Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diarrhea, or diarrhea - an increase in stool volume by increasing the water content of more than 300 g / day. However, the understanding of this indicator varies.
The chair is 60-90% water. In Europe, stool volume is 100–300 g / day in adults and 10 g / kg / day in infants, depending on the amount of food ingredients (mainly carbohydrates) that are not absorbed in the intestine.
Causes of diarrhea
- consuming stale or contaminated food or water
- allergic reaction to medication
- idiosyncrasy of any substance that is part of the products
- intestinal infections of viral, bacterial or parasitic etiology
- nerve strain
- irritable bowel syndrome. Such a phenomenon is most often associated with emotional overstrain, poor-quality nutrition, eating too fatty foods, large amounts of caffeine, overeating, and alcohol abuse.
- inflammation of the colon and small intestine (enterocolitis), can be both acute and chronic
- insufficiency of absorption of substances in the small intestine (develops in diseases such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, colitis, enteritis). Syndrome impaired absorption of substances associated with metabolic proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, as well as water-salt balance.
Green diarrhea
Green diarrhea occurs when malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and can be a sign of poisoning of the body or infectious diseases. It should be noted that such a phenomenon as green diarrhea can be a reaction of the body to the use of colored drinks containing in their composition artificial colors. Also in the feces may appear a green tint when taking antibacterial drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections. In the process of digesting food fermentation increases, during which the formation of substances that give feces green color occurs. With a condition such as dysentery, feces may also turn green. Accompanying symptoms when staining feces in green can be acute abdominal pain, temperature reaction, nausea, vomiting, general weakness. Liver pathologies can also be the cause of green diarrhea - the breakdown of red blood cells leads to the formation of bilirubin in the liver, which, getting into the intestine, gives the feces a green color. For diagnosis, conduct a general analysis of feces and bacterial culture of feces. In infants, diarrhea with a green tint can be triggered by the rejection of food. In this case, blood streaks, foam and mucus may appear in the feces. For any symptoms that accompany diarrhea in a baby, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Diarrhea with blood
Diarrhea with blood can occur with a disease like hemorrhoids - the formation of nodes near the rectum, associated with the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins. Blood in diarrhea can appear when colon is damaged by pathogenic strains, anal fissures, rectal oncopathology. Blood in the fecal masses of bright red color may be released when the intestinal wall bulges form. Diarrhea with blood may occur with gastric or intestinal bleeding. Polyps in the intestines can also cause blood to appear in the diarrhea. Accompanying symptoms of diarrhea with blood can be pain in the rectum during bowel movements or after it, the presence of mucus in the stool, vomiting, nausea, fever, pain in the abdomen. Radiography and endoscopy are performed to diagnose the disease, and for heavy bleeding, emergency medical care is required.
Black diarrhea
Black feces staining can be observed after taking activated charcoal and some vitamin-mineral complexes. The appearance of black diarrhea can be the result of internal bleeding - from the esophagus, stomach or intestines, which could be triggered by various severe pathologies - an ulcer, cancer, polyps or enlarged veins of the esophagus. Concomitant signs of internal bleeding can be impotence, pale complexion, dizziness, anemia. In the case of black diarrhea should immediately consult a doctor. For diagnosis, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the esophagus, gastric cavity and duodenum 12 with a gastroscope, which is inserted into the stomach through the mouth and esophagus) or colonoscopy (colon sounding) can be prescribed.
Diarrhea and vomiting
Diarrhea and vomiting are the main symptoms of food poisoning. Acute food intoxication develops as a result of eating foods containing microorganisms or toxic substances of non-microbial origin. In addition to microbial poisoning, toxic poisoning emit. In most cases, one or two hours after eating the contaminated food, diarrhea and vomiting begin, and headache, weakness, and dizziness may occur. To normalize the condition, it is first necessary to increase the excretion of harmful substances from the body that have not yet been absorbed, and to neutralize the influence of those substances that have already been absorbed, to resume the normal functioning of the intestine, liver and cardiovascular system. In cases of food poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed, sorbents are ingested. The stomach is washed with a large amount of two-five percent soda solution, taking inside three or four glasses of this solution. For binding and removing harmful substances from the body, activated charcoal, smecta, enterosgel are taken, and rehydron is used to prevent dehydration of the body and restore acid-base balance. Enterosgel in the form of pasta adults should take one tablespoon three times a day, on average, from seven to fourteen days. Regidron is diluted in a liter of boiled water, cooled to a warm state and taken in small portions after each liquid stool, before use, the solution is shaken. Within one hour, drink about ten milliliters per pound of body weight. After easing the symptoms of intoxication, the dose of the drug is reduced to 5-10 ml / kg of body weight after each bowel movement.
Chronic diarrhea
Chronic diarrhea in most cases is caused by intestinal dysbiosis, in which the composition of the microflora is disturbed. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself as a slight malaise, as well as more serious disorders. During dysbacteriosis, the intestinal walls become vulnerable to various allergens and toxins, and the protective functions of the liver also decrease. The body absorbs vitamins and minerals worse, metabolic processes worsen, liver and pancreas disorders occur. The following factors can provoke the development of chronic diarrhea:
- Diseases of the digestive tract.
- Frequent colds.
- The presence of allergic reactions.
- Age-related factors contributing to changes in the properties of microflora.
- Stress, emotional overstrain.
- Unbalanced diet.
- Infectious bowel disease.
- Long-term use of drugs, in particular, antibacterial.
- Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs, as well as NSAIDs.
- Immunodeficiency states.
Accompanying symptoms of chronic diarrhea are lack of appetite, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching, pain and bloating in the abdomen, weakness, sleep disorders. To diagnose the disease, a microbiological examination of feces is carried out, as well as scatological examination to determine the status of the digestive system. Treatment of chronic diarrhea is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that cause it.
Diarrhea mucus
Diarrhea by mucus can be caused by a disturbance in the intestinal microflora, in which mucus promotes the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms. The mucus in the feces may appear with polyps or hemorrhoids. In this disease, mucus is a shell for feces and does not form a homogeneous mass with them. Additional symptoms in this pathology are itching in the posterior perineum, bleeding from the anus. Intestinal diverticulitis can also trigger mucus secretion in feces. Accompanying symptoms in this case are abdominal pain, localized mainly in the left side, bloating and excessive gas formation.
Diarrhea with mucus in children may appear as a result of insufficient functioning of the intestine. Usually this is due to improper and unbalanced diet. This condition is usually accompanied by general malaise, nausea, rumbling in the stomach. Liquid feces with mucus can also be released in irritable bowel syndrome. To differentiate the disease and the purpose of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct bacteriological examination of feces.
Diarrhea during pregnancy
Diarrhea during pregnancy, occurring mainly in the early stages, may be associated with hormonal changes in the woman's body due to the onset of pregnancy. To alleviate the condition in such cases, it is recommended to eat boiled rice, blueberries, bananas. Dried fruits of viburnum are also able to alleviate the condition. A glass of viburnum fruit should be poured with a liter of boiled hot water and cook for another ten minutes, then strain and add to the resulting broth two or three tablespoons of natural honey. Take this medication should be three times a day for 1/3 cup in the absence of allergic reactions. If the cause of diarrhea during pregnancy was food poisoning, you must drink plenty of fluids, you can take rehydron, lactosol, on the first day a full fast is recommended. After the improvement, you can eat some crackers with tea without adding sugar. It is believed that diarrhea during pregnancy may be caused by the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, the use of inappropriate water. To determine the exact cause of diarrhea, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Diarrhea with foam
Diarrhea with foam may indicate infectious pathologies of the intestines, accompanied by general malaise, vomiting and temperature reaction. Diarrhea with foam can be the result of intestinal dysbiosis, development of enterocolitis, the presence of worms in the body. In infants, such a disorder may occur when the intestines reject any food. In addition to foam, mucus or a green tint may appear in the feces. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to balance the diet and eliminate irritating foods from the diet. Medical consultation with the appearance of foam in the feces is necessary.
Diarrhea, vomiting, temperature
Diarrhea, vomiting, fever - the main signs of an intestinal infection, the causative agents of which can be bacteria or viruses. It is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis only after conducting a study of feces, emetic masses, blood, and also water released after washing the stomach. In the first few hours after the onset of anxiety symptoms, it is necessary to drink a large amount of fluid, thereby causing vomiting and helping to cleanse the stomach. To cleanse the large intestine put an enema with chilled boiled water. The dark color of urine may indicate a lack of fluid in the body. Normalization of water-salt balance in intestinal infection is extremely important. For this purpose, you can use, for example, rehydron or the usual decoctions of wild rose, raisin. Fluid temperature should be equal to t of the body. With repeated spontaneous vomiting should be drunk often, but little by little, so as not to cause distension of the stomach. Refusal of food and plentiful drink at a diarrhea, vomiting and temperature are a necessary condition. If you have diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, call a doctor without delay. Drug treatment of intestinal infections is carried out in the hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Severe diarrhea
Severe diarrhea can occur with diarrhea of the small intestine. It can occur during food intoxication, and with intestinal infections. Often, such a stool is watery, may contain food debris and flow without pain in the abdomen. Bile acids and peptide molecules can enhance the release of water and ions. Severe diarrhea can occur when the absorption of bile and fatty acids is impaired, for example, in Crohn's disease.
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How is diarrhea detected?
The water-electrolyte state and degree of dehydration should be assessed. A complete examination with the examination of the abdomen and the digital examination of the rectum on the consistency of the sphincter, clear and hidden blood in the feces. Results of extraabdominal studies that help establish the etiology of the disease include the detection of skin lesions or flushing (labrocytosis), thyroid nodules (medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland), right cardiac noise (carcinoid), lymphadenopathy (lymphoma, AIDS) and arthritis (inflammatory bowel disease).
Instrumental study
Acute diarrhea (less than 4 days) usually does not require research. The exceptions are patients with signs of dehydration, bloody stools, fever, severe pain, hypotension or intoxication, and especially young or very elderly people. These patients need to perform a complete blood count and determination of electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine. Stool specimens should be taken for microscopy, seeding, and examination of leukocytes in the feces and, if antibiotics have recently been used, the Clostridium difficile toxin test.
Chronic diarrhea (> 4 weeks) requires the definition of etiology in patients with impaired immunity or with signs of severe disease, since in other cases it appears shorter (1-3 weeks) attacks of diarrhea. Initial stool testing should include seeding, leukocytes in the stool (detected using a smear or determining lactoferrin in the stool), microscopic examination of eggs and parasites, pH (bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed carbohydrates lowers the pH of the stool <6.0), detection of fat (color Sudan) and electrolytes (Na and K). If typical pathogens have not been identified, specific tests for Giardia and Aeromonas, Plesiomonas antigens, coccidia and microsporidia are necessary. Sigmoscopy or colonoscopy with biopsy is performed to identify the inflammatory etiology of the disease.
If the diagnosis is not confirmed and Sudan's coloring for fat is positive, it is necessary to determine the excretion of fat with a stool followed by a radiopaque examination of the small intestine and abdominal CT (structural abnormalities) and endoscopic biopsy of the small intestine (diseases of the mucous membrane). If the assessment does not lead to a positive result, it is necessary to investigate the structure and function of the pancreas.
Osmotic stool spacing [290 - 2 x (Na in the stool + K in the stool)] indicates whether the diarrhea is secretory or osmotic. An osmotic gap of less than 50 meq / l indicates secretory diarrhea; a longer interval suggests osmotic diarrhea. The cause of osmotic diarrhea can be the secret reception of patients with Mg-containing laxatives (determination of the level of Mg in the stool), causing malabsorption of carbohydrates (diagnosed by breathing hydrogen test, determination of lactase and nutritional survey).
Secretory diarrhea, the causes of which are not clear, requires further investigation [eg, plasma gastrin, calcitonin, VIP levels, histamine and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid in the urine (5GI-CC)] due to possible endocrine disorders. An analysis of the symptoms and signs inherent in diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal insufficiency should be made. We must not forget about the secret abuse of laxatives; This can be excluded by examining feces for the presence of laxatives.
Diarrhea: alternative means
In the treatment of such disorders as diarrhea, alternative means can have a rather effective effect. You can use for this purpose, for example, crackers from rye bread, softened with warm water. The crackers are left in the water for fifteen to twenty minutes, after which they take the resulting mixture inside during the day. Peeled walnuts can also be used as a remedy for diarrhea. One tablespoon of nuts is put on half a liter of boiled hot water and filtered through twenty-twenty-five minutes, after which they take about 150 grams of broth once a day. Oak bark also has bonding properties and can help with diarrhea. One teaspoon of oak bark is diluted with one and a half glasses of water and boiled over low heat for ten minutes until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. The resulting broth is taken three times a day, one tablespoon.
Diet in pride
Diet for diarrhea is designed to restore the normal metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and the condition of the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to eat ground grated rice and buckwheat, boiled in water, steamed meat, vegetable broths. It is forbidden to consume dairy products, spicy and fried foods, smoked meats, alcoholic beverages, juice, soda, cabbage. There is no doubt that proper nutrition is important in the treatment of diarrhea. An exemplary diet in a condition such as diarrhea may be as follows:
- First breakfast - oatmeal cooked in water
- The second breakfast - an infusion of dried blueberries
- Lunch - meat broth + semolina or steamed meatballs, rice porridge, grated on water + jelly
- Tea time - dogrose infusion without added sugar
- Dinner - omelette, steamed + grated buckwheat and tea.