Discomfort and burning in the vagina with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Discomfort in the vagina during menopause is one of the many problems of this period that worries women and is the main cause of sexual dysfunction in the menopause period. At first glance, this problem is not really a problem, but in fact it brings a lot of subjective discomfort. Therefore it is very important not to tolerate such changes, but to contact the doctor to solve this problem.
Causes of the discomfort in the vagina during menopause
The reasons for the development of any changes in menopause are primarily related to a violation of the normal hormonal background, as far as changes in the genital organs are concerned, here they are mainly associated with hormones.
Trophy of cells is carried out mainly due to normal blood circulation in the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue, which contribute to the nutrition of the skin itself, because there are no vessels in the skin. In this case, oxygen that enters the basal ball of the skin activates the respiratory chain and so the energy is synthesized, which is deposited in the form of ATP stores. At the same time, for any process of cell division, it is necessary that there is a supply of energy, which ensures the divergence of cells during mitosis. This is how normal cell division and the formation of new skin cells and glands occur. At an older age, normal blood circulation in peripheral vessels is disrupted under the influence of concomitant pathology, for example, with arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus. All these processes significantly impair the normal blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and the amount of energy that is produced in conditions of oxygen starvation, not enough to ensure a normal process of cell division. Therefore, the cells that form in this case have an imperfect structure and the functioning of the glands is insufficient. In addition, the number of cells also decreases, which breaks the very thickness of the skin layer. All these changes at the level of cellular trophism and age-related changes in cells contribute to the dysfunction of the skin. Thus, the main cause of development of discomfort in the vagina with menopause are age-related changes at the level of the skin cells themselves, and all other changes are secondary.
One of the secondary causes of discomfort is precisely the disruption of the hormonal function of the ovario-menstrual cycle, which underlies local changes. The pathogenesis of the development of such changes is that under normal conditions, female sex hormones provide growth and differentiation of cells throughout the body. Under the influence of estrogen deficiency, the general state of the organism is inhibited, the processes of cell differentiation are reduced and skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and brittle nails and hair, hair loss occur. Later changes in menopause are trophic changes in the urethra, which occurs against the background of a decrease in the differentiation of epithelial cells and connective tissue and promotes a burning sensation and frequent urination. Also, there is dry skin of the genitals, itching, unpleasant sensation during sexual intercourse. This contributes to the frequent development of urogenital infections, as the barrier function of the vaginal mucus is impaired.
Therefore, the main reasons for the development of discomfort in the vagina in menopause can be considered violation of the proliferation of cells not only of the vaginal epithelium, but also of the glands, which develops from the lack of estrogen in the female body, as well as from involuntary changes in the circulation. This pathogenesis of the development of this problem must be taken into account when choosing a treatment, using not only symptomatic methods, but also pathogenetic ones.
Symptoms of the discomfort in the vagina during menopause
The development of the clinical picture, which is typical for burning and discomfort in the vagina with menopause, occurs gradually, which is somewhat dangerous in this case. This is due to the fact that trophic changes do not occur immediately and the symptoms are not as pronounced as can be expressed in the pathology of other organs during menopause.
As a sharp hormonal decline disrupts the work of all internal organs and affects the metabolism, the symptoms can be observed from all sensitive organs and systems. Most often, the first clinical symptoms in menopause are observed from other organs - these are vasomotor and emotional-psychological changes. The woman is concerned about irritability, mood swings, depression, decreased sexual desire, insomnia, fatigue. Also, vegetative manifestations often can be attacks of sweating, heat, headache and palpitations. These complaints are a priority, in comparison with complaints of discomfort in the vagina, because they occur first and therefore it is very important to know what other symptoms are possible with this pathology in order to correct the situation in time.
The first signs of discomfort in the vagina with menopause may appear several years after the last menstruation, that is, at the height of the menopause period. There may be signs of burning in the vagina or itching, which are not accompanied by any secretions. There may also be manifestations of urination in the form of a rapid unpleasant sensation in the vagina, which is associated with irritation of the thin mucous membrane. Very often, women notice a decrease in sexual desire, which is associated not only with violations of hormonal imbalance, but also with discomfort during sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the vagina secretes less secretion and becomes thinner, which contributes to microtraction and the appearance of soreness and burning. Therefore, at first glance such an unpleasant problem becomes very important for the intimate life of a married couple. Do not ignore this symptom, explaining his aging of the female body, because this process can be regulated with timely treatment to the doctor and complete trust with the disclosure of all the complaints and problems that bother the woman during this period.
Complications and consequences
The consequence of the appearance of symptoms of dryness, burning and discomfort in the vagina can be not only aggravation of pathology, but also infectious inflammation, which has an upward character due to a malfunction of the mucous secretion of the vagina. It can have complications in the form of joining another urogenital flora with bacterial colpitis, vaginitis. In case of untimely contact with a doctor, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus - adnexitis, as well as inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder can develop with the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis.
Another complication of the pathology may be kraurosis of the vulva - this is a background precancerous disease that develops as a manifestation of involuntary processes of female genital organs. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a comprehensive examination of a woman with a histological confirmation of the diagnosis.
Diagnostics of the discomfort in the vagina during menopause
It is very important to correctly diagnose this pathology correctly in time with a climax with timely treatment of the disease, because in the future involutive processes are intensified and dystrophic processes and various complications can develop. It is necessary to clearly differentiate the nature of functional disorders and their dependence on the onset of menopause, because for complex treatment it is necessary to take into account not only the symptom of discomfort in the vagina, but also the correction of climacteric changes. Often, women do not know what to link their condition with or just do not talk about such scrupulous problems, so you need to be careful about this issue and not exclude any symptoms, like the manifestation of the menopause. First of all, you need to start the diagnosis with a careful history. It is necessary to find out when these symptoms first appeared and whether it is associated with a delay in menstruation. It is necessary to find out what kind of symptomatology now, how the symptoms varied depending on the situation, and also to detail the patient's complaints. It is important to trust the doctor and talk about any problems, then the diagnosis will be more accurate. For a doctor it is necessary to ask clearly questions, even if the woman herself does not make complaints, you need to clarify the presence of a symptom. What about the sexual life, you also need to ask about its activity and the presence of problems with it. The peculiarity of such disorders in menopause may be their multiple nature, that is, there may be symptoms from the heart or other system that are coming to the fore and discomfort in the vagina to the fore and it does not seem to be such an important problem, so careful collection of anamnesis is important.
If this is a routine examination by a gynecologist, then you need to examine the woman on the armchair, which allows you to identify violations in the form of dryness of the mucous membrane of the vagina, pathological discharge, than can be confirmed by the diagnosis. The presence of dryness, cracks or micro-injury can be seen with the naked eye, which will allow to judge the degree of changes and the presence of other inflammatory diseases, which often happens against the background of discomfort in the vagina and reduce its protective function.
Analyzes that are necessary to clarify the diagnosis are general clinical and special. General - a blood test, a biochemical blood test with a lipidogram and indicators of kidney function, urine analysis. As for special tests, it is necessary to determine the level of the main female hormones in the blood. This is necessary not only for the further treatment of menopause, but also for analyzing the level of hormonal changes and the duration of pathology. Obligatory is the microbiological examination of the smear from the posterior vaginal vault. This smear makes it possible to determine the possible causative agent and the degree of purity of the vagina. This is important for the purpose of differential diagnosis of various disorders. It is also necessary to conduct a histological examination of the cervical canal smear. It allows you to exclude metaplastic processes, which are often a complication of vaginal dryness.
For more accurate diagnosis, special instrumental methods of investigation are carried out. Colposcopy is the diagnosis of the cervix by a special device that has a magnifying power of 2 to 32 times, depending on the power. This increase allows you to see any changes in the epithelial cover that are not detected during a routine examination in the mirrors. In addition to simple colposcopy, an expanded colposcopy is also performed. In this case, the site of the examined epithelium of the cervix is colored with trichloroacetic acid, iodine or Lugol solution, and look at the degree of coloration. Sites of altered epithelium will be pale against a normally colored epithelium. Such a diagnosis allows eliminating erosion, which often develops against the background of vaginal dryness, as well as the presence of kraurosis of the vulva, which is also one of the possible complications. Therefore, for a proper diagnosis and treatment, a comprehensive examination of the woman is necessary.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of discomfort in the vagina with menopause should be conducted taking into account the conductive symptom and with the goal of excluding organic pathology. That is, first of all it is necessary to establish a connection with a climax for the successful treatment of pathology. If the main symptom is unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and itching, it is necessary to differentiate it from thrush, which is accompanied by the same subjective sensations and often happens with menopause. But the main diagnostic difference of thrush are discharge, which have white color, curdiness, unpleasant odor, which can be determined immediately during the examination. Such discharges can be very abundant or vice versa. If there is discomfort in the vagina, there should not be any excreta, if this is only a given pathology.
Also, discomfort and burning in the vagina with climax should be differentiated with erosion. Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane, which in colposcopy has a characteristic appearance and can easily be distinguished from simple microtraumatism when the vagina is dry. It is also important to conduct differential diagnostics with vulva vulgaris. This pathology, which is characterized by the presence of dysplastic processes in cells with a tendency to atypical growth, and often this is a consequence of untimely treatment of discomfort in the vagina. Therefore, it is so important to conduct a histological examination of the smear for an accurate differential diagnosis of these two processes.
Clear diagnostic tactics and careful differential diagnosis allows time to identify any violations during menopause and spend diferentsiirovanie this pathology from organic disease with the purpose of timely treatment and improve the quality of life of the patient, because the most important to the complaint the woman disappeared with the disease.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the discomfort in the vagina during menopause
Complex treatment of violations in menopause should be preventive in order to prevent the development of more serious complications and increase symptoms with a possible upward infection of the female genitalia. There are medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods of treatment. Drug treatment methods are aimed at substituting hormone deficiency therapy and at the same time eliminating the patient's complaints and symptoms using local symptomatic treatment. Non-drug treatment is aimed at correcting hormonal imbalance on the one hand and on the preventive effect on the other hand. Therefore, the use of alternative drugs is a priority in the complex treatment of menopause.
First of all, in the treatment of any disturbances in menopause, an important role is played by the correction of the mode of life, since the hormonal background depends on the daily biorhythms and affects the functional disturbances.
- It is necessary to exclude a sexual life at occurrence of symptoms which are connected with discomfort in this area. This will help reduce the trauma of the vaginal epithelium and for the period of treatment of this pathology this reduces the risk of infection by different microorganisms.
- It is necessary to exclude the influence of irritant factors on the vagina. Bed linen and intimate linen should be made from natural fabric, synthetics should be excluded, as this causes additional allergization.
- It is very important to adhere to hygiene recommendations, because during this period the mucous membrane is especially susceptible to infection with pathogenic flora. It is better to conduct hygienic procedures twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, you also need to use moisturizers for intimate hygiene.
- Since the increase of skin dryness contributes to vitamin A deficiency, it is necessary to increase the intake of this mineral in food with food. Therefore, you need to change the cooking technique, taking into account that in food, as many useful substances as possible remain. Also need to include in the diet of fruits, vegetables, carrots, blueberries.
Such recommendations in lifestyle changes regulate the general condition of a woman, promote the normalization of the local microflora of the vagina, accelerate metabolism at the cell level, and also normalize the hormonal background.
One of the pathogenetic principles of treating vaginal discomfort in menopause is the use of hormone replacement therapy, which helps to increase the amount of estrogen and progesterone, which in turn renews the processes of normal cell proliferation and the functioning of the glands of the genital organs. Groups of drugs that are also used in this pathology also prevent the development of other systemic manifestations in menopause.
- Synphasic is a complex hormone replacement agent that has an insignificant concentration of estrogen that allows to use it at the initial stages of treatment of climacteric changes. This drug is produced in pharmacological form of tablets. The dosage of the drug is selected individually. In the menopause, the admission schedule is also different, therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary before the reception. Side effects are possible on the part of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Possible fluid retention and headaches, so the drug is not recommended with concomitant hypertension. Contraindications to taking the drug is the pathology of the blood coagulation system, the pathology of the coronary vessels and veins.
- Regulon is a preparation containing estradiol and gestagen in its composition, it is a highly dosed drug, due to which its prophylactic role is manifested not only in the correction of the hormonal background, but also in the development of complications in the form of kraurosis of the vulva. The drug acts in this case for hormonal discrepancy and due to this discomfort in the vagina with menopause have less pronounced character. Beneficial effect of the drug due to its local effect on the endometrium and gland, by increasing secretion secretion, which helps normalize not only the dryness of the skin of the vagina, but also renews the environment for the further normal functioning of lactic acid bacteria. Due to this effect, the secretion of vaginal mucus is restored. Regulon is produced in pharmacological form of tablets, containing 21 pieces. The reception must start from the first day of the cycle. You can start taking and from the fifth day in case of use in women of menopausal age. The course of admission is one tablet per day for three weeks, then a break of seven days, then you need to resume reception. Adverse events are possible on the part of the digestive tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting. There may also be asthenovegetative reactions, manifestations of hormonal treatment from the side of the breast in the form of engorgement of the mammary gland, secretions, as well as an increase in the secretion of the vaginal secretion. Contraindication to the use of the drug for treatment - a problem with blood coagulability and a history of heart attack or a stroke, malignant neoplasms, severe liver damage, pancreatic damage, diabetes, systemic connective tissue diseases, epilepsy.
- As a local remedy, sea buckthorn candles are very often used, which give a good effect in treating discomfort in the vagina due to local action and relieve the manifestations of this pathology. Seabuckthorn is a natural source of mineral substances and many trace elements that express its broad pharmaceutical influence. The fruits of sea-buckthorn have vitamins of different groups - A, B, E, C. This plant has in its composition microelements - molybdenum, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper. These microelements are an additional source of nutrients for menopausal changes in a woman. This plant contains active substances - pectins, flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides and polyunsaturated fatty acids - which improves local metabolic processes in the cell and stimulates the metabolism of the whole organism. Phytoncides are natural antibacterial substances that inhibit the multiplication of most bacteria. Flavonoids have a pronounced antioxidant property than the development of malignant processes in cells and tissues is prevented. Polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit inflammation in the cell due to the inhibition of characteristic genes and enzyme systems. Due to its wide composition this plant is widely used in medicine and mainly in gynecology because of its useful properties:
- desensitizing and restoring property;
- bactericidal and fungistatic property;
- reduces local irritation and soreness;
- toning and local softening property;
- antispasmodic property;
- antioxidant property - prevents peroxidic oxidation of lipids, thus revealing its antiproliferative effect, taking into account possible age-related changes in menopause.
The drug is issued in the pharmacological form of vaginal suppositories of 500 milligrams. For treatment use one candle twice a day in the morning and in the evening. Before the treatment you need to spend the evening hygienic procedures. After the procedure, you need some time to rest, which improves the effectiveness of such local treatment due to increased absorption. The course of treatment should be at least a week, and preferably even ten days for better therapeutic effect. Side effects of the drug may be in the form of hypersensitivity and skin rashes, and local symptoms - itching, irritation, burning.
Such local treatment contributes to the regression of symptoms and normalizes the glands function with an improvement in the state of the barrier function of the vagina.
Alternative treatment of discomfort in the vagina with menopause
Sometimes alternative treatment and herbal discomfort treatment in the vagina with menopause and other skin changes is a priority, as the constant intake of medical hormonal drugs scares women a little. The methods of alternative treatment that are used are aimed at correcting hormonal homeostasis, as well as local mitigating action and the main ones are:
- A very good means of local treatment is the washing with medicinal solutions. For this you can use celandine. Five tablespoons of herb celandine pour a liter of hot boiled water, and then insist for ten minutes. Warm solution should be washed twice a day. It is better for each time to prepare a fresh solution, since when stored in a refrigerator, the celandine loses its healing properties.
- Very good effect own natural oils. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a teaspoon of olive oil, mix with a teaspoon of sea-buckthorn oil in a dissolved form and add one ampoule of vitamin A. This solution should be stirred and moistened with a gauze swab, then inserted into the vagina for the night. So it is necessary to do or make within a week and already in three days it is possible to feel appreciable effect in the form of decrease in a symptomatology.
- A good effect in the treatment of vaginal dryness is shown by the bovine uterus, due to its hysterotropic effect. To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to collect the leaves of the hog uterus, dry them, pour the alcohol solution and insist in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours, and then dilute with boiled water to take one tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment lasts one month.
- Ointment or infusion of marigold, which can be prepared at home has a very good softening effect. For such a solution you need to take calendula flowers, pour boiling water and insist, and then make a swab from this solution and do the therapeutic procedures for the night for two hours.
Homeopathic remedies are able not only to correct hormonal imbalance, but also they can be taken with a preventive purpose to improve trophism of tissues and the appearance of wrinkles, hair loss.
- Palladium is a homeopathic remedy that has a composition of organic minerals and helps normalize the hormonal background in menopause due to acoustic and magnetic resonance with the organs and systems of the body. The drug also reduces proliferative processes at the cell level and improves the processes of cellular differentiation. Palladium is used in the pharmacological form of homeopathic drops and dosed three drops three times a day for half an hour before meals or an hour after. The course of treatment with the drug is a long one - about two months. There were no side effects. Contraindications to the use of Palladium - is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and reception for men.
- Sigetin - a homeopathic remedy, which has a composition similar to the natural hormone estrogen, which allows you to replenish its stock with menopause. It has properties as a tonic, soothing. It has a good effect on the psychosomatic manifestations of menopause, as well as on the vegetative and psychological symptoms of menopause, strengthens the libido against the background of a decrease in general depressiveness. Therefore, it can be used as an initial and complex therapy with the first signs of trophic changes in the sexual organs, skin, and hair.
Operative treatment of this pathology is not used, because there is no special indication for such an intervention.
It is necessary in parallel with local therapy of discomfort in the vagina with climax to conduct immunomodulatory treatment and apply physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis, magnetic therapy. It is also necessary to take vitamins A and E, which normalize the trophism of cells and tissues, which suffer in this case.
The prognosis of complications of dryness, burning and discomfort in the vagina during menopause depends on the moment of revealing the main symptoms and on the timely correction of pathology. In general, with the proper diagnosis and the implementation of preventive measures, the menopause period can go smoothly without special violations. Therefore, it is important to adhere to prevention measures, which in this case can be nonspecific. It is necessary to properly organize your daily routine with alternating periods of rest and work. You need to eat right with the exception of all harmful foods and the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Sleep is a necessary measure for health, its duration should be at least 8-9 hours. It is necessary to exclude stresses in life and to go in for sports even in a mode of walking. With regard to sexual life, at the time of treatment until the restoration of the function of a normal vaginal secret, you need to refrain from intimate relationships, and then they can be fully renewed, which will even benefit.
Dryness, burning and discomfort in the vagina with menopause - an unpleasant pathology for a woman because of the severity of symptoms, and also because of the difficulty in consulting a doctor. But do not ignore this problem, because all the symptoms can be adjusted, you only need to trust the specialist and the result will not make you wait.