Adenoids 3 degrees in a child: what to do, how to cure?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Adenoids of the 3rd degree are a long-term ongoing pathological process, characterized by the development of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, accompanied by the proliferation of adenoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil. This pathology negatively affects the general condition of the child. As early as 15 years ago, adenoids of grade 3 in children were almost never met, this is due to the fact that they were removed in the early stages. To date, parents and doctors are interested in preserving the pharyngeal tonsil, relying on the fact that the removal of tonsils can trigger a decrease in the body's immune defenses.
Causes of the adenoids of 3 degree in the child
Risk factors
Most adenoids develop against the background of immunodeficiency state, under the influence of various factors. This condition leads to compensatory growth of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. The critical period in children is preschool age, because of the beginning of the formation of immunological reactivity.
Symptoms of the adenoids of 3 degree in the child
The development of adenoids is a slow current condition, most often the first sign of the development of the disease is often recurrent colds. Then the symptoms become more specific.
The pathological process manifests itself in the form of nasal breathing, permanent nasal congestion, which causes the child to complain of frequent dizziness, headaches, hearing loss, snoring that interferes with sleeping at night, nasal voice, change in voice timbre. Chronic apathy is another manifestation of adenoids.
Children with 3 degrees of adenoids have a characteristic appearance: the mouth is slightly ajar, due to the growth of tissue in the nasopharynx cavity, smoothed nasolabial folds, the wings of the nose are in a state of tension, sometimes their retraction is noted.
Hypertrophy of adenoids of 3 degrees at the age of 2-3 years can provoke a violation of the formation of the bones of the skull, the chewing apparatus, in some cases even cause dementia.
Complications and consequences
The consequences of adenoids of the third degree in childhood can be quite serious, the proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsil tissue can become a source of a constant infectious process, which in the future will provoke the development of diseases of the hearing aid and respiratory system. Against the background of a constant sense of nasal congestion, neurological problems develop, such as frequent headaches, bedwetting, anxiety, apathy, inattention, irritability.
Diagnostics of the adenoids of 3 degree in the child
Like any other disease, the diagnosis of adenoids begins with an examination and collection of anamnesis. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, the attending physician may prescribe a number of instrumental and laboratory studies.
Instrumental diagnostics
The most effective methods for detecting adenoids are the following diagnostic methods:
- lateral roentgenography of the nasopharynx or computed tomography (a method that allows to estimate the degree of growth of the pharyngeal tonsil tissues);
- endoscopic rhinoscopy (allows to estimate the sizes of adenoids, their localization, possible overlapping of aperture of auditory tubes).
Laboratory diagnosis in adenoids of grade 3 in children includes:
- general blood analysis;
- general urine analysis;
- bacteriological culture from the nasopharynx to the microflora and antibioticogram;
- immunoglobulin E;
- EIA;
- PCR for possible infections.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of adenoids is one of the most difficult stages of diagnosis, since it is necessary to differentiate with all the volume and numerous pathological formations in the nasopharynx. Particular attention should be given to recurrent adenoids in adults. Recurrent neoplasms can provoke the growth of atypical cells of cancer cells.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the adenoids of 3 degree in the child
In modern medicine, the approach to treatment of adenoids should be primarily complex, including medical therapy, homeopathy, physiotherapy and, most importantly, surgical intervention.
Medicinal treatment
- Derinath
Method of application: the drug is intended for topical application, for the treatment of adenoids, 3-4 drops are prescribed for instillation into the nasal passages, 5-6 times a day.
Side effects: most often the drug is transferred without any complications.
Contraindications: intolerance of substances that make up the drug.
- Aqua-Maris
Method of administration: 2 drops are prescribed in each nasal passage 4 times a day.
Side effects: the possible development of an allergic reaction.
Contraindications: intolerance of substances that make up the drug. See also: Anemia in adenoids : treatment regimen
- Dolphin
Directions for use: pour 240 ml of water into the vial, at a temperature of 34-35 ° C, tighten the lid, shake. Leaning in front of the sink, attach the lid of the vial to the nostril, holding the breath to inject the contents. The fluid from one nostril will flow smoothly into the other and will come out completely.
Side effects: epistaxis, eustachiitis.
Contraindications: children under 5 years of age, tumor formations in the nasopharyngeal cavity, allergic reaction to the components included in the preparation, obstruction of the nasal passages, pronounced curvature of the nasal septum.
- Humer
Method of administration: the drug is prescribed up to 8 times a day for 3-4 injections in each nasal passage.
Side effects: the possible development of an allergic reaction.
Contraindications: intolerance of substances that make up the drug.
Adenoids, most often it is a direct sign of a decreased immune defense, so vitamins should be used in this situation in a complex, necessarily order, including vitamins B, C, A, D and B6.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
To date, there are a large number of physiotherapy procedures, but not all of them are suitable for the treatment of adenoids. Adenoids are most often a disease of childhood, which is why the procedures should be painless, effective and safe. Doctors of otolaryngology appoint:
- electrophoresis with medications;
- darsonvalization;
- UHF-therapy;
- inductotherapy;
- CMV therapy;
- EHF-therapy;
- ultrasound therapy;
- UFO;
- laser therapy.
Alternative treatment
Before starting treatment of adenoids in children, it is worth noting that in some cases they go on their own, however, if the proliferation of pharyngeal tonsil tissue causes discomfort, it is worth to undergo a course of treatment. In addition to drug therapy, a good result shows the recipes of alternative medicine.
- Saline solution
For the preparation of the solution, a teaspoon of salt must be dissolved in a single glass of warm boiled water, the solution obtained rinse the nasopharynx cavity 2 times a day.
- Fresh Beet Juice
For the preparation of drops, it is necessary to take the juice of fresh beets to mix it with warm boiled water in proportions of 1: 1, apply drops prepared at home 2-3 times a day, 2-4 drops in each nostril.
- Honey and lemon juice
On a glass of boiled, cooled water, you need to take a spoonful of honey, a couple drops of lemon juice. This drink removes the pronounced symptoms of adenoids, bringing significant relief.
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Herbal Treatment
- Decoction based on herbal collection
To prepare the broth you need a mixture of thuja, oak bark and eucalyptus, powdered into powder. Two tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of hot water, let it brew for a couple of hours. The resulting broth should be poured into clean dishes and rinsed the nasal cavity 2-3 times a day.
- Anti-inflammatory herb collection
Anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect is a mixture of sage, chamomile flowers and oak bark. A tablespoon of herbs should be poured with one glass of hot water, let it infuse, strain and rinse the nose several times during the day.
- Herbal Remedies
The collection includes: leaves of raspberries, mint, lime blossom and sage. Mixture pour a liter of warm water, let it brew. Take such a herb collection is recommended in a warm form, twice a day with a teaspoon of honey.
- Agrafis nutans
Dosage: used in breeding 30
Method of application: the preparation is represented by two complexes, the course of treatment is 3-6 months, the treatment can be repeated after 2-3 weeks break.
Side effects: not observed
Contraindications: allergic reaction to substances included in the preparation.
- Hydrastite
Dosage: used in breeding 30
Dosing: 3-4 granules, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, within one month.
Side effects: allergic reaction
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of granules
- Barita Carbonica
Dosage: used in breeding 3, 6 and 30
Method of application: depending on the degree of the disease, dilution is selected, the drug is applied 2-3 times a day.
Side effects: intolerance of the drug components
Contraindications: allergy to the components of the drug
For the removal of adenoids in childhood, there are a number of indications, they include:
- chronic sinusitis;
- snoring, interfering with sleep;
- dyspnea at night;
- absence of nasal breathing for a long time;
- deformation of the bones of the facial skull (in children of early childhood);
- hearing impairment.
The operation to remove adenoids lasts a total of 5-7 minutes, it is carried out under both local and general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the age of the child and his general condition.
The postoperative period also proceeds without special features, for the first few days children can complain of sore throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness of voice.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of adenoids in the first place is primarily to prevent the development of chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system and acute respiratory infections. This can be achieved by normalizing the way of life: proper nutrition, observance of the regime of the day, regular exercise, hardening. One of the important aspects of prevention is a healthy sleep, which should last at least 8 hours a day.
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