Early menopause in women 30 years of age
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Predominantly menopause in women begins in 48 - 50 years. But there are cases when there is an early menopause in women of 30 years. What provokes him, how dangerous is it for the female body and what to do?
We will try to answer these and several other questions in this article in as much detail as possible.
Causes of the early menopause in women
Possible causes of early menopause in women 30 years of age:
- Hypofunction of the ovaries.
- Violation of the inverse biological connection of ovaries to stimulation of gonadotropins.
- Hereditary predisposition. If a similar pattern was observed in close relatives of a female (mother, grandmother, sister).
- Disease of the endocrine system.
- Dysgenesis of the ovaries.
- Syndrome of resistant ovaries - primary or secondary amenorrhea, infertility.
- Consequences of radiation therapy.
- Consequence of chemotherapy.
- Syndrome Shereshevsky - Turner - congenital pathology associated with a deviation in the number of sex chromosomes.
- Chronic inflammation in the pelvic organs and tissues of the genitourinary system.
- Mutations of a genetic nature
- Numerous abortions and gynecological cleansing.
- Surgery performed on the ovaries.
- Injuries of the pelvic area.
- Benign or malignant neoplasm of the genitourinary system.
- Disturbances, diseases and traumas of the hypothalamo-pituitary region.
- Other autoimmune processes.
The pathogenesis of menopause occurs in age or pathological changes affecting the work of the hypothalamus, which leads to weakening of the connections with and control over the pituitary gland.
The pituitary gland is responsible for the normal functioning of the endocrine and sex glands. Therefore, its dysfunction leads to a decrease in the level of hormone production in the gonads with a further decrease in their blood. These all pathogenetic mechanisms lead to an early menopause.
Symptoms of the early menopause in women
There are the following symptoms of early menopause in women of 30 years:
- The appearance of "tides": the woman then throws into the cold with the appearance of droplets of sweat on her face, then there is a rapid arrival of blood to the face and upper limbs. Skin becomes red.
- Perhaps the emergence of cognition.
- There may be sharp jumps in blood pressure.
- Palpitation, tachycardia.
- Sleep disturbance, drowsiness.
- Attacks of headache and dizziness.
- Increased emotional instability: mood swings, irritability, frequent depression, aggression.
- Deterioration of memory, violation of concentration of attention.
- Decreased libido.
- The dryness of the labia, the appearance of itching in intimate places.
- Urinary incontinence and the appearance of painful urination.
- The appearance of pain during intercourse.
- Deterioration of skin and hair, nail plates. The elasticity is lost, they become dry and brittle. Perhaps increased hair loss.
First signs
The very first signs of the approaching climax in most cases are:
- Violation of the menstrual cycle: lengthening, shortening, complete disappearance of menstruation.
- Appearance of symptoms of hot flashes.
- Change in emotional status: irritability, short temper, depression, a woman becomes distracted, short-term memory problems appear
- Sleep disturbance.
- Appearance of problems with urination.
- Weight gain.
- Deterioration of the skin, hair and nail plates.
The specialist defines three degrees of manifestations of the climacteric process:
- Easy symptomatology. A woman is able to lead a completely qualitative life and fully perform her work (up to ten daily tides).
- Average level. There is a significant violation of sleep, memory problems, the patient suffers from frequent, prolonged headaches and dizziness, trouble with urination, suffers performance (up to twenty daily tides).
- Severe manifestation. Loss of efficiency, high intensity of pathological symptoms.
Complications and consequences
The consequences of severe manifestations of early menopause can be pathological, sometimes irreversible, changes in the body of a woman. During this period, the immune status of a woman falls, which entails frequent colds and infectious diseases. The body simply does not have the strength to fight external invasion.
With an early menopause, a woman begins to grow old.
Skin loses collagen, becoming more dry and wrinkled, covering with pigment spots.
Unpleasant changes affect both the primary sexual characteristics of women (there is dryness and burning in the labia and vagina) and secondary (the shape of the breast glands is lost, the breast becomes saggy).
The woman has an increase in fat layers in the problem areas (hips and buttocks).
Early menopause in women 30 years old is also capable of causing a number of complications:
- Pathological processes affect the cardiovascular system. The risk of developing strokes and heart attacks is great.
- The imbalance of the hormonal background can provoke the development of malignant and benign tumors of the breast or ovaries.
- The mineral saturation of bone tissues worsens, which leads to the development of osteoporosis and frequent fractures.
- Development of atherosclerosis.
- Obesity.
- Infertility.
- Development of arterial hypertension.
- Diabetes.
Diagnostics of the early menopause in women
Diagnosis of early menopause in women of 30 years is to conduct and analyze the results of a number of activities:
- Analysis of health complaints.
- Analysis of anamnesis.
- A woman is examined by a gynecologist. Inspection of mammary glands.
- Conducting laboratory tests:
- General urine analysis.
- General and biochemical analysis of blood.
- Progesterone test.
- Cytogenetic examination of the smear.
- Determination of the level of oncological markers.
- Obtaining a lipidogram is a blood test that allows you to assess the level and nature of the lipid composition: low density lipoproteins (LDL), triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoproteins (HDL).
- Carrying out of instrumental diagnostics:
- Densitometry - qualitative and quantitative assessment of bone mineral density.
- Radiography of bone tissue.
- Ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
- Consultation and examination by other specialists.
- Differential diagnosis:
- Exclusion of diseases that show similar symptoms.
- Complete analysis of the results. Establishing diagnosis.
- Determination of the stage of pathological changes.
Analyzes conducted in the laboratory:
- General and biochemical blood tests.
- Blood test for FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). This is one of the main studies that are indicative of menopause. The level of estrogen is rapidly approaching zero.
- General urine analysis.
- Bacteriological and bacterioscopic analysis of vaginal discharge.
- Analysis of the level of hormones in the pituitary-gonadotropic system. Blood test for estradiol. With menopause this indicator is below the norm (35 pmol / l). The level of luteinizing hormones is increased (equal to or more than 52.30 mU / ml).
- Progesterone test. In the situation under consideration, it is negative.
- PAP test is a Pap smear. Cytological analysis of the smear from the vagina. The sample is examined in a laboratory under a microscope.
- If necessary, immunohistochemistry with oncomarkers can be carried out - this study is conducted only for those patients who have a suspicion of malignant pathology.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnostics used in the early menopause in women:
- X-ray examination of mammary glands (mammography).
- Densitometry is an assessment of the bone mineral density, which will allow us to assess the degree of osteoporosis.
- Radiography of bone tissue.
- Electrocardiography.
- Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages.
- Ultrasound of the vascular system.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of a given physiological process consists of:
- An analysis of the patient's complaints.
- Analysis of female history.
- Accounting for her age.
- The results of her inspection.
- Results of laboratory and instrumental studies.
- The results of the consultative examination by other specialists.
In this case, the specialist should also determine the stage on which the pathology is located. This is necessary to select the most appropriate treatment protocol.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the early menopause in women
The treatment of early menopause in women of 30 years is usually based on hormone replacement therapy, the essence of which is to fill the missing amount of the hormone, the deficit of which is experienced by the woman's body.
This can significantly improve the quality of life, prevent the risk of a number of complications.
Such treatment is carried out by both medicamentous and non-medicamentous methods.
To non-medicinal plants include decoctions and infusions, as well as food products that are sources of natural estrogens. For example, it is soy and products based on it.
Drug medications prescribed in the early menopause in women of 30 years are preparations based on two hormonal components: estrogen and progestogen. The first has a beneficial effect on hormone-dependent cell structures. The second prevents excessive proliferation of the uterine endometrium, the formation and development of cancerous growths.
Combined medicines: mersilon, rigevidon, novinet, diane-35 and a number of others.
Such patients are likely to develop osteoporosis, so for the prevention of this disease, she is assigned a complex of vitamin and mineral preparations based on:
- Bisphosphonates: fosamax, pamifos, bonifos, pamidronate, atedia, syndronate, pamitor, osteomax, loron, pamiredin, lindronum, pamired, clodron and others.
- Calcium compounds - they saturate bone tissue with this element, making them stronger. To such preparation carry: calcium a carbonate, calcium silicate, vitakaltsin and a number of others.
- Vitamin D is required, which is responsible in the human body for the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. From this group we can name: aquadetrim, vigantol, alfadol, oxydevit, etalph, zemplppr and many others.
The complex treatment can also include homeopathic remedies, alternative medicine, water therapy, physiotherapy techniques, a properly selected set of exercises and spa treatment.
The complex approach to the therapy of early menopause in women of 30 years allows to effectively solve the problem of the onset of the climacteric period.
The first and the main group in the protocol for the treatment of early menopause in women 30 years old are drugs that belong to the group of hormonal drugs. At the same time, it is very important that women receive both estrogen and progestogen in the body. Therefore, two monopreparations or one complex is prescribed, which contains both these hormones.
Estrogen containing drugs: estrogen, hormone, cep, premarin, dermestrel, estrokad, climara, estrofem, divigel, microfollin, ovestin, proginova, estimax and others.
Microfollin is taken orally by 0.01-0.06 mg daily. More specific dosage is appointed by the attending physician in each case individually.
It is not allowed to prescribe this medicine if the patient has a history of hypersensitivity to the components, a cancerous tumor (or suspected of its presence), internal bleeding, a tendency to form blood clots.
Progestogen containing medicines: depo-provera, prajisan, progesterone, depostat, organometr, lyvial, dyufaston, norkolut, primolut-nor, provera, progestogen and others.
Progesterone is given to a woman in the form of injections (or tablet form) 5 ml daily, or 10 ml once every two days. In this situation, this drug is taken by the patient together with a preparation containing estrogen.
Contraindications for taking the drug include severe liver dysfunction, malignant lesion of the breast and reproductive organs of a woman, propensity to form blood clots.
Complex preparations: cycloprogine, climen, mercilon, divine, rigevidon, livial, femoston, novinet, diane-35, kliogest and a number of others.
A very important point in taking rigevidona is that it should be drunk with enough liquid on one tablet, every day, at the same time. Do not skip even one reception.
Contraindications include severe liver damage, the presence of an anamnesis of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathologies, a tendency to form blood clots, a cancerous tumor, severe forms of hypertension and a number of others.
With varying severity of early menopause, various hormonal drugs are prescribed.
Symptomatic treatment is also performed. If the patient falls into depression, antidepressants are prescribed to her (benactysin, hydroxyzine, clobazam, phenazepam, meprobamate, hydazepam), if hypotensive drugs are worried, hypotensive drugs (enam, losartan, enap) are used. With nervousness, sleep disturbance and absent-mindedness, sedative medicines will suit: afobazol, persen, new-passit, atarax, adaptol, phenibut, motherwort pills.
For the prevention of osteoporosis vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin D (aquadetrim, vigantol, alfadol, oxydevit, etaph, zaplpr), bisphosphonates (bonifos, pamidronate, syndronate, pamitor, osteomax, pamiredin, pamired) and calcium preparations (calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, vitacalcin).
Alternative treatment
With the onset of early menopause, alternative therapies can be used.
They can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. Alternative medicine is an auxiliary method for treating the pathological symptoms of the early menopause of a woman of 30 years.
Herbal Treatment
Treatment with herbs of early menopause in women of 30 years is the main method of alternative medicine. Here are a few recipes that can help a woman and ease her condition.
Recipe # 1
- One tablespoon of boletus uterus to enter into a steep boiling water, taking 200 ml of liquid.
- Put on a small fire, using a steam bath, and from the moment of boiling to sustain a quarter of an hour.
- Leave on the edge and do not touch for four hours.
- Strain and drink one tablespoon, making four to five approaches throughout the day. The duration of therapy is three months.
Recipe No. 2
- 50 g of dried herb borovaya uterus placed in a container, where it is introduced and 400 ml of alcohol or vodka.
- The capacity is well corked and placed in the dark place of the week for three.
- The resulting tincture to take 15 - 30 droplets three times a day. The duration of therapy is three months.
Recipe # 3
- One tablespoon of the dried and finely chopped root of the red brush is combined with 300 ml of boiling water only.
- Put on a small fire, and from the moment of boiling to sustain five minutes.
- Decoction to strain and drink half the glass, making three approaches throughout the day.
- To obtain greater effectiveness, the drug should be taken 15 minutes before meals. If desired, you can sweeten one teaspoon of honey.
Recipe No. 4
- 50 g dried root of a red brush put in a container, where to pour and 500 ml of alcohol or vodka.
- Capacitate the bottle and put it in a dark place for a month.
- The resulting tincture to take 30 - 40 drops three times a day. To get more effectiveness, the drug is recommended to drink half an hour before meals.
Recipe No. 5
- 15 g of white mistletoe in one container to connect with a glass of boiling water.
- Leave the container to stand for a couple of hours.
- The resulting tincture take one tablespoon three times throughout the day. The recommended time of reception is 15-20 minutes before meals.
Homeopathy in the early menopause in women of 30 years helps to eliminate its symptoms. Homeopathic medications have estrogen-like and sedative effects, stop dizziness, headaches, normalize sleep and reduce tidal intensity.
The duration of such therapy on average is up to six months. Often apply such homeopreparations: estroel, remens, climaxan, feminale, tsi-klim, klimaktoplan.
Climacoplane is prescribed in the form of a dragee, taken orally one by one - two dragees three times throughout the day. The medicine is applied orally, kept in the mouth until it dissolves completely. The recommended time of reception is 30 minutes before or after meals.
Contraindications climaticplane is only an individual intolerance to one or several components of the drug.
Operative treatment
Operative treatment as a method of solving the problem of early menopause is usually not applied. Physicians to the last try to save the reproductive organs of a woman, leaving her the opportunity to continue to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.
But the reasons why a specialist may decide to conduct an operation:
- Continuous uterine bleeding.
- Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium.
- Adenomatous hyperplasia of the endometrium, atypical endometrial hyperplasia.
- Myoma.
- Glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia.
- Focal or nodal adenomyosis.
- Various combinations of the above pathologies.
Prevention of early menopause in women of 30 years is simple, but their implementation will reduce the likelihood of menopause.
- A woman, starting from the moment of puberty, and even more so after the onset of sexual activity, must undergo a preventive examination at a gynecologist at least once every six months.
- To lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminating the abuse of alcohol, nicotine and drugs.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- The diet should be rational, rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Minimize in their diet products of modern supermarkets, in which there are stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers. Avoid genetically modified foods, fast food and semi-finished products. Fractional power is welcome.
- Watch your weight. Extra pounds add health problems. Obesity is one of the causes of early menopause in women.
- Doing sports, because the movement is life. But too large loads are not permissible, especially during menstruation.
- Protect your body from hypothermia or overheating.
- Compliance with personal hygiene.
- There must be a culture of sexual relations: to eliminate disorder in the connections, it is desirable that the sexual partner be one. In this case, a woman should be sure of his health. This will reduce the likelihood of getting an infection that is transmitted only through sexual contact.
- Complete rest.
To estimate an unambiguous forecast of an early menopause in women 30 no specialist will undertake. In this case, everything is quite individual.
As medical practice shows, if a woman has not had a period for six months, about one percent of women still have a chance of spontaneous return of the menstrual cycle and the opportunity to become pregnant and become a mother.
The prognosis for most women depends on how timely a woman turned to a qualified specialist for help. If all the doctor's recommendations were prescribed and carefully followed, substitution therapy allows a woman to lead a quality active life. And when planning pregnancy, it is easy to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.
If a woman does not consult a doctor with an early menopause, then a long-term estrogen deficiency has all chances at some point to provoke the development of malignant lesions of the breast, uterus or ovaries. There is a high probability of complications that have already been noted in this article: osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and a number of others.