Treatment of feeling of veil before eyes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Self-medication can lead to complication of the diagnostic task and complicate the disease. Even if you see that you have carried the infection, determining the type of pathogen will help the doctor to prescribe an effective treatment.
So what to do if it is dull in the eyes ? Sudden blurred vision, accompanied by pain in them, may require emergency medical intervention for occlusion of the eye vessels or an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma.
If there has recently been a trauma to the eye, which seems to be a cost, consultation is also necessary regarding the integrity of the cornea, vitreous body, and retina.
If you suspect a stroke, a hypertensive crisis, an acute transient ischemic attack, you must also call an ambulance brigade. Generally, if the patient's condition quickly deteriorates, accompanied by weakness and pain, you need to seek emergency help.
If the veil before the eyes accompanied a migraine attack, significant fluctuations in blood pressure and passed after stabilization of the condition, then you just need to visit the doctor and undergo a course of preventive therapy.
People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases accompanied by anemia should also not ignore the appearance of a veil in the eyes, since such a symptom may indicate a worsening of their condition, as well as the development of entirely new pathologies.
Eye drops should be prescribed by a doctor. They have different effects. So, with uncomplicated xerophthalmia prescribe drugs that compensate for insufficient secretion of the tear fluid and provide the necessary moisture, the so-called artificial tears: Sicaprotect, Hilo-kea, Restasis, Oftolik, Oftagel, Gipromelloza, Artelak. They eliminate the discomfort in the eyes, preventing the cornea from drying out due to various causes, including systemic diseases. Drops are also addressed to patients using contact lenses.
During corneal inflammation (keratitis), a course of therapy is conducted aimed at the destruction of the pathogen and the elimination of inflammation. Antiviral (Ophthalmoferon, Actipol), antibacterial (Floxal), anti-allergic drops (Opatanol) are prescribed. Antifungal drugs are prescribed depending on the type of fungi.
For keratitis of various origin, corneal injuries and after operations on it, Lipoflavone drops are used, which are a liposomal emulsion - a biostimulator for restoring damaged tissues.
In the initial stages of cataract, drops are assigned to slow down the lens opacification: Quinax (an inhibitor of the action of a quinoid substance that destroys the lens protein), Oftan katkhrom (restoring the level of cytochrome C, which is reduced in this pathology, thereby slowing down the oxidative reactions in the eye tissues and slowing down the process lens opacities, nutrients adenosine, which is involved in the transmission of energy and signals, and nicotinamide (vitamin B3) activate the restoration of endothelial cells the lens, normalizes metabolic processes and remove toxic substances.
It is possible that there is some effect from the use of these drops and their analogues, but modern medicine does not yet have the means to reverse the development of cataracts. An effective treatment for this disease is surgery.
For glaucoma, medications that reduce intraocular pressure are used. This disease can not be cured at the present level, but it is possible to keep the eye in working condition for a long time.
For example, Fotil eye drops contain two components that are used as monopreparations: pilocarpine hydrochloride, which increases the outflow of intraocular fluid, and timolol maleate, which inhibits its production. This combination made the combined drops more effective and convenient to use means than monopreparations. By dropping it twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) one drop in each eye, the patient receives a dose of active ingredients equivalent to two instillations of Timolol and three - Pilocarpine, as monopreparations. Moreover, when it is convenient, it is impossible to drop them in the required quantities in one day, since the active ingredients are inactivated in the presence of each other. It is necessary to follow a rather complicated scheme that is inconvenient for patients.
In Fotil drops, their combination is presented in the form of a stable solution in which the components potentiate the action of each other.
In diabetic retinopathy, treatment is aimed at compensating for the underlying disease, and drops, oral and parenteral medications are prescribed to maintain normal metabolism in the structures of the organs of vision.
Drops Taufon can be assigned to diabetics for stopping dystrophic processes in eye tissues, stabilizing the functions of cell membranes and the electrolyte composition of their cytoplasm. They are also addressed to patients with cataracts, glaucoma, traumatic and other lesions. There is evidence that droplets can reduce intraocular pressure.
In case of diseases that are manifested by a veil that obscures the field of view, not only local treatment is applied, but also systemic treatment.
Injection preparation Retinalamin, which is a polypeptide complex that improves metabolic processes in the cells of the eye structures, especially in the retina, reduces inflammation, stimulates the restoration of damaged eye tissues. Low molecular weight polypeptides and amino acids, activate the activity of photosensitive receptors of the retina, normalize the functions of the choroid, and have an immunostimulating effect. The drug improves vascular permeability, restores metabolism and promotes proper nutrition of retinal tissues.
Injections of the drug are made intramuscularly or under the eyeball through the skin of the lower eyelid (parabulbarno) once a day.
Injections are prescribed to patients with dystrophic changes of the retina, its partial detachment, diabetic retinopathy, a course of five to ten days in a single dose of 0.005-0.01 g.
They can also be prescribed to patients with compensated open-angle glaucoma in 0.005g for ten days or with malignant myopia in the same course. At the same time in the treatment regimen include angioprotectors and vitamins of group B.
With degenerative changes of the macula (macula), Lucentis is injected directly into the vitreous body of the eye (intravitreal). The active ingredient is an antibody fragment obtained by recombination that inhibits the activity of vascular endothelial growth factor A. The drug inhibits the proliferation and growth of endothelial cells. Slowing their proliferation and vascular proliferation reduces the risk of degenerative processes in the macula, including those associated with diabetes.
Side effects from the introduction of Lucentis are quite serious. The consequence of injury to the eye during the procedure can be cataract, retinal detachment, purulent inflammation of the inner membranes of the eyeball. Intraocular hypertension or stroke may occur. In addition to serious side effects, patients during the study had invasive infectious and inflammatory processes in the structures of the nasopharynx and eyes, blood formation disorders, anxiety states, and headache. It is possible that coughing, muscle pain, nausea, and skin allergies could be associated with injections. In general, the prevalence of side effects covers at least two percent of patients.
Such injections are not recommended for minors, pregnant and lactating women, patients with already existing inflammatory diseases of the internal structures of the eye, before and postoperative ophthalmologic patients (a period of at least 28 days should be sustained or before the operation). Caution should be exercised in the appointment of Lucentis to patients at risk of stroke, blockage of intraocular vessels. If during the treatment the patient has a significant decrease in visual acuity, intraocular hypertension, hemorrhage in the eye, drug therapy should be canceled.
Injections are made one per month at a dose of 0.5 mg. The contents of the vial are used all at once. During treatment, before the next injection, the performance of visual function is monitored. The duration of use is determined by the achievement of stable visual acuity.
To prevent the progression of cataracts and other degenerative changes in the lens, caused by the insignificant effect of radiation, Fakovit tablets are prescribed, which are a vitamin complex consisting of two different tablets. One of them (white) is dissolved by gastric juice and contains:
- glutamic acid is a stimulator of oxidation processes, metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, increases the resistance of tissues to hypoxia;
- glycine and - beneficial to the activity of the central nervous system;
- pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - participating in most metabolic processes, promoting the transport of amino acids across the cell membrane, stimulating blood formation.
The other, bright yellow or brownish, dissolves in the intestines. It contains:
- Levocysteine - necessary for the work of the optic nerve and eye muscles, strengthening the immune system and has antioxidant properties;
- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels, eliminates toxins from tissues, and accelerates repair processes.
Combined vitamin preparation helps to normalize the metabolic processes in the structures of the eye, their active nutrition and renewal, which is reflected in the slowing of lens opacities.
Lack of vitamins leads to a decrease in visual acuity and photopsy. Vitamin A is necessary for good vision at night, vitamin C protects eye tissue from hypoxia, maintains muscle tone, vitamins of group B strengthens blood vessels, improves conductivity of nerve impulses to eyes, stimulates metabolic processes in eye tissues. There are special vitamin and mineral complexes for eye health that reduce the risk of developing cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, which the doctor can include in the treatment regimen for diseases causing the appearance of veil in the eyes.
Physiotherapy is also used in ophthalmology. The most commonly prescribed drug electrophoresis is when medicinal substances are delivered to tissues from aqueous solutions in the form of ions by means of direct current. It is used in various inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the structures of the eye, with hemophthalmus, vitreous opacities, age-related macular degeneration, damage to the retinal vessels, inflammation of the optic nerve.
Electro-stimulation is used to affect the eye muscles and nerves - dystrophic processes in the retina, myopia, and essential open-angle glaucoma (compensated).
Magnetophoresis, puncture physiotherapy, laser stimulation of the retina and optic nerve, phonophoresis, UHF-therapy may be indicated.
Physiotherapy procedures are not prescribed to patients with neoplasms, third-degree hypertension, exacerbations of chronic infections or acute infectious diseases of unknown origin, decompensated pathologies of internal organs, hematopoietic disorders, epilepsy.
Alternative treatment
What methods to use for the treatment of eyes, offered by official medicine or alternative, a personal matter of each. Fans of alternative therapies claim that urinotherapy can even cope with serious illnesses such as glaucoma and cataracts. Not only do they bury or wash their eyes with urine, they make lotions with it, they drink it and get rid of eye diseases forever, simultaneously healing other pathologies.
Apply baby urine, activated (passed through a magnetotron), fresh own and evaporated urine salts. There are a lot of recipes. People who have managed to overcome incurable diseases willingly share their experiences.
For example, a man who was diagnosed with a cataract managed to get rid of it in just two weeks, daily washing his eyes with fresh morning urine after sleep. Whether he had a cataract or a doctor made a mistake is unknown, but since official medicine can only offer an operation that can be done at any time, then you can try.
There is evidence that when metal shavings hit the eye and subsequent lotions every half hour with fresh warm urine, they eliminate the effects of the injury within half a day. The dynamics of symptom withdrawal looked like this: after about five hours from the start of treatment, the purulent discharges stopped (if the eye managed to fester, the injury was not too fresh), after seven hours, the edema passed, and after 12 the redness of the inner part of the eyelid and the white of the eyes.
The veil from the eyes, even dark, is removed by instillation of fresh milk. Only in the eyes it is not left, immediately after instillation they are washed with water.
Lay for the eyelids or drip into the eyes of liquid fresh natural honey, soaring eyes over a warm boiled whey (to tears) or decoction of dill.
Yoga can bring back health to your eyes. You need to learn to relax, breathe properly, expose closed eyes to the sun. When closed eyes become accustomed to sunlight, it is recommended to slightly open the upper eyelid with the hand and, looking down, to expose the white of the eye to the sun. Such exercises are done at dawn or at sunset, you can blink if you wish.
Exercise "Tratak", performed regularly, as they say, can even save you from many problems and even from cataracts.
Bates palming and gymnastics for eye training, performed daily to relieve tension after a visual load, also give a positive result for accommodation disorders, dry eye syndrome, myopia and presbyopia, in addition, they are a good prevention of visual function disorders.
Herbal medicine is necessarily present in the medicine of any nation. In our zone for the treatment of the eyes, a fragrant root, eyebright, sweet clover, calendula, chamomile are used. Herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy and brew according to the prescription, published on the package. Most often the eyes are washed with herbal infusions and make lotions with them. Of course, such methods can help relieve visual tension, alleviate the condition in case of inflammatory eye diseases or uncomplicated xerophthalmia. Some even claim that calendula helped them cure cataracts.
Juice therapy, in particular, carrot juice will help get rid of the veil in the eyes that appears when it gets dark. Juices from vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C will strengthen the immune system, and this will positively affect the quality of vision. Blueberries, rowan berries, sea buckthorn are also very useful for the human optical system.
Just before using the experience of home healing accumulated over the centuries, it is necessary to be examined and, if it is not necessary to take emergency measures, you can try to get rid of the symptom with the help of alternative means.
Classical treatment with one drug requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. It is very effective if the homeopathic remedy is prescribed individually and correctly. The arsenal of tools used in blurred vision is diverse.
For photopsy on the background of haze before the eyes, monopreparations Agaricus (Amanita), Argentum nitricum (Silver Nitrate), Baryta carbonica (Barium Carbonate), Cocculus (Kokkulus), Lilium tigrinum (Tiger Lily), Thuja (Tuja) are prescribed. If the veil is accompanied by photophobia - China (Hina), Lithium carbonicum (Lithium carbonate), pain -
Aletris farinosa (Alertris mealy), Artemisia (Wormwood), Silicea (Silicic acid), flashes of light - Formica rufa (Ginger forest ant), Iodum ( Iodine), Secale (ergot rye).
Nearsighted patients and persons suffering from hyperopia can be shown Hyoscyamus (Hyoscyamus), glaucoma - Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur), Sanguinaria (Sanguinaria) and many others. Properly selected homeopathic treatment can stop the development of cataracts. But in any case, an individual approach is needed.
In pharmacies, you can buy eye drops Okuloheel - a complex of four herbal substances in homeopathic dilutions:
Cochlearia officinalis (Arctic Spoon) - helps eliminate dry eyes;
Echinacea (Echinacea) - immunostimulant;
Euphrasia (Eyebright) - one of the main drugs used for inflammation of the structural elements of the eye;
Pilocarpus (Pilocarpus Yaborandi) is a plant alkaloid that reduces intraocular pressure.
The drops have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate irritation, the effects of visual overstrain, regulate moisture.
Can be used from birth, there are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation.
Newborn eyes buried once a day, in each - one or two drops. From one to two full years, two drops can be dripped into each eye once or twice a day, two drops twice a day from three to five years. From the age of six, two drops can be instilled either twice or three times a day, and from twelve years old - three times a day they are instilled with two drops in each eye.
One of the causes of progressive blurred vision is cataracts. An effective method of eliminating it is an operation, and, at present, it is being done in the initial stages of the disease. No need to wait for it to “mature” and complete blindness will occur. The operation is performed in cases where the visual defect begins to affect the quality of life. Experts recommend to conduct surgical treatment early, without waiting for the development of complications in the form of the development of progressive myopia, iridocyclitis, dislocation of the nucleus of the lens, secondary glaucoma.
Surgical intervention is carried out on high-tech equipment through small punctures, on an outpatient basis and takes only a quarter of an hour. It is not accompanied by pain. Intarocular lens is made of soft polymeric materials and individually selected for each patient. The patient begins to see well literally a couple of hours after the intervention.
Another common treatment is laser coagulation of exfoliated retina. It is carried out to strengthen this intraocular structure on the background of treatment with drugs that normalize the condition of the eye vessels and metabolic processes in it. Painless outpatient laser treatment is well tolerated and effectively restores the structure of the eye.
Surgery is used for acute attacks of glaucoma, progressive myopia. In case of total corneal damage, implantation of a donor organ can be performed.
Surgical treatment is resorted to in cases of brain neoplasms.
Currently, many operations are well developed and allow you to restore the quality of vision, especially with timely help.