White and dark before the eyes: what does this mean?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It happens that we suddenly begin to see the world around us indistinctly, as if through a fog - this is alarming. In particular, when the image is not just lost certain contours, and the veil before his eyes paints it in yellowish or reddish tones. The emergence of such a visual defect, first of all, makes you think about violations in the optical system. In most cases it is, however, not always. Thus, anemia, diseases of the central nervous system, diabetes can manifest.
Most often, the veil before the eyes is not the only symptom of pathology. Therefore, the question “What is it?” Can only be answered by a medical specialist after conducting diagnostic studies.
Causes of the swaddles before eyes
A condition in which visual objects blur before the eyes is caused by a number of factors associated with organic and functional lesions of the eye structures, caused directly by ophthalmologic and sometimes common diseases.
The least dangerous reasons for the appearance of a fuzzy, blurred vision are refractive disorders, when the image of a visual object due to a violation of the angle of refraction of light rays falls not on a certain part of the retina, but in a completely different place:
- and a person begins to see better into the distance: hypermetropia (farsightedness) - more often age (presbyopia), caused by the gradual loss of accommodative abilities due to dystrophic changes of muscles and other eye tissues; can also be congenital and manifest from childhood (small size of the eyeball, weakness of the muscles of the eye);
- or near: myopia (myopia) - genetically determined or acquired;
- astigmatism caused by a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens, which also affects the refractive power of the light rays and causes distortion of the resulting image.
Such pathologies are well corrected sometimes even by training the eye muscles, more often with the help of glasses or contact lenses, less often with surgery.
Lack of clarity of vision can be a side effect of taking different medications. Statins have the ability to influence the quality of vision (most often patients complain of Liprimar, one of the most powerful lipid-lowering drugs, second only to Rosuvostatin), during treatment with which such side effects as myopathy, including the eye muscles, are manifested. It may be accompanied by muscle pain, or it may be almost asymptomatic, with slight muscle weakness. Why these drugs damage muscle tissue is not known for certain, however, in very rare cases, destruction of myocytes is possible and extreme degree of muscle dysfunction - rhabdomyolysis.
The ability to influence visual acuity have glucocorticosteroids (Medrol, Dexamethasone). They inhibit immunity, and therefore increases the possibility of infection of the eyes and the development of inflammation. Patients with the herpes simplex virus who are taking the drug from the GCS group may experience a violation of the integrity of the cornea, which will also be manifested by loss of clarity of vision. Prolonged medication may even result in the development of drug cataracts (especially in children), Exophthalmos, damage to the optic nerve fibers or impaired intraocular fluid exchange and the development of compression phenomena.
The perception of fuzzy visual images may be caused by the intake of the popular tricyclic antidepressant Amitriptyline and its fellows, the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Indometacin, hormonal contraceptive pills, sedatives and heart remedies. The reception of mood monitors with lithium leads to a similar effect if the patient does not refrain from drinking alcohol during the course of treatment.
Perhaps the list is not complete, therefore, if during treatment with any drug there was a veil in the eyes, you must immediately inform the doctor, until the changes have become irreversible. Usually, if any drug is canceled, the quality of vision should be restored.
Deliquescent a blur visual objects may be the result of such eye diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, corneal manifestation of pathologies of traumatic and infectious origin, vascular disorders - or termination of deterioration of arterial blood flow or the venous outflow blood xerophthalmia, neuritis (neuropathy) optic nerve.
Neuronal damage occurs as a result of inflammatory, dystrophic, or demyelinating processes. With the full damage of the entire thickness of the nerve fiber comes blindness, and with partial - vision deteriorates, but it persists and in some cases can be restored.
Senile macular dystrophy causes damage to neurons located in the center of the retinal area, which causes blurred vision.
The darkened film before eyes can warn about the beginning of the process of detaching the retina from the vascular grid of the eye, ensuring its hydration and nourishment. Not only injuries become provocateurs of gradual detachment, but also physical stress that occurs during hard work, childbirth, hypertension (including eclampsia), diabetic retinopathy, high degrees of refractive anomalies, and severe inflammatory processes in the eyes.
In addition to diseases of the organs of vision, there are multiple risk factors from other organs and systems.
Vegetative dystonia has in its symptom complex a number of manifestations. Occurring periodically, the veil before the eyes with the IRR is an absolutely natural phenomenon.
Blurred fuzzy visual images occur in diabetics due to the development of angial insufficiency, with brain neoplasms, transient ischemic attacks, vascular catastrophes, localized in the areas where the structures of the visual analyzer are located.
Mist film in the field of view often occurs with migraine, anemia of various origins, hyper- and hypotension, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic cerebrovascular disease, poisoning. It is extremely rare that blurred visual images may accompany otitis media.
The pathogenesis of blurred vision depends on the shape and localization of the pathological process of the optical system of the eye. Thus, refractive disorders cause a shift in the focus of the image reflected on the retina, and it loses the clarity of the contours.
In case of occlusion of the vessels of the eyeball (embolism, thrombosis), there is an instant absence of blood flow, less significant impairment of blood flow, such as vascular spasms, lead to an episodic lack of clarity of vision in moments of insufficient blood supply. Hypo- and hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis can cause changes in the intensity of blood flow in the choroid.
Violation of the clarity of the visual image occurs when the cessation of outflow of blood from the retina and the appearance of areas of venous congestion as a result of tumors, glaucoma, inflammatory edema, and other causes.
Violations of the primary lens of the eye, lens - one of the main causes of fog before his eyes. The loss of its transparency in cataracts or disorders of metabolic processes leads to a change in the angle of refraction of the stream of light rays and the perception of visual images is blurred, fuzzy.
In case of glaucoma, the main cause of impaired vision is the occurrence of stagnation of intraocular fluid accumulating in front of the lens (with open-shaped disease) or at the junction of the iris with the cornea (with closed-angle), which leads to a lack of clarity of the visual image.
Corneal diseases caused by a variety of infectious agents, allergies, erosive and dystrophic processes, lead to structural changes that prevent its permeability to light rays.
Degeneration of the macula in the center of the retina (macula) occurs when ultraviolet rays are hit on it while reducing the content of lutein and zeoxanthin, which detain harmful radiation. The decrease in the concentration of protective carotenoids occurs with age, it is a natural process. Color vision deteriorates and the clarity of vision disappears.
When xerophthalmia decreases the moisture content of the cornea, for this pathology, the most characteristic diagnostic sign is the morning fog film before the eyes.
Various pathological processes and injuries become causes of damage to the lens, cornea, retina, vascular network of the eye, as a result one or both eyes may suffer. Visual discomfort is accompanied by various symptoms, so it is possible to really help to correct the situation only by identifying the exact cause of the appearance of a fuzzy vision.
Statistics show that 45% of the human population to some extent have uncorrected violations of refraction, the third part, mainly the people of old age, loses sight from an unopened cataract. The prevalence of glaucoma is estimated at 2%. Among people over the age of half a century, 65-85% suffer from visual impairment.
All these figures suggest that almost every person faces the problem of fuzzy vision, and she is getting younger. However, the ophthalmologic branch of medicine does not stand still, and most of the pathologies that cause shading in the eyes can be successfully treated, especially with timely treatment.
Intermittent blurring of the image when reading and looking at small objects or the whole surrounding world with vague outlines, sometimes even acquiring a color tint, can be a manifestation of various violations. And not always the vagueness of visual objects - these are the first signs of the disease. For example, diabetic retinopathy occurs as a complication of long-existing insulin deficiency. Almost always, except for the blurred perception of the visual object, the patient has a whole bunch of other manifestations - headache, weakness, discomfort in the eyes, dizziness. Optical effects are also varied - dark, bright or shiny dots, spots, dashes, flashes of light, halos around visual objects can appear before your eyes. The color of the phenomenon can also suggest the direction of the diagnostic search.
White veil before the eyes - what could it be?
Such complaints may occur in patients of any age group and suggest the presence of refractive anomalies. After eyestrain, image turbidity increases, pain may appear, heaviness in the eyes, or a headache may occur. Improvement of vision is possible after rest, sometimes a clear image appears only at a certain position of the eyeballs. Most of these defects are corrected by professional selection of optics (glasses, contact lenses ).
For people who have stepped over half a century, difficulties often appear when examining small objects that are at close range. Such a symptom may indicate the development of physiological farsightedness (presbyopia). Printed text is blurred before my eyes, it is impossible to thread a thread in the eye of a needle, other works with small objects also cause difficulties. The environment looks as before, mist in the eyes and even dizziness arises only when intensely gazing at objects near, they are trying to move them away, and at the beginning it helps, and then the length of the hands ceases to catch.
Other disorders characterized by this main symptom and, most often, developing in old age, are macular dystrophy and cataracts. In the first case, the ability to color perception is reduced, in the second case, the lens becomes cloudy. Such changes can occur simultaneously in both eyes or progress more quickly on one, but, in general, they only appear as impaired visual clarity. Usually nothing hurts. Just gradually decreases the ability to distinguish first small parts, and then large objects. For example, the patient sees the outline of a person, but does not see his face. When a cataract initially decreases the quality of vision in the dark, requires good lighting in the evening to work with small objects, bright sunlight causes tearing. In addition, older people who have previously suffered from presbyopia, are surprised to see that they can consider well-lit printed text without the aid of glasses. As the disease progresses, the pupil of the eye becomes lighter in the patient.
White veil before eyes is the main symptom of xerophthalmia. In the modern world, insufficient moistening of the eyeball is very common among active users of computers and smartphones. Symptoms can appear at any age. A characteristic sign is a hazy film appearing in the morning after sleep. The syndrome is usually bilateral, except for blurred vision characterized by a feeling of sand in the eyes, discomfort from bright light, reduced quality of vision. In most cases, help Bates exercises, preparations of artificial tears, optimization of work and rest, the course of retinoids. However, xerophthalmia traumatic genesis or developed as a result of trachoma or Sjogren's disease requires more serious treatment.
Partial neuritis of the optic nerve can cause the appearance of a nebulous film or black spots before the eyes, covering part of the visual field. The size of the spots is determined depending on the area of damage to the cross section of the optic nerve. Total damage to the diameter leads to the fact that a person loses his sight completely.
Eyes hurt, the veil in front of the eyes - such signs, according to experts, appear only in three cases: corneal injuries of various etiologies, obstruction of the central retinal artery and an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma.
Transparency of the cornea can be disturbed by its infection, inflammation of allergic origin, ulcers or erosive lesions provoked by them, and eye injuries. Most often such lesions affect one eye. It is watery, under the eyelids there is sand, which provokes the appearance of cutting pain. She is accompanied by a decrease in the quality of vision and photophobia.
Arterial obstruction develops suddenly, almost always - on the one hand. Occlusion occurs due to spasm or thromboembolism. This may be preceded by the presence of a hazy film in front of the eyes, other optical phenomena - flares, flies, short-term episodes of reduced quality of vision. At risk - hypertensive, diabetics, cores, patients with vascular dystonia and Hughes syndrome.
An acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma occurs suddenly and requires the adoption of emergency measures, since it is fraught with complete blindness. This form of the disease is very insidious, it develops without any symptoms and is found by chance when examined by an ophthalmologist. Preventing the attack of nervous or physical stress, long work in an inclined position. The main manifestations are pain, felt both in the eyeball and in the head from the side of the lesion, an instantaneous dark veil in front of it, through which only light and shadow can be distinguished. The eye turns red and feels very hard to the touch. The patient is dizzy, nausea and vomiting appear.
Open-angle glaucoma leaves more opportunities, though not for complete cure, but to slow the development of the pathological process. The disease usually develops slowly over the years. There is a gradual decrease in the tunnel of vision, often in different eyes, its speed is not the same. Periodically there is a blurry vision, flashing flies and / or rainbow when looking at the source of light. The quality of night vision and accommodation deteriorates, and from time to time there is a headache, often localized in the forehead area above the eyebrows.
The shroud of the eyes because of the lenses
Such visual discomfort occurs when violations of the rules for their use. At the beginning of wearing such a symptom can cause corneal hypoxia. It is recommended to get used to the lenses gradually, increasing the time spent in them from day to day. On the first day, one hour is enough. Then put on your usual glasses. We add to the time of wearing in half an hour every other day and focus on our own reaction, someone will get used faster, and someone will need more time. It is the appearance of blurred vision that is the signal for replacing lenses with glasses.
When wearing lenses for eyes and lenses need to properly care. Instill moisturizing agents into the eyes, and remove lenses at night and hide them in a special container. Constantly, day and night, but not more than a month, you can use products that do not interfere with the flow of oxygen to the cornea (“breathing”).
It is imperative to observe the shelf life and the rules for storing lenses as specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.
For acute respiratory viral infections, flu and other diseases with a runny nose and visual discomfort in the acute period, it is recommended to replace the lenses with glasses.
Ladies who use contact correction, must comply with certain rules for the use of cosmetics: make up only after wearing the lenses; use hypoallergenic cosmetics in minimal quantities and do not neglect the period of its use.
In addition, there are certain limitations to wearing contact lenses - inflammatory and dystrophic diseases, decompensated glaucoma, lens subluxation and strabismus, so if you want to change glasses to lenses, it is recommended to be examined by a specialist. And in general, users of contact lenses should occasionally drop by an ophthalmologist for a preventive purpose.
Sudden sharp veil before eyes
Diseases such as cataracts, age-related and dystrophic changes develop gradually, with chronic diseases of other organs, the symptoms of complications in the organs of vision also do not increase sharply. The eyes see everything worse - at first small and poorly lit objects, and then - all around.
The sudden appearance of a veil is characteristic of acute brain pathologies ( stroke, cerebral, vasospasm ), occlusion of retinal vessels or migraine attacks, vascular dystonia, and glaucoma.
With injuries and acute inflammation of the cornea, such a symptom as blurred visual objects also appears unexpectedly.
The sudden appearance of a misty haze before the eyes may indicate a tumor process in the back of the head, which “reached” the structures of the visual analyzer.
In all these cases, blurred vision of surrounding objects will not be the only symptom.
Flies and veil before eyes
The simultaneous occurrence of these symptoms can be observed in hypertensive crises and a significant reduction in blood pressure, anemia, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and brain tumors.
Aura with migraine often manifests itself as a dark gray hazy haze and before the eyes can fly brilliant dots and "worms". After the headache subsides, the photopsia phenomena also disappear.
Many black flies on the background of blurred vision, flashes of bright light can be symptoms of retinal detachment. It peels off from the choroid gradually, its feeding is disturbed, and the flies usually appear first, then a veil appears, and at first it covers a small part of the visual field, which gradually increases until it covers it completely. Sometimes vision is restored after a night's rest, when the retina is soaked with liquid, however, in the evening the symptoms reappear. There may be pain, double vision. This symptom requires urgent action, since complete retinal detachment is irreversible.
The specks floating before your eyes and the haze curtain may indicate a destruction of the vitreous body. The characteristic type of floating spots and specks is completely white or with a black rim. Other symptoms are absent, even the quality of vision is not reduced. Usually, it is a unilateral lesion of traumatic genesis or arising from age-related changes.
Spasms of retinal vessels - periodic attacks, lasting for several minutes, sometimes about an hour. At risk - hypertensive, alcoholics, heavy smokers.
Flies and veil before the eyes may be present in the symptom complex of cervical osteochondrosis (associated symptoms - pain in the cervical spine, dizziness, tinnitus, paresthesia of the upper limbs, restriction of movement, sensitivity); multiple sclerosis, because the myelin sheath of the optic nerve is destroyed; myasthenia - because the facial and facial muscles are also affected (the symptoms are worse in the evening); late toxicosis (preeclampsia); atherosclerosis of cerebral arteries (at first periodically, then more and more often, only one side can be affected); pre-stroke state (transient ischemic attack - sometimes the only manifestation).
Eye Shadow and Headache
Such a symptom is most characteristic for the following conditions - migraine with aura, hyper- and hypotension, both in the symptom complex of vegetovascular dystonia, and independently or in case of other pathologies. One-sided headache in combination with the eye during misting of the visual image can be observed with glaucoma.
A tumor of the occipital part of the brain, while developing, may manifest itself, causing complaints that a headache in the region of the crown and the veil is visible. A neoplasm affecting the cortical structures of the optical system is accompanied by other symptoms - the visual field decreases, hormonal disturbances can start - menstrual cycle failures, metabolic shifts.
Pain in the occipital part, front sight and veil before the eyes can be symptoms of hypertensive crisis.
Lomit, crushes in the temples and in the nape in combination with the photopsia phenomena and with low blood pressure. As a rule, it gets dark in the eyes when a person changes position from horizontal to vertical.
At the time of vascular crises or disasters, there is also pain in the head and fog before the eyes. In addition, there is weakness, dizziness, tinnitus. When stroke breaks speech, movement, the person acquires a characteristic asymmetry.
Veil before eyes and dizziness
Complaints of blurred vision in combination with vestibular disorders are not specific diagnostic sign.
Such symptoms are observed in hyper- and hypotension during blood pressure surges, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, osteochondrosis, and poisoning.
When internal gastrointestinal, uterine bleeding occurs, fog also appears in the eyes and is very dizzy. In addition, there is pain in the abdomen.
Pulmonary hemorrhages occur in many pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. When blood loss also blurred vision, dizzy. Hemoptysis indicates localization of bleeding.
The veil in front of the eyes and dizziness, leads to the side, the unsteady gait is observed with various violations of cerebral circulation - transient ischemic attacks, attacks of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, in anticipation of stroke, atherosclerosis.
Colored veil before eyes
Occlusion of the central retinal vein, caused by its squeezing by tumors or edemas, accumulation of intraocular fluid; optic neuritis, diabetic retinopathy (black spots covering most of the review); a migraine, or rather an aura in prodrome, a true and microstroke can lead to the appearance of a dark, black veil before my eyes.
With migraine and transient ischemic attack (microstroke), such phenomena will pass on their own, however you should not ignore them altogether. It is advisable to consult a doctor and be examined.
The narrowing of the angle of view in glaucoma looks like peripheral objects tightened with a dark film.
Dark film may appear with retinal detachment. Its appearance is preceded by flies and flashes before the eyes, the veil is the next symptom.
A gray veil before eyes rises in persons with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with migraines, severely reduced pressure (often complain of a gray mesh), episodes of hypertension. Often on the background of the veil appear floating flies before his eyes, which then merge into a gray veil.
Such optical phenomena can occur in patients with osteochondrosis when the cervical region is affected. Pregnant women may also be accompanied by a decrease or increase in blood pressure. It is not always dangerous, but it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about the gray shroud.
A sudden deterioration of vision and a pink veil in front of the eyes is a symptom of hemophthalmia — blood penetration into the vitreous body of the eye (intravitreal hemorrhage). Accompanied by the phenomena of photopsia - flickering specks, flies, dashes in the field of view. Hemorrhage occurs when the intraocular vessels rupture. Most often occurs in insulin-dependent diabetics, hypertensive patients, those who have suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction. Risk factors for this occurrence are vasculitis, sickle cell anemia, autoimmune diseases, in particular lupus erythematosus. Partial hemophthalmus is not treatable and can go away by itself, total - in the vast majority of cases ends in blindness. Red veil before the eyes can also appear during tumor processes in the eyeball or microaneurysm of the ophthalmic artery, bursting with a sharp rise in blood pressure. The intensity of the color of the film, blurred vision, depends on the volume of blood streamed from the torn blood vessels, the presence of blood clots.
A yellow veil in front of the eyes can be a sign of a developing cataract. Blurred vision due to the loss of transparency of the natural lens - the lens and is the main symptom of cataracts. A cataract develops for a long time, at first peripheral vision may suffer, and this will not be noticeable to humans. First, vision in the dark is reduced, the intolerance of bright light increases, difficulties arise when examining small details, reading, later, visual images begin to double, it becomes more difficult to distinguish colors and their shades, it is more difficult to pick up glasses.
Periodic and constant veil before eyes
The image of objects of view is fuzzy and vague in many cases is not constant. Such a phenomenon occurs during attacks of migraine, hypertensive crises, transient ischemic attacks. As soon as the condition stabilizes, the vision returns to normal.
The veil before eyes periodically occurs in people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, with a drop in blood pressure. Even in the symptom complex of anemia, fog in front of the eyes occurs during periods of increased stress. With pathologies of refraction, the initial stages of cataracts and retinal detachment, other diseases, the vagueness of the images occurs first with visual stress associated with the need to consider something small or poorly lit.
However, with the progression of diseases, the fog before the eyes begins to appear more often, and then becomes permanent. This indicates that the process has already gone far enough, and you should immediately consult a doctor.
Constant veil before the eyes, persisting for several hours may indicate the need for urgent treatment to the doctor. Vision is a very important function, and delay in the case of, for example, occlusion of the central artery of the eye can lead to blindness.
One-sided photophobia
Some people do not tolerate bright light. They have a sensation of a foreign body in their eyes, involuntary outflow of tear fluid begins, prolonged exposure to bright light is accompanied by dizziness, and the head may ache. Naturally, the quality of vision also decreases, a veil appears in front of the eyes, caused by an excess of tear fluid.
Increased photosensitivity of the eyes may be genetically determined. She is exposed to more light-eyed people and albinos, since the low concentration of melanin makes the iris super-permeable to the flow of light rays. In this case, both eyes suffer at the same time, and even this feature is usually manifested from childhood.
One-sided photophobia suggests that problems arose with this particular eye. It can be inflammations of the cornea caused by infection, degenerative processes, vitreous lesions, strikes, bruises, foreign bodies and other injuries, including sunburn of the retina. Increased photosensitivity of one eye is a reason to check it for the development of glaucoma. In addition to the intolerance of bright light, a person may complain that he has a film on one eye.
Photophobia can be present in the symptom complex of vegetative-vascular dystonia, xerophthalmia, measles, viral respiratory infections, meningoencephalitis, rabies, observed in neoplasms and brain injuries. However, in these cases both eyes suffer at once, one-sided photophobia speaks of an ophthalmologic disease.
The veil before the eyes of a child
Unfortunately, children can suffer from the same diseases as adults. If a child complains that he had a veil before his eyes, he sees indistinctly, he must be shown to his doctor. Refractive disorders - myopia, astigmatism and even hyperopia, the usual epithet of which is "senile", is not uncommon in childhood. A child may have hidden squint, not visible from the outside, but bringing him discomfort.
There are cases of pediatric cataracts. It can even be acquired - to develop after diseases and their medical treatment. Sometimes children are born with glaucoma. Diabetes in childhood can also be, and it is absolutely easy to put an infection in the eye, rummaging in the sandbox.
Dangers lurk babies from birth. Premature babies who are nursing in the incubator when they leave it experience hypoxia, since in the “incubator” they are accustomed to a medium with a high concentration of oxygen. In some children, under normal conditions, retinopathy develops - on the background of hypoxia, the eye grows with new vessels that begin to bleed quickly. Only urgent surgery can save the vision.
Surgical intervention is also required for children with congenital cataracts, since normal retinal development is threatened.
Newborns themselves can not complain about the quality of vision, so parents need to be careful and not to neglect medical advice if something seemed wrong to them. In newborns, attention should be paid to the color of the pupil, tearing, opening and closing of the eyes (whether it is symmetrical, fully or not completely). Even large expressive eyes in a newborn baby are not a good diagnostic sign. Sometimes congenital glaucoma occurs this way. If any suspicion appears, contact a specialist.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the swaddles before eyes
In the presence of a veil before the eyes, first of all, check the state of the organs of vision. The doctor carries out a visual inspection and questioning of the patient. Special ophthalmological equipment is also used: a slit lamp, which allows to examine the cornea, lens, vitreous body, determine the angle of the anterior chamber. It can be used to detect the presence of cataracts and glaucoma, inflammation and tumors, degenerative processes in the internal structures of the eye.
Ophthalmoscopy is performed - examination of the fundus of the eye with the identification of dystrophic changes of the retina, blood vessels, optic nerve head.
The intraocular pressure is measured, an ultrasound of the eyeball can be prescribed, and in infectious and inflammatory processes, tests can be used to identify the causative agent.
This inspection allows to identify almost all pathologies of the optical system. In the absence of such, the patient is referred for consultation to a neurologist and an endocrinologist. Assign blood tests - clinical and glucose. Additional instrumental diagnostics is performed - radiography, magnetic resonance tomography, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and cervical spine.
According to the survey, a differential diagnosis is carried out, which will allow to establish the cause of the optical defect and determine the treatment strategy.
Treatment of the swaddles before eyes
With a variety of factors provoking the emergence of fog enveloping visual objects, it becomes clear that there is no single algorithm for eliminating this symptom. The sudden blurring of vision, of course, causes serious discomfort, however, it is not worthwhile to drop eye drops on your own or wait a long time for everything to go away by itself. It is necessary to visit the office of an ophthalmologist, because it is not reasonable to risk loss of vision. Read more about the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by veil before your eyes, read this article.
Complications and consequences
It is impossible not to pay attention to the appearance of a veil before my eyes. This significantly reduces the quality of vision, which causes an uncomfortable condition.
Foggy haze before the eyes can be a symptom of various pathologies, which can be complicated by deterioration of vision up to complete and irreversible blindness. This is the most terrible consequence. Therefore, when this symptom occurs, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, find out its cause and undergo the necessary treatment.
To prevent the appearance of blurred vision and other optical effects before your eyes, you can change your lifestyle towards recovery - to give up bad habits, optimize work and rest, especially when working with eye strain, observe hygienic rules to prevent infection in the eye, monitor blood pressure level.
Persons suffering from diabetes should not be decompensated and blood glucose levels rise, since they are at risk of developing retinal vascular lesions.
Occasionally visit an ophthalmologist with a preventive purpose, especially after 45 years, because glaucoma, cataracts and other diseases in the initial stage of development are not particularly concerned. When mist appears before your eyes, it is necessary, without delay, to consult a doctor.
Ignore the loss of visual acuity and the appearance of the shroud before the eyes, even from time to time, more expensive to yourself. This can be a manifestation of very serious pathological processes, many of which can result in complete loss of vision, and quite quickly.
In most patients, it is possible to normalize vision by means of optical devices, conservative treatment or surgical correction. Timely diagnosis and prescribed therapy, even with an incurable disease - glaucoma can slow down the development of the disease process for a long time.