is congenital malformations (Q00-Q99), the eighteenth type is the deviation from the norm of any type (R00-R99) .The nineteenth class is the injury of various kinds (S00-T98). The twentieth type is the main cause of morbidity and overall mortality (V01-Y98). Twenty-first class - factors that affect the state of human health (Z00-Z99). Chronic tracheobronchitis belongs to the tenth class.
Causes of chronic tracheobronchitis
The causes of chronic tracheobronchitis may be due to many external factors. Influence on the development of the disease can be an incorrect treatment of bronchitis in acute form. Viruses, bacteria and pathogenic fungi are capable of provoking the disease. To be afraid is parasites, helminths.
Physical and chemical factors play a special role. Among them are ordinary hypothermia, as well as irritating smoke and gas. Do not forget about bad habits. Chronic infection, which is present in the nasopharynx, can affect the problem. The pathology of the chest, a sharp decrease in the body's immune functions and congenital pathology are the main factors in the development of pathology. Specific infections are capable of causing the disease. These include syphilis, tuberculosis. Diseases associated with damage to connective tissue.
All these reasons can easily cause chronic tracheobronchitis. But this form of ailment only arises if in the initial stages the disease was not ruled out. Diagnose the chronic type of the disease, if the inflammation manifests itself quite often. The manifestation of pathology depends on the degree of its development.
The pathogenesis of chronic tracheobronchitis is the violation of secretory protection of the bronchi. In addition, they do not fully perform their purificatory and secretory functions. In a healthy person, clearance occurs without interruption. The organism is thoroughly cleared of harmful microorganisms, not allowing them to the trachea. He creates a special layer of mucus, which does not allow further penetration. If we start from the norm, this layer should be updated every 2 hours. The effectiveness of purification depends entirely on some factors. Thus, the rheological properties, as well as the action of the ciliary epithelium, must be fully satisfied.
So, the pathological anatomy of the whole process is not so simple. The disease begins to make its corrections to the cells of the bronchial glands. There is a change in size and volume several times. Goblet cells significantly increase, thereby leading to the appearance of metaplasia. This process is typical for small bronchi. As for the large, there are all sorts of inflammatory changes. Moreover, they can be both superficial and localize in the mucous membrane.
The disease manifests itself in the form of changes in the walls of the bronchi and trachea. There is a significant infiltration of the walls. In some cases, the process is accompanied by signs of sclerosis. As for the morphological changes, they were not fully established. It should be noted that the chronic manifestation of pathology is characterized by the appearance of emphysema. And it carries a pronounced character, and spreads quite quickly.
Symptoms of chronic tracheobronchitis
Symptoms of chronic tracheobronchitis practically do not differ from ordinary catarrhal disease. Man's breathing path is set to get clean air. Naturally, in the conditions of modern life this is impossible. Yes, and in general, sterile air simply does not exist. Therefore, such organs as nose and bronchial mucosa serve for filtration. Unfavorable microorganisms, getting into the bronchi, cause a protective reaction of the body. The person begins to cough intensively, during this process, mucus is produced rapidly.
If the body is infected with infections, the mucous membrane does not have time to recover. Thus, there is no barrier to the penetration of various microorganisms. The chronic form of the disease does not give a quick response, so people constantly feel discomfort. Often, this type of disease is typical for people working in the production with a lot of dust.
A person is constantly coughing up a constant cough, and it intensifies directly in the morning hours. During this process, micturition may be released, this indicates the presence of complications. The temperature values are normal. Relapses in the chronic form of the disease are quite normal. It's enough to freeze cold or get cold, the symptoms will not keep you waiting. Sometimes, when you cough, phlegm has an admixture of blood. This indicates the presence of complications, tuberculosis or lung cancer.
First signs
The first signs of chronic tracheobronchitis are the appearance of a severe oppressive cough. He starts to disturb the person in the morning. This cough is deep and protracted. Sputum is secreted during cough. It is important to pay attention to it. If there are no admixtures of blood, then nothing threatens the life of a person. If you have blood, you should make an appointment with a specialist. Most likely, we are talking about a serious complication.
The chronic course of the pathology begins after the acute form has not been correctly eliminated. Constant relapses indicate that getting rid of the disease is not so simple. She will manifest herself periodically in the form of a strong cough. It appears only after contact with the allergen. At this stage this dust. The mucous membrane of the bronchi can not receive dusty air, so its irritation occurs. As you know, a person should receive exclusively sterile oxygen. It turns out due to cleaning with the help of cilia, located in the nose.
In addition to cough, there may be a slight increase in temperature. This sign is one of the most rare. If a person has a high fever, it is worth asking for help, it is likely that a serious infection has "wound up" in the body.
Consequences and complications
The consequences of chronic tracheobronchitis completely depend on its shape. So, the acute course of the disease in most cases without proper treatment soon becomes chronic. That is why it is necessary to apply for help to specialists in a timely manner. The main consequence is respiratory failure. The body simply can not be provided with the necessary amount of oxygen. It no longer matters which air enters the body, sterile or not. The main problem is that it is simply not enough.
One of the most serious consequences may be the development of pneumonia. Usually, the disease occurs due to a neglected disease and lack of quality treatment. Self-medication and the thought that everything will pass by itself - are not permissible! This will not solve the problem, but significantly exacerbate it. Curing pneumonia after a chronic form of pathology is not so simple. And the likelihood of tuberculosis is high.
Complications of chronic tracheobronchitis are not so common. The main reason for the appearance of serious health problems is the ignoring of timely and quality treatment. A person hopes that everything will pass by himself and does not apply enough effort to eliminate the disease. Meanwhile, in the body the process starts, the infection gets everything you need. Against this background, lung inflammation, tuberculosis and even lung cancer develop.
During a cough, you should pay attention to phlegm. If it has a bloody admixture, then things are bad. It is worth to immediately seek help. Most likely, the process was delayed, and it involved the involvement of new organs and systems. The appearance of blood can indicate the worst course.
Complications will never arise if a person is on time, is treated. The disease does not retreat independently, for this it is necessary to make efforts. Even the most innocuous complication in the form of respiratory failure can seriously damage.
Diagnosis of chronic tracheobronchitis is carried out in several stages. So, the diagnosis is made exclusively by a therapist or pulmonologist. But this is done at least after two years of monitoring the patient. As is known, the chronic form of pathology develops over a given time. After all, there is a risk of confusing the tarheobronchitis with asthma or bronchiectasis.
The first thing the doctor prescribes is an X-ray. According to the received picture it is possible to reveal available pathologies. Without a general blood test, it is not possible to do. In addition, sputum is examined, bacterial culture and sensitivity to antibiotics are taken. The respiratory functions are actively studied, bronchoscopy is performed. When studying the functions of the airway, a person should breathe air into a special device. Its main task is to determine the volume of lungs and other necessary parameters.
Bronchoscopy is an ordinary endoscopic examination. A special tube of small diameter is placed in the respiratory tract for a person in the respiratory tract, at the end of it there is a highlight. This allows you to thoroughly study the bronchi and trachea, thus seeing deviations. Carrying out this procedure is very important. It will make sure you have the disease and prescribe the right treatment.
Laboratory diagnostics
Analyzes in chronic tracheobronchitis play an important role. A person will have to pass a general and biochemical blood test. These procedures will provide a detailed answer. By results of analyzes to manage to trace a level of leucocytes. Usually, with this disease, it exceeds the norm. Particular attention is drawn to the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. The disease is characterized by a sharp acceleration of this process.
In addition to blood testing, special attention is paid to phlegm. A person will have to pass it for analysis. Here you can determine the presence of the pathogen, which provoked the disease itself. Sputum is tested for sensitivity to antibiotics. This will allow you to select a truly qualitative and correct treatment. If there is no sputum, naturally, this analysis is omitted. Other methods of diagnosing the disease, in addition to the hardware there. But, according to one analysis, it is difficult to reveal the true cause of the pathology. The results of a comprehensive survey are needed.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnosis of chronic tracheobronchitis includes several basic techniques. So, it's radiography, bronchoscopy and bronchography.
- Radiography. The procedure is represented by ordinary photographing of internal organs. In this case, the bronchi and trachea are examined. The technique will allow to determine the existing modifications, pathologies.
- Bronchoscopy. The procedure is a study of the trachea and bronchi by introducing a special thin tube with illumination. This will allow you to thoroughly study everything and get the necessary data.
- Bronchography. Allows to investigate the upper respiratory tract, by means of their contrasting. For this, a special substance made on the basis of iodine is introduced into the bronchi. This allows you to get high-quality images.
Widely used computed tomography, spirography. Determine the gas composition of the blood. Examination of the body using an X-ray is meaningless. Often it does not yield any results. Pathologies are not detected. You can see the changes if the person is longer.
Differential diagnostics
Differential diagnosis of chronic tracheobronchitis is the most important stage in the study of the human body. After all, the symptomatology of this disease is not very specific. It is easily confused with a cold or flu. That is why bacteriological sputum examination is extremely important.
During the acute form of pathology, it is important to diagnose it correctly, while not confusing with pneumonia. This period is characterized by an active manifestation of heart failure, thromboembolism.
Diagnosing tracheobronchitis is not so simple, but only in a differential way. After all, the leading place in this state belongs to the broncho-obstructive syndrome. The main differences between these diseases are the special symptoms. Cough for this condition is characterized by its constancy and gain in the morning. Shortness of breath does not appear so often.
Differential analysis is performed exclusively with tuberculosis and lung cancer. The first condition is characterized by severe symptoms of intoxication of the body. A person feels weak, he is pestered by fever. Cough and shortness of breath are not persistent. Cough accompanied by severe pain in cancer. They can also serve as a signal for the presence of purulent inflammation. The person considerably loses weight, feels weakness.
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Treatment of chronic tracheobronchitis
Treatment of chronic tracheobronchitis is done with the help of medications. Drug-based therapy gives good results. However, getting rid of the disease, therefore, is not always possible. To stabilize the condition, antibacterial agents, preparations with an expectorant effect, bronchodilators, antihistamines are actively used. Physiotherapy methods are often performed. An important criterion is the achievement of a normal way of life. Concerning the basic preparations, we apply for treatment, the information will be given below.
It is important to apply all the techniques in the aggregate. Naturally, you do not need to use a lot of medicines at the same time. But, to combine a healthy lifestyle with quality treatment is recommended. You can pay attention to the alternative capable of dealing with the problem. However, they can be used only after the doctor's approval. Any procedures aimed at eliminating the disease should work for the good.
Medicinal treatment
Drugs for chronic tracheobronchitis are various, all depends on the complexity of the course of the disease. Actively use antihistamines, expectorants and much more.
To eliminate the bacteria of their body it is necessary to use special medications. Often appoint funds such as Augmentin, Macroben, Avelox. All of them struggle with manifestations of the main signs of intoxication.
- Augmentin. Dosage is assigned individually. Usually, 30 mg / kg is sufficient. The agent is administered intravenously. It can not be used by people with impaired renal function, liver. Pregnancy, lactation - limit the use of medication. Side effects are possible: nausea, vomiting, increased symptoms.
- Macropean. The remedy is used exclusively by children, for adults it does not fit. Take the drug can be 2 times a day, the dosage depends on the weight. Usually it varies from 3.75 to 22.5 ml. Use the drug is not possible if hypersensitivity to its main components. Side effects are manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting and decreased appetite.
- Avelox. The drug should be used once a day, the maximum dose does not exceed 400 mg. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days. The exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Take the drug can not be pregnant, women during lactation and small children. Do not exclude side effects. They are characterized by disorders from the gastrointestinal tract.
Actively used drugs that have an expectorant effect. Often designate ATSTS, Flavamed.
- ATSTS. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 800 mg. Duration of treatment can be up to 6 months. Take the remedy after eating. The optimal dose is calculated by a specialist. You can not take the remedy for people with ulcers, pulmonary bleeding, impaired liver and kidney function. Possible side effects: tinnitus, nausea, headache, vomiting.
- Flavamed. Children receive a drug in the amount of 15 mg, divided into two doses. For adults, the daily dose is 60-90 mg. This is important for a medicament in the form of a solution. Tablets are taken twice a day for two jokes. Use the product is not possible with intolerance of certain components of the medication, kidney failure, pregnancy. Side effects are possible.
In addition to all the above-described drugs, bronchodilators and inflammatory agents are actively used . For this use Atrovent and Ventolin.
- Atrovent. The drug is used in the form of inhalation. It is enough 2-3 injections up to 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is negotiated individually. The agent can cause a number of side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, cough. You can not use the drug in pregnancy, hereditary intolerance of certain components, cystic fibrosis.
- Ventolin. The drug is used only at the request of a doctor. The permissible dosage is assigned to them. The agent can cause a number of side effects. These are: urticaria, nausea, vomiting, headaches and complete worsening of the condition. You can use the medicine with extreme caution.
In the case of tarehobronchitis, special inhalations are applicable . As a drug used during this process, any medication (naturally, among those allowed) can act. Pay attention to Dioxydin and Lazolvan.
- Dioxydin. Refers to a group of antiseptic agents with a broad antibacterial effect. You can use the medicine during periods of chronic disease. Single dose should not exceed 4 ml.
- Lazolvan. This remedy is a mucolytic. For one inhalation, 3-5 ml of medicament is sufficient. Duration of administration and dosage is coordinated by a specialist.
Alternative treatment of chronic tracheobronchitis
Alternative treatment is acceptable for complex elimination of the disease. There are several good recipes that can suppress the main symptoms of pathology
- Recipe 1. You should take a glass of boiling water and fill it with a tablespoon of linden flowers. All this is wrapped up properly and left alone for an hour. Then the obtained product is filtered. You can take it 2-3 times a day for a whole glass.
- Recipe 2. You need to boil 1.5 liters of raw water. Then 400 grams of bran is added here. The resulting remedy must be cooled down, after - drain. You can use "medicament" together.
- Recipe 3. Two ripe bananas are pushed, then poured with boiled water. One glass of liquid is enough, it is important to sweeten it at the same time. The resulting mixture is heated and used during a coughing.
- Recipe 4. Black radish rubbed finely on a grater and filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is mixed with honey. Means are used before meals for 2 tablespoons.
- Recipe 5. Beet syrup will help get rid of cough. Get it simple. It is enough to wash the vegetable, cut, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven. You can eat food unlimitedly.
Treatment with herbs for chronic tracheobronchitis
Treatment with herbs is quite effective, it is important to choose the right ingredients. Actively struggles with manifestations of tracheobronchitis - yarrow. However, it must be used together with other ingredients. This will achieve the maximum result.
- Recipe 1. You should take a yarrow, a few leaves of mother-and-stepmother, clover and cactus goritsvet. All this is intermixed. Then take just one tablespoon of collection, poured a glass of water. All this is brought to a boil, after - it is infused over 3 hours. You can use the received "medicine" by half a glass up to 3 times a day. It is important to do this before eating.
- Recipe 2. Rye straw has a good effect. It should take 200 grams of this ingredient and soak in 2 liters of water. To achieve maximum effect, you will have to add a teaspoon of tincture of valerian and alcohol. The resulting remedy does not need to be drunk, it is easy enough to inhale it. After that, straw can be applied to the chest for 40 minutes.
- Recipe 3. A mixture of sage with milk generally works wonders. It is enough to take a tablespoon of herbs and mix it with a glass of milk. All this is brought to a boil, then left alone for 40 minutes. The solution is passed through a sieve, boiled again. Use it is before bedtime.
Homeopathy in the elimination of chronic tracheobronchitis is used quite actively. To do this, use special drugs that have anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic effect.
It should be noted at once that the prescription of medicines depends entirely on the clinical picture of the disease. If a person is constantly harassing the pain behind the breastbone, it is worth paying attention to Brionia. With a strong inflammatory process, Belladonna is preferred. With stiff sputum, use Kalium Bichromicum. All these drugs must be in the third and sixth dilutions.
If the disease starts to be actively harassed in wet weather, then Ipecakuan should prefer. Seneg is recommended to the elderly, but only in the third decimal and third dilution. When heavy forms pay attention to Phosphorus. Active action is provided by Arsenicum Album and Arsenicum Iodatum.
The use of all the above drugs alone is impossible. Because there is no universal dosage. Everything is conducted under the supervision of a specialist, proceeding from the constitutional features of the structure of one or another person.
Operative treatment
Surgical treatment of chronic tracheobronchitis is extremely rare. It is usually sufficient to eliminate the disease medically. Often resort to special health procedures, change the way of life, eliminate bad habits. Usually, this is enough to suppress the main symptoms. But, there are cases when the best methods are not able to provide the necessary assistance. Then, surgical intervention comes to the rescue.
Use it very rarely. Mostly with severe complications. By them are meant emphysema. This condition requires immediate lung transplantation. Naturally, the operation itself is complex. And the recovery period after it is long. Therefore, it is desirable not to allow such a development of the situation. You can remove everything at the initial stages. But, many people ignore the existing disease and do not rush to see a doctor. Thus, aggravating their own condition. Surgery is really an extreme measure.
Prophylaxis of chronic tracheobronchitis
Prevention of chronic tracheobronchitis is to observe several basic rules. So, people working in dusty factories should always wear a mask. Smoking lovers will have to give up their addiction. After all, in aggregate, these two negative criteria only accelerate the process of the onset of the disease.
It is desirable to be vaccinated against the flu every year. After all, tracheobronchitis is a consequence of an untreated infection or a cold. It is recommended to take special medications that help strengthen immunity. This is especially important in the period of seasonal exacerbations of the disease.
Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is an important criterion. A person should wash his hands more often, do not visit crowded places when the flu epidemic is raging in the street. It's easy to get sick, but it's not as easy to eliminate a disease as it seems. Everyone can allow the development of a chronic form of pathology, but it is easier to prevent all this.
Prognosis of chronic tracheobronchitis
The prognosis of chronic tracheobronchitis is positive. Naturally, this is possible in the case when a person has started effective treatment on time. This form of the disease occurs due to an untreated ailment that appeared earlier. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the inflammatory processes that precede the appearance of this. This will achieve a positive result. The forecast is favorable.
There are cases when the disease entails a number of complications. This is due to the ignorance of the prescribed treatment. Especially dangerous is the appearance of impurities in the sputum. This should affect the person and make him act. This manifestation is typical for tuberculosis, blood cancer. To delay in any case impossible. This can lead to serious problems. Naturally, the forecast is extremely unfavorable. The result of treatment depends on the person, on how quickly the disease was diagnosed and effective treatment was started. It is difficult to say unequivocally what the forecast will be.