Prevention of thrombophlebitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thrombophlebitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the veins. It is characterized by the subsequent formation of a thrombus. It is very dangerous inflammatory process, which is accompanied by large and serious consequences. These include: heart failure, lung infarction, etc. Preventing the disease will allow the prevention of thrombophlebitis.
With pain in the legs, swelling, redness, inflammation of the veins should be taken in advance to eliminate the development of vascular diseases. If the disease has already been observed earlier, efforts should be directed to avoid recurrence of thrombophlebitis.
Prevention of thrombus formation is performed both medically and by alternative means. The first thing you need to stop smoking, reduce body weight and level, change your passive lifestyle. The cause of thrombus formation can be infections, poor blood coagulability and congenital abnormalities. With all the rules and regular visits to the doctor, you can avoid the formation of a blood clot.
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Prevention of thrombophlebitis of lower extremities
The development of thrombophlebitis is observed in the deep, as well as in the superficial veins of the lower limbs. Thus, the prevention of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is aimed at preventing the risk of development of vascular diseases.
To get rid of stagnant phenomena and improve circulation of blood circulation, the doctor is advised to ride a bicycle, walk more, and also walk barefoot more. The heel of shoes should be no more than 3-4 cm high. It is advisable to resort to the help of soft orthopedic insoles.
When rest is recommended to raise your legs 10-15 cm from the floor, for blood flow. You need to try to follow the weight and not lift the weight, which can thus create pressure on the veins. Blood flows from the top down, while creating additional pressure on the veins. Some time it is necessary to wear therapeutic knitwear, however its dimensions should be set by the doctor. Correctly applied therapeutic and preventive bandages, create a uniform pressure on the muscles, thereby increasing blood flow and helping to prevent the development of a thrombus.
On vacation you need to monitor overheating, solar heat affects the venous system of a person. Dehydration of a person also has a detrimental effect on the venous system, so you need to drink a norm (at least 2 liters) of fluid per day.
Prevention of thrombophlebitis in postoperative patients
Thrombophlebitis in postoperative patients, appears due to prolonged bed rest. Prevention of venous congestion in the postoperative period, possibly with the use of medicines and physical (mechanical) means. As a prophylaxis of thrombophlebitis in postoperative patients should wear elastic golfs and stockings. They provide pressure on the level of the ankles with a gradual decrease. With the help of a special compressor and cuff, you can achieve passive muscle contraction on the leg.
Among the general measures that can also play a preventive role: providing good hydration, applying the most gentle technique of surgery, treating respiratory and circulatory insufficiency.
The effectiveness of prevention is different, so in clinical settings there should be a focus on efficacy and safety. Methods of prevention should be chosen, taking into account the risk of postoperative complications.
Patients with low risk should shorten the length of bed rest, after surgery it is one of the effective ways to prevent venous stasis.
Prevention of exacerbations of thrombophlebitis
Many patients during the manifestation of exacerbations of the disease, associate this process with the termination of the implementation of preventive measures. During treatment, the main goal is to prevent the separation of the thrombus, the subsequent movement and closing of the lumen of the pulmonary artery. Thus, prevention of exacerbations of thrombophlebitis begins with timely treatment. In his absence, acute purulent processes, varicose veins, and trophic ulcers can occur.
Since the acute form of thrombophlebitis is characterized by rapid and sudden development. Patients with varicose veins, resort to surgical intervention. Also prescribed anticoagulants for people with a sedentary lifestyle, to reduce the level of prothrombin. The use of espumizan prevents the neoplasm and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis. The course of prevention is 1-2 months.
Patients with acute form, should adhere to a diet and an active lifestyle. Careful and gentle treatment of tissues during prevention is required, as well as strict adherence to antiseptic and bandaging measures. It is necessary to get up equally, resort to the help of therapeutic gymnastics, and also massage. All these actions together prevent the formation of a blood clot. Observance of limb hygiene (hands and feet should be dry and clean, excluding rubber shoes from the wardrobe) is one of the essential measures for the prevention of acute thrombophlebitis.
Prevention of thrombophlebitis by alternative means
Alternative medicine had time to prove itself from ancient times. It has in its arsenal a lot of useful and effective recipes. To begin prophylaxis of a thrombophlebitis by alternative means it is possible and without the knowledge of the doctor, but it is desirable, that the expert has been devoted in it.
Processed cabbage leaves in the egg yolk should be applied to the sore spots. Chestnut and lilac flowers in a proportion of one to one mixed in a jar and poured with alcohol. Let it brew in a dark place and for 21 days the tincture will be ready. For the night rub the obtained product with feet and hands.
For the night, wool with gauze should be treated with baking soda and moistened in warm water, put on a sore spot and wrapped with food film. Top with a woolen shawl. Within two weeks, do compresses for half an hour, before going to bed of urine and keep the sore spot warm.
Healing exercises can be performed by everyone, even those who are not allowed to run and walk intensively. It is necessary to stand on your toes and drop sharply, so that your heels hit the floor. Such tremors should be performed once in 2-3 seconds not more than 60 times per approach. There are 3-5 approaches of such exercises per day.
It is used such a collection of herbs in the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis: a sequence of tripartite, grass, St. John's wort, coriander seed, chamomile, dried wheat flour, sweet potato, common linseed. All herbs are dried and crushed, and then poured with boiling water and infused for 1 -2 hours, later filtered and drink half a glass twice a day after meals.
Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombophlebitis
Thrombophlebitis in the deep veins often appears in the part of the body where the low or disturbed circulatory cycle. A prolonged bed rest or operation contributes to the development of thrombosis. In such cases, it is possible to resort to prophylaxis of deep vein thrombophlebitis: the use of drugs that dilute the blood before or after the operation, the use of elastic bandages, compression devices (socks, socks) that regulate venous bleeding, performing a set of exercises to improve muscle tone and circulation.
One of the reasons for the appearance of a thrombus in deep veins is a sharp change in the level of mobility. To avoid the development of thrombosis athletes and people with sedentary work are recommended to drink enough fluids, rest and do warm-up.
With a tendency to thrombosis, it should be avoided: a sudden increase in temperature; reception of hot bath, sauna, bath; long exposure to the sun. It is necessary to exclude from the wardrobe narrow jeans, tight belts and corsets, clothes with tight elastic bands. During sleep or rest, the position of the legs should be raised, so blood flow improves and reduces the risk of developing a thrombus.