Spasm of cerebral vessels: the reasons for what to do, how to remove pills, alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The normal functioning of the main body, which manages and coordinates the actions of all body systems, is possible only with a constant blood supply. The brain consumes the greatest amount of glucose and oxygen, its tissues are braided by a network of blood vessels to provide such an important organ with the necessary amount of nutrients.
Vessels have different structure and functions:
- Arteries carrying oxygen-enriched blood to the brain cells from the cardiac muscle with elastic and strong walls containing in the middle layer smooth muscle fibers;
- capillaries - thin-walled smallest sosudiki, continuations of arteries, through the walls of which nutrients enter the tissues;
- veins, transporting "empty" blood in the opposite direction - from the tissues to the heart muscle, to fill it with nutrient substances.
Arteries that withstand strong blood pressure and ensure its continuous circulation have the most durable and elastic membrane and a significant layer of muscle fibers. It is in these vessels under the influence of negative factors and there is a narrowing or spasm (a contraction of smooth muscles).
Causes of the spasm of cerebral vessels
Depending on the duration and cause, which caused this circulatory disturbance, angiospasm is distinguished (transient spasms of small arteries and arterioles most often) and vasospasm (contraction of the vessel musculature, which is caused by persistent organic vascular pathologies). In the second case, the constant hypoxia experienced by the tissue in a specific area of the cerebral cortex is the background for its development. Vasopathy lasts for several days, with increasing symptoms, which does not go away even after using analgesics and antispasmodics. In this case, you need to seek medical help, since without treatment, the condition can only worsen.
Compression local vasospasm can be triggered by a developing neoplasm; acute cerebrovascular crisis, in particular, aneurysm rupture; hydrocephalus (in which, in general, develops a common vasospasm).
Temporary spasms of the cerebral arteries often develop on the nerves. The modern rhythm of life creates favorable conditions for frequent stressful situations, this is facilitated by constant overfatigue, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and insufficient exposure to fresh air, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol.
Cerebral spasms can directly be caused by a violation of the innervation of the arteries, functional disorders of humoral control of the arterial tone, local disturbances in metabolic processes and vascular insufficiency caused by a mechanical obstruction to normal blood flow - thrombus formation, the presence of scar changes in the arterial walls, cholesterol growths.
Periodically to remind of themselves in this way can the dystrophic changes in the vertebral cartilage of the cervical region with osteochondrosis, migraine, hyper- and hypotension, aneurysm.
Hand in hand are spasm of cerebral vessels and VSD (vegetovascular dystonia). Angiospasm manifests itself as a temporary disorder of normal blood flow, and, consequently, nutrition and respiration of the brain and the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the head.
Risk factors
Risk factors for angiospasm:
- chronic endocrine, cardiovascular pathologies, renal dysfunction;
- hereditary predisposition;
- presence of bad habits, including, and in a feed;
- closed craniocerebral trauma, inflammatory diseases of the brain membranes, severe infections in the anamnesis;
- predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
- overweight;
- pregnancy and other hormonal changes;
- psychoemotional and physical overstrain;
- a change in climate or a sharp change in weather;
- walk in frosty weather without a headdress;
- intoxication, in particular, lead, carbon disulfide, due to the intake of a large number of medications
- an unfavorable ecological situation, gas contamination (especially in megacities).
The mechanism of development of acute vasoconstriction has not been studied sufficiently, but it is based on one of the reasons for the violation of the transportation of Ca, Na and K ions through the cell membranes of the smooth muscle of the artery, caused by a malfunction in the coordination of depolarization phases of cell membranes and their repolarization, a cycle of contraction and relaxation of the musculature of the vessel. The occurrence of sudden impulses, which allow free Ca ions to penetrate the cell membrane of the muscle tissue, creates an increased inflow into the cells, which contributes to the activation of the process of contraction of the musculature. At the same time, the normal and timely process of relaxation of the artery musculature is inhibited, since the repolarization of the cell membrane is delayed, and the artery wall is in a contracted state for a longer period of time.
Vessels of the brain most often spasmodiruyutsya near the localization of an aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, hyssterinovoy plaque, thrombus or scar.
There is no reliable statistics on the prevalence of cerebrovascular spasms. Attacks of headache suffer a large part of the population, in some people they happen quite often. Often, they are caused by cerebral angiospasm, however, in the field of vision of medical patients are patients with acute disorders of cerebral circulation, and in most cases people with temporary spasms cope independently with the help of antispasmodics.
Angiospasms are traditionally considered the prerogative of older generations, however, recently this pathology has significantly rejuvenated. The most prone to spasm of cerebral vessels is a fairly young population of 35 to 45 years, among whom men predominate. In children, the blood vessels spasmodic much less often. The risk group includes children with congenital abnormalities of the cerebral arteries, injured in the spine during labor, suffered from intrauterine hypoxia, suffered head injuries and inflammatory diseases of the brain membranes.
The presence of such a cause of spasm as a cerebral aneurysm is found in about 5% of the population, arterial hypertension occurs in the fourth or fifth part, and cervical osteochondrosis affects 60 to 80% of the inhabitants of developed countries, the prevalence of neurocirculatory dystonia is approximately the same.
Symptoms of the spasm of cerebral vessels
The first signs of spasmodic arteries are acute, sudden pain in that part of the head where the constriction of the vessels is localized, often giving off a collar zone or dizziness. The patient may darken in the eyes and appear a sensation of a brief loss of consciousness, after which, usually, nausea comes up to the throat, black or shiny flies fly in front of his eyes and hears in his ears. Externally, the patient looks pale and on his forehead is a perspiration.
The transient spasm of the cerebral vessels, the reverse development of which is observed during the day, is known not by hearsay to many people, it often passes independently, and its mild form does not cause much anxiety. Such violations of blood circulation in the cerebral arteries and arterioles are called transient attacks, symptoms in this case are observed from ten minutes to several hours. Patients often underestimate their danger and completely in vain.
Headache with spasm of cerebral vessels can be of different intensity and duration. After an attack, sleep disorders are often observed - problems with falling asleep, night insomnia and drowsiness during the day.
In addition to severe pain in the head with prolonged contraction of the arterial muscles, dizziness from spasm of the cerebral vessels up to fainting, fever, vomiting, speech function disorder, loss of orientation in the space, numbness or tenderness from either side of the head and / or body, temporary amnesia.
Much more dangerous than a transient chronic spasm of cerebral vessels. In this case, the violation of blood circulation in the cerebral arteries is caused by a constant and increasing ischemia of organic genesis in some of its zones. The clinical picture emerges gradually as the underlying disease develops. To pass independently such condition can not, inspection and treatment is necessary. Constant hypoxia of cells of the cerebral cortex causes various neurological symptoms: persistent headaches, dizziness, nausea, clouding of the field of vision, weakness, rapid fatigue. Over time, the symptoms increase: pain attacks become more frequent, nausea is replaced by vomiting, fainting may appear, memory and concentration of concentration, working capacity decrease. There are speech disorders, numbness or loss of sensitivity of certain areas of the body, spatial coordination is disrupted.
Angiospasm often precedes the development of acute impairment of cerebral circulation ( stroke, infarction) or rupture of an aneurysm. In this case, verbal and auditory disorders are usually expressed, limb motility is impaired, one-sided paralysis of facial muscles, fainting, vomiting is observed.
When parents periodically hear complaints from the child that they are dizzy or have a headache, they notice that the child is overexcited, aggressive or, conversely, drowsed, staggers when walking, complains of pain in the eyes, does not distinguish objects or hears, they should be alerted and examined child. The narrowing of cerebral vessels in children is fraught with quite "adult" consequences - hemorrhages and their blockages.
Spasm of cerebral vessels in children, has, basically, the same symptomatology as in adults. Arteries spasmodically suddenly, the child feels a sharp decline in strength, his legs weaken and subside, he may even faint, although this is not necessary, but strong weakness persists often to several hours. In this case, the children also have a dizziness and dizziness, noise in the ears and a shroud or flies before the eyes. Such a symptomatology in a child can often appear as the consequences of a sharp tilt or turn of the head
Spasm of cerebral vessels in the baby is manifested by anxiety, frequent crying, the child throws a breast during feeding, often regurgitates, it can have seizures and loss of consciousness.
Cerebral angiospasm can be of different severity, with mild - symptomatology erased, it is often perceived as a mild malaise. At this stage of the disease a person's condition is quickly restored even without taking any measures.
Much heavier is an angioedema. The clinical course in this case is more severe, the symptomatology is pronounced: a strong and prolonged headache, muscle weakness. It lasts several hours and there is a danger of the appearance of dystrophic processes in the shells of blood vessels. In this case, seek medical attention.
At a cerebral-necrotic spasm the patient needs urgent hospitalization. The condition is very severe, the patient suffering from pain and hypoxia loses consciousness, there may be fever, vomiting, impaired motor, speech, sight and hearing, paresis of facial muscles.
Types of angiospasms are classified by the nature of the spread to local (local), when the spasm of the vessels occurs in one part of the brain, and multiple or common - when a large number of vessels are spasmodic, which happens in cases of homeostasis (increased blood viscosity), leading to various circulatory disorders .
Complications and consequences
Spasm of cerebral vessels, especially chronic, is a prerequisite for the development of ischemic stroke, which can result in disability of the patient due to death from hypoxia of a large number of cells in the cerebral cortex or fatal.
Another formidable complication is a hemorrhagic stroke, the most common cause of which is an aneurysm rupture.
Chronic spasms are signs of serious diseases that are also not worth overlooking.
In childhood, in the absence of treatment, spasms of cerebral vessels can often provoke deafness, blindness, mental underdevelopment, other neurological pathologies than infarction or stroke, however, the child is also not insured from this.
The symptomatology of angiospasm in many respects resembles the signs of acute impairment of cerebral circulation, so if symptoms are not stopped by usual means, an ambulance crew should be urgently called up (the "therapeutic window", when it is possible to provide the most effective help, is only four to six hours).
Diagnostics of the spasm of cerebral vessels
In cases where the clinical picture of repeatedly recurring seizures resembles cerebral angiospasm, it is necessary to undergo a survey. Ignore such symptoms should not be, because you can skip the development of any serious disease.
The doctor on the basis of examination and complaints of the patient will appoint the necessary, in his opinion, diagnostic measures. The following tests are mandatory: a clinical blood test, a biochemical laboratory study of its composition may be recommended.
Modern instrumental diagnostics allows to study the state of vessels. Magnetic resonance imaging (computed tomography) with contrasting, ultrasound in combination with Dopplerography, giving an idea of the condition and patency of the cerebral arteries can be prescribed. The cervical spine is also examined for osteochondrosis and the blood flow in this zone (radiography, ultrasound dopplerography, MRI).
Differential diagnosis is performed with acute disorders of cerebral circulation and chronic organic ischemia. If you establish a mixed etiology, then determine the share of angiospasm with medication. In stationary conditions, additional studies can be carried out- rheoencephalography and plethysmography.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the spasm of cerebral vessels
The choice of drugs and the scheme of their application remains with a specialist who will prescribe a course of therapy after a thorough examination and establishing the cause of angiospasm. However, given that this condition can instantly occur at the most inappropriate time and in any place, it is necessary to know how to relieve spasm of cerebral vessels? What you need to do to help the victim or yourself when there is no one around.
First aid for spasm of cerebral vessels includes the following simple measures:
- if possible, the patient should lie down and try to relax;
- it is good to provide access to fresh cool air;
- you can wash your face with cold water;
- if there is at hand aromatic oils, then in our case, lemon, lavender, mint (smell or smear under the nose);
- drink a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of honey (you can - herbal tea with mint, melissa, valerian, calming collection);
- from angiospasms caused by hypothermia, a warm bath (shower) with relaxing aromas, a warm drink and a cozy bed;
- simple massage (stroking and rubbing) of the collar zone, neck and patch on the head, where the pain is localized.
If non-pharmacological methods do not give an effect, then usually in the home medicine cabinet there are always drugs that relieve spasm of cerebral vessels. As a first aid, you can apply tincture of valerian, peony or motherwort by dripping 30-40 drops in a tablespoon of water, holding a little liquid in your mouth. These drugs have a light spasmolytic, hypotensive and sedative effect.
Drugs based on Gingko Biloba are effective in the violation of blood circulation in the cerebral vessels. They have nootropic, vasodilating, antioxidant and neuroprotective effects.
Corvalol or Corvaltab - from 30 to 40 drops per slice of a refined sugar or 1-2 tablets. Assimilated drops and tablets begin immediately, falling under the tongue, so if drops (tablets) hold in your mouth, it acts quickly - relaxes the smooth muscles of the arteries, dilates the vessels, facilitates blood flow, calms, moderately reduces pressure.
Medicines - antispasmodics with spasms of cerebral vessels have a more pronounced effect. One of the most famous and popular antispasmodics is No-shpa, which tablets can be found in almost every home medicine cabinet. The active ingredient (drotaverina hydrochloride) has the ability to reduce the concentration of calcium ions in cells, permanently inhibiting contractile activity and relaxing the musculature of the arteries, thereby widening the blood vessels and enhancing blood flow therein. The mechanism of its action is based on the inhibition of the enzymatic activity of phosphodiesterase IV, with no effect on the activity of the same type of enzymes of type III and V, which releases No-shpu from spasms of cerebral vessels from other antispasmodics by the absence of a significant therapeutic effect on the activity of the heart muscle.
For three days almost the entire dose of the drug is taken out of the body. There is no teratogenic effect of the drug, however, pregnant and lactating women should not resort to self-medication with this medication.
A single dose for patients 6-11 full years - half a tablet, 12 years and older - one or two tablets at the reception.
Similar to the No-shp on the properties and close to the chemical structure of another common spasmolytic Papaverin, which also can be used as a first aid for angiospasm. It has a relaxing and hypotensive effect, however, in large doses it acts relaxing on the heart muscle and reduces the frequency and strength of the heartbeat. The attack is taken by taking one or 1.5 tablets, a maximum of two, 40 mg each, children are dosed depending on the age from 5 mg from six months to 20 mg in 14 years. On sale there is a baby Papaverine, in one tablet which contains 10 mg of active ingredient.
But-spha is preferable to Papaverin, because it exceeds its effectiveness, does not worsen the process of breathing and cardiac conduction.
Spasmalgon with spasms of cerebral vessels can also be used as an emergency aid. This is a three-component preparation, much stronger than the previous ones. It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-spasmic effect. In addition, it inhibits the inflammatory process and eliminates fever. To relieve spasm, patients older than 15 years take one or two tablets, from 13 years to 15 - one, from 9 to 13 - half a tablet.
Preparations for cerebral angiospasm are taken taking into account individual tolerability. If within a few hours the patient's condition does not improve even after taking medication, you need to urgently call an ambulance.
Any of these medicines can be used to provide urgent help, any spasmolytic or vasodilator drug that has appeared during an attack at hand (Florid, Validol, Valocordin, Tazepam, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Spazgan, Mexidol) can be used. However, do not just limit yourself to eliminating the symptoms of spasms. If such seizures occur periodically, then there is a reason for this and it must be established and eliminated, and for this - to go to a medical institution.
After the examination, the doctor will choose the appropriate drugs and prescribe a treatment regimen, depending on the cause. In the treatment of vascular spasms, in addition to vasodilators and antispasmodics, drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism in the vessels of the brain, hypotensive drugs, drugs that reduce blood viscosity.
It may be necessary to treat the kidneys, osteochondrosis, endocrine, cardiovascular diseases, adjust the lifestyle and diet, take a course of vitamin therapy and sanatorium treatment.
Beneficial to cerebral circulation and the nervous system affect the vitamins of group B, the restorative effect is provided by vitamins C and E. When establishing the causes of spasms of cerebral vessels, the doctor can prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes, according to the type of disease.
With a tendency to spasms of cerebral vessels, physiotherapy can significantly improve the patient's condition and even lead to complete recovery. The most frequently prescribed procedures are: drug electrophoresis, electrosleep, magnetotherapy, balneotherapy, oxygen treatment - baths, cocktails, oxygenation in a pressure chamber.
Professional massage with spasm of cerebral vessels is prescribed in the area of the collar zone, as the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is found in three out of five patients. Along with medicines and physiotherapy necessarily included in the treatment scheme. Massage helps to eliminate pain in the spine, improve blood circulation in the arteries, narrowed by dystrophically altered cartilage, increases the general tone of the body and reduces spasmodic attacks.
The therapeutic scheme also includes therapeutic physical training. Special gymnastics with spasms of the cerebral vessels helps to get rid of the consequences of spasm and, in conjunction with other measures, prevents the emergence of new seizures.
How to remove spasm of cerebral vessels without drugs?
Effectively acting on bioactive zones, helps to get rid of spasm of cerebral vessels self-massage of the head. The technique of execution is recommended as follows:
- relax your palms, slowly make them stroking movements in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the zone of the temples, then, as if washing, in the direction of the chin;
- stroking in the direction from the nape along the neck to the shoulder blades, along the shoulder, with the left hand on the right side and vice versa;
- then with the fingertips it is easy to massage a whiskey in a spiral;
- rubbing the wrists with the thumb and forefinger folded into the ring, while bending and straightening the same arm at the elbow;
- rubbing between the palms of each knee in turn.
All massage movements must be repeated from fifteen to twenty times.
Alternative treatment of cerebral vasospasm can be referred to non-medicinal methods.
An effective combination is a combination of a cold foot bath (dropping feet into the water for a couple of minutes) with a cold compress on the forehead, provided that the spasms of the cerebral arteries are not provoked by hypothermia. In some sources it is recommended to add vinegar to the water, but this is not necessary, since the vinegar smell is not well tolerated by everyone.
A cold compress on the head can be made from the infusion of a plant mixture: plantain leaves, St. John's wort and dandelion roots in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the mixture are brewed with two glasses of boiling water, insisted until cooling, filtered and frozen. When angiopasms are laid on the forehead wrapped in a napkin or towel ice cubes.
Treatment with herbs for spasms of the cerebral vessels suggests both the withdrawal of the attack and preventative courses of phytotherapy.
For the removal of acute spasm, collection No. 13 is recommended, which includes 15 herbal components: herbs: lemon balm, motherwort, oregano, meadowsweed, heather, meadow clover, dried herb, astragalus; roots of plants - valerian, raponticum, eleutherococcus; inflorescences of lime and hawthorn, as well as rowan berries and leaves of gingko biloba. A tablespoon of the plant mixture is brewed in a thermos bottle of ½ liter of boiling water and insisted for an hour, filtered and drunk half a cup four times a day from the time of the onset of the attack. To prevent recurrence, you can drink a month's course.
It is much easier to prepare a decoction of lava leaf, which is in every house, for this 300 ml of boiling water pour five leaves and boil for no more than five minutes, insist for at least an hour. The whole portion is drunk during the day, making several sips at a time. Repeat two more days, every day preparing a fresh broth.
Aromatherapy with lemon oil, valerian, mint, lavender with the help of special devices (lamps, candlesticks). In their absence, you can simply smear with oil under your nose.
Quickly remove the spasms of the vessels of the roots of valerian, grass motherwort and yarrow, anise. You can mix them in equal proportions and brew the mixture, you can use the one that is at hand.
Garlic is widely used for cleaning vessels, there are a lot of recipes for all tastes: and tinctures for alcohol, and with vegetable oil, and lemons. Each drug has its own scheme of admission. The most "delicious" of them: chop the teeth from five heads of garlic, mix with five lemons and half a liter can of liquid honey from spring herbs and flowers. Insist seven days and take a tablespoon daily until it is over.
This area of alternative medicine has its own principles and preparations, so it can not be called a drugless method of treatment. However, high dilutions, in which practically no active substance remains in the preparations, avoids the many side effects inherent in the dosages of drugs used by official medicine. When prescribing a homeopathic remedy, the doctor tries to find out the characteristic features of his condition, localization and peculiarities of pain sensations, the connection of their beginning and ending with external factors, the specificity of metabolism, the lifestyle and thoughts of the patient.
When appointing a constitutional drug, recovery is usually faster. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the constitutional features of the patient, then prescribe symptomatic means. For the treatment of cerebral vessels, the entire arsenal of homeopathy is used:
- Argentum nitricum (Argentum nitricum) - with pains pressing from the inside, when the patient, clutching his head, feels relief; dizziness, tremor, fussiness, sensations of hypoxia;
- Bryonia is prescribed to patients who, like in the previous case, relieve pressure on the head, however, the pain is localized first in the forehead region, then goes lower, flowing into the collar zone, shoulder girdle and back, starts often after strong negative emotions, the condition worsens in any attempt to move, while the patient is very thirsty;
- Cimicifuga (Cimicifuga) - in this case, the spread of pain occurs in the opposite direction from the neck to the region of the forehead and eyes, as if perforating the head through;
- Belladonna (Belladonna) - a remedy for severe pain localized in the right and frontal areas of the head, is mainly prescribed to emotionally unbalanced patients who are acutely responsive to the negative;
- Coffea (Coffea) - suitable for the same patients, the nature of pain - piercing, strongly in the eyes;
- Kokkulyus (Сocculus) - consequences of lack of sleep, mental and physical overstrain, work at night; except pain, in the clinical picture - dizziness, severe weakness, nausea and vomiting, cervico-occipitalization, patients suffer from acrophobia, are prone to motion sickness in transport and do not tolerate a swing;
- Helleborus (Helleborus) - pain as a consequence of injuries, including during childbirth, with impairment of mental activity - inhibition, forgetfulness;
- Ipecacuanha - spasms of vessels in dystrophic and / or inflammatory processes in the cervical spine.
These and many other homeopathic medicines have a nootropic effect. Classical drugs for treating atherosclerosis and reducing the risk of cerebral spasm in this group of patients are gold preparations, Conium. Patients with vegetovascular dystonia are often recommended by Ignatia amara, Valeriana officinalis or Ambra grisea, aneurysm - Astragalus Molissimus, Aronia melanocarpa, hypertonics - Natrium muriaticum or Opium (Opium), hypotonic - Staphisagria (Staphysagria).
To improve cerebral circulation, complex homeopathic remedies are also used:
Traumeel C, which quickly cures spasms and restores impaired functions, including blood vessels, which removes pain and swelling, which increases the body's immune status by activating the clone of Th3 lymphocytes.
The tabletted form is intended for sublingual administration, it is dosed: for patients from the age of three, one unit per reception three times a day. Children 0-2 full years tablet divided in half and take three times a day for a half. Acute seizures are cured by resorption of a single dose every quarter of an hour, while you can take no more than eight single doses.
With caution, take people sensitized to plants of the family Compositae.
Nervocheel - stabilizes the nervous system, has antidepressant and anticonvulsant properties. It consists of Ignacy, Sepia, Potassium bromide which are used to normalize cerebral circulation as monopreparations, Phosphoric acid, which is called homeopathic nootropic. Tablets dissolve under the tongue, dosing: for patients from the age of three - one unit per reception three times a day. Children 0-2 full years tablet divided in half and take three times a day for a half. Acute seizures are cured by resorption of a single dose every quarter of an hour, while you can take no more than eight single doses.
In case of osteochondrosis, trauma of the spine, to stop spasms of blood vessels and to conduct treatment between spasms, tablets can be used. Objective T, their complex composition promotes the removal of pain syndrome, the restoration of damaged cartilage tissues by activating the proliferation of chondrocytes. Tablets dissolve under the tongue, dosing: for patients from the age of six - one unit per reception three times a day. Acute seizures are cured by resorption of a single dose every quarter of an hour, while you can take no more than eight single doses.
In the treatment regimen, a physician can include injections of complex homeopathic remedies stimulating immunity, trophism and recovery of lost functions: Diskus compositum, Objective T (mainly for people suffering from osteochondrosis and post-traumatic spasms), Ubiquinon and Coenzyme compositum - for trophic disorders of vessels of any genesis for correction metabolic processes and immunity, detoxification, stabilization of the emotional-psychological and physical spheres.
With ineffectiveness of conservative treatment or organic causes of angiospasms, surgical treatment can be performed. Operations with spasm of cerebral vessels are carried out by two methods: direct (trepanation of the skull) or endovascular - a minimally invasive method with the use of an endoscopic catheter, which in fact is not an operation in the usual sense of the word. Thus, when spasms of cerebral vessels are restored, their lumen and normal blood circulation are restored by introducing into the spasmolytics directly into the artery or by delivering by means of a catheter devices preventing the rupture of the vessel (in particular, with an aneurysm), removing thrombi, foreign bodies and dead tissue particles.
And direct and minimally invasive interventions on the vessels of the brain have a number of shortcomings and advantages. The type of intervention is chosen by the doctor, based on the patient's condition and the presence of contraindications.
The efficiency of direct surgical operations with aneurysm approaches 98%, they are chosen with available localization or in case of aneurysm rupture. The main disadvantage of open intervention is the possibility of damage to closely located tissues and subsequent neurological disorders.
Increasingly, minimally invasive interventions are used with the help of endoscopic and microscopic equipment under the control of ultrasonic microsensors. These surgeries are safer and preference is usually given to them, they are also chosen for difficult-to-localize pathology and contraindications to the use of general anesthesia. Their disadvantage is the high probability of the need to repeat the procedure.
The immediate cause of angiospasm is a decrease in the tone of the cerebral arteries. Therefore, one should try to avoid the development of diseases that contribute to this - osteochondrosis, aneurysm, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension, heart disease, kidneys, thyroid gland and others. If such chronic pathologies are already available, then it is worth exploring in time and not allowing decompensation.
At the same time indirectly to the spasm of the cerebral arteries result in nervous and physical overload, inadequate rest, night work, inadequate stay in the open air, use of alcoholic beverages or a large number of medicines, smoking, malnutrition.
Therefore, having reconsidered the way of life towards improvement - having left bad habits, having increased physical load and optimizing the diet, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of spasms of cerebral vessels.
It is impossible to avoid emotional outbursts, both negative and positive. The only way out is to increase your stress resistance. This is facilitated by the employment of auto-training, education in itself of positivism, control over emotions.
To work on yourself you can use the methodology of Academician G.N. Sytin, which allows to achieve impressive results. He developed texts of so-called moods for the improvement of the body. The word, by this method, is able to mobilize the body to help oneself. The academician developed texts of attitudes used for various diseases and preventing their development. Among them there is a mood from spasm of cerebral vessels. The main thing is that the text does not cause rejection, for this words and suggestions, not appealing to the patient, the author recommends to skip. The wording of his texts motivates patients to recover.
Transient spasms of cerebral vessels usually do not lead to serious health problems and end, as a rule, quite safely. However, their periodic repetition should induce a person to take actions to preserve their own health. Ignoring such "bells" can lead to serious problems, disability and even premature death.