Thrush before, during and after menstruation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, many women complain that they are worried about thrush before, during and after menstruation. Is this normal or pathological? Even experienced specialists do not have an unambiguous answer to this question. Let's take a look at this issue.
Is thrush normal before menstruation?
First, you need to understand that thrush is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Therefore, the second name of this disease is candidiasis. In principle, microorganisms of the genus Candida are representatives of the normal microflora. Normally, they are part of the vaginal microbiocenosis (in small quantities - no more than 10 3 CFU / ml). They support local immunity, protect the mucous membranes from pathogenic microorganisms. An important property of these microorganisms is the ability to provide colonization resistance of the mucous membranes, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms cannot penetrate, be absorbed on the mucous membrane, and cause disease.
Nevertheless, under certain circumstances, for example, with hormonal changes, with reduced immunity, with hypothermia, after protozoa and other diseases accompanied by antibiotic therapy, the composition of the natural microflora may change. In this case, the number of the fungus of the genus Candida can increase sharply, which leads to the development of the disease. Thus, thrush is considered rather not as an independent disease, as one of the varieties of dysbiosis, in which the normal quantitative and qualitative ratio of microflora is disturbed.
Many have thrush before menstruation. This is normal or not is a controversial issue, since on the one hand it is not a true disease, in the full sense of the word. On the other hand, this is dysbiosis, a violation of the normal composition of microflora, which can no longer be called the norm. Thrush before menstruation develops due to the fact that at this time the body's resistance is maximally reduced: hormonal changes occur, there is a load on the internal organs, the internal temperature rises, and immunity decreases. In addition, at this time, the mucous layers of the reproductive organs are renewed. These are optimal conditions for microflora disorders and rapid growth of the fungus. However, for many women this condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own. As soon as immunity and normal hormonal levels are restored. [1]
Can there be thrush during menstruation?
Thrush can occur at any time when the body has a decrease in immunity, hormonal imbalance. Your period is the most appropriate time for this. However, it does not occur in everyone, but only in those who have a predisposition to this disease. So, if a woman has high immunity, ideal female health, she leads an active lifestyle, an adequate sex life, consumes the required amount of vitamins and minerals, exercises, observes a work and rest regimen, eats well, she does not face thrush. Violation of at least one of these risk factors increases the likelihood of developing thrush.
Thus, answering the question: "Can there be thrush during menstruation?", You can definitely answer in the affirmative. Maybe, but for this there must be predisposing factors, and first of all - reduced immunity, violation of microflora. Therefore, before starting the treatment of thrush , it is advisable to consult not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist, an immunologist. Perhaps a more rational solution to the problem would be to increase immunity, normalize hormonal levels and eliminate dysbiosis. Then thrush will cease to be a problem forever. [2]
Do menstruation go with thrush?
Answering the question: "Do menstruation go with thrush?", You need to clearly understand how these two phenomena are related. And what, in essence, they are. Menstruation is a process by which an unfertilized egg is excreted along with the blood. This process is a hormone-dependent process in which hormonal changes occur. Accordingly, the composition of the microflora, and the state of immunity, and the protective properties of the organism change. Optimal conditions are created for disturbing the microflora of the urogenital tract, for the progression of fungal infection (the fungus of the genus Candida is activated). Then thrush develops, which, in fact, is a fungal infection. The conclusion suggests itself: these two processes are in no way connected with each other, therefore, menstruation occurs even with thrush.
Will thrush go away after menstruation?
It is impossible to answer the question of whether thrush will pass after menstruation, without a gynecological examination, without test results. Very informative in this regard is not so much a standard cytological study (smear) as an immunogram. To do this, take blood from a vein, and assess the state of the main indicators of immunity.
Based on the results obtained, a conclusion is made as to how long a fungal infection can progress, whether anti-infectious immunity is able to suppress it, or special treatment will be required. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism in some cases, the hormonal background quickly returns to normal, immunity also increases, the colonization resistance of the mucous membranes returns to normal. Then the disease regresses, and everything returns to normal. If there is a significant impairment of immunity, treatment may be required.
Causes of the thrush before menstruation
The main reason is that the entire system of neuroregulatory regulation of the body changes in the body, from a decrease in the synthesis of neuroregulatory peptides and neurotransmitters, to changes in the normal functioning of the system of nonspecific resistance, microcirculation, systemic and local immunity. The last link, which directly triggers the pathogenesis of thrush, is a violation of the colonization resistance of microorganisms, a decrease in the number of normal and conditionally pathogenic microflora, and activation of fungal growth (in particular, fungi of the genus Candida).
Often the reason lies in the fact that the immune system is weakened due to the fact that the woman is overworked, overcooled, exposed to prolonged intoxication. Thrush can develop against the background of many other diseases, it can be triggered by a high viral load, bacterial endotoxins. Thrush often occurs after prolonged antibiotic treatment, after antiviral therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Often occurs in severe viral and bacterial diseases, malaria, depletion of the body, kidney and liver diseases, and the female reproductive system. [3]
Why does thrush begin before menstruation?
Often the gynecologist hears the question: "Why does thrush begin before menstruation?" Although, by and large, this is not a question for a gynecologist, but rather for an immunologist. This is due to the fact that the whole thing lies in human immunity. The possibility or impossibility of developing thrush is determined not only by the state of the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, but also by the state of immunity in general. With normal systemic immunity, local immunity, as a rule, is also maintained within normal limits. A decrease in immunity entails a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membranes, as a result of which the number of normal microflora decreases, and the number of fungal microorganisms increases, which manifests itself in the form of thrush. That is, in order to find out why thrush is aggravated before menstruation, and to take appropriate preventive measures, it is better to contact an immunologist, since in most cases, it is a matter of reduced immunity.
Why does thrush begin after menstruation?
In order to find out why thrush begins after menstruation, to determine the exact cause, and finally get rid of it, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination, which will include not only a gynecologist, but at least an immunologist, an endocrinologist.
Also, an important stage in the diagnosis is the delivery of laboratory tests, which will confirm the diagnosis. The main method is bacteriological examination. A smear is taken from the mucous membranes, or scraping from the walls of the urogenital tract.
Diagnosis is based on the detection of thrush pathogens (Candida genus fungus) in a smear from the urogenital tract. It is important to understand that a small amount of this kind of fungus may be present in the smear and normally. But we talk about a disease only if there is a sharp increase in it to a level that exceeds the permissible limits of the norm. Then this condition is considered as a pathology, and appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is possible to diagnose "candidiasis" if the amount of the fungus of the genus Candida exceeds 10 4 CFU / ml.
With thrush, instrumental studies are also carried out. First of all, this is a standard gynecological examination (examination in mirrors), bimanual (finger examination). The external genitals, vagina, cervix are examined. A smear is necessarily taken (according to its results, a diagnosis is made).
Sometimes there is a need for other methods of instrumental research. For example, with the help of hysteroscopy, you can penetrate the uterine cavity through the cervix, and conduct the necessary research and examination. With the help of laparoscopic methods, the internal cavity of the uterus is also examined. It makes it possible to take material for a biopsy, inspect places that are inaccessible for examination during hysteroscopy. [4]
Pelvic ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI are also used. These methods make it possible to visualize pathology in a dynamic mode, see the processes in dynamics, observe the features of their course. Can be viewed in various projections.
Risk factors
Often women suffer from thrush, with a history of chronic infectious diseases, patients with dysbacteriosis and disorders of normal microbiocenoses in any biotopes. The risk group includes women with acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, reproductive organs, spleen, cancer patients, patients who have recently undergone any surgical intervention, anesthesia, and anesthesia. Especially often, the cause of the development of thrush is various therapeutic and diagnostic procedures on the pelvic organs: early termination of pregnancy, abortion, hysteroscopy, other invasive gynecological examinations, operations and gynecological procedures. [5]
The pathogenesis is based on an increase in the number of fungal microflora in the mucous membranes of the female genital tract. Actively multiplying, the fungal flora inhibits the growth of other microorganisms, in particular, bacterial microflora. The protective potential of the reproductive organs is sharply reduced. By-products of metabolism accumulate, intoxication occurs, the mucous membranes of the genital tract are damaged. Accordingly, an active inflammatory process develops. Lymphocytes, neutrophils arrive at the site of inflammation, factors and mediators of inflammation, including histamine, prostaglandins, cytokines, begin to be released. Accordingly, there is an active maintenance of the inflammatory process, and even its progression.
Symptoms of the thrush before menstruation
The first symptoms of thrush are itching, which develops due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital tract by products of the metabolism of the fungus. During the development of the inflammatory process, histamine is released, which also leads to severe irritation, itching. Redness, hyperemia gradually appears, the mucous membranes become swollen. It is worth noting that in most cases, thrush is painless, but severe itching is troubling. It is also worth noting that one of the main symptoms of thrush is profuse discharge, which usually begins with a clear, sticky discharge. They appear quite intensely, and can be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
Gradually, as the fungus multiplies and the infection progresses, they turn white. In the later stages, there is a profuse white, cheesy discharge that often comes in flakes. They can acquire an extremely unpleasant odor, similar to the smell of rotten fish, which indicates the attachment of pathogenic bacterial microflora and an increase in the inflammatory process. Also, one of the signs of a late stage of development of thrush may be pain, burning sensation when urinating, false and frequent urge to urinate. [6]
The pain can increase with prolonged stay in one position, while in a sitting position. And gradually covers the rectum. There is pain in the intestine, pain during bowel movements, less often - constipation. With such signs, thrush can easily progress, climb up the ascending pathways, cover the internal organs, and then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.
The first signs of thrush before menstruation
The first signs of thrush before menstruation are the appearance of itching and other unpleasant sensations in the genital area. In the early stages, it is just itching, which gradually intensifies as the disease progresses. Then discharge appears: at first abundant, sticky, but transparent. Gradually, they acquire a white tint and a curdled consistency. As these symptoms increase, the feeling of discomfort increases, there is a burning sensation when urinating, pain.
Itching before menstruation
Many women complain that they are worried about itching before their period . This phenomenon is not uncommon, it develops for various reasons, but first of all, in connection with hormonal changes in the body, as well as against the background of a decrease in immunity. In addition, before menstruation, the sensitization and sensitivity of the body, the reactivity and excitability of the nervous system, significantly increase. In this regard, even a minimal effect on the receptor can be perceived as an enhanced oversignal.
In addition, there may be many reasons and predisposing factors that worsen before menstruation. The pathogenesis is based on various processes, depending on what caused the development of itching. But, as practice shows, most often the reason lies in a violation of the sensitivity and susceptibility of receptors, which entails an increased reactivity of the body, an increased immune response, sometimes even an allergy of the body, and excessive excitability and lability of the nervous system.
It is quite simple to recognize such a condition: the main symptoms are increasing discomfort, itching, and burning. These symptoms can occur in the genital area, gradually covering other parts of the body, and can be localized only in certain, intimate places. Many women note that their feet and palms itch, which is also quite understandable, since it is in these zones that the largest number of receptors and endings of the nerve ganglia are localized. [7]
Persistent thrush before menstruation
If you are worried about persistent thrush before menstruation, and treatment is not effective, you need to find out the cause of this condition and take measures to eliminate it. In addition to a gynecologist, you need to contact an immunologist who will assess the state of the immune system and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate means. This is due to the fact that with the normal state of the immune system, the absence of disturbances and imbalances, thrush cannot occur. It occurs only against the background of immune disorders.
But immune disorders can be triggered by a violation of the hormonal background, then it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, who will assess the immune background and prescribe treatment, if necessary. It is also often necessary to consult a bacteriologist, a microbiologist, or, in extreme cases, an infectious disease specialist, who will assess the state of the microbiota of the urogenital tract, assess the risk of developing microbiocenosis disorders, as well as the likelihood of developing dysbiosis, bacterial and fungal infections. Depending on the identified state of the microbiocenosis of the female genital organs, the appropriate treatment will be selected. Often it is enough to restore the normal natural microflora, and thrush will cease to bother.
If necessary, you may need additional advice from other specialists. For example, thrush may indicate the development of endogenous intoxication, which develops, for example, due to the accumulation of bacterial metabolites, both from normal and pathogenic microflora.
In any case, it is impossible to do without the advice of a competent specialist. Even if at first glance it may seem that there is no reason, it is not. The reason can be hidden, the pathology can be latent. In most cases, thrush occurs against the background of a general change in biochemical parameters, the state of immunity, with increased sensitivity, hyperreactivity, excessive sensitization of the body, and even due to obesity, or vice versa, depletion of the body. Thrush also develops as a result of improper nutrition, a lack of vitamins in the body, and a lack of certain amino acids.
Symptoms of thrush during menstruation
Thrush always manifests itself in about the same way, and the symptoms of thrush during menstruation are the same as at any other time. First, itching appears, discomfort in the genital area, discharge appears that outwardly resembles cottage cheese flakes or curd mass. As the pathology progresses, a burning sensation develops, pain may appear, which covers not only the genital area, but also the rectum. Sometimes there is pain during bowel movements, bowel disorders.
Thrush passed after menstruation
Often, women at a gynecologist's appointment note that they had thrush after menstruation, but it went away on its own, without any treatment. This is quite possible, and this suggests that a woman has a fairly high immunity, which successfully copes with various pathological conditions, is able to maintain the normal state of the local microflora, the system of nonspecific resistance.
In order for the body to successfully cope with such diseases in the future, it is necessary to provide it with reliable prevention. It is necessary to ensure that the body always receives adequate nutrition. Important conditions are adherence to the regime of the day and rest, the balance of vitamins and minerals, the absence of stress, nervous tension, overwork, and a normal drinking regimen. It is also mandatory to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wearing comfortable and hypoallergenic underwear. It is especially important to timely identify dysbiosis, immune and hormonal disorders and take action. [8]
Complications and consequences
At first glance, it may seem that thrush before, during and after menstruation is not a cause for concern. But this is not the case, in any case, you need to see a doctor. Untreated thrush is dangerous because it can lead to persistent violations of microbiocenosis and local immunity. As a result, the risk of developing gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes increases significantly. Thrush can cause infertility, miscarriage , complications during childbirth, in the postpartum period. In addition, local immunity disorders can lead to serious disorders of systemic immunity, the state of the endocrine and immune systems. Thrush can progress, affecting internal organs. [9]
Diagnostics of the thrush before menstruation
It is possible to talk about thrush only after the tests have been passed and they have confirmed the diagnosis. Diagnosis is based on the detection of thrush pathogens (Candida genus fungus) in a smear from the urogenital tract. It is for this reason that thrush is also called candidiasis. A small amount of this kind of fungus may be present in the smear and is normal. But a sharp increase in it to a level exceeding the permissible limits of the norm is already considered as a pathology, and appropriate treatment is prescribed. In order to diagnose thrush, it is necessary that the amount of Candida is higher than 10 4 CFU / ml. For diagnosis, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.
The analysis is called a smear and is taken by a gynecologist during a gynecological examination. With the help of a special stick and turunda, a smear is taken from the walls, the mucous membrane of the vagina, if necessary, from the cervical canal (cervix). Then the biological material is placed in a test tube, partly on a slide, and sent to the laboratory for further research. In the laboratory, microscopy is carried out (a sample is examined under a microscope, pathologically altered cells, inclusions, the presence of microorganisms, and other indicators are detected). This is an important stage of the study, since in the presence of a cancerous tumor, even at the earliest stage of its inception, pathologically transformed cells will be detected in the smear. This will allow you to react in a timely manner to the situation.
Then the biological material is inoculated on selective nutrient media, and a standard bacteriological study is carried out . Microorganisms are incubated in a thermostat, and under favorable conditions, their growth is detected. By the nature of growth, the type and genus of microorganisms is determined. In the presence of a high degree of contamination by representatives of the genus Candida (over 10 4 ), a diagnosis of "Candidiasis" is made, which means thrush. The test results indicate the degree (number of microorganisms). Further treatment depends on this.
Instrumental diagnostics
With thrush, instrumental research is always used. It is a standard gynecological examination (examination in mirrors). The external genitals, vagina, cervix are examined. If this is enough, a smear is taken. And according to its results, a diagnosis is made.
Sometimes a more complex pathology is revealed, or a suspicion of its development arises. Then there is a need for other methods of instrumental research, which will allow a more extensive and comprehensive study of the state. For example, with the help of hysteroscopy, you can penetrate the uterine cavity through the cervix, and conduct the necessary research and examination. This is often done when a tumor or inflammatory disease is suspected. With the help of a hysteroscope, an examination is carried out, it is also possible to display the image on the screen, make a record, detailed pictures for further study. The procedure is relatively simple and safe.
With the help of laparoscopic methods, the internal cavity of the uterus is also examined. But this is a more painful and traumatic procedure in which a puncture is made, and instruments are inserted through them into the cavity. It makes it possible to take material for a biopsy, inspect places that are inaccessible for examination during hysteroscopy.
Pelvic ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI are also used. These methods make it possible to visualize pathology in a dynamic mode, see the processes in dynamics, observe the features of their course. Can be viewed in various projections.
Differential diagnosis
Usually, differential diagnosis methods are used when it is necessary to differentiate between the signs of various diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way. Basically, thrush has to be differentiated from other infectious diseases, from sexually transmitted infections. Many infectious diseases, especially bacterial, or fungal, manifest themselves in approximately the same way. Especially in the early stages of pathology.
The only reliable method is bacteriological examination. A smear is taken from the mucous membranes, or scraping from the walls of the urogenital tract. An analysis is carried out in the laboratory, at the end of which the results are given. The analysis indicates which microorganism caused the development of the disease. When a fungus of the genus Candida is detected, candidiasis, or thrush, is diagnosed.
Who to contact?
Prevention is based on:
- good nutrition,
- compliance with the regime of the day and rest,
- balance of vitamins and minerals,
- normal drinking regime,
- observance of the rules of personal hygiene,
- wearing comfortable and hypoallergenic underwear.
It is also necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist, periodically consult an immunologist. It is especially important to timely identify fungus, dysbiosis, immune disorders and take action. You can not overcool, minimize the impact of stress on the body.
If you are worried about thrush before, during and after your period , you need to see a doctor. In most cases, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis will be favorable.