Acute and chronic erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis: antral, fundal, focal
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diseases of the digestive system are one of the most widespread and numerous groups of pathologies that mankind suffers from. Most of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are inflammatory. Take, for example, the same gastritis, which is diagnosed in every 2-nd adult (according to some data this figure is much larger, if you also take into account that not all apply for help to doctors) and 10-15% of children and teenagers. And this is not surprising, because in fact gastritis is a generalized concept that unites pathologies characterized by an inflammatory process in the stomach. Some of the varieties of gastritis for a while have a fairly easy character, but there are those that, according to doctors, refer to severe and even life-threatening pathologies. It is such a hemorrhagic gastritis, which will be discussed in this article.
As already noted, gastritis is considered one of the most "popular" diseases of our time. And if earlier doctors diagnosed mainly mild forms of the disease, in the last decade there has been a significant increase in the incidence of such dangerous pathologies as hemorrhagic gastritis and stomach ulcer. And the incidence of hemorrhagic gastritis has increased almost 10 times, which is a side effect of progress.
Most pathology is diagnosed in those who take NSAIDs and corticosteroids, as well as people suffering from alcoholism. In these populations, hemorrhagic gastritis is found in half the cases.
Hemorrhagic gastritis is equally affected by both women and men. In children, such a pathology is detected only in individual cases.
Causes of the hemorrhagic gastritis
Gastroenterologists consider hemorrhagic gastritis as a polyethological disease, which has not been sufficiently studied. Precisely to determine the cause, which is most likely to be responsible for the appearance of pathological changes in microcirculation in the stomach vessels, scientists have not yet succeeded. Nevertheless, they still identify several risk factors that can trigger the development of pathology.
To such factors with a high percentage of coincidences (the impact of the pathogenic factor - the appearance of symptoms of hemorrhagic gastritis) include the following:
- Negative influence on the stomach of acids and alkalis due to uncontrolled and irresponsible reception of certain groups of medicines without taking into account their side effects. In particular, the long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, the use of corticosteroid hormones and long-term antibiotic therapy.
- Chronic abuse of alcoholic beverages.
- Incorrect approach to nutrition, in particular the use of overly hot dishes, excessive infatuation with salty, smoked, spicy and fried, which irritates the walls of the stomach and negatively affects the state of the vessels in them.
- Consumption of poor-quality products containing heavy metal salts, added there as flavor additives or with other purposes by the producers of these products, which do not consider it necessary to take care of the health of consumers. To such products it is possible to carry all possible seasonings and spices, sharp shop sauces and conservation, smoked products of poor quality.
- Frequent cases of viral diseases that weaken the body.
- The presence of bacterial infection in the body, especially if it is the infamous cause of most of the gastrointestinal diseases of Helicobacter pylori.
In addition, mechanical damage to the stomach, Crohn's disease, characterized by a severe inflammatory process involving the gastrointestinal tract, stressful situations and emotional overstrain, metabolic disorders in the cells of the body, vascular pathologies associated with impaired capillary permeability can lead to the development of the pathological process.
Most often, hemorrhagic gastritis develops on the background of weakened immunity, which is unable to respond to the negative impact of pathogenic factors.
So, hemorrhagic gastritis is one of the most severe types of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is characterized not only by the inflammation of the walls of the stomach, but also by the appearance on them of bleeding erosions and small ulceration. This it resembles the erosive form of gastritis, which is why the hemorrhagic gastritis is often called erosive or erosive hemorrhagic.
In fact, these are two completely different diseases with slightly similar symptoms, but with different mechanisms of development. So, with erosive gastritis, inflammation of the mucosa precedes the appearance of erosions on it, which can be provoked by rough food, anti-inflammatory drugs, irritating action of alcoholic beverages, bacterial factor.
The pathogenesis of hemorrhagic gastritis seems to go along the way back. First, flat ulcers and superficial erosions appear on the mucosa, resulting from microcirculatory vascular disturbances in the subcutaneous (more precisely, submucosal) layer, and then inflammation symptoms appear that are associated with both mucosal damage and exposure to the bacterial factor and the vascular disorders themselves.
Hemorrhagic gastritis, therefore, was called, that it is typical for him to appear on the mucous membrane of the stomach of small bleeding foci and inflamed areas around them. As a result of microcirculatory disorders in small vessels of the stomach, they can form clots, which makes the pathology even more dangerous.
In other words, pathology manifests itself from within, while the factors that cause it can be internal and external.
The main role in the development of hemorrhagic gastritis is attributed to the violation of vascular permeability and blood circulation in them. Important in this regard is the violation of metabolic processes in cells, leading to the development of degenerative processes in them. The reason for such changes is considered to be a prolonged or permanent effect on the stomach tissue and the body as a whole of negative factors, which will be discussed below.
Symptoms of the hemorrhagic gastritis
The disease often begins with the appearance of symptoms similar to indigestion. In other words, the first signs of hemorrhagic gastritis are characteristic for the majority of gastrointestinal pathologies.
Patients often complain about:
- unpleasant sensations in the stomach,
- blunt pain, localized in the epigastric region, which become stronger after eating or if you press a little on the stomach.
- Symptoms of dyspepsia: a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and its swelling due to increased gas formation, nausea, sometimes accompanied by a belch with a sour taste and vomiting,
- the appearance of a taste of metal in the mouth.
It is not uncommon for cases when hemorrhagic gastritis started immediately with gastric bleeding. Then patients note the presence of traces of blood in vomit masses and feces, which acquire a black tint.
Many patients notice a marked decrease in appetite, the appearance of whitish plaque in the tongue, stools (alternating cases of diarrhea and constipation), vomiting with elements of undigested food, weakness and dizziness due to blood loss.
With the development of the disease, symptoms are more like manifestations of gastric bleeding. Vomit weight changes color to black, something resembling coffee grounds, the stool becomes liquid and tarry. The skin is palely paler, sometimes there are cases of loss of consciousness against a background of severe bleeding.
When examining the patient, the physician draws attention to the unnaturally pale color of the skin and mucous membranes, rapid pulse and comparatively low blood pressure. If the inflammatory process is acute, palpation will feel the tension of the abdominal muscles, associated with a palpable pain.
In the chronic course of the pathology, patients' complaints are reduced to headaches, general weakness and excessive fatigue, dizziness. There are some symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, such as pale shade and noticeable dryness of the skin, fragility of the nails and lack of habitual healthy shine.
Hemorrhagic gastritis is classified according to three parameters: the nature of the course, the root cause of the pathology and localization of the affected area.
Based on the underlying cause of the disease, hemorrhagic gastritis of two types is distinguished:
- primary if the pathology is diagnosed in an initially healthy person and its cause is one or more external pathogenic factors,
- secondary, if the gastritis develops against the background of already existing gastrointestinal diseases, and the stomach in particular.
It is the primary cause of the disease caused by some differences in the complaints of patients, because in the second case there are layers of symptoms of other diseases, which makes diagnosis a little more difficult. But the symptomatology may vary slightly depending on the stage of development of the pathological process.
By the nature of the course of the disease, you can also identify 2 types of pathology, which would be justly called the forms of hemorrhagic gastritis:
- acute form of the disease,
- its chronic form.
For the acute course of the disease, the focal location of erosion is characteristic, which makes it possible to cope with the disease in a short time (up to 10 days). The chronic form of pathology, as usual, is much more difficult to treat, and the danger of internal bleeding persists for many years.
Acute hemorrhagic gastritis
Most often, the acute course of the disease is observed at the beginning of its development. But there are cases that recurrences with a chronic form of pathology begin with acute attacks.
Acute gastritis is characterized by a high degree of symptoms of the inflammatory process. The most common causes of pathology are:
- poor-quality and frankly harmful food,
- a burn of the gastric mucosa when chemicals, poisons, heavy metal salts enter it,
- intoxication of the body due to previous illnesses,
- blunt mechanical injury of the abdomen,
- damage to the gastric mucosa due to unskilled diagnostic tests,
The development of pathology in this case is not associated with a violation of the secretion of gastric juice or an increased content of hydrochloric acid in it.
Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis
This form of the disease is characterized by some blurred symptoms. It is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations. For some time after treatment, the disease may not manifest itself at all, but under the influence of irritating factors it can break out again, sometimes even in an acute form.
Based on the location of foci of inflammation in the stomach, the following types of disease:
- Hemorrhagic antral gastritis. Such a diagnosis suggests that the place of localization of vascular changes on the stomach mucosa was its initial department - antrum. This is one of the most common types of disease.
Pathology can occur in both acute and chronic forms.
The acute form is characterized by rapid development of the disease and the presence of blood in the vomit and feces.
In chronic form, symptoms characteristic of any kind of gastritis can be observed: stomach pain, especially after eating, nausea / vomiting, deterioration of appetite, change in taste, the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue, frequent attacks of weakness and dizziness.
- Proximal hemorrhagic gastritis. This form of pathology can be attributed both to gastritis and to a variety of bulbits (inflammation of the initial part of the duodenum, which is directly attached to the stomach) with symptomatology characteristic of both pathologies.
In addition, this pathology can cause a violation of intestinal motility and stagnant processes in it.
- Haemorrhagic focal gastritis. The very name of the pathology suggests that vascular disorders in the submucosal layer of the stomach, which later appear in the form of erosions and thrombi, do not cover the entire internal surface of the organ, but represent lesions of different sizes. The localization of such foci may also be different.
Most often the disease proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by frequent headaches, attacks of stomach pain, various dyspeptic phenomena, weight loss.
In the chronic form of gastritis, there may be other unpleasant symptoms associated with digestion disorders. Among them, one can distinguish episodes of numbness of the hands or feet, deterioration of the hair, nails and teeth, noticeable pallor of the skin.
As a separate type of pathology, hemorrhagic reflux gastritis can be distinguished , in which the appearance of edema and erosion on the mucosa is associated with casting the contents of the duodenum back into the stomach.
As for the stage of the development of the disease, here it is possible to consider the superficial and erosive form of the pathology.
Surface hemorrhagic gastritis is diagnosed by doctors when gastric mucosa already exhibits vascular changes in the form of small hemorrhages, but a strong inflammatory process and sufficiently deep bleeding erosions affecting large blood vessels have not yet been observed. To call this form of gastritis mild is to slander against the truth, because any negative impact on the lesions can cause the transition of the disease to a more severe stage. And then we will talk about erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis with erosive-ulcerative lesions peculiar to it, mucous, inflammation and discharge of blood into the cavity of the stomach.
The probability of bleeding in this case depends on the location of large erosion (or several smaller sizes of fairly deep foci). If the mucosal lesions are located on the front or back wall of the stomach, as well as on its bottom, the risk of bleeding remains small.
Complications and consequences
Hemorrhagic gastritis, like other forms and types of gastritis, can not help but reflect on the general well-being and health of the patient, especially if left untreated. Beginning with a superficial form under the influence of various stimuli, hemorrhagic gastritis takes on more and more severe forms.
The danger is already present in the fact that acute gastritis, if the treatment is insufficient or if there is no such treatment, threatens with the transition to a chronic form, which, as we know, is much more difficult to treat and constantly threatens to remind us of again painful and rather dangerous relapses.
The dangerous consequences of the development of the disease is considered to be its development into a stomach ulcer or into stomach cancer. Especially near hemorrhagic gastritis to the stomach ulcer, because erosion over time can increase in size and increasingly go into the depths, affecting not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscle tissue of the main digestive organ. Proximal hemorrhagic gastritis with a high probability can grow into a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
With regard to the complications of the disease, most often hemorrhagic gastritis, especially its acute form, is accompanied by symptoms of anemia. This is due to loss of blood, when erosion begins to bleed.
And yet the greatest danger to life is not so much anemia itself, as strong gastric bleeding with erosive hemorrhagic gastritis, if large blood vessels are involved in the process.
Diagnostics of the hemorrhagic gastritis
As you can see, hemorrhagic gastritis is not a harmless stomach disease, in which it is especially important to recognize the disease in time and start its effective treatment, avoiding deplorable consequences.
The plan of diagnostic measures depends on the patient's condition. If possible, the diagnosis of hemorrhagic gastritis begins with external examination and study of the symptoms of the disease from the words of the patient. At the same time pay attention to the localization of pain, the time of their appearance and dependence on food intake, the color and composition of vomit, the color of stool (subjective evaluation of the patient).
With an external examination, one can note the pallor and dryness of the skin, the presence of a plaque on the tongue. Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure may indicate tachycardia and low blood pressure as a sign of bleeding.
Mandatory palpation (palpation) of the abdomen. With hemorrhagic gastritis, this procedure is overwhelmingly painful.
Among the laboratory tests, the following tests are mandatory:
- general blood analysis,
- blood chemistry,
- general urine analysis,
- analysis of feces for blood.
The main method of instrumental diagnostics for hemorrhagic gastritis is rightly considered to be esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which makes it possible to visually assess the state of the gastric mucosa, see the pathological changes occurring in it, the location of the lesions, their number and dimensions, and the source of bleeding.
During this procedure, the material is taken together (a small portion of the mucosa) for microscopic examination to identify mutated cells. A sighting biopsy in this case is considered expedient, since there remains a small probability of the disease transition to oncology.
To detect a bacterial infection in the body (the notorious Helicobacter Pylori), a respiratory urease test and a PCR-dagnostic test are performed. And the results of pH-metry provide enough information about the acidity of the stomach.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is performed with such pathologies as erosive gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, stomach cancer.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the hemorrhagic gastritis
To begin treatment of a patient with hemorrhagic gastritis, a doctor can only after making an accurate diagnosis and excluding malignant changes in the cells of the stomach. Based on the patient's condition, the question of placing him in a hospital or appointing an appropriate outpatient treatment is decided. The presence of signs of gastrointestinal bleeding is the unconditional reason for hospitalization of the patient.
Begin treatment with diet therapy and prescription of drugs that solve the problem in several ways:
- Control of gastric juice production.
- antisecretory drugs:
- blockers of H2-histamine receptors ("Famotidine", "Ranitidine")
- proton pump inhibitors ("Omez", "Omeprazole")
- antacids (Maalox, Almagel).
- antisecretory drugs:
- Protection of the gastric mucosa from the influence of aggressive factors - enveloping agents, preparations with astringent effect ("De-nol", "Flokarbin")
- Stop and prevent bleeding (haemostatic therapy). Treatment is carried out by intravenous drip of aminocaproic acid together with epinephrine plus iv or IM injecting drugs "Vikasol", "Dicinon", "Etamsilat".
In cases of severe bleeding and severe symptoms of anemia (hemorrhagic shock), blood transfusion or infusion of blood-substituting formulations with anti-shock effect may be required.
After stopping bleeding, it is customary to prescribe iron preparations.
- Normalization of digestion with the help of enzyme preparations ("Festal", "Creon", "Pancreatin").
- Fighting bacterial infection (if Helicobacter Pylori was detected in a diagnostic study) with antibiotics given on a special two- or three-component scheme.
- Restorative therapy:
- the intake of vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes to fill the deficiency of nutrients in the body, formed due to digestion and loss of blood.
- strengthening of blood vessels (preparations "Detraleks," Venarus ")
- healing of erosion and regeneration of tissues with the help of vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, rosehip).
To surgical treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis doctors resort extremely rarely, as surgical intervention very often resulted in death of the patient. And they did not guarantee complete cure. According to medical statistics, about 25-30 percent of patients who successfully underwent surgery were faced with the fact that after a while the disease gave relapses in the form of bleeding.
The best results are nevertheless endoscopic treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis, which includes:
- rubbing the affected area with a mixture of alcohol and adrenaline,
- treatment of the affected area with blood-resurfacing solutions,
- electrocoagulation of the source of bleeding,
- hemostasis of long-term action (barium-thrombin composition is used).
Physiotherapeutic treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis is carried out mainly with chronic course during remission. Effective methods of physiotherapy include sanatorium treatment with the intake of mineral water directly at the source, mud treatment, galvanization, ultrasound.
Popular drugs for the treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis
Since gastritis is considered one of the most common diagnoses, the pharmaceutical industry is concerned about releasing ever new and effective drugs that can have a positive effect on both the gastric mucosa and the whole digestive process. Nevertheless, practicing physicians are not all inclined to experiment, so in the treatment of gastritis, including hemorrhagic, equally new drugs and already time-tested drugs remain in demand.
For example, the old and kind "Famotidine", which is used to treat erosive and ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions, including reflux disease. It helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach and prevents relapses of gastrointestinal bleeding.
The drug belongs to the group of histamine H 2 -receptor blockers . Usually it is prescribed to take 1 or 2 times a day for 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months, with reflux disease the therapeutic course can be increased to 12 weeks.
The drug is fairly well perceived by all groups of patients. Contraindications to its use can serve only the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, younger children (from 0 to 3 years), hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Taking the drug may be accompanied by the following side effects: nausea and vomiting, a feeling of drying of the oral mucosa, abdominal pain, stool disorders, headaches, sleep disorders, depressive state, drowsiness, arrhythmia and pressure decrease, allergic reactions, etc.
"Creon" is a newer drug with an enzyme composition close to that produced by the human body. It is used to improve digestion and facilitate the work of the stomach in any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
Method of application and dosage. The preparation in the form of capsules is taken during each main meal, with a sufficient amount of water.
Dosage is appointed by the attending physician depending on the individual needs of the organism for a certain degree of severity of the pathology. Usually single dose ranges from 20 thousand to 80 thousand units. And depends on the quality of the food. If the food does not contain heavy components for digestion, it is sufficient to take half the prescribed dose.
The drug has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to its constituents, but not rid of some side effects. Most often it is abdominal pain, dyspeptic phenomena, less often - allergic reactions.
"De-nol" - an innovative drug, the effect of which is incredibly significant in hemorrhagic gastritis, accompanied by erosive lesions of the mucosa. After all, this drug is just designed to protect the damaged gastric mucosa from additional irritation. It is also considered effective in combating bacterial infection.
The drug is used in the phase of exacerbation to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. The daily dosage of the drug is 4 tablets, which are divided into 2 or 4 doses. Take the drug for half an hour before meals or at night. For children, the daily dose, depending on the weight, is 1-2 tablets.
The therapeutic course can range from 4 to 8 weeks.
Do not use this drug during pregnancy and lactation, with kidney failure in the stage of decomposition, hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as in pediatrics for the treatment of children younger than 4 years.
"Detralex" is a drug designed to strengthen blood vessels, because with hemorrhagic gastritis it is primarily about circulatory disturbances in small vessels of the stomach, which subsequently flow into bleeding erosions due to rupture of these very vessels.
The drug is effective as a component of restorative and strengthening therapy. Take it 1 or 2 times a day. The recommended daily dose is 2 tablets.
With ruptures of small stomach vessels and bleeding ulcers, the dose can be increased to 6 tablets per day (in 2 divided doses). After 3 days, the dosage is reduced to 4 tablets per day with the same frequency of administration. After 3 more days, they return to the maintenance dose.
The course of treatment with the drug is long (up to 1 year) with possible repetitions as prescribed by the doctor.
Contraindications to taking the drug are hypersensitivity to it and breastfeeding. Side effects are not so many, and mostly they concern the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea and various dyspeptic phenomena. Less often there are pain in the abdomen and head, dizziness, skin rashes.
Diet with hemorrhagic gastritis
That's what for any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract should pay special attention, so this diet. If you do not order food intake and do not control its quality and quantity, you can nullify even the most effective treatment.
Hemorrhagic gastritis, as one of the hardest pathologies, requires an integrated approach to treatment, in which the predominant place is taken by medication and diet. And to develop a diet for hemorrhagic gastritis with the danger of gastric bleeding specialists came very carefully.
The requirement of fractional nutrition (small portions 5-6 times a day), known to many who have gastrointestinal pathologies, remains as relevant for hemorrhagic gastritis. But the food should be easily digestible and not irritate the stomach mucosa.
Vegetables can only be eaten in cooked or baked form, with the exception of cabbage, which in hemorrhagic gastritis can not be used in any form. From legumes (beans, beans, peas), fatty varieties of meat and fish, spicy spices will have to be abandoned altogether. Under the ban are also coffee and chocolate products, carbonated drinks (you can mineral water without gas), grapes (because of possible fermentation in the stomach). And, of course, you can not eat smoked food, sharp, fatty or fried dishes, preserving.
Bread can only be eaten yesterday (it's better from bran), it's necessary to forget about fresh baking and cakes with butter cream. However, as well as about fresh milk, which contributes to increase the acidity of the stomach, cheese or fatty sour cream.
But low-fat sour-milk products, jelly, non-acid compotes, low-fat broth in the ration of the patient should be necessary. Dishes on the table should be as liquid as possible or in the form of mashed potatoes. Meat and fish are better for boiling or steaming.
Kashi can be consumed all but the pearl barley, which increases acidity. Especially useful are viscous porridges, easily assimilated and protecting the gastric mucosa from damage. But alcohol with its aggressive effect on the stomach with hemorrhagic gastritis, on the contrary, contributes to the deterioration of the situation.
And most importantly, food and drinks should be warm, but not hot, capable of provoking capillary ruptures and bleeding. It does not contribute to the normalization of digestion and the use of cold food.
Consider an exemplary menu for hemorrhagic gastritis :
1 Breakfast :
- Manna porridge (oatmeal with honey, casserole from cottage cheese with berries, pudding from cereals, lazy varenichki, etc.)
- Egg boiled soft (steam omelet, colostrum)
- Green tea with breadcrumbs or drying (herbal tea, cereal drinks)
2 Breakfast :
- Mashed potatoes (rice or buckwheat porridge, braised cabbage)
- Steam cutlet from chicken meat (meatballs from low-fat steamed meat)
- Non-acidic berry jelly
- Vegetable soup, cooked on broth from beef meat (beetroot, rice or tomato soup)
- Low-fat steam fish (steam meatballs, boiled lean meat, vegetable casserole)
- Broth of wild rose (herbal or green tea, non-acidic fruit compote
- Apple (fruit souffle, pear, banana)
- Kissel (not strong tea, herbal decoction)
Dinner :
- Cottage cheese (1 packet) with sour cream or honey (casserole from meat and vegetables, fish pudding, buckwheat porridge, etc.)
- Fruit and berry jelly (soufflé from berries, jelly)
- Non-acid compote or herbal decoction
2 Dinner:
- Baked apple or a glass of yogurt (fermented baked milk, yoghurt).
As you can see, with all the restrictions, the choice of foods and dishes for the patient's diet with hemorrhagic gastritis is large enough to ensure that the food remains full and varied.
Alternative treatment
There are not so many diseases, in the treatment of which non-traditional medicine has not yet made its feasible contribution. So in the case of hemorrhagic gastritis. Alternative treatment significantly alleviates the condition of patients and contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.
For the treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis, oils from medicinal plants are used (raw materials are fruits of sea buckthorn or dog rose), as well as carotene oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Take the oil you need 1 hour before meals 3 times a day for a month.
To normalize the acidity, as usual, you can use potato juice, which is drunk on an empty stomach for 1 glass. After 10 days of treatment, take a break for 2 weeks.
It is impossible not to note the benefit of wheat germ. It must be grinded and taken in raw or cooked form for 1 tbsp. Three times a day.
And, of course, do not forget about the products of beekeeping. Propolis in the form of tincture (an hour before meals three times a day in the amount of 20 drops) or just a small piece (chew for a month for a long time) will help effectively remove inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms of gastritis.
It is practiced with hemorrhagic gastritis and herbal treatment. Aloe vera juice, lettuce infusion, chamomile, sage, yarrow, thyme will be useful.
When there is an inflammatory process in the stomach and the mucous membrane is covered with painful erosions, it is natural to keep it from the additional irritation that occurs when the synthetic preparations are taken orally. Homeopathy is a section of nontraditional medicine, whose drugs have a more gentle effect on the body, although they are rarely inferior to medications with the same effect.
This is the reason for the great popularity of the treatment of gastritis, including hemorrhagic, homeopathic remedies, the only drawback of which is the long duration of treatment.
It is clear that if the symptoms indicate an acute gastritis, accompanied by gastric bleeding, then you need to go to the hospital, and not to register for an appointment with a homeopath. But if the acute attack was stopped, then to continue treatment and prevent relapses of the disease it is appropriate to use homeopathic drugs.
So, potassium bromicum in 3 and 6 dilutions is shown in the erosive-inflammatory process in the stomach, which is accompanied by abundant mucus secretion and vomiting with an admixture of blood.
With a superficial hemorrhagic gastritis with bloody vomiting, Ipukuan is taken in a 3-dilution procedure that relieves the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
An effective gastric antiseptic is also considered Arsenicum Albumum in 3 or 6 dilutions. It helps to quickly remove inflammation and severe pain in hemorrhagic gastritis.
With reflux gastritis, a homeopathic doctor can prescribe Colchicum in 3 dilutions. A Bismuth in 2 dilutions is shown in any variety of gastritis, accompanied by inflammation and severe pain, regardless of their cause.
More information of the treatment
The best way to protect yourself from the dangerous consequences of the disease, of course, is its prevention. At the forefront, as usual, is a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet that covers the body's need for vitamins, minerals, useful amino acids, etc. Do not forget about the rejection of bad habits, such as craving for alcohol and smoking, which often provoke gastrointestinal pathologies.
Prevent the development of the disease, identifying it at an early stage, will help preventive physical examinations and visits to the doctor when the first signs of hemorrhagic gastritis or other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Up to a certain point, our health is only in our hands, and whether such unpleasant pathology as hemorrhagic gastritis will make itself felt depends only on us.
If we talk about hemorrhagic gastritis, then this is a pathology with a controversial prognosis. If you follow a diet and take medically prescribed medications, the patient's life will not be threatened. Another thing is that this insidious pathology is more inclined to relapse than others, which can not be prevented even surgically.
The prognosis of surgical treatment, despite all the efforts of doctors, remains unfavorable in many cases because of the high risk of bleeding, both during the procedure and after it. Therefore, without having tried other methods of treatment, it is still not necessary to agree to an operation.