Polyps in the gallbladder: is it dangerous, how to treat without surgery by alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Polyps are benign small formations, which are often found on the walls of many internal organs. For example, polyps in the gallbladder are often diagnosed. This is a very specific pathology that is difficult to detect, and no less difficult to treat.
Most often, these formations have a globular configuration, and are a benign growth of the mucous tissues of the organ.
An unknown formation in the gallbladder was first discovered by German pathologist R. Virchow, and it was back in the XIX century. Another scientist at the same time managed to examine the pathology in detail under a microscope and describe it. Since that time, the main cause of the disease was considered to be an eating disorder in the body.
The second wave of polyposis research began from the time when a new type of diagnosis was introduced into practice - ultrasound scanning.
According to the latest statistics, 6% of people have gallstones in the gallbladder cavity. Most often, the disease is found in women older than 35 years.
In male patients, mainly cholesterol formations are found. In women, hyperplastic inclusions are found.
Causes of the polyps in the gallbladder
As it turned out, the violation of the metabolism of fats is not the only possible reason for the formation of polypous entities. They can arise and under the influence of other causes and factors:
- genetic disorders, burdened heredity (in the family there were already cases of polyps development);
- Infectious and inflammatory diseases in biliary system;
- disorders of metabolic processes;
- dyskinesia of bile ducts, other liver diseases and biliary system.
An important role in the development of the disease is played by risk factors, which should be considered in more detail.
Risk factors
- Hereditary predisposition is, perhaps, the most common factor in the development of the disease. First of all, this refers to adenomatous formations and bile papillomas. In this case, if there were cases of the appearance of benign polyposis in other organs in the family, the danger of developing the build-up in the gall bladder also increases.
Heredity is of no small importance for the emergence of diseases, complications of which are polyposic growths. For example, such a disease is considered dyskinesia of the biliary system.
- Infectious-inflammatory diseases - for example, cholecystitis, proceed against a background of biliary stasis, which is a trigger mechanism for the development of bile growths. The polyp of the gallbladder with cholecystitis is a relatively common phenomenon. During the inflammatory reaction, the organ wall becomes denser, its shape and structure are disturbed. As a result of these changes, bile stasis appears, which leads to pain, dyspepsia, belching. The consequence of this reaction is the growth of granulations in the walls of the bile organ, which becomes the primary cause of the formation of post-inflammatory polyposis structures.
- Disorders of metabolic processes most often affect the formation of cholesterol formations. Over time, these formations increase and undergo calcification. Such processes are the result of a disorder of fat metabolism, when excess cholesterol circulates in the blood. Excess cholesterol is deposited inside the walls of not only blood vessels, but also the biliary system. In the bile, and without that there is cholesterol: if bile is stagnant, its excess will soon be deposited inside the bladder.
- Dyskinesia of the bile ducts cause a violation of the biliary system while maintaining the normal structure of the organ. Dyskinesia is accompanied by a malfunction of the contractile capacity of the gallbladder, which complicates the entry of the bile mass into the 12-colon: the secretion of bile no longer corresponds to certain digestive processes. The patient notes symptoms such as nausea after eating (especially after eating fat), pain, weight loss.
As already mentioned, polyposis is a polyethiologic disease, that is, it can have many causes of development.
The gallbladder has a three-layered thin wall, which consists of an outer shell, a muscle layer and a mucous tissue.
Mucous tissue lining the internal walls of the body: it forms polypous structures. This tissue forms multiple folds, it is penetrated by glands and covered with a single layer of epithelium.
Polyposic formations, in turn, can be true or so-called "pseudopolips":
- true polyposisations are formed due to excessive growth of the epithelium;
- "Pseudopolypes" have a cholesteric or inflammatory origin.
Symptoms of the polyps in the gallbladder
Symptomatic in polyposis neoplasms is not always characteristic and specific for this disease. The severity and variety of symptoms depend on many factors: from the localization of education, on their multiplicity, on size, etc.
It is dangerous if the polypous node is in the cervical part of the bladder, or inside the duct: in such a situation there is a risk of blocking the gallbladder exit, which will cause jaundice.
In other localizations of the pathology, the symptoms may be latent or mild.
The first signs of polyps in the gallbladder are often the following:
- dull pain on the right near the ribs (may be cramping), especially after taking fatty foods, after episodes of overeating, after drinking, after stress;
- jaundice, in which the skin, mucous and sclera acquire a yellow tint (often jaundice is accompanied by pruritus, nausea and even vomiting);
- Kolikobraznye pains - acute, sharp, resembling hepatic colic in cholelithiasis (often indicative of torsion and infringement of the leg of the polyp);
- the appearance of a bitter taste in the oral cavity, morning sickness, periodic unexplained vomiting.
It is worth noting that in most cases, polyposic inclusions do not manifest themselves in any way: they are detected accidentally, when diagnosing other diseases. Only when the formation increases to a considerable extent, or with the development of complications, is the above described clinical picture revealed.
- Polyp 3, 4, 5, 6 mm in the gallbladder is considered a small formation and in most cases does not show itself by any external signs. Such growths are not removed by an operative route: they are monitored. If the site increases by more than 2 mm per year, then the question of its removal may be raised.
- The polyp in the duct of the gallbladder can cause blockage of the duct, which will manifest itself in the form of mechanical jaundice, which is the result of an increase in the bilirubin content in the bloodstream system. What symptoms are characteristic of jaundice: yellow staining of skin and mucous membranes, skin itching, paroxysmal nausea. Auxiliary signs can be: darkening of the urine, joint and muscle pains, fever.
- Pain in polyps in the gallbladder is usually clearly localized: this is the region of the right hypochondrium, that is, the site of the projection of the liver and the bile excretory system. The pains can be blunt and aching, but more often they are cramp-like, spasmodic, and when the polypous leg is infringed, they are crooked (sharp, sudden and strong). With this kind of pain, the patient is always restless, he can not find his place and often changes his position in search of the most comfortable posture.
- Diffuse changes in the pancreas and polyp of the gallbladder are often diagnosed in combination with each other. Most often such changes are accompanied by cholecystopancreatitis - a combined inflammation affecting the pancreas and biliary system. In addition to inflammation, the cause of diffuse changes can also be age: while the echogenicity of the pancreas can remain normal, and the patient will not make any complaints.
- Diarrhea in gallbladder polyps is perhaps the most common symptom, along with nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea appears due to stagnation and impaired bile secretion. This leads to the fact that food in the intestine is poorly digested: for normal absorption of fat, bile is needed. As a result, there is a digestive disorder - diarrhea.
- The temperature at the polyp of the gallbladder can remain normal, but in the presence of inflammation in many cases increases. A prolonged low-grade fever (which can be observed for months) often indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process - cholecystitis. With hepatic colic, the temperature can rise abruptly to about + 38 °. However, this symptom is not typical, as many patients have temperature changes unchanged. The presence of a polyp in itself does not affect the change in temperature values.
Psychosomatics with polypas of the gallbladder
Immediately polypous nodes are not considered psychosomatic disorders, but they can become a consequence of such violations. So, many neoplasms develop due to inflammatory processes, dyskinesias, circulatory disorders and trophism in the organ. Therefore, it can not be asserted that psychosomatics plays no role in the mechanism of formation of polyposic inclusions.
Many diseases a person acquires as a result of stress, frequent conflict situations, dissatisfaction with life, fears, etc. Experts say that people who experience or suppress negative emotions tend to "direct" them into the body, which leads to the appearance of diseases. In addition to polyposis, such patients may suffer from cholelithiasis, colitis, depression and panic attacks.
One of the conditions for the qualitative treatment of polypous entities is the absence of stress and moral calm, reinforced by a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Polyp of the gallbladder in men
In male patients, cholesterol inclusions are most often detected, and already in old age. The causes are cholesterol deposits accumulated over the years, which, over time, increase and are permeated with calcium salts (calcified).
According to statistics, men more women are prone to fatness and eating disorders, so they often have a violation of fat metabolism. When the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, it is deposited inside the vascular walls and in the biliary system. If the patient simultaneously suffers stagnation of bile, then the risk of polyposis growths increases several times.
Cholesterol polyposis nodes in the vast majority of cases do not cause any symptoms in the patient, so the patient seeks medical help already in the presence of significant cholesterol deposits.
Polyps in the gallbladder during pregnancy
Most doctors agree that if there is polyposive inclusion in the biliary system, it should be cured (removed) before the beginning of pregnancy planning. The bottom line is that during the period of the strongest hormonal reorganization, the risk of malignant degeneration of polypous education increases. That is, how the outgrowth will behave is not known. Conduct the same operation for a pregnant woman is also risky.
But what if the polyposis node was detected already during pregnancy? Here the answer can not be unambiguous. More often than not, experts make the decision to observe the pathology, control the growth of education. If necessary, prescribe surgical treatment, but after the birth of the baby.
Polyps of the gallbladder in children
Polyposis inclusions can be found not only in patients of middle age and the elderly, but also in children. Most often they are detected in children under 10 years of age: the danger is that at an early stage of development these formations are incredibly difficult to detect, and the untimely diagnosis can lead to quite serious consequences: digestive disorders, chronic pathologies of the digestive system,
The appearance of polypous structures may be due to many reasons. In children, most of them discover pathologies associated with hereditary predisposition.
Rarely in children, the disease causes any clinical manifestations: the polyposis nodes often do not manifest themselves long enough, and the initial signs may be similar to those of ordinary inflammation-cholecystitis. The diagnosis of polyposis is established only after a special diagnostic study.
Where does it hurt?
In medical circles, it is common to distinguish three stages of polyposis development, although this classification is conditional, and it is often difficult to determine the exact stage. These are the following stages of development:
- The first stage is considered initial, when the polyp is just beginning its development. The patient does not feel any discomfort, the function of the outflow of bile does not suffer.
- The second stage is characterized by a significant proliferation of the tissue, with overlapping of most of the bile duct or bladder. The outflow of bile is difficult, but possible.
- The third stage is a complete overlapping of the lumen of the duct or bladder with a polyposic growth. The output of bile becomes impossible.
Precisely determine the stage of the polypous process by using ultrasound. It is not easy to make this exceptionally by the presence of symptoms.
- Cholesterol polyp of the gallbladder is considered a pseudostorostom - that is, it does not consist of organ tissues, but is formed from cholesterol deposits on the wall of the bladder.
- The adenomatous polyp of the gallbladder comes from the glandular epithelium, which covers the mucous tissues of the organ. Adenomatous growths are more prone to malignant degeneration than others.
- Calcified polyp of the gallbladder is a polypous growth in which deposits of calcined salts have occurred. Sometimes calcification affects not only the polyposis node, but also the vesicle wall (the so-called porcelain bladder), which is an extremely unfavorable condition that can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.
- The fine polyp of the gallbladder is an outgrowth, the size of which does not exceed 6-8 mm (in some cases, up to 10 mm). Such growths are often treated conservatively, without resorting to prompt intervention.
- Multiple polyps in the gallbladder, especially of a hereditary nature, are also called diffuse. In this situation, malignant neoplasms develop on the site of multiple polyposis in 80-100% of cases.
- The polyp on the pedicle in the gallbladder is considered the most favorable, since it almost never degenerates into a malignant tumor. However, such a build-up can be dangerous: it can provoke bleeding, can be twisted, infringed, which will require urgent surgical intervention.
- The parietal polyp of the gallbladder closely adjoins the organ wall and has a wide base (not a leg). Such a growth is often advised to remove: the danger of malignization of education is great.
Complications and consequences
Complications of polypous formations in the gallbladder are not uncommon, for example:
- The polyp can be regenerated into a cancerous tumor (malignancy);
- The polypous leg can be twisted (in case there is a polyp "on the leg");
- The polyp can enlarge and block the cavity of the bladder.
The growth of the polyp of the gallbladder is very difficult to control: often the disease is detected even when the formation becomes so large that it blocks the lumen of the organ. Especially dangerous if the polyps are multiple: they gradually fill the entire space of the bubble. This leads to the fact that bile begins to accumulate, digestion is disrupted, and bile enters the bloodstream. As a result, the patient has jaundice - a condition in which the skin and sclera turn yellow. In addition, the urine becomes dark, the itching of the skin develops.
Can polyps of the gallbladder disappear? Indeed, they can. But it happens not so often: the formations which size did not exceed 10 mm, and the polyp had a leg can disappear. Polypoid formations with a diameter greater than 10 mm, located on a wide base, are not prone to self-elimination and are more likely to develop into a malignant tumor.
Even if the polyp of the gallbladder has resolved, the patient is undergoing control tests once every 6 months, 2-3 times to make sure there is no recurrence of the disease.
Diagnostics of the polyps in the gallbladder
Diagnosis is often limited to ultrasound and endoscopy. Additionally, laboratory tests can be assigned.
- Analyzes that a doctor can prescribe for the diagnosis of polyposic lesions:
- blood biochemistry most often indicates the presence of biliary stagnation, which are signs of an increase in the level of bilirubin (more than 17 mmol / l), an increase in APF (more than 120 U / L), an increase in the amount of cholesterol (more than 5.6 mmol / l);
- OA of urine helps to detect bilirubin and decrease the concentration of urobilinogen (less than 5 mg / l);
- The coprogram shows the decrease or absence of sterocilin.
- Instrumental diagnosis usually includes ultrasound, endoscopy, less often - magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.
- application of ultrasound is the most common type of research that allows to fully assess the size and localization of polypous formation;
- ultrasonography is a combination of ultrasound and an endoscope, which are introduced into the lumen of the duodenum;
- Magnetic resonance imaging is a more expensive form of diagnosis, which, however, allows us to consider even the smallest polyposis growths.
- The polyp of the gallbladder on ultrasound is a light nodule or spot with darker surrounding tissues. A bright spot has a growth direction from the wall into the interior of the body cavity. The configuration of the neoplasm depends on the type of polyp: for example, if the built-up edge has a leg, then visually it is clearly visible. With multiple formations on ultrasound, a number of spots sprouting into a darkened cavity are determined.
- Echoes of the polyp of the gallbladder are determined by its variety. Thus, with a cholesteric or inflammatory neoplasm, an absolutely white speck is found. With an adenomatous growth, a darkened spot is visualized with lighter surrounding tissues.
- Hyperechoic polyp of the gallbladder is a neoplasm that has a higher density for ultrasound waves. As a rule, most polyps are precisely hyperechoic formations.
- Polyps of the gallbladder on MRI can be considered more carefully. Most specialists resort to the help of magnetic resonance imaging in cases where it is necessary to differentiate the true polyp from the papilloma.
- CT of the gallbladder in polyps is of little information, so it is rarely used, mainly for differential diagnostics.
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Treatment of the polyps in the gallbladder
In most patients, the treatment of polyps implies their surgical removal, as in many situations drug therapy does not bring the expected result. Medications can be useful for getting rid of the root cause, which could cause the development of polypous formations, as well as to eliminate painful symptoms. For example, with pain, it is appropriate to take antispasmodics and analgesics, and with cholestasis take cholagogue.
If a patient has an elevated cholesterol level, he will be treated with special drugs that lower this level.
Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder without surgery
Doing without surgery is possible only with polyposic formations of cholesterol origin. For conservative treatment, medicines such as Ursofalk, Ursosan, Simvastatin, Holiver are most often chosen, and they also add Drotaverine and Gepabene.
In addition to cholesterol formations, drug therapy can be used in relation to polyps, whose diametrical size is indicated not more than 10 mm.
The need for surgical intervention should be evaluated by the doctor in each specific case: if the polypous node has a wide base and large dimensions, then it is necessary to remove it.
Medicines: the principle of action and use
Medicine |
Operating principle |
Dosage |
Holiver |
Strengthens the secretion of bile, improves the papular motility, prevents biliary stasis. It is not prescribed for biliary obstruction. |
Take 2 tab. Three times a day before meals. |
Gepabene |
Stabilizes the production of bile by liver cells, has an antispasmodic effect. |
Take in food, 1 capsule three times a day. |
Drotaverine |
Eliminates spasms and pain. |
Take 1-2 tablets if you feel pain and discomfort in the liver. |
Simvastatin |
Stabilizes the content of cholesterol in the blood. |
Take 1 time per day, at night, 1 tablet. |
- Ursosan with polyps in the gallbladder is prescribed only if the growth is cholesterol-derived. Other varieties of formations are not amenable to treatment by Ursosan. The drug lowers the cholesterol and lipoprotein content in the bloodstream. Its function also includes prevention and removal of cholesterol deposits.
Ursosan drink with enough water, at a rate of 10 mg per kg of body weight of the patient. The duration of the treatment course is 6-12 months.
It is impossible to be treated by Ursosan during the destruction of the bladder, with obstruction of the ducts, and also in case the polyposis has considerable dimensions - more than 2 cm.
- Ursofalk at polypas of a cholic bubble carries out a role of a cholesteric solvent - its or his action is similar to action of Ursosana. Both of these drugs are used only in the cholesteric nature of polypous structures. Ursofalk take a long time, calculating the dose according to the formula 10 mg / kg body weight of the patient. Periodically, the condition of the neoplasm should be monitored during the therapeutic course.
- Allochol at polypas of a cholic bubble appoint or nominate for increase in a motility and secretion of bile. This drug is not suitable for the treatment of patients with obstructive disorders - with obstruction or weak patency of the bile ducts. Allochol can be useful in the presence of endogenous bile acid deficiency. Accept Allochol 2 tablets three times a day, immediately after eating. Duration of admission is up to a month.
- Ovesol with polyps in the gallbladder helps to eliminate biliary stasis, remove stones, restore the kinetics of the biliary system. Oatsol - a herbal product, belonging to the category of dietary supplements, so it has a mild, long-lasting effect and can be used for a long time. Drops are taken with water, 15-20 drops each morning and evening (about ½ teaspoon). It is recommended that three to four treatment courses lasting 1 month be carried out annually. Ovesiol is contraindicated with a complete overlap of the bladder or ducts.
The inclusion of vitamins in the curative scheme in polyposic formations plays an important role, helping to improve the quality of life of patients, and blocking further growth of polyps.
At the initial stages of the disease, vitamin complex preparations are appropriate. It can be Centrum, Vitrum, Complivit, Biomax, Alphabet, etc. No special vitamins are needed at the initial stage of the disease development.
Started polyps are usually treated in a comprehensive manner, with the additional use of plant and vitamin remedies on the background of medical and / or surgical treatment.
Doctors recommend paying attention to such drugs:
- Vitamin B 2 - takes part in the processes of metabolism, helps to deliver oxygen to the cells.
- Rutin - protects the vascular walls, relieves edema, improves blood circulation.
- Vitamin B 6 - stabilizes the function of the nervous system and the level of cholesterol in the body.
- Kokarboksilaza - regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, improves the synthesis of proteins.
- Vitamin B 12 - strengthens the immune system, improves protein metabolism.
- Ascorbic acid - accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and elimination of toxins.
- Vitamin B 9 - stabilizes the level of hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system.
The listed vitamins can be used, as a part of complex preparations, and independently, for example, in the form of injections.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures is contraindicated in exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, with a single node in the biliary system, or with a common biliary polyposis.
After surgical treatment and removal of the gallbladder, mud therapy with sulphide, silt, peat, sapropelic mud can be recommended, this therapy is expedient already in the early stages, 2-3 weeks after surgery.
Thermal procedures, such as paraffin or ozocerite, are not recommended before or after the operation.
It is allowed to use mineral waters, exercise therapy, massage, climatotherapy. It is compulsory to follow a diet.
Exercises with polyp of the gallbladder
Patients with polypous formations in the biliary system are very important to reconsider their physical activity. It is necessary to limit excessive motor activity, especially avoiding sudden movements. It is undesirable to lift weights, carry them, as these actions can cause the development of adverse consequences.
As for exercise therapy, it is only welcome in polyposis. Independently, at home you can perform a set of simple exercises that will ease the condition and normalize the function of the bile excretory system. Exercises are carried out regularly, not skipping classes for a day.
- The patient lies on his back, leads his legs bent at the knees to his chest, clasps them with his hands. A few minutes rolled to the left and right, back and forth.
- The patient continues to lie on his back: one by one bends his legs in the knees and leads them to his chest.
- Lying on his back, the patient draws in as much as possible the stomach, after which he relaxes it. The necessary number of repetitions is ten.
- The patient stands, legs are divorced to the width of the shoulders. Rotates the upper half of the body in turn to the right and left.
If possible, a patient with polyposis should practice yoga and respiratory gymnastics.
Alternative treatment
It is not recommended to start alternative treatment of polyps in the biliary system, if they have significant dimensions, or an increased likelihood of malignancy. It is better to discuss the possibility of using alternative methods with your doctor in advance.
Alternative healers are advised to get rid of polyposis at night 3-4 garlic teeth, eating Borodino bread with unrefined sunflower oil.
In addition, a good effect is a mushroom-raincoat. It is necessary to collect fifteen old mushrooms with a diameter of about 3-4 cm, and pour them 100 grams of vodka. The medicine needs to be insisted for seven days in the dark, mixing it daily. Pre-rinse the mushrooms do not need. After a week, the mushrooms must be wrung out, crushed and mixed with 0.5 kg of butter and three tablespoons of honey. Mass can be stored in the refrigerator, using 1 tbsp. L. 30 minutes after eating.
No less useful is a mixture of leaves of aloe, honey, butter and cognac. This mixture is consumed half an hour after a meal, with a cup of hot green tea.
- Propolis with polyps in the gallbladder is taken in the form of pharmacy alcohol tincture - one teaspoon per 30 ml of water, three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The duration of such treatment should be two months, after which a two-week break is made and the course is repeated.
- Treatment of soda polyps in the gall bladder means taking a solution of baking soda, starting with 1/5 teaspoon per glass of water. The amount of soda is gradually increasing, listening to the body's reaction. If digestion is disturbed or other unfavorable symptoms appear, the dosage is reduced, or the treatment is stopped altogether.
- Honey with polypas of the gallbladder is advised to use not as food, but as a medicine. Honey can be eaten on an empty stomach, mixed with aloe, calendula, butter, olive oil, sporich and other medicinal ingredients. Optimal use of honey twice a day, a few minutes before meals.
- The beaver's stream: treatment of polypas of the gallbladder is carried out with the help of a tincture of a beaver jet, which is taken one teaspoon three times a day, for a month. After a month, the dosage is gradually reduced to five to six drops per day. The total duration of treatment is up to 3 months. Instead of tincture, dry powder of a beaver jet is allowed, but in a very small amount - the size of a match head. The powder is added to tea or coffee, or rolled into a piece of bread crumb and swallowed.
- Triphala with polyps in the gallbladder helps to cleanse and improve the digestive system. It well stimulates the bile excretory function, lowers the level of cholesterol, destroys harmful bacteria. The composition of the Ayurvedic triphala means is represented by amalaki, haritaki and bibhitaka. The optimal scheme of reception - one or two tablets at night, once a day.
Herbal Treatment
The use of herbs for the treatment of polyps in the gallbladder is possible only with small amounts of formation. Large growths are removed only surgically.
Alternative healers are advised to pay attention to such recipes:
- Take 1 tbsp. L. Celandine and chemist's chamomile, soak in 200 ml of boiling water, insist during the night. Drug to drink during the month for 1 tbsp. Spoon for half an hour before a meal. The course can be repeated after 10 days.
- Take 1 tbsp. L. Tansy, 2 tbsp. L. Burdock, 1 tbsp. L. Calendula, elecampane and marigold, half a tablespoon of wormwood: brew 1 tbsp. L. Collect 500 ml of boiling water, infuse overnight. The medicine should be drunk hot, three times a day for 50 ml.
- Pour 120 g of chaga 500 ml of vodka, insist for two weeks. The medicine is added to tea three times a day for 1 tbsp. L., 30 minutes before eating.
- Treatment of polyps of the gallbladder with celandine is considered the most common. Medications on the basis of celandine are taken orally - however, it is necessary to be treated this way cautiously, since the plant is poisonous. Treatment should not last longer than 3-4 months. Repeated course is allowed only one year after the completion of the first course.
The medicine based on celandine is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. L. Plants for 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion is kept in the thermos for 1-2 hours. Drink a medicine in a third of the glass three times a day for 15-20 minutes before a meal. If the patient does not tolerate this dosage (eg, diarrhea, nausea, or shortness of breath), then it can be reduced by taking 1-2 tbsp. L. Infusion, dissolving in a third of a glass of water.
- Wormwood with gallbladder polyps is especially effective if the appearance of formation is caused by infectious inflammatory diseases of the bile secretion system. Wormwood has antimicrobial and hemostatic properties, and also prevents the degeneration of polyposis build-up into a cancer tumor. Wormwood is considered a very useful plant, but the bitterness of this herb does not allow it to be used to treat children. To get rid of polyps it is recommended to use wormwood flowers, pre-rolled them into a ball of bread: such balls can be easily swallowed and not even feel a bitter taste.
For those who are not afraid of bitterness, this recipe is suitable: 1 tsp. Wormwood is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for twenty minutes. The product must be drunk throughout the day.
- Purity and chamomile with polypas of the gallbladder have an anti-inflammatory and purifying effect: chamomile softens the action of celandine, which can cause intoxication.
To prepare the medicine, steamed in a thermos for one teaspoon of each herb in 250 ml of boiling water, left overnight. The next day the drug is filtered and drunk at 25-30 ml 30 minutes before each meal. The treatment continues for two weeks, after which it takes 2-3 days. The total duration of treatment can be 2-3 months.
- Rosehip in polypas of the gallbladder is taken in the form of infusion, but for its preparation use not fruit, but the roots of the bush. Brew a half tablespoons of ground roots in 500 ml of boiling water, half an hour stand in a water bath, then cover and insist 2-3 hours. Next, the infusion is filtered, squeezed and drunk in a warm form of 50 ml 20 minutes before meals, up to 4 times a day. The optimal duration of such treatment is up to one month. If necessary, 10 days after the first course of treatment, you can start a second course.
- Flax seeds in the gallbladder polyp have anti-inflammatory, softening, wound-healing effect, and also lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Because of these properties, flaxseed is especially recommended for polypous formations of cholesterol.
One tablespoon of flax seed is boiled for 10 minutes in 300 ml of water, filtered, cooled to a warm state, add 1-2 tsp. Honey. Drug is drunk at 100 ml three times a day for 5-10 minutes before meals.
Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually. However, we can distinguish a number of the most common homeopathic remedies that are used for polyps in the bile secretion system:
- Aconite;
- Apis;
- Belladonna;
- Berberis;
- Bryony;
- Kuprim;
- Graphite;
- Cali Carbonicum;
- Leptandra;
- Magnesia phosphoric;
- Nux vomica;
- Sepia;
- Sulfur.
For the treatment and prevention of complications appoint:
- Levicor for five grains a day for a month;
- Edas 113 - three drops in the morning and evening, for a month;
- Hepatonorm - eight pellets a morning, afternoon and evening for a month;
- Berberis plus - eight pellets three times a day, for a month.
In order to determine the drug, its dosage and contraindications, you need to seek a full-time consultation with a homoeopathic doctor of the gastroenterological direction.
Operation is the only way to get rid of the build-up in the gallbladder forever. This method has both positive and negative sides, because only the polyp can not be removed: the surgeon will have to remove the whole bubble.
Specialists recommend not postponing surgical intervention in such cases:
- with a large build-up size (more than 1 cm);
- in the presence of other pathologies in the system of biliary excretion (for example, concrements or chronic cholecystitis);
- with a rapid increase in neoplasm;
- with multiple polyposis;
- with a high probability of malignant degeneration of the formation.
- The operation with a gallbladder polyp is to remove the organ and is called a cholecystectomy. Such an intervention can be performed in a laparoscopic way, or with the help of a classic incision. The second option is more traumatic and is rarely used today.
- Removal of polyps in the gallbladder by open means means a surgical incision in the abdominal wall. Usually the surgeon conducts an oblique laparotomy at the edge of the arch of the rib, exposing the liver and bladder.
The operation is carried out in stages:
- the doctor makes several stratified incisions;
- cliches vessels and bile duct;
- Unfolds the bladder, binds it and resection;
- if necessary, removes nearby lymph nodes;
- Sew the cut according to the layers of tissues.
Open surgery is rarely done: mainly when the polyposis is multiple or has significant dimensions - more than 1.5-2 cm. Such an intervention is performed under general anesthesia (intubation anesthesia). The period of patient recovery is at least 2 weeks. Seams are removed one week after the operation.
- Laparoscopy of the polyp of the gallbladder is considered the most acceptable intervention due to low traumatism and rapid recovery of the patient in the postoperative period. Laparoscopy does not involve the incision of the abdominal wall: the surgeon makes several punctures, in which special instruments and an endoscope are introduced to control the removal process.
During the operation, general anesthesia is used.
Step by step laparoscopy can be described as follows:
- the surgeon makes 4 punctures, through them introduces instruments into the abdominal cavity;
- examines the internal organs through the endoscope;
- bandages the vessels and the bile duct;
- Isolates the bladder, removes it, using a special coagulator;
- removes the removed organ through a puncture.
After laparoscopy, the patient is required to recover about 5-7 days. Complications after the operation are virtually eliminated, the healing is fast, the scars become invisible after a few months.
- Removal of polyps in the gallbladder with a laser also involves the use of laparoscopic access. In this case, the polyposis build-up is removed together with the bile organ. The laser in this case is used for tissue dissection, delamination and coagulation of blood vessels. The recovery period of the patient after the laser removal procedure does not differ from this period after ordinary laparoscopy.
Contraindications to laser resection may include: impaired blood coagulability, large body weight of the patient (over 125 kg), pregnancy, biliary tract obstruction, widespread peritonitis.
Preventive measures should be aimed at eliminating the factors contributing to the formation of polyps. For example, it is necessary to maintain a normal metabolism in the body, prevent the appearance of biliary stasis and inflammatory pathologies of the biliary system and liver.
If a person has a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of polyps of the gallbladder, then it is recommended that he regularly undergo diagnostics, controlling the condition of internal organs. It is preferable to perform abdominal ultrasound scanning or MRI every year.
Any inflammatory processes in the digestive system should be treated timely and in full. Self-medication, as well as the lack of adequate treatment can lead to the emergence of various adverse effects - including, to the development of polyposis.
In addition, in order to prevent the following rules should be observed:
- to eat fully, regularly, without overeating and hunger strikes;
- lead a healthy lifestyle;
- avoid stress and depression;
- use sufficient amount of plant foods, control the intake of fat and simple carbohydrates into the body.
Thanks to a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to prevent the development of many pathologies, including polyps in the gallbladder.
With small polyposic formations that do not tend to increase and spread, the prognosis can be considered favorable: the patient's condition can be adjusted with the help of periodic medical treatment courses. Nevertheless, one must take into account that such pathology is not always accompanied by any symptoms: often the signs of malfunctions arise only when the polyp reaches a large size, or even degenerates into a malignant tumor.
In order for the prognosis to remain favorable, it is necessary to consult the doctors and undergo diagnostics at the first suspicious symptoms, the earlier the doctor will detect the polyp, the better the outcome of the disease will be.
Are they taking the army with a gallbladder polyp?
Undoubtedly, those young people who have malignant tumors do not go into the army. But the polyp of the gallbladder is a benign tumor, therefore it is not a direct contraindication for military service. However, not everything is so simple.
Whether the conscript will be taken into the army with this diagnosis depends on many factors. This is the appearance of the polyp, and its "prescription", as well as its impact on the functionality of the biliary system.
As a rule, if a young person is diagnosed with a polyp of the gallbladder and is diagnosed with an appropriate diagnosis, he is granted a delay of half a year's draft. If in the future the diagnosis is confirmed, and the doctor indicates obvious violations on the part of the liver and the biliary system, the draftee can be released from the service. If the state of health is determined as satisfactory, then the young person is called on general grounds.