Dry barking cough
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dry barking cough is similar in its sound to canine or seal barking. It has a paroxysmal character, accompanied by painful sensations.
Also, such a cough is completely useless from the point of view of physiology - it does not perform any protective functions, and also does not excrete mucus from the throat.
Causes of the dry barking cough
Most often, the causes of dry barking cough are ARD with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Also, in some cases, it may occur as a result of an allergic reaction.
When in addition to coughing, the patient has a fever, a runny nose has started, and the throat also hurts - probably the cause of the viral disease. And if all of the above manifestations are absent and the general well-being of a person is good with signs of skin rash and itching - barking cough, most likely, arose because of allergies.
There are several diseases that are the cause of the appearance of dry barking cough. Among them are:
- Acute pharyngitis and laryngitis, as well as laryngotracheitis;
- Paracottus, and also whooping cough;
- Viral croup resulting from complication of ARI;
- Benign or malignant tumors of the larynx;
- Diphtheria;
- Allergic laryngitis;
- The foreign object entering the respiratory tract.
Symptoms of the dry barking cough
The main, first, sign on which the cough is referred to dry barking is its sound - as it is clear from the name itself, it is somewhat like barking.
Such a sound is explained by the fact that the larynx is swelling at this time, which also changes the sound of the patient's voice - in it there is a hoarseness. It is not possible to cough up phlegm, because of what the patient feels exhausted and depressed, feels weak and starts to refuse everything. Among other symptoms of dry barking cough:
- The state of general weakness and fatigue.
- Difficulty with breathing.
- Sore throat and head.
- Coryza.
- Lymph nodes increase.
- Nausea with vomiting.
- Hoarse voice.
- Inflammation of the larynx and swelling.
Dry barking cough in the child
Usually from a dry barking cough suffer children under the age of 5, because the larynx is much narrower than in older children. As a result of the viral infection, there is a strong edema of the mucous membrane - puffiness almost completely closes the laryngeal lumen, because of which the air can not penetrate into the lungs, which leads to the development of asthma attacks.
Attacks of dry barking cough in children often begin unexpectedly, in a dream. Usually they do not have any precursors, often their appearance becomes the first sign that the baby is ill with laryngitis.
Dry barking cough in an adult
Dry barking cough in adults usually indicates the development of laryngotracheitis or acute laryngitis. With laryngotracheitis, inflammation of the larynx usually occurs, further spreading to the trachea - because of this during the inhalation of the trachea narrows, provoking the appearance of dry barking cough. At the same time, the temperature usually remains within the normal range.
Barking dry cough without fever
If you have a dry barking cough without fever, most likely, it was caused by an allergic reaction. Pathogens can be various factors - such as food, plants, pets, smells, as well as household chemicals.
In addition, allergy-induced dry cough has the following symptoms:
- Absence of a common cold;
- Cough appears or becomes stronger if the person is next to the allergen;
- Cough may periodically disappear / resume, or be seasonal - it depends on the cause of the allergy.
Because of the dry air in the apartment in winter, irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat can sometimes develop, which can also cause coughing.
It should be understood that over time, the allergy can develop into chronic bronchitis or another disease, so you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible and begin treatment.
Dry barking cough with fever
If a child has a dry barking cough accompanied by a high fever, this can be a health hazard, especially in young children, because they have a weak respiratory musculature. Sometimes such a cough leads to vomiting and nausea, because of it the patient may even suffocate - the stop of breathing due to a cough happens in children who suffer from whooping cough.
Complications and consequences
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, because of which dry barking cough begins, can often lead to serious complications. The swollen and inflamed larynx can close the respiratory tract, so the child may have a fatal asthma attack.
Among other complications of this type of cough are the following disorders:
- Development of respiratory failure.
- The appearance of asthma.
- Asphyxia.
Diagnostics of the dry barking cough
The doctor can immediately diagnose a dry barking cough - you just need to hear the sound of a cough. More difficult is to diagnose the cause of this symptom. For this, the specialist needs to examine the patient, perform palpation of the lymph nodes and neck, and also measure the temperature.
In the process of diagnosis, laboratory tests can also be carried out: the patient is taken a blood test (serological diagnosis for antibodies of viral infections) and urine, and also conducts stool examination.
Instrumental diagnostics
The doctor can also prescribe and instrumental diagnostics - these can be the following procedures:
- Tuberculin diagnostics.
- Auscultation of the lungs (examination of respiratory functions).
- X-ray of the lungs.
- Computed tomography of the thorax.
- Scintigraphy.
- Bronchography.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the dry barking cough
Dry barking cough is treated, based on the results of the examination - not the symptom itself is treated, but the illness that triggered its appearance.
For the treatment of severe dry barking cough, opioid medicines containing codeine and dextromethorphan may be prescribed to influence the cough centers in the central nervous system. In addition, antihistamines and drugs containing glaucin are prescribed - this is necessary to suppress night cough.
In addition to medicines, aromatherapy, inhalations, mustard plasters, as well as foot baths are used in the treatment process; The patient must often drink liquid (warm).
How to relieve dry barking cough in a child?
When the child does not have any signs of illness, other than dry barking cough, he can be helped at home. Coughing attacks are facilitated by fairly simple procedures:
- Inhalation with steam, as steam can alleviate the respiratory process and soften the cough (for this you can use a pot of boiling water);
- The patient needs to drink plenty of warm water;
- Provide him peace and rest, since coughing can intensify under the influence of excitement;
- Use humidifiers in the room where the patient is;
- Reception of antitussive expectorants (such as Lazolvan, Gedelix, Doctor MOM, Ambrobene, Prospan, etc.);
- Perform massage with a gentle tap on the back, the so-called drainage massage (to help sputum), put mustard.
Syrup Gedelix should be taken at 5 ml (0,5 measuring cup or 1 tsp); To small children half of this dose is put, to which it is necessary to add a little fruit juice or tea. The course of treatment is at least 1 week, and it is also recommended to extend it for 2-3 days after the symptoms disappear.
Among the side effects of the drug: rarely allergic reactions (edema, itching, redness of the skin, dyspnea), with increased sensitivity - gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting and nausea) are rare. Gedelix is contraindicated if there is a high sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Lazolvan Syrup is taken in the following dosages: adults - 10 ml first 2-3 days, and then 5 ml three times a day (or 10 ml twice a day). Children aged 5-12 years - 15 mg 2-3 per day; at the age of 2-5 years - 7.5 mg three times a day; children up to 2 years - 7.5 mg twice a day.
Side effects - there may be some disorders of the digestive tract (dyspepsia or heartburn, occasionally - vomiting and nausea), as well as an allergy-rash on the skin. Among the contraindications - increased individual sensitivity to the substance ambroksol and other components of the drug.
Syrup Ambrobe is drunk after eating in the following dosages: children under 2 years old - 0.5 measuring cup (2.5 ml) twice a day; age within 2-6 years - the same dose, but three times a day; 6-12 years - 1 full measuring stack. (5 ml) 2-3 times / day. Children over the age of 12 years and adults - the initial 2-3 days. 2 full measuring stacks. (10 ml) three times a day.
Side effects: among the general, allergic reactions can occur (for example, a rash on the skin, itching, dyspnea, urticaria), as well as headaches, a state of weakness, the onset of fever. Possible anaphylactic shock. Gastrointestinal organs: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Sometimes dry mouth, rhinorrhea, exanthema, and dysuria appear. The drug is contraindicated if there is a high sensitivity to the substance ambroxol or to any of the auxiliary components. Admission is prohibited with fructose intolerance, scarcity of sugar content, and glucose-galactose malabsorption.
Doctor MOM is assigned to children 3-5 years - 0.5 tsp. (2.5 ml) three times a day; children 6-14 years - 0.5-1 tsp. (2.5-5 ml) three times a day; children 14+ years and adults - 5-10 ml three times a day. Therapeutic course lasts 2-3 weeks.
Among the side effects is allergy.
Inhalation with dry barking cough
There are different options for inhalation with a dry barking cough. For example, 1-2 days can be inhaled using antitussive drugs (Lidocaine, Tussamag), combining them with bronchodilators - such can be Atrovent or Berodual. Also after every 2-4 hours, inhalation should be done with moisturizing solutions (physiological or soda solution or mineral water). After sputum appears, or after 2 days, antitussive drugs should be stopped and replaced with mucolytics (such as Ambrobe, ATSTS, Lazolvan, etc.). Further, when a cough begins with the release of a large amount of sputum, inhalation can be done using anti-inflammatory drugs (Kromogeksal and Romazulan), as well as antiseptic drugs (Chlorophyllipt, Dioxydin).
In order to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, you should make more fruits and vegetables in the diet, and also eat healthy food.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy treatment of dry barking cough is a very effective method, because in combination with medicines it can activate the immune system and speed up recovery. Physiotherapeutic procedures reduce inflammation and pain syndrome, and also improve blood circulation. In the process of treatment, the following procedures are usually prescribed:
- Different methods of massage in the chest area.
- UHF procedure.
- Acupuncture.
- Electrophoresis.
- Inhalation procedures.
- Special exercises for the normalization of breathing.
- Warming.
Now inhalation with the use of special nebulizers is quite popular. The ultrasonic or compressor apparatus performs the spraying of small particles of the drug, so that they fall into the smallest sections of the lungs and bronchi, which several times accelerates the healing process. In addition, this drug helps to avoid bronchospasm with false croup or obstructive bronchitis in young children.
Alternative treatment
Among alternative methods of treatment of dry barking cough - a warming massage with the use of eucalyptus oil. Rubbing this product in the back and chest can quickly reduce pain and ease breathing. This procedure should be performed daily before bedtime until the coughing stops.
With a dry cough that tortures at night, you can attach to the breast of old lard fat, wrapping it on top with a warm kerchief for the night - this will effectively curb coughing attacks.
Milk with the addition of butter and garlic also helps. You should warm up the milk, add 0.5 tsp to it. Butter, and also squeeze out 1 garlic clove. Drink this mixture in undiluted form.
Herbal Treatment
There are many recipes for treating dry barking cough with the help of herbs. Among them, the collection, which includes the following components:
- Fennel or anise fruits.
- The root of the marshmallow.
- Thymus grass.
- A flower of a medicinal camomile.
All ingredients should be 20 grams.
Production: pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. L. Of this mixture and insist about 15 minutes. Children should be given 1-2 tablespoons. Tinctures several times a day. Adults need to increase the dosage to 1 stack. Tincture three times a day. For babies this collection is added to milk.
Also with a dry cough it is very useful to do inhalations. Very effective is the herbal collection, which includes such ingredients:
- Thymus grass.
- Chamomile.
- Shoots of a young pine.
- Thyme grass.
All ingredients need 30 grams.
About 30 g of the herbal mixture should be poured with boiling water, after which, wrapped in a towel, bend over a pot of tincture and inhale its vapors. To completely get rid of dry barking cough, 2-3 times a day to perform this procedure for 5-10 minutes.
To treat dry barking cough sometimes homeopathy is used. Among such drugs is Aconite. It is taken sublingually, for 20-30 minutes. Before meals or 1 hour after it. If there is a fever, at the beginning of the disease you need to take 8 granules 5 times / day, and later reduce the number of receptions to three. Reception in this mode lasts approximately 2 weeks. At 3-4 weeks the number of receptions is reduced to 2x per day. The number of granules varies depending on the severity and severity of the manifestations of the disease.
Side effects: sometimes there may be an allergy to the medicine. Sometimes at the initial stage of taking the remedy, the symptoms of the disease worsen, but this does not require the withdrawal of the drug.
The drug is contraindicated if the patient has a history of an allergy to aconite. In addition, it is not taken with hypotension, typhoid.
More information of the treatment
As a preventive measure, you should walk more often outdoors, lead an active lifestyle, regularly ventilate the rooms in the apartment, temper, make inhalations, and also vaccinations against viral infections of the respiratory tract.
Dry barking cough usually heals fairly quickly - the prognosis in most cases is favorable both for coughing caused by an allergy and for coughing due to a viral disease. Problems can arise only in diseases such as diphtheria or whooping cough. In this case, for a favorable outcome, you should immediately consult a doctor and not in any case to engage in self-medication.