
Information about doctor

Ziv Ben-Ari He is a well-known Israeli hepatologist, an international expert in the field of liver pathologies. Supervises the Liver Pathology Center and manages the department of liver transplantation. Practices for 30 years.

The doctor Ben-Ari is an outstanding specialist who applies all existing modern imaging diagnostic techniques. The doctor deals with the treatment of such pathologies as different types of hepatitis, autoimmune processes in the liver, hepatic intoxication, fatty rebirths, biliary cirrhosis, human herpes virus type 4, cytomegalovirus infection. He consults on the interpretation of ultrasound data, liver function tests, tomography, and is an expert in the treatment of complex cases of diseases.

Ziv Ben-Ari successfully cures benign processes in the liver, has its own approach to the treatment of primary cancers. It practices as surgical removal of tumor neoplasms, as well as radiofrequency treatment, transplantation, chemoembolization, etc. It performs complex surgical interventions: removes tumor lesions, performs liver transplantation.

In 2012, the doctor organized and headed the Center for Hepatic Pathologies. The government, academic associations, the University of Tel Aviv and several pharmaceutical companies have allocated more than three dozen grants to conduct liver disease research.

Currently, the doctor is the head of the national Hepatitis C control project. Conducts clinical experiments, participates in various international research groups. He constantly takes part in international forums and congresses devoted to the treatment of liver diseases. She holds the position of deputy editor in a number of prestigious medical publications, publishes her own work, and lectures. He is a professor at the Sackler School of Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv.

Education and work experience

  • Medical Faculty of the Technion University in Haifa, Israel
  • Internship in the field of diseases of internal organs at the medical center "Kaplan", Israel
  • Internship in Hepatology and Liver Transplantation at the Royal Hospital “Royal Free Hospital” in London, UK

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Chairman, Israeli Society for the Study of the Liver
  • European Hepatology Association
  • American Hepatology Association
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