Headaches with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Headaches with menopause - a very frequent and unpleasant phenomenon, which is associated not only with violations of the tone of the vessels of the brain, but also with other causes - arterial hypertension, violation of the nerve conduction and tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, psychosomatic state. Headaches with menopause differ in particular duration, persistence and severity, therefore require correction of the general condition. Timely diagnosis of this condition allows not only to reduce the severity of clinical manifestations, but also contributes to the prevention of complications.
Causes of the headache with menopause
Headaches can be an early manifestation of menopause and can accompany it for a long time. This is a very unpleasant symptom, which significantly reduces efficiency and affects the general condition of a woman. Although menopause is a physiological process, those disorders that occur in the body of a woman during this period can significantly affect the state of the whole organism. The hormonal background of the female body is very diverse and provides not only the functioning of the female genital organs, but also affects the metabolism, the tone of the muscles of the vessels, the arterial pressure, the regulation of nervous activity, and the circulation in the vessels of the brain. Thanks to this phenomenon, the nervous system of a woman is very labile, and any hormonal disorders contribute to a change in nervous regulation. This affects the development of not only headaches, but also other serious violations. The climacteric period is conditionally divided:
- premenopause - the period from 45 years to the onset of menopause;
- Menopause is the period of the last menstruation, the average age is about fifty years;
- Postmenopause - the period from the last menstruation to the end of a woman's life.
All these periods are characterized by consistent changes in the body and if there are no violations, then the nervous system works normally and headaches can be a rare transient phenomenon. But in the case of pronounced disturbances of hormonal homeostasis in menopause, headaches can be very severe and accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose this condition and carry out treatment.
Premenopause is a period characterized by hormonal disorders, which are primarily of a central nature. There is an involution of the higher regulatory center - the hypothalamus, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to the effect of estrogens, which violates its regulatory function by the principle of reverse regulation. As a consequence of all these processes - there is not a sufficient concentration of estrogens, which normally regulate the tone of the vessels of the whole body and brain, including. In this case, there is a disruption in the regulation of vascular tone, which is the main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of cerebral vasospasms. Such a vasospasm leads to an increase in pressure in the vessels and the appearance of a headache.
Therefore, the main cause of headaches with menopause, as a primary phenomenon, can be considered hormonal imbalance. Estrogen deficiency in turn contributes to spasm of cerebral vessels, arterial hypertension and intracranial hypertension, which leads to the appearance of headaches. In addition, the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain are violated, and this also breaks the conductivity along nerve fibers. In this case, the nervous excitability increases, the sympathetic-adrenal system is activated, and catecholamines are released, which, as is known, cause spasms in the vessels. Such a hormonal background is observed constantly with menopause and so the headaches are also permanent, very strong and often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, in the treatment it is important not only symptomatic remedies for headache, but also hormone replacement therapy.
The pathogenesis of the development of headaches with menopause also consists in increasing intracranial pressure. This is due to a violation of venous outflow with a violation of the regulation of the tone of the veins, as well as due to the delay of sodium and water and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. The low concentration of estrogens contributes to the delay of sodium and water, which in turn leads to hypertension. Thus, a vicious circle is formed, which further promotes the manifestation of headaches with menopause.
Symptoms of the headache with menopause
Headache with menopause differs from that in other pathologies. This is due to the constant effect of the causative factor in the absence of treatment of pathology.
The nature of headaches with menopause has its own peculiarities, which is associated with prolonged vasospasm and the concomitant state of hypertension not only in the vessels of the brain, but also due to intracranial hypertension. Therefore, the peculiarities of such a headache are its beginning from the moment of awakening, duration throughout the day with the moments of pain intensity decrease. This headache is debilitating, it reacts poorly to pain medications and sometimes requires the use of sedatives. Often such a headache is accompanied by other symptoms, which is associated with pathogenetic features of the development of the process. Arterial hypertension often accompanies headaches with menopause and further intensifies such pain. Also, the headache may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea, a decrease in appetite, and sometimes vomiting.
The first signs of the severity of the condition that requires treatment is the appearance of a headache that does not lend itself to anesthesia. Often such a headache does not appear immediately, but can be emotionally-vegetative manifestations. A woman feels a hot flush to her face, there is increased irritability, excessive lability of the nervous system, and only then a headache may appear. Often, such headache attacks with menopause are accompanied by cardiovascular disorders, and a heartbeat or a feeling of fading in the heart, a feeling of arrhythmia. There may also be vegetative manifestations in the form of a delay in breathing or a feeling of lack of air. All these symptoms in the beginning develop, and then there is a headache. Such features of the combination of a headache with other symptoms are very characteristic in menopause.
Strong headaches with menopause is one of the reasons not only for taking pain medication, but also for a thorough examination and revealing the true cause with mandatory screening of the hormonal background of the woman.
Where does it hurt?
Complications and consequences
The consequences of headaches with menopause can be very serious, because these headaches are intense and in the case of concomitant pathologies can cause a stroke. Complications of headaches with menopause can be avoided by timely correction of the hormonal background. The prognosis of headaches with a climax for recovery is characterized by a long and difficult treatment, so it is important to prevent such conditions.
Diagnostics of the headache with menopause
Although menopause and physiological condition, it is very important to diagnose any of its manifestations in time and begin treatment of pathological conditions. It often happens that a woman appeals already when she herself has tried many painkillers and does not know what to do because of the symptoms that concern her. In this case it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination not only for the purpose of diagnosis, but also for the purpose of differential diagnosis of such headaches. First of all, you need to start the diagnosis with a careful history. It is necessary to find out when for the first time there was a delay in menstruation, what their nature is now, how the symptomatology changed with the onset of menopause, and also to detail the patient's complaints. It is necessary to clarify the nature of the headache and its relationship to stress, yet any characteristic symptoms and reaction to soothing and pain medications. It is also necessary to measure blood pressure in order to know whether the network links headaches with hypertension.
On examination, you need to ask the woman to indicate where the head is most affected, and to clarify other characteristics of such a headache. It is very important in the diagnosis of headache to conduct additional research methods.
Since changes in metabolism are inevitable during the menopause, it is necessary to conduct a thorough laboratory examination of the woman's body. Analyzes that are necessary to clarify the diagnosis are general clinical and special. General - a blood test, a biochemical blood test with a lipidogram and indicators of kidney function, urine analysis. With climax due to the activation of the decomposition of fatty acids, it is possible to increase triglycerides and low density lipoproteins. These substances can play a secondary role in the pathogenesis of headaches in menopause, so it is important to determine this indicator.
As for special tests, it is necessary to determine the level of the main female hormones in the blood. This is necessary not only for the further treatment of menopause and headaches, but also for analyzing the level of hormonal changes and the duration of pathology.
Instrumental diagnosis of headaches in menopause is aimed not only at revealing etiology, but also at excluding other organic pathologies. Conduct mandatory and special research methods. Among the mandatory methods - electrocardiography, which allows you to exclude cardiac pathology in the case of concomitant symptoms from the heart.
Special methods for diagnosing the etiology of headaches in menopause are an echoencephalography. This method involves the registration of echoes, which allow you to establish blood supply to the hemispheres of the brain, and also allows you to judge the difference in intracranial pressure. This examination allows you to determine the organic pathology and identify a possible cause of headaches.
Also for the purpose of differential diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a roentgenography of the cervical spine in order to eliminate vertebrogenic headaches. In the case of compression of the vertebral artery, which provides nutrition to the brain, is also possible ischemic headaches. Then the x-ray will display the area of compression or narrowing of the artery.
Additional methods of investigation are possible in case of accompanying symptoms from the cardiovascular or bone system. Then determine the level of calcium in the blood, conduct an ultrasound examination of the heart.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of headaches in menopause should be carried out with hypertensive disease, which is also accompanied by such symptoms and may first manifest in the menopause. Then a simple measurement of blood pressure is not enough and it is necessary to carry out daily monitoring of blood pressure. In this case, each element of elevation of arterial pressure is determined, which can be compared with possible etiologic factors and episodes of headache. This method also allows you to exclude hypertensive disease. Also, with hypertension, headaches have a slightly different character - they are localized in the occipital region and are more worried in the morning, are well removed with the use of antihypertensive drugs. Also, a woman in this case is burdened with a hereditary history of hypertension.
Headaches with menopause should be differentiated from other pathologies, which are accompanied by such symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to exclude organic pathology - migraine, vertebro-basilar insufficiency syndrome, stroke. Therefore, a thorough examination is carried out, sometimes even a magnetic resonance imaging is necessary.
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Treatment of the headache with menopause
Given the fact that headaches with menopause are very pronounced, then treatment should be done immediately. There are medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods of treatment. Drug treatment methods, in turn, are divided into symptomatic remedies, as a means of emergency care, and drugs for long-term treatment. Non-drug treatment is aimed at correcting the hormonal imbalance on one side and on the anesthetic effect on the other hand. Therefore, the use of alternative drugs is a priority only in the complex treatment of menopause and during remission.
First of all, the correction of the way of life plays an important role in the treatment of headaches.
- It is necessary to exclude bad habits, because smoking has a very bad effect on the tone of the vessels, and nicotine further narrows the blood vessels and can provoke headaches, so this factor should be categorically excluded.
- Eliminate stress, tension, which lead to the appearance of headaches and avoid traumatic moments.
- Normalization of sleep by means of a rest - you need to go to bed at about the same time, sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. It is necessary to carry out hygiene measures in the room where the woman sleeps - wet cleaning, airing, fresh linen - all this contributes to rest at night and improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, which reduces episodes of headache.
- Correction of the regime of the day with the normalization of the period of rest and work. It is necessary to establish exactly the rest regime after each labor. This will help the body to properly distribute forces and relieve tension in the head.
- It is important to organize the right diet with dietary elements. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, which load internal organs and contribute to the disruption of the metabolism of essential nutrients. It is also necessary to organize frequent fractional meals in small portions, with the exception of simple carbohydrates and the predominance of vegetable protein. You need to eat at least 300 grams of fruits and vegetables a day. Also, one should not forget about the drinking regime and drink clean water at least 1.5 liters.
- It is necessary to organize leisure activities with dosed physical loads in the form of easy jogging, swimming or simple walking.
The drug therapy of headaches in menopause is mainly aimed at correcting hormonal imbalance and at the same time eliminating the headache through anesthesia. This is achieved by hormone replacement therapy, which is combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as sedatives.
The substitutive hormonal treatment that is used in the treatment of headaches with climax promotes normalization of the level of estrogens and, thus, the normalization of the tone of the vessels of the brain, as well as the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, which leads to normalization of intracranial pressure and a decrease in the severity of clinical symptoms. Use biphasic drugs containing both estrogens and progesterone for a softer correction of menopause.
- Logest is a preparation containing estradiol and gestagen in its composition, it is a highly dosage preparation that helps to smooth out the hormonal imbalance and replenish the estrogen deficiency in menopause. Logest is produced in the pharmacological form of capsules, containing 21 pieces per package. The reception must start from the first day of the cycle. You can begin to receive and the fifth day of the menstrual cycle in the case of menopause in women. The course of taking the drug is one capsule per day for three weeks, then a break for seven days, then you need to resume reception. Adverse events are possible on the part of the digestive tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting. There may also be asthenovegetative reactions, manifestations of hormonal treatment from the side of the breast in the form of engorgement of the breast, soreness, secretions, as well as an increase in the secretion of the vaginal secretion. Contraindication to the use of the drug for treatment - a problem with blood coagulability and a history of heart attack or a stroke, malignant neoplasms, liver dysfunction, pancreatic damage and diabetes.
- Triziston is a complex hormone replacement. This drug is produced in a pharmacological form of a three-color dragee, which are applied on a special schedule for three weeks, then break for a week. The course of treatment is not less than three to six months. Contraindications for the prescription of the drug are malignant formations of any localization, pathology of blood vessels in the form of thromboses in the anamnesis, hepatitises. It should be used with caution in diabetes, because the drug can change glucose tolerance, as well as with hypertension. Side effects can appear in the form of cholestasis, impaired liver function, embolism, as well as allergic and dyspeptic reactions.
- Nootropil is a drug from a group of nootropic drugs that is used to treat headaches as a pathogenetic agent. It can be one of the drugs of basic complex therapy due to its pronounced effect on the vessels of the brain. The drug improves the circulation of blood vessels of the brain, has a vasodilating property, which helps reduce pressure and headache. Also, the active substance Nootropil makes it possible to improve the conductivity of nerve impulses along the nerve ganglia, which increases the stress resistance. An additional property of the drug is the protective ability of the nerve cells to touch, which improves memory and cognitive abilities. The drug is available in the form of capsules, tablets, oral solution and parenteral solution. The daily dose of the drug - 800 milligrams twice a day, the dose can be adjusted. Side effects are possible in the form of disturbances in the digestive process with nausea and vomiting, as well as allergic reactions of varying degrees of complexity, and an increase in the body weight of a woman. Also, side effects from the central nervous system in the form of dizziness, drowsiness, depressive state, increased nervousness are possible. Contraindications to the use of the drug - is a violation of kidney function, hemorrhagic stroke in the anamnesis.
Symptomatic agents that are used in the case of headaches with menopause are a more pronounced action in the case of taking combined drugs. Preference is given to drugs with a combination of antispasmodics - Baralgin, Spasmalgon, Kombizpasm, Spazgan, Farmadol. Such funds better cope with the headache due to comprehensive action.
Operative treatment of headaches in menopause is not used, since there is no special indication for such an intervention.
Along with medications, it is important to carry out physiotherapeutic treatment. Use therapeutic physical activity in the form of swimming or therapeutic gymnastics. A very good effect is provided by the use of magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions on the neck area, the Shcherbaku compress. Very useful because of its tonic effect contrast shower, which is recommended to take in the morning and you can do it even at home.
As a complex therapy recommend the use of vitamins B, C, A, better in combination in complex vitamin preparations. You can prophylactically take vitamin preparations in the spring and autumn.
Alternative treatment of headaches with menopause
Alternative methods of treating headaches with menopause are used very widely. The drugs that are used are directed to the correction of hormonal homeostasis and at the same time to the normalization of vascular tone and an anesthetic and vasodilating effect. To do this, use alternative means and treatment with herbs. The main alternative methods are:
- An effective way to normalize the hormonal background is to use a shell of walnuts. Tincture of walnuts is prepared as follows: membranes or shells are cooked for about five minutes in hot water, then drain the water and fill half a cup of alcohol. This solution should be infused for about five to seven days, after which it can be taken one teaspoon twice a day, previously diluted with boiled water in the same proportion. The course of treatment is twenty one days.
- Pine buds are brewed in the calculation of one tablespoon of raw material per liter of water, insist in a thermos night and drink throughout the day for half a glass 3-4 times a day for at least a month.
- A very good anesthetic and soothing effect has the following recipe: one glass of oat grains should be poured with boiled water and boiled for half an hour, then drain the infusion and add an equal amount of milk to it. Take a solution twice a day, before the reception, add a spoonful of honey and drink in a warm form for half a cup. The course of treatment is one month.
Infusions of herbs are also widely used for the treatment of this pathology:
- Birch buds are poured with hot water, boiled for five minutes and allowed to stand for 24 hours, after which it is necessary to take such a solution one tablespoon twice a day, the course of treatment - at least seven days.
- Collection of medicinal plants also contributes to the normalization of the tone of the vessels of the brain and has a soothing effect. To do this, take the leaves of mint, nettle and currant one tablespoon of each herb, pour all this with boiling water and boil for several minutes. Infusion of herbs used warm for half a cup on an empty stomach for three weeks.
- Leaves of raspberries, viburnum and hawthorn boil in water for ten minutes and consume half a glass of broth twice a day before meals. The course of treatment is twenty days.
Homeopathic remedies can not only correct the hormonal imbalance, but also they restore the normal state of the vascular tone of the brain, and reduces the severity of headaches with menopause.
- Klimaktoplan - homeopathic drug, which is an analogue of phytoestrogenic drugs and promotes the normalization of the hormonal background in menopause. The drug also normalizes the tone of the vessels of the brain and expands them with decreasing pressure. The drug well corrects headaches with menopause, attacks of hot flushes, palpitation, normalizes sleep.
Applies Klimaktoplan in tablets one tablet before meals or an hour after it three times a day. The course of treatment with the drug is long - about two months. There were no side effects. Contraindications to the use of Climacoplane - this is hypersensitivity to the individual contents of the drug.
- Remens is a preparation of the homeopathic series that improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, regulates hormonal imbalance in menopause due to influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary zone, and also has protective properties on myocardial cells and vessels. The drug is available in the form of a solution and tablets. The medicine is applied on the first and second day in an increased dose - one tablet or ten drops eight times a day, and then for three months at the same dose, but only three times a day. There were no side effects. Contraindications to the admission of Remens - is hypersensitivity to the individual contents of the drug.
- Ginekohel - a combined homeopathic remedy, which has an effect on the disturbances in menopause by normalizing the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone, which helps reduce the effect of deficiency of these hormones. The drug is released in drops and dosed ten drops three times a day, can be dissolved in water or take a clean solution. Side effects are not common, but there may be stool disorders, dyspepsia and allergic reactions. No contraindications found.
More information of the treatment
Measures to prevent the development of headaches in menopause is a nonspecific prevention of any disease, which is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Since the climax can not be avoided, it is possible to prevent the appearance of its symptoms and the manifestation of the VSD during the menopause. It is necessary to properly organize your daily routine with alternating periods of rest and work. You need to eat right with the exception of all harmful foods and the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Sleep is a necessary measure for health, its duration should be at least 8-9 hours. It is necessary to exclude stresses in life and to go in for sports even in a mode of walking. It is also necessary to exclude bad habits and treat associated pathologies in the form of hypertension, because blood pressure control is very important for the prevention of headaches.
Specific measures to prevent the development of headaches with menopause does not exist, but only nonspecific methods can easily protect yourself from this unpleasant pathology. It is important from the very beginning of premenopausal hormonal replacement therapy, which will reduce the severity of any clinical symptoms, including headaches.
Headaches with menopause are characterized by severe manifestations and disrupt the workability, so it is necessary to identify symptoms in a timely manner, differentiate the etiology of these pains and conduct complex treatment. It is best to prevent such manifestations of menopause by referring to a doctor and timely hormone replacement therapy.