Gastroenterocolitis in adults and children: infectious, acute, chronic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gastroenterocolitis means such a form of lesion of the digestive canal, in which the mucous membrane of the stomach, as well as the thin and thick parts of the intestine, becomes inflamed. Another name is toxicoinfection. This title reflects the main cause of the disease - infection, and the products of its vital activity, toxic substances. The forms and types of manifestation of the disease are different. It can be acute, subacute, chronic.
Gastroenterocolitis is a fairly common disease. Infectious gastroenterocolitis is the most important health problem, which in cities and developed countries is much more common than in villages and villages. By frequency of occurrence is second only to respiratory diseases. Children suffer from intestinal infections more often than adults. Annually in the world there are at least 500,000 episodes of childhood morbidity. As for the adult population, this figure is approximately 400,000.
According to Rosgosstat, the highest incidence is observed in such cities as St. Petersburg (26.7%), Novosibirsk (16.4%), Arkhangelsk (13.7%).
The causative agents are the following microorganisms:
- Salmonella - 9%
- Shigella - 8.1%
- Compilobacter - 7.9%
- Viruses - 13%
- Mixt infection (several species of bacteria in the complex) - 21%
- Non-infectious etiology - 7%
- Allergic nature - 3.4%.
Causes of the gastroenterocolitis
The main cause of gastroenterocolitis development is foodborne toxicosis. This implies the development of pathogenic microflora and a decrease in the normal and conditionally pathogenic flora. Representatives of such genera as Proteus, Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Staphylococcus predominate.
Also, the causes of infection can be intestinal viruses, toxic and toxic substances. The most dangerous virus is Rotavirus, or intestinal flu. The body can accumulate the products of the functioning of bacteria and viruses, which contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, intoxication.
Gastroenterocolitis can be a consequence of the accumulation in the body of heavy metals, caustic substances, alkalis, acids. The cause may even be the remains of detergent that accumulate on the dishes. Especially they are dangerous for children. In addition, children, with insufficient supervision, often drink liquid for washing dishes, other liquids. This can cause acute poisoning, inflammation and even burn mucous.
Often a person already has some kind of GI disease, and the infection can cause it to spread to other departments. A transition from a chronic form to an acute one is possible due to factors such as malnutrition. Especially dangerous is the frequent use of food products containing fiber. The use of cold drinks has a negative effect. Increased acidity can cause disease. You can not overcool.
Often, gastroenteritis is a disease that covers the whole family. This is due to the fact that the infection can be transmitted by a contact, household way, by using one dish. Also, family illnesses are explained by the fact that the family prepares food from certain foods that can be contaminated. When organizing catering, there are often cases of poisoning, when people are fed in the same institution.
Risk factors
Gastroenterocolitis provokes smoking, alcohol abuse, taking medicines, especially prolonged. Especially negatively affects the intake of antibiotics, salicylic acid and its derivatives. These are the main risk factors.
Such diseases as tuberculosis, typhus, sepsis, syphilis, can provoke gastroenteritis.
Allergic diseases can also be the cause of gastroenterocolitis.
The development of gastroenterocolitis is promoted by such diseases as achilia, beriberi, anemia.
People suffering from these diseases are at risk and require special control, medical examination.
Features of pathogenesis depend on the type of pathogen that provokes the disease. Microorganisms penetrate through the oral cavity. Then the microorganisms penetrate inside, begin to multiply intensively in the intestine. After the death of microorganisms, endo- and exotoxins are released, which provide various reactions.
Toxins irritate receptors, causing inflammation, the formation of histamine and immunoglobulin, which, in turn, enhance the inflammatory process. Then their penetration into the bloodstream occurs, which contributes to the development of general intoxication of the body. Especially dangerous are neurotoxins. They not only disrupt the intestinal function, but also affect the nervous and endocrine system.
No less dangerous are the toxins that cause necrosis of the intestinal tissues. This pathology occurs with amoebiasis. In some cases, the toxins of epithelial cells that are observed with cholera can be affected. With salmonellosis, first the intestinal mucosa is affected, then the infection of the blood.
Also, the pathogenesis depends on the type of disease.
The development of non-infectious forms of gastroenteritis develops dystrophic processes. Dystrophy parenchymal organs are exposed, in them there are focal changes. In most cases, the changes remain at the level of the mucous membrane, less often the deep layers are affected.
Symptoms of the gastroenterocolitis
Gastroenterocolitis is characterized by an acute onset, a sudden development of the disease. First of all, the dyspeptic disorders manifest themselves in the form of abdominal pain, eructations, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. There may be no appetite. If the condition is severe, fainting occurs, loss of consciousness.
Nausea becomes stable, vomiting is repeated many times, the remnants of undigested food leave.
Symptom of gastroenterocolitis can be a loose stool, which is observed quite often. The chair is determined by the localization and degree of pathological process. If a small intestine is affected in a person, the feces are yellow-green in color. Sometimes diarrhea can be preceded by constipation within 1-2 days.
If a person has a large intestine, a stool of a meager character, there are impurities of blood. Defecation is becoming more frequent. False desires become more frequent. You can detect a violation of the basic functions of the intestine, such as: digestive, absorbing, motor. Frequent vomiting is observed, which leads to disruption of the water-electrolyte balance, dehydration, desalination of the body. As a result, a person can strongly lose weight.
There is a spasm, especially in the area of the large intestine, pain. Particularly intense pain is manifested during palpation, pressure. The main pains are localized in the navel area.
Infectious gastroenteritis is accompanied by signs of toxicosis. This can lead to a violation of the liver, resulting in icteric sclera.
With non-infectious gastroenteritis, there are no signs of toxicosis. There may be a small amount of mucus. Blood is not found.
With allergic gastroenterocolitis, pain occurs suddenly, accompanied by fever, a manifestation of allergy.
First signs
The incubation period is quite short, and averages 1-3 days. The acute form manifests itself unexpectedly, dramatically. The first signs are pain in the intestine, bloating, flatulence. Gastroenterocolitis may be indicated by a stool disorder, nausea, vomiting. Pain can be blurred, or located in a strictly defined area. A rise in temperature above 38.0 - 39 ° C may indicate that the infection is progressing.
Gastroenterocolitis in adults
Adults endure diseases much more easily than children. This is due to the fact that children have significantly lower immunity status. Dehydration in children occurs faster than in adults. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body.
Gastroenterocolitis in children
Children more often than adults are prone to foodborne disease. This is due to the insufficient level of development of the immune system, with the immaturity of the digestive system. This provides an insufficient level of protection of the body from negative influences. The disease develops rapidly, becoming more severe.
Symptoms of gastroenteritis in children differ from those in adults. They are primarily manifested disorder of the stool. Exercises may be accompanied by the presence of red blood and mucus. The feces may acquire a dark green color, which may indicate a bacterial infection.
There are also typical signs that may indicate poisoning, intoxication. The temperature can rise, especially in the first 72 hours. Then it is at a consistently high level. There is also persistent vomiting.
If gastroenterocolitis occurs in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that children's gastroenterocolitis is dangerous complications, such as: pneumonia, pyuria, otitis. In acute form of the disease, the intestines and stomach require complete rest. To do this, you need to provide the child with an abundant drink. It is important to give boiled, warmed water.
Also need to ensure the use of wrapping products and dishes. You need to eat jelly, jelly. It is necessary to comply with the therapeutic diet number 4. Dairy products, spices, snacks, sweets and cakes should be excluded. Usually the child recovers within a week, with the correct observance of all the necessary recommendations, diet. After this, the child is transferred to a normal diet.
Gastroenterocolitis in infants
The disease is particularly difficult. Vomiting, diarrhea, and especially their combination are quite serious. They very much dehydrate the child's body, which is not yet fully adapted to the environmental conditions. Immunity in the baby is weak, which means that he can not fight the disease on his own. Therefore, quickly comes the depletion of the body, its dehydration. Diarrhea does not stop, lasts more than a week. During this time the body loses not only water, but also salts, their ratio is disturbed.
The child quickly loses weight. Almost all microorganisms are dangerous for a child. Most often gastroenterocolitis in newborns occurs as a result of contamination with staphylococcus. The danger of the disease for a child is that the incubation period is relatively short. In children, the disorder becomes permanent. There may be persistent diarrhea, which will accompany the child all childhood.
The disease occurs in several stages. The first stage is acute. It begins suddenly, is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, a sharp deterioration in health, profuse vomiting and diarrhea.
In the absence of treatment, the second stage may occur - subacute, of moderate severity. In this case, there is abundant vomiting, diarrhea.
The third stage is the stage of complications at which dehydration occurs. With a favorable combination of circumstances, the second stage can go to the stage of recovery, in which gradual recovery, recovery of the organism occurs.
Gastroenterocolitis of moderate severity
For the average severity of the disease, vomiting is of a persistent nature, diarrhea. There may be pain, spasm. Appetite, as a rule, is absent. It is possible to be treated at home. Important rehydration, antibiotic therapy, detoxification therapy.
Gastroenterocolitis is of various kinds. Everything depends on the nature of the pathological process, the type of pathogen. The disease can be hemorrhagic, phlegmonous, catarrhal, ulcerative, fibrinous.
On such a sign as the increase and severity of symptoms, the disease is divided into acute and chronic form.
Acute gastroenterocolitis
It can proceed as an independent disease, which is a reaction of the organism to the invasion of pathogens. It can also be a consequence of other infectious and non-infectious diseases, such as influenza, allergies. In addition, the disease can accompany sepsis, typhoid, tuberculosis.
Acute gastroenterocolitis is different in that it has an acute, sudden onset, rapid development, rapid flow. The digestive organs undergo serious damage, there may be an increase in temperature.
Chronic gastroenterocolitis
It is characterized by an inexpressive, sluggish current that can not be seen immediately. Relapses are often observed. The disease can be observed in humans for many years, periodically disturbing it with their manifestations. Most often, there may be dyspeptic manifestations, such as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating. The temperature can be normal. Intoxication is of a lasting nature. Chronic dysbiosis develops. Against this background, there is a sharp decrease in immunity.
Infectious gastroenterocolitis
Infectious gastroenteritis is characterized by an inflammatory reaction. The intestine and stomach are affected first of all. Inflammation occurs against a background of hyperemia, edema, cellular infiltration. Excessive formation of exudate is also observed. Dystrophic changes occur in the surface epithelium.
Alimentary gastroenterocolitis
It manifests itself as a violation of the whole digestive system. The main parts of the digestive system undergo functional insufficiency. The consequence is dyskinesia of the intestine, a violation of the secretion of bile.
Haemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis
The disease manifests itself in the form of hemorrhages, which primarily affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. On mucous membranes erosions are also observed. Also, the small intestine is affected, it is affected in the first place.
Lymphocytic-plasma-cell gastroenterocolitis
With this form of gastroenteritis, there is inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract, which is accompanied by the release and accumulation of pus, mucus. As a result, purulent exudate is formed, which includes dead leukocytes, blood plasma.
Eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis
It implies the development of the inflammatory process, irritation of the walls of the intestine. Most often, it is a disease of allergic etiology.
Complications and consequences
Modern diagnostic tools and methods of treatment significantly expand the possibilities of modern medicine. The disease is cured in a relatively short time. As for the acute form, it usually passes without a trace, complications do not leave. The danger arises only if the disease is not completely cured. In neglected form it entails serious consequences. Can easily go into a chronic form. In this case, relapses are a frequent occurrence.
In both forms, a direct consequence of the disease is dehydration, which occurs as a result of severe vomiting, diarrhea. The body loses not only water, but also salt, which is an even more dangerous phenomenon.
Dehydration is manifested by shortness of breath, fainting, loss of consciousness. If the coma lasts a long time, the disease can end even with coma. There are inflammatory processes in the mucosa. The result is swelling, hyperemia. In severe form, the mucous begins to bleed, which can lead to bleeding. The easiest way to eliminate dehydration is a plentiful drink.
Diagnostics of the gastroenterocolitis
The diagnosis can be confirmed using a variety of methods. Confirm the diagnosis can be based on objective and subjective data, clinical symptoms, the results of laboratory and diagnostic studies.
Diagnosis is based on the results of the analysis. They can give reliable data in order to draw further conclusions. First of all, they conduct laboratory tests. They include serological blood tests, bacteriological examination of stool, vomit, and other biological fluids.
If there is a suspicion of a disease of a viral nature, it is necessary to carry out appropriate virological studies. To do this, apply the polymerase chain reaction method, enzyme immunoassay, agglutination method. In addition, various methods are used that make it possible to diagnose allergic reactions. The main method is the determination of immunoglobulin E, as well as screening screening.
Sometimes toxicological methods can be used to investigate not only biological fluids, but also food. Determine the content of food toxins, as well as endo- and exotoxins of a bacterial and viral nature.
With the help of a serological test, the antibody titer is determined, and the antigen titer is less often. By antibody titres, you can indirectly judge the amount of antigen (infectious agent, which is the causative agent of the disease). By the titer of the antigen, you can get direct information about the number of microorganisms in the blood. By the amount of antigen can be judged on the severity of the disease, the degree of bacterial intoxication.
Bacteriological study makes it possible to determine (identify) the causative agent of the disease as much as possible, the degree of contamination and to select the appropriate treatment.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental examination, if necessary, includes sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, and irrigoscopy. With the help of these methods, it is possible to identify the pathology of internal organs, in particular, to determine the anomalies of the sigmoid and rectum, which may occur with gastroenterocolitis.
An additional method of investigation is ultrasound therapy, through which the picture of the pathology is visualized. Visually, it is possible to determine the localization of pathology, its size, shape, and other aspects.
In some cases, a biopsy may be required, with which tissue is taken from the internal organs. Most often, mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, and microvilli serve as the material for the study. A biopsy is performed during endoscopic manipulations.
Differential diagnosis
Gastroenterocolitis is one of the most complex diseases, which has many similar manifestations with other diseases. Often it is a consequence or complication of some disease, concomitant pathology.
Gastroenterocolitis in the first place must be differentiated from enteritis and colitis. These diseases have a similar complex of symptoms. The main difference between enteritis is that it manifests itself in the form of diffuse catarrhal changes that are localized primarily in the proximal part of the intestine. Also there are spot hemorrhages.
Colitis is characterized by mild inflammation. This inflammation can be of different etiologies. The main forms are catarrhal, fibrinous. Also, the disease is accompanied by hemorrhages, erosions, ulcerative lesions.
Gastroenterocolitis is necessarily differentiated from the secondary manifestation of other diseases. For example, with tuberculosis, symptoms similar to those for gastroenterocolitis can be observed. Also, this disease can accompany such diseases as cholecystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, be one of the complications of the postoperative period in these diseases.
Gastroenterocolitis almost completely coincides in manifestations with symptoms of bacterial and viral infection. In this, the most effective are the bacteriological methods in which biological material is sampled, then it is sown and incubated. The obtained cultures identify, that is, determine the species and generic belonging of the microorganism, which is the causative agent of the disease, its basic properties are determined.
It is important to differentiate the disease from the main infectious and epidemiological diseases. Most often, the gastroenterocolitis is confused with salmonellosis, dysentery. These diseases differ in that they arise as outbreaks, form foci of infection (epidemics), spread rapidly and acquire drug resistance. The incubation period for these diseases is 8-24 hours. Manifestations are the same as with gastroenterocolitis: chills, vomiting, diarrhea. But the main difference between these infectious diseases and gastroenterocolitis is the combination of diarrhea with fever and high fever.
It is important to identify the causative agent that provokes the disease, as it allows you to choose the right treatment and achieve a speedy recovery. Therapy should be purposeful.
For example, gastroenteritis may be of a staphylococcal nature. Staphylococcus is characterized by cutting pains. There are signs of intoxication. The feces may contain yellow-green mucus admixtures. The temperature can rise.
The disease of clostridial nature is indicated by dull pain, aching nature. The pain is located in the navel. The temperature remains normal. Since the disease is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and hypovolemia quickly occur.
Also, the disease must be differentiated from such dangerous epidemic diseases as cholera, botulism, rotavirus infection. It should be understood that with botulism, the nervous system, muscles, first of all, is damaged. The muscles are sharply weakened, vision is impaired.
Gastroenterocolitis may have a similarity with acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, meningitis. Appendicitis is characterized by soreness in palpation. The mucous membrane can be irritated.
For cholecystitis, a high degree of irradiation of pain is characteristic. Precise localization is difficult to determine, the focus of inflammation is also not determined. Cholecystitis differs from gastroenterocolitis in that it is characterized by hepatic colic and manifestations of jaundice.
For meningitis is characterized by severe vomiting and nausea, which manifests itself against a background of severe headache, which is not observed with gastroenterocolitis. At inspection it is possible to diagnose inflammation of meningic membranes.
Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate the disease even from myocardial infarction.
The clinical picture only indirectly indicates the disease. The only means that can be reliably confirmed by a diagnosis is a bacteriological study. Only it makes it possible to isolate the microorganism, which is the causative agent of the disease from the biological fluids of the patient or from food that he used for food.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the gastroenterocolitis
Treatment depends on the form of the disease, and the pathogen that provoked the disease. Also on the nature of treatment is significantly affected by the degree of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the severity of the disease, concomitant human diseases. Typically, with mild illness, hospitalization is not required. In case of severe human form, they must be hospitalized, the treatment takes place in the infectious department. Stages of therapy:
- Rehydration
- Antibiotic therapy
- Detoxification
- Symptomatic therapy.
Rehydration is a complex of therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating dehydration and its consequences. The body is saturated with water, salts, other compounds that are excreted from the body during the period of the disease. With a mild form of dehydration to restore the balance of water and salts in the body will help complex therapeutic solutions, such as Regidron, Oralit. If dehydration is strongly pronounced, and takes a severe form, you can use such drugs as Disol, Trosol, Chlosol.
Also, antibacterial therapy is needed, which implies a course of antibiotic therapy. You can only use antibiotics as a last resort. They are effective for preventing inflammation, especially if it has an impassable and progressive nature. Also, the need for antibiotics is indicated by the infectious process. The most popular are drugs such as levomycetin, ampicillin, erythromycin.
The main purpose of detoxification therapy is to remove toxins from the blood. For this purpose, gastric lavage is most often used. The main purpose of gastric lavage is the removal of salts and food residues from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the removal of toxins. The advantage of gastric lavage is that, together with the washing liquids, pathogenic microorganisms, toxins are also removed. To wash in water add sodium or potassium permanganate.
Also, treatment consists of symptomatic therapy. Depends on those symptoms that predominate in humans. For example, if a person has constipation, it is necessary to prescribe antidiarrhoeic drugs, with the predominance of constipation leading drugs in therapy are laxatives. When pain is used painkillers, with spasms - antispasmodics.
Also, specific drugs, such as enzyme preparations, that help normalize digestion, improve motility may be required. To improve the body as a whole, multivitamins are used. For the normalization of microflora, probiotic and prebiotic preparations are used. If a person shows allergic reactions, you need antihistamines.
Modern treatment of chronic gastroenterocolitis
At the heart of the treatment is the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as slow flawed pathologies. The main task is to fight the infection, its spread, as well as the prevention of intoxication. It is important to follow a diet. If chronic gastroenterocolitis is a consequence of other diseases, which is observed quite often, it is necessary to carry out treatment and prevention of concomitant diseases. During an exacerbation, you should consult a doctor.
Treatment for gastroenterocolitis should be comprehensive, carefully planned. Self-medication can not be done, because it will definitely be useless. Moreover, self-medication can be dangerous. This is due to the fact that in most cases, an etiological treatment is used, that is, a treatment that acts purposefully against a certain factor that provoked the disease. A thorough diagnosis is required to determine this factor. It can not be carried out at home, it requires specific equipment, reagents. If the treatment is initially chosen incorrectly, it can have serious negative consequences.
If there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, you must first normalize the amount and ratio of water and salts in the body.
This will help Regidron. This drug should be taken strictly in accordance with the instructions. It is important to correctly choose the concentration, dosage of the drug. If the dosage is chosen incorrectly, the imbalance of water and salts can only worsen. As a result, the disease will only become heavier.
One of the most dangerous complications of the disease is hyperkalemia, which develops as a result of improper and uncontrolled administration of the drug. The essence of this disease is that the level of potassium rises sharply in the body. This entails severe lesions of the liver and kidneys, various types of insufficiency develop, including cardiac failure. The danger is that the basic properties of blood also undergo changes, hypertension develops. Even death is possible.
Regidron accepts:
Children under three years of age - the first day: 50 mg / kg of body weight, the subsequent - up to 10 mg / kg.
Children 3-9 years - no more than 60 mg / kg, the subsequent - up to 50 mg / kg. The duration of therapy is no more than 14 days.
With diarrhea - portions, up to 100 ml.
Antibiotics are also taken strictly according to the treatment regimen. It is necessary to take the correct dosage, and also take a complete course. Failure to comply with the rules is dangerous because bacteria can develop resistance, and they will cease to be effective, and dysbiosis may also develop. The following preparations and methods of administration are recommended:
Tetracycline 250 mg / 2 per day (adults). Children look at the indications. Exclusively after the examination of the doctor.
Cephalosporins - 1 g every 6-12 hours (adults). Children - taking into account weight, no more than 2 times a day.
Biseptol: for children of 240 mg / 2 times a day. Adults - no more than 2 grams per day - with short treatment, with long-term - no more than 1 g per day. The duration of therapy is no more than 14 days.
Antibiotics for gastroenterocolitis
For the treatment of gastroenterocolitis, anti-infective therapy is necessary. For this purpose, antibiotics are used. Antibiotics can be used only after they are prescribed by a doctor. First, a bacteriological study is carried out, the causative agent that caused the disease is determined. After this, a laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the microorganism to the antibiotic should be carried out. It also determines the minimum concentration of antibiotic, which has the necessary effect.
The possibility to conduct a similar laboratory test is not always, so many specialists prescribe an antibiotic, based on the results of other tests, and also taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.
In emergency cases, when the time for isolation of the microorganism and determining its sensitivity to the drug is not enough, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. They do not selectively act against a specific microorganism, but act against a large number of bacteria that can be potential pathogens. The effect of such drugs is significantly lower than those that have a selective effect. However, they provide an opportunity to prevent the spread of infection, can stop inflammation.
All this shows that antibiotics are quite serious drugs, they need the right approach to their choice. There are cases when irrational choice of antibiotics, on the contrary, contributed to the worsening of the condition and the progression of the disease.
The main drugs of choice, which are prescribed for gastroenterocolitis, are cephalosporin, tetracycline, streptomycin. Also used synthetic drugs, such as oxacillin, ampicillin, streptocide, biseptol.
Antibiotics have a different effect. Some of them are bacteriostatic, others are bacteriolytic. The first only reduce the population of bacteria, reduce their numbers, stop growing. The second - completely kill, destroy the bacteria. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, one or the other form of the drug may be required. Precisely to pick up a preparation it is possible only on the basis of results of bacteriological crop.
When treating antibiotics, you must strictly follow the rules for their administration. It is necessary to drink a full course, even if the well-being is adjusted. Otherwise, resistance can develop, and the drugs will cease to have an effect on the body. Drugs should be drunk in the required dosage. A larger or smaller amount of the drug may also adversely affect the effectiveness of the treatment.
Moreover, cases are known where the virus is the causative agent of the disease, then antibiotics will not have any effect at all. This is due to the fact that viruses are not treated with antibacterial drugs, they require special antiviral therapy.
Gastroenterocolitis requires different vitamins. The main vitamins:
- PP - 45 mg / day
- H - 100 mg / day
- C - 1000 mg / day
- B - 5 mg / day.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapeutic treatment is an important component of complex treatment against gastroenteritis. In acute form, it is not used. But it can contribute to a speedy recovery to prevent relapse in the chronic phase, as well as in the recovery phase.
Positive effect is visceral massage of the abdomen, acupuncture, reflexology, electrophoresis of medicines.
Alternative treatment
Along with traditional therapy, the complex treatment may include alternative medicine, which has been used for a long time.
Perga is highly effective in combating various types of infection, including in the fight against intestinal infection. It has both preventive and curative effects. Perga is represented by the pollen of plants harvested by bees. It has a particularly intense impact on children, people of senile and old age. The basis of the action of perga is stimulating, restorative properties. It stimulates growth processes, promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues. For the elderly - slows down the aging process, supports the normal activity of the immune, endocrine systems.
Seabuckthorn buckthorn has proven itself for use in the composition of enemas. Used oil, isolated from seeds. Each enema consumes about 15-30 ml of oil. Requires a full course of treatment, which accounts for 15-20 enemas. In addition, fruits can be consumed inside, in the form of juice, infusion, aqueous solution, syrup. Methods of application usually indicate on the packaging.
Often in alternative medicine, planting carrots, mainly juice from root crops, are used. For treatment, 100-125 ml of juice is used. It is enough 2 receptions in day, it is desirable on an empty stomach.
Herbal Treatment
Herbal remedies have proven themselves for the treatment of the stomach and intestines.
Widely used broths, tinctures of silvery cotton. To prepare the mortar, you need to take about 15 g of grass, chop it, pour a glass of boiling water. Then the plant is insisted in a thermos bottle. After the broth has acquired a darker shade, it is necessary to strain it, and take in about 75 ml, about three times a day.
A medicinal melissa is also useful. It is used mainly as a decoction. It is necessary to take leaves and tops of shoots. Flowers do not need to be separated. To prepare a decoction it is enough to take 4 tbsp. Plants, pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is insisted in the thermos, after the acquisition of a stable shade filter. Take as a tea or an additive to tea, no more than 500-1000 ml per day.
Also, infusion of carrot seeds is used. To do this, take about 15 grams of seeds, brew them in boiling water. Infusion is done in a thermos, for its preparation takes about 5-6 hours. Drink one glass a day.
Homeopathic remedies are no less effective than traditional medicine. However, the maximum effect can be achieved only with complex treatment, and the competent inclusion of homeopathy in the general therapy. For this you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication is even so harmless, at first glance, the means, is dangerous. In addition, homeopathic remedies make it possible to consolidate the effects of therapy, avoid further relapses.
When properly used, these remedies are safe. The effect of them is observed for quite a long time. They act gently, in a sparing mode, protect the walls of internal organs from negative effects, irritations. Also have a systemic effect, thereby improving the general condition of the body, well-being.
When treating homeopathic remedies, precautions must be followed. First, before taking, you need to consult a doctor. He will help determine the choice of means, will tell what combination will be most effective and safe. It should be taken into account that the effect of some funds does not come immediately, but after a while. This is the so-called cumulative effect. Their action is quite strong.
Also, some funds may not be combined with each other. In combination, they can reduce the effectiveness of each other, completely neutralize the effect, or have a completely opposite effect. A similar picture can be observed when combined with other drugs.
Side effects are rare. If you are intolerant or overdose, you may experience dizziness, drowsiness. In some cases, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may increase. You can recommend the following tools:
- Collection number 1. When diarrhea with a marked inflammation, colic
To prepare the collection it is necessary to take 3 parts of the flowers of the chemist's daisy, mix them with 1 part of the rhizome of the ara of the common. To this mixture, add 1 part fruit fennel and the root of the drug daisy. From the resulting mixture take about 2-3 tablespoons, pour them about 500 ml of water. Drink infusion in a warm form, approximately 100-125 ml / 2-3 times a day.
- Collection number 2. With diarrhea with discharge of blood
It is recommended to take the rhizome rhizome erect, the mountaineer snake in equal parts, make a decoction and take it about 100-125 ml per day, three times a day.
- Collection number 3. In chronic gastroenterocolitis, accompanied by constipation
Take the grass of the alder-shaped buckthorn, fennel fruits, black elderberry flowers, flax seeds in a ratio of 5: 2: 2: 3, make a decoction, take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
- Complex powder with a licorice root
Preparing powder from the leaves of hay, from the roots of naked licorice, fruits of fennel. To this mixture is added a powder of purified sulfur, sugar. Each of the substances is taken in a ratio of 20: 20: 10: 10: 40. Powders are mixed together, take 10 grams per day, washed down with water.
Treatment is mainly medicated. But there are cases when one can not do without surgical intervention. For example, it may be necessary to remove part of the stomach, or intestines. Such operations are performed with a neglected form of pathology. The main indication is the bleeding of mucous membranes, ulcerative lesions of the walls of the intestine, stomach. Also, surgical intervention may be required in the development of necrosis, the spread of infection. This avoids the spread of infection, advanced necrosis, sepsis, bacteremia.
Nutrition and diet with gastroenterocolitis
Diet has an important preventive, supportive, curative effect. If the disease is at an early stage, it is necessary to provide copious drinking. This is not only a diet, but also a therapeutic tool. In addition to water, you can drink cereal broths, preferably enveloping.
Starting from 2-3 days, light foods are used for food, which have a softening effect, remove irritation. To eat it is necessary in parts, in a small amount, but often. It excludes fatty, smoked, spicy dishes, spicy or pickled snacks, rough meat products, tough vegetables and fruits.
It is recommended to gradually introduce in the diet low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish, yogurt, cheese. The use of biscuits and compote is limited.
For constant maintenance of an organism such a diet must be adhered to constantly. In the absence of exacerbation, you can take steamed chops, schnitzel, meatballs, lean fish, casseroles, boiled eggs. In limited quantities, manna, rice, and oatmeal are used. Porridge is cooked on water, with a little addition of butter, crackers. You can also tea with lemon, juice.
The features of prevention are that it is carried out not only individually. Prevention takes on a national character. It is manifested in the form of a complex of public and state measures aimed at ensuring a permanent sanitary and hygienic, veterinary control. These activities are carefully developed, acquire a permanent character. Food, products and products of animal and vegetable origin are subject to control. In addition, the condition of natural markets, meat processing plants is checked.
The state also provides for educational work, introductory lectures, preventive medical examinations. Citizens warn of the dangers of food poisoning, the first signs, the procedure for detecting these signs. Also, the state calls for adherence to the rules of individual security, which makes it possible not only to protect itself, but also to prevent a massive spread of the infection.
Personal care is based on personal hygiene. It is also necessary to know and observe the rules for cooking meat and fish products. Acquire products only in proven locations that are subject to routine inspections and state supervision.
A comprehensive and comprehensive prevention of infection has not been developed to date. In any case, it is aimed at protecting against infection, preventing further spread of the infection. It is also important to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system. It is important to take a multivitamin, diet.
If a person has acute gastroenterocolitis, then the prognosis can be favorable only under the condition of timely treatment, with proper nutrition and abundant drinking. The acute form in most cases does not last long. Ends, as a rule, complete recovery. Symptoms completely stop disturbing a person as early as 5-7 days. Full recovery takes about 3-6 weeks.
If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations, the correct therapy, the acute form can flow into the chronic. For a chronic form, a more unfavorable prognosis is characteristic. Usually the disease lasts for a long time, often there are relapses. The disease can have a long, sluggish character. The therapy should also be prolonged. Requires a constant diet. This makes it possible to avoid exacerbations. If due care does not turn out, the disease can again go into a sharp form. Also, the chronic form is dangerous for its complications, consequences. Dehydration is especially frequent.