Inflammation of the breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Inflammation of the breast or mastitis is mainly a woman's disease, which is characterized by severe pain, hardening of the skin of the chest, as well as their redness, an increase in the body's overall temperature. The most frequent manifestations of mastitis occur in women between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, although manifestations of mastitis occur in female representatives from fifteen to fifty years of age. This time is considered a period of strong hormonal activity, which can become an indirect cause of mastitis.
Causes of the inflammation of the breast
The causes of inflammation of the breast during the period of breastfeeding are as follows:
- The appearance of lactostasis is a consequence of milk stagnation because of its large number in the first days of the baby's life. The newborn does not need milk in such volumes, and unused milk stagnates in the chest.
- Incorrect application of the baby to the breast during feeding, which prevents him from completely sucking milk from the dairy sinuses. In this case, the remaining milk is concentrated in some iron or several, located side by side. In this case, the remaining sinuses remain in order, the processes of inflammation and compaction are observed only in the part of the breast where the tissues are soft and not affected.
- Trauma of the ducts of the mammary gland.
- Anatomical imperfection of the nipple.
- Damage to the nipple as a result of the initiation of breastfeeding, through which various pathological microorganisms penetrate. As a result, an inflammatory infectious disease begins, which is enhanced by the accumulation of milk, which is an excellent nutrient medium for microorganisms.
- Scratches present on the skin of the breast, through which the infection gets perfectly well.
- Infection with blood flow from other zones of inflammatory processes in the body. The milk environment promotes their good nutrition, rapid development and progression of inflammation of the mammary glands.
- Breast suppression for various reasons.
- Weakened immunity due to recent birth.
- The large size of the breast, due to which the milk of the lower sections of the breast falls down and from them the milk is excreted in insufficient quantities.
In women who are not in the period of lactation the causes of inflammation of the breast are:
- Hormonal disorders in the body.
- Breast suppression.
- Decreased immunity of the general organism.
- An exacerbation of the radiculitis of the cervical and thoracic parts.
- Injury of the mammary glands, due to which various infections enter the glands.
- Long term treatment for any infections.
- Postponed severe stress.
- There are tumors in the chest that are benign or malignant in nature.
The causes of inflammation of the mammary glands in men are as follows:
- Endocrine disorders in the body, due to which the normal hormonal balance is disturbed. This reduces the production of male hormones - androgens, including testosterone.
- Violations of metabolic nature in the body.
- Changes in the pathological nature of the structure of mammary glands in men due to the above reasons.
- Some diseases of the urological group.
- With the existing violations in the work of sexual glands and various problems arising from this.
- Some varieties of tumor processes in the adrenal glands, which increases the number of female sex hormones in the blood, including estrogens.
- Injuries of the mammary glands, due to which an injured chest gets an infection.
Hormonal imbalance in the body of men, resulting in the appearance of mastitis, is caused by the following factors:
- The constant use of alcoholic beverages in large quantities, as to, first of all, beer.
- Application without consulting a physician of certain medications, namely means for lowering blood pressure and tranquilizers.
- The use of anabolic hormones of various types, which is practiced, above all, by professional athletes in power sports.
- Some diseases of the digestive system that cause true or false gynecomastia are an increase in mammary glands in men.
Symptoms of the inflammation of the breast
During the lactation period, the symptoms of mastitis most often develop rapidly, within two to three days after the formation of milk stagnation in the chest.
Symptoms of inflammation of the breast appear in the following:
- Increased breast sensitivity.
- The appearance of severe pain in the mammary glands.
- Occlusion of seals in part or all over the mammary gland. Moreover, the form of the seals is the same as the proportion of mammary glands - in the form of a triangle with a vertex at the nipple.
- Increase in local temperature.
- Redness and condensation of the skin above the area of inflammation.
- The appearance of edema of the breast, resulting in the mammary gland increases.
- There may be an increase in the lymph nodes.
- Sometimes there is a change in the local elevated body temperature to a common, which in some cases reaches a mark of forty degrees, and in a short period of time.
- In some cases, there is a tachycardia, especially in the infectious form of mastitis.
- There is leukocytosis - an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, which is typical for infectious types of inflammation of the breast.
- During the lactation period, the pain during mastitis during breastfeeding increases and becomes noisy.
With each type of mastitis, there are symptoms of the disease that distinguish one type of disease from another:
- With serous mastitis, pain is felt, there are seals in the chest, the skin on the entire surface of the mammary gland has a normal color, the local and general temperatures are normal.
- In acute infected form, there are painful sensations, there are seals in the chest, to which is added a rise in the temperature of the local and general nature, reddening of the skin over the place of formation of the seal and densification of the skin. Painful sensations become sharp, they appear even in the case of a simple and gentle touch to the mammary gland. The general condition of the sick person suddenly and strongly worsens.
- With chronic inflammation of the breast there are seals in the chest, but the skin remains normal color, pain is not strong or completely absent. The condition of the sick person is satisfactory, the body temperature is at a normal level or is subfebrile, that is, from 37 to 37.5 degrees. This body temperature indicates a slow inflammatory process, which is present in the body.
- With abscess of the mammary gland or glands, a foci of lesion with clear contours with a large accumulation of pus is formed, while this portion of the breast softens and becomes reddened. The chest swells, pains appear in it, the overall body temperature is constantly and strongly increased. Regional lymph nodes increase in size.
- With the phlegmonous form of the disease, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, signs of general intoxication of the body appear, sleep and appetite are disturbed. Regional lymph nodes increase in size and become painful. Through the skin, you can see enlarged veins that are located subcutaneously. The breast can change shape, and also the nipple's contraction.
- With gangrene of the breast, the general condition of the patient is very severe. In this case, the skin on the inflamed breast changes its color to cyanotic or purple, and the iron loses its shape.
Where does it hurt?
Distinguish mastitis that occurred during the lactation period, and outside it. Inflammation of the breast in women during breastfeeding is the most common form of mastitis.
Inflammation of the breast occurs not only in women, but also in men and children of both sexes, including newborns. This is due to certain hormonal disorders in the body of a sick person.
Mastitis can be acute and chronic. The chronic form is most often found in women who entered the climacteric period.
There are several types of inflammation of the breast depending on the clinical picture of the course of the disease:
- Serous is an inflammatory process in which there is no infection with various infections.
- Acute infected - an inflammatory process complicated by the ingress of various infections into the nipple region, which subsequently spread throughout the mammary gland.
- Chronic - is the result of improper antibacterial treatment of acute infected mastitis or occurs in the absence of proper treatment.
- An abscess of the breast or glands occurs on the basis of a serous or acute infected type of mastitis.
- Phlegmonous - which leads to a sharp deterioration in the general condition of the sick person, which is a consequence of the general intoxication of the body.
- Gangrene of the breast is a very serious condition of the mammary gland and the body as a whole, in which conservative therapy is not already effective.
Inflammation of mammary glands in women
Most often, inflammation of the breast glands in women is observed during the breastfeeding of the baby, or rather, during the appearance of lactation. This is due to an inadequate amount of milk sucking out by the baby or an incorrect process of feeding a newborn, including incorrect preparation for this act. Also, various injuries to the nipple in the form of cracks and skin of the breast in the form of scratches and small wounds, through which the infection easily penetrates and multiplies quickly in a milky environment. Infectious diseases of the chest from an easy stage are very quickly transformed into a serious one, because during this period, a decrease in immunity is observed in lactating women, which prevents the body from effectively resisting diseases.
Especially often mastitis occurs in nursing mothers after the birth of the first baby and during the first six weeks of the lactation period. There are similar phenomena in the primiparous and at the time of termination of breastfeeding.
In non-breastfeeding women, the cause of mastitis is mainly endocrine disruption and the appearance of hormonal imbalance during certain transitional periods in a woman's life.
Inflammation of the breast in men
Inflammation of the breast or mastitis in men is found in fairly rare cases. And this happens only when men have endocrine or metabolic disorders, leading to transformations of a pathological nature in the mammary gland. In some men due to hormonal changes, the mammary glands enlarge in size, which is called gynecomastia. Sometimes, for some representatives of the stronger sex due to the above reasons, production of breast milk of inferior character is observed.
The mammary gland in men is similar in structure to that of the female breast. The mammary glands in men and women differ only in the degree of their development. It must be recalled that before the puberty period, the mammary glands of both boys and girls do not differ. In this case, the breast of men consists of the same glandular tissue as the female breast, but little developed. Therefore, mastitis can appear in men as well as in women.
Inflammation of the mammary glands in men can occur both with their pathological increase, and with the normal size of the breast.
In the beginning, any mastitis in men is in serous form and outwardly resembles a mammary gland swelling. In this case, there is an increase in mammary glands, as well as the appearance of pain. When performing palpation, you can find that a small seal appeared in the chest. After a while, there may be an increase in lymph nodes, which are located in the armpits. There may also be soreness in these lymph nodes.
The next stage of the course of the disease manifests itself in infiltration, which is characterized by the appearance of a large number of leukocytes in the affected area of the breast. As a result, an infiltrate begins to form in this region. This phase of the disease is accompanied by an increase in the local and general body temperature, the appearance of greater soreness in the chest, increased swelling and reddening of the skin in the affected area. In this case, the patient has symptoms of intoxication of the body.
If at this stage do not begin to properly treat the disease, then this can lead to the transition of the disease to the purulent stage. The symptomatology of the disease in this phase is characterized by the appearance of severe pain and a distinct intoxication of the body. When palpation of the breast, you can find a seal that feels hot and painful to the patient. The skin over the place of formation of the abscess strongly turns red.
Purulent manifestations of mastitis occur in men in very rare cases, but at the same time, they are very dangerous for the health and life of the patient. In these cases, there are various emergency conditions in which urgent surgical intervention is required.
Inflammation of the breast in a child
Inflammation of the breast in a child occurs due to various reasons. There is an inflammatory process (mastitis) in newborns of different sex, as well as in matured boys and girls.
Mastitis in children will be described in detail in the following sections.
Inflammation of mammary glands in newborns
In infants of both sexes due to hormonal changes, there is a sexual crisis, which is characterized, in part, by an increase or swelling (engorgement) of the mammary glands. This phenomenon is called physiological mastopathy and is considered absolutely normal if the glands are enlarged to three centimeters in diameter. At the same time the skin should not blush, and under it there are no seals and changes. Thus from a breast of the newborn the grayish or milky-white liquid can be allocated. This phenomenon occurs on the second day after the birth of the baby and disappears by the end of the first week of his life.
Parents need to remember that one can not in any way try to treat such a phenomenon, which consists in squeezing out milk from the breasts, warming up, applying infusions, applying compresses with Vishnevsky ointment, camphor, and so on. Various manipulations with the mammary glands of a newborn can provoke the appearance of cracks in their nipples, which speeds up the infection in them and causes mastitis.
Sometimes mastitis in newborns causes sweating with pustules, which appears due to the fact that the baby seldom bathe. Mastitis also appears due to decreased immunity in the baby.
In newborns, inflammation of the breast is manifested in the second - third week of the baby's life, when the physiological mastitis usually goes to a decline, and the inflammatory begins to progress. There are symptoms of further engorgement of the breast, which quickly transforms purulent mastitis. In many cases, the inflammatory process appears in one gland.
In addition to the above symptoms, there is a strong tenderness of the chest, as well as signs of intoxication of the body - fever, fever and cramps, sluggishness and inhibition of the baby, as well as its tearfulness and restlessness. At the same time the newborn does not take the breast well, his appetite disappears. Sometimes there are problems with the digestive tract, there is regurgitation, vomiting and diarrhea.
After that the mammary gland turns red, her edema appears, pain pains increase in her, and the local temperature rises. Progression of the disease leads to the appearance of suppuration in the affected area, which in the absence of proper treatment causes damage to the chest, the appearance of phlegmon and sepsis.
Purulent mastitis for girls poses a great danger, as it causes the death of part of the gland and clogs a part of the ducts, which subsequently negatively affects lactation. With ineffective treatment, mastitis becomes chronic, which manifests itself in the form of large lesions with pus, which break out.
Inflammation of mammary glands in boys
In adolescent boys, when entering the puberty period, puberty gynecomastia can be observed. Her symptoms are an increase and soreness, which can be mistaken for inflammation of the mammary glands. This process is physiologically normal and lasts for one to two years. If after this period there are no changes, then it is necessary to contact the endocrinologist for the examination. As these signs indicate a violation of the hormonal balance in the body of the boy.
Inflammation of the mammary glands in girls
Inflammation of the mammary glands in girls is not a very common phenomenon. In adolescence, inflammatory processes can appear as fistulas, which are located near the nipple on the pigment ring. The products of the inflammatory activity of fistulas are removed through the nipple.
In very rare cases, adolescent girls suffer from mastitis, an inflammatory process of the breast tissue. This disease manifests itself in the form of a focus of soft tissue with an increased local temperature near the pigment ring, which occurs suddenly. At the same time, the skin over the inflammation zone turns red.
Inflammation of lymph nodes of the breast
With some inflammatory diseases of the breast, there is an increase in lymph nodes, which are located in the armpits. Such anomalies cause mastitis - inflammation of the breast and mastopathy - pathological growth of breast tissue.
When mastopathy is observed not only an increase in lymph nodes, but also the appearance of pain in them. This is manifested by the so-called inflammation of the lymph nodes of the breast. In this case, there is an appearance of secretions from the breast. Such symptoms should not be ignored, but immediately consult a specialist - mammologist for advice and appropriate treatment.
Inflammation of the mammary duct
Inflammation of the duct of the breast occurs due to stagnation of milk in the breast during lactation. This causes inflammation of the mammary gland and its ducts, which are called mastitis. All the symptoms and causes of inflammatory processes that occur in the ducts of the breast are described in the previous sections, when explaining the disease of mastitis.
Erysipelas of the mammary gland
Erysipelas of the mammary gland is an inflammatory process of the skin of the breast of a serous-exudative nature. A similar kind of inflammation appears due to the ingress of pathological microorganisms into the skin when the milk is expressed or by the hematogenous way (through the total blood flow) from other acute and chronic foci of infection.
At the site of erysipelas, dystrophic changes in skin integument occur, and the conductivity of the skin vessels is impaired. In certain cases, inflammation of the breast (mastitis) causes erysipelas of the skin, which is a complication of mastitis.
Symptoms of erysipelas are:
- An acute onset of the onset of the disease, with signs of intoxication of the general organism in the form of headache, muscle pain, increased weakness, weakness, nausea and vomiting immediately appear.
- Raise body temperature to 39 - 40 degrees.
- After the appearance of the above symptoms, after a few hours, painful sensations appear in the affected area, and then reddening, which rapidly increases.
- Inflamed zone of skin swells.
- Erythrematous rash appears, which becomes higher than the skin level.
- The nearest lymph nodes are enlarged.
If you do not resort to the timely treatment of inflammatory processes, this disregard for one's own health can lead to the appearance of abscesses and phlegmon inside the subcutaneous tissue, as well as to the appearance of the most severe erysipelas of the breast, gangrenous.
The worst consequences are observed with gangrenous form of erysipelas, which leads to loss of breast function due to the appearance of scars in the tissues of the breast. To more mild complications include disorders of lymph flow and blood flow in the mammary gland.
Inflammation of the nipple of the breast
Inflammation of the nipple of the breast occurs in women due to milk stagnation in the mammary gland during breastfeeding. At the same time, if there are cracks in the nipples, these causes can cause penetration of the nipple of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes the inflammatory process. The reasons that caused inflammation in the nipple include incorrectly selected underwear with low hygienic parameters, improper application of the baby to the breast, as well as improper care of the breast during the lactation period.
Inflammation of the nipples is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Niprubanie nipples.
- Reddening of the skin around the nipple.
- Sensations of compression and extension in the mammary gland.
- The appearance of pain in the nipples.
- Increase in overall body temperature.
If the inflammation of the nipples does not begin to be treated on time, then the inflammation progresses and spreads further. The mammary gland swells, the skin stretches and changes its color to burgundy, the local temperature increases. In this case, there are symptoms of general intoxication of the body, expressed in weakness and severe headaches. Breastfeeding the baby causes strong pain in the nipple and chest, this also applies to the process of expressing milk. The amount of milk in the breast with inflammation of the nipples can greatly decrease.
Diagnostics of the inflammation of the breast
If you have some symptoms that indicate inflammation of the breast, you need to urgently go to a specialist - mammology. During the consultation, the doctor will perform an examination and palpation of the chest, and also make an appointment for an additional examination. Such measures must be taken to put the correct diagnosis, and also to exclude other diseases of the breast.
The most accurate method of diagnosis is ultrasound (ultrasound) of the milk ducts, in which you can see the nature of the inflammatory process, establish its stage and visually track possible complications.
The results of ultrasound study determine the choice of conservative therapy.
If there are suspicions of the presence of an abscess or malignant tumors, it is necessary to carry out a mammogram, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to make a biopsy for further research in the laboratory.
Differential diagnosis of the mammary gland is to exclude tumor processes in the chest, which is quite a challenge. Because cancer, inflammatory cancer is easy enough to confuse with an abscess. Differential diagnostics of the mammary gland by means of ultrasound is carried out.
Diagnosis of inflammation of the breast cyst is a quick procedure. If a patient has a history of having a cyst, then this facilitates the work of specialists. When establishing the diagnosis, methods of mammography and ultrasound are used. Sometimes a doctor can prescribe a puncture biopsy of the breast for further laboratory testing.
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Treatment of the inflammation of the breast
Treatment of an acute form of mastitis should be started already in the early stages, in order to avoid the occurrence of an abscess, that is, the emergence of a focus of purulent lesion. Especially it concerns infected forms of the disease. Treatment is carried out with the appointment of antibiotics, which immediately ease the condition of a sick woman.
If the use of antibiotics does not facilitate the patient's condition, then it must be put in the hospital for further examination and the appointment of the correct and effective methods of treatment. At the same time, ultrasound diagnostic methods are used, which allow to resort to differential diagnosis to exclude the presence of a tumor in the mammary gland.
During the lactation period, it is necessary to continue feeding the baby with the help of the mammary glands, since the emptying of the breast canals reduces or completely eliminates the inflammatory process. Microorganisms that can be found in milk do not pose a health threat to the newborn. It should be recalled that continuation of breastfeeding is possible only with the intake of antibiotics, which do not penetrate into breast milk. This is the main task of the doctor prescribing the medicine.
Serous form of acute mastitis is treated by applying bandages to the chest, which keep it in a suspended state. This shows the application of dry heat to the chest. During the lactation period, the baby needs to continue to feed, which will ensure the prompt disappearance of mastitis. Also, for the treatment of serous mastitis, specialists prescribe antibiotics of the penicillin group of the semisynthetic form and cephalosporins of the first and second generation.
Inflammation of the breast can be treated with alternative medicine. These include compresses with aloe juice, Kalanchoe juice and carrot juice, as well as applying a freshly cut cabbage leaf and plantain leaf to the area of inflammation.
Abscesses of the mammary gland are treated with the help of a surgical intervention, which is an opening of the abscess, its emptying and drainage. In the course of the operation, all purulent pathways are tracked, which is done with finger research. After that, all the purulent ducts are connected into one cavity. If the abscess was opened at an early stage of its formation, then this preserves the proper functioning of the mammary gland.
After surgery, an abscess is followed by rehabilitation therapy. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. The use of antibacterial medicines begins with drugs with a wide spectrum of action. After that, a study is conducted for the reaction of microorganisms in the abscess to the action of certain drugs, and in accordance with the available results, more specific preparations are prescribed.
In the recovery period after attenuation of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to undergo a massage of the mammary gland.
If you treat a breast abscess incorrectly or later to begin the process of therapy, such actions can provoke the appearance of phlegmon - a spilled inflammatory process. Treatment of phlegmonous type of inflammation of the breast is carried out only with the help of surgical intervention in a hospital. This may raise the issue of the need to remove the entire breast.
Treatment of erysipelas of the breast occurs with the help of broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as antimicrobial agents - sulfonamides and so on. Also used is ultraviolet irradiation of inflamed skin. To the above therapy must necessarily add funds that strengthen the overall immunity of the patient. If the erysipelas is a result of mastitis, then the treatment of inflammation of the breast in a known way.
Treatment of mammary inflammation in men depends on the factor that caused the inflammatory process. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. Most often they include other, primary diseases that cause the appearance of mastitis in the mammary gland. Effective treatment should include proper diagnosis of the underlying disease and taking measures to eliminate it.
The choice of methods for treating mammary inflammation in men depends on its type and stage. Serous form of the disease can be cured by methods of conservative therapy, which includes resting, that is, bed rest, the appointment of antibiotics and certain physiotherapy procedures.
Purulent abscesses in men require surgical intervention, conservative methods of treatment in this case are ineffective.
Mastitas of newborns are treated only in hospital by conservative and surgical methods. When pus is not observed, compresses, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. If the mastitis has passed into a purulent phase, then for its treatment, surgical intervention is required, in which the iron is opened and pus is removed from it.
Antibiotics for inflammation of the breast
In the treatment of inflammation of the breast, an important role is played by antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are used with conservative treatment methods, and as rehabilitation after surgical interventions.
With inflammation of the breast, antibiotics are prescribed for both a broad and a narrow spectrum of action. Specialists most often resort to the appointment of semisynthetic penicillins and cephalosporins of the first and second generations.
With inflammation of the breast, the following antibiotics are used:
- Semi-synthetic penicillins of a wide spectrum of action - amoxicillins. The drugs of this group include Osmapox, Hiconcil, Grunamox, Flemoxin-Solutab, Ranoxil, Amotide, Amoxicillin-ratiopharm.
- Medicines of phenoxymethylpenicillin group - Ospen.
- Penicillin preparations in combination with inhibitors of lactamases, which are produced by microorganisms of enzymes - clavulanic acid or sulbactam, which are capable of destroying these antibiotics. These include Amoxilav, Augmetin, Moxiclav.
- Cephalosporins are represented by preparations of the first and second generation. These include Cephalexin (Ospexin, Proleksin, Sporidex, and others); Cefazolin (Zolfin, Kefzol, Lizolin, Prozolin and so on); Cefaclor (Verceph, Zeclore, Taraceph); Cefuroxime (Zinacef, Zinnat, Aksetin, Ketotsef).
Since mastitis in 95 percent of cases occurs in nursing mothers, it is necessary to teach women preventative actions that will prevent the occurrence of inflammation.
First of all, a woman during breastfeeding should pay much attention to the hygiene of the mammary glands, but do not overdry them.
Daily hygienic procedures for a nursing mother include a morning shower and a subsequent change of the brassiere. When choosing personal care products, you need to pay attention to soap with a neutral pH, which minimizes skin overdrying. Every day, you can use absorbent pads, which are placed in the bra and change several times a day. After taking the shower, you need to apply to the skin of the breast special moisturizers, for example Purelan, which consists of 100% lanolin, Bepanten, an oil solution of vitamin A.
Cracks of the nipples are treated with VideStim, balm Rescuer, sea buckthorn oil. In severe cases, you can use compresses with a line of synthomycin (synthomycin ointment), furatsilinovoy ointment or an oil solution of chlorophyllipt. After each feeding, these products are applied to the clean skin of the nipple, as well as overnight. Before feeding, the drug should be thoroughly washed off the skin of the breast, so that the medicine does not hit the baby in the mouth.
Between the feeding of the baby you can take a few drops of breast milk, which you need to squeeze out, grind the nipple and chest and let it sink in. This measure effectively heals the nipples after the appearance of cracks on them.
Prevention of inflammation of the breast is of great importance. Prevention of chronic forms of the disease is the timely treatment of the acute stage of mastitis of infected and serous species. Especially, these preventive measures are necessary for women who entered the menopause, because they most often have chronic forms of inflammation of the breast.
Prophylactic measures include regular visits to specialists for examination of the breast, at least once a year. It is also necessary to take care of strengthening immunity, to stabilize the hormonal background in the body, to treat foci of chronic infections.
Women are advised to protect their breasts from bumps and various other injuries, and if they arise, resort to timely treatment. First of all, it concerns abrasions and scratches of the skin of the breast, as well as cracks in the nipples. It is necessary to protect the breast from supercooling, as well as overheating. It is not recommended to abuse solariums, as well as exposure to ultraviolet rays in the summer to obtain sunburn.
Men are recommended to abandon the harmful habits mentioned earlier, and also to deal with the treatment of endocrine, metabolic, urological and other diseases that cause male mastitis.
The prognosis of the results of treatment of inflammation of the breast depends on the stage of the process on which therapy was started, as well as the type of mastitis.
In the serous and acute infected phase, the prognosis for cure and the absence of relapse of the disease are positive, if the treatment started in time, that is, at an early stage. If the treatment procedures are ignored or if there is no proper therapy, the acute infected mastitis, as well as its serous form, can turn into a chronic one, which requires a long and serious conservative treatment. Not all cases of chronic inflammation of the breast can heal completely. Some individuals experience recurrent recurrences of the disease, which is caused by a general decrease in immunity, as well as hormonal disorders in the body.
In the treatment of abscesses, surgical complications can occur in the form of scarring of breast tissue, which can complicate the process of breastfeeding, and also affect the appearance of the breast. Here, in many cases, surgical treatment of purulent inflammation of the breast does not affect the functioning of the breast, and on the skin of the breast there is a small scar.
The phlegmonous form of mastitis is dangerous for a woman's health and has serious complications in the form of mammary gland removal.
With gangrene occurs not only the removal of the breast, but also a threat to the general condition and life of the patient. With gangrenous inflammatory processes, fatal outcomes can be observed due to the overall strong intoxication of the body.