
Information about doctor

Fredi Aviv - Advanced Israeli oncologist and hematologist, has the highest qualifications and international fame. Practical experience - 30 years. The basic specialization of the doctor is the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of hematological pathologies.

The doctor Aviv is a recognized world expert in the field of transplantation, belongs to the group of advanced specialists involved in the operations of transplantation of blood cells and bone marrow.

Fredi Aviv shows only positive human qualities: he is always calm, positively minded and collected. He manages to easily combine clinical practice and scientific research. He noted his regular participation in global research campaigns in which issues of stem cell transplantation are raised. The doctor publishes his works in the prestigious medical periodicals, reads reports at congresses and symposia of local and international scale.

The doctor Aviv accepts patients at state-level medical centers, conducts private practice, works as a hematology teacher at the University of Tel Aviv, and oversees a training course at the Israeli Ministry of Health. He regularly gives lectures to Israeli, Austrian and British students - future hematologists, hematologists and transplantologists.

Education and work experience

  • Azerbaijan Medical University, Doctor of Medicine (MD)
  • Clinical internship and internship in internal medicine, hematology and oncohematology in Tel Aviv University, Israel

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association (IMA)
  • Israeli Society of Internal Medicine (ISID)
  • Israeli Hematology Association (IHA)
  • American Hematology Association (AHA)
  • European Hematology Association (EHA)
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