Polyposis of the stomach
Last reviewed: 14.03.2024

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Among a set of diseases that are rare enough, one can single out the problem of the digestive system, called polyposis of the stomach. This disease is characterized by the formation of polyps, which are clusters of cells that appeared on the gastric epithelium in the form of growths. If to say differently, the polyp is a tumor, but benign in structure and character of development.
The polyp is constructed from the cells of the epithelium of the stomach and is formed only on the inner surface of this organ. As growth grows overcomes the surface of the stomach and appears in its lumen.
Polyps in the stomach are of several types:
- hyperplastic,
- fundus glands,
- adenomatous.
These neoplasms are considered benign, but under certain circumstances can be transformed into malignant ones. Therefore, experts recommend to get rid of them by any methods available to modern medicine in order to avoid the onset of oncological processes.
Of all the neoplasms in the stomach that are benign, polyps make up about ninety percent. And are most often detected in men who have already entered the middle age.
If possible, transformation into malignant neoplasms, polyps are divided into two groups:
- neoplastic,
- not related to neoplasia.
It is the neoplastic types of polyps that tend to degenerate into cancer tumors. These include adenomatous and glandular appearance of growths.
Adenomatous polyps often occupy a place near the outlet of the stomach. Statistics argue that just over three percent of these neoplasms tend to transform into oncology. And the greatest danger is the large polyps of the adenomatous group, which are more than two centimeters in size. Of these, about forty percent of the growths can undergo a carcinomatous degeneration.
The glandular polyps are formed with the help of gland cells, which are located in the stomach tissues.
A group of polyps that are not related to neoplasia is divided into two subgroups - non-associated with polyposis and associated with polyposis.
The first subgroup includes:
- hyperplastic,
- fibrotic inflammatory nature,
- xanthomas.
The second subgroup includes multiple polyps of hereditary etiology, which are a manifestation of:
- Gardner's polyposis,
- polypos of Peitz-Egers,
- juvenile polyposis.
With these diseases, polyps practically cover the inner epithelium of the body of the stomach.
Also for polypos typical of the classification of outgrowths in accordance with their number: single or multiple.
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Causes Polyposis of the stomach
Causes of polyposis of the stomach
To get deeper into this disease, you need to find out how and why polyps arise. The causes of polyposis of the stomach are due to the following phenomena:
- inflammatory processes that affect the gastric mucosa, for example, because of gastritis - these processes should be long and constantly recurrent,
- various disorders that occur in the gastric epithelium,
- the entry of a person in a certain age period, when he begins to belong to the risk group for the onset of the disease - most often polyps in the stomach are diagnosed in people over forty,
- the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach,
- available in the genus of familial adenomatous polyposis,
- hereditary oncologic diseases of the large intestine,
- reception of certain drugs that are effective as inhibitors of the proton pump, and are used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease - these medications provoke the appearance of polyps of fundus glands.
Clarifying the causes of the disease is useful for selecting a successful treatment model, as well as for preventing recurrence of the disease.
Symptoms Polyposis of the stomach
Symptoms of stomach polyposis
To identify the symptoms of polyposis of the stomach, you need to try hard. Because this disease occurs almost without any symptoms. Occasionally, a number of patients may notice the appearance of the following unpleasant symptoms:
- pain in the abdomen or in the pancreas,
- painful discomfort in the abdomen, when it is pressed on,
- bleeding, which are manifested by feces with an admixture of blood or tar tar, as well as vomiting with an admixture of blood clots,
- unforeseen and unreasonable nausea, as well as vomiting.
It should be noted that painful sensations of blunt character mean erosion and inflammation of polyps. And intense pain sensation is most often explained by the infringement of the polyp, which has a long and movable leg.
The presence of large polyps in the stomach, which are located in the area of the pylorus, is detected by the appearance of gastric obstruction. This phenomenon is characterized by the following symptoms:
- the appearance of nausea,
- the emergence of vomiting and the food that was taken last day,
- the appearance of early satiety with food,
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
- At medical examination only very attentive and professional doctor can disassemble the following symptoms, which are typical for the polythesis of Peitz-Jagers:
- brown color of the patient's lips with a pigmentation character,
- the same color of the mucosal epithelium of the oral cavity,
- the appearance of pigmentation on the palms of the patient.
But, as a rule, these manifestations of the disease - a rarity. And the polyps in the stomach are detected at random, when the patient passes the examination of the stomach for a completely different reason.
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Diagnostics Polyposis of the stomach
Diagnosis of polyposis of the stomach
Among methods of detection of polyps in the digestive tract, there are significant methods that reliably show the presence of growths, and there are ways to not make sure of the problem.
Among the unreliable methods are:
- Visual medical examination.
Practically there are no external manifestations of polyposis. And if there are, then in the form of pigmentation of the lips, the epithelium of the oral cavity and the palms of the hands, which are characteristic only of a certain type of polyposis - Peitz-Egers. And even such symptoms are not every doctor able to detect. Therefore, visual examination of the patient by a specialist is considered ineffective.
- Laboratory tests.
For example, stool studies can not provide the necessary information about the presence and absence of polyps in the stomach. Although, in some cases, it is possible to detect an increased tumor pyruvate kinase in the patient's feces, which is the only indicator of the presence of any formations in the digestive tract.
Diagnosis of polyposis of the stomach, which is reliable, is carried out using the following methods:
- Gastroscopy, or in another way - fibrogastroscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS).
This procedure is a kind of endoscopic examination of the digestive tract. There is a survey in the process of visual inspection of the digestive system with the help of a gastroscope - a suitable instrument for this purpose. The gastroscope is inserted through the mouth and esophagus and enters the stomach, thanks to a long and thin tube. At the end of this tube there is an optical device, through which a specialist can examine in detail all the areas of interest of the stomach. With the help of a fiber optic system, which is located along the entire length of the tube, the picture of the gastric epithelium is transferred to the computer screen, which allows you to fix the image and use it as a guide in further surgical treatment.
With the help of a gastroscopy, you can make sure of the following: to detect polyps, to find out their size and type, and also the area of location in the stomach. In addition, information is found that is important for surgical treatment. The examiner, how the polyps are attached to the epithelium - with the help of a movable leg or a wide base, which will help in the operative solution of the problem.
- Ultrasonography - the study of polyps with the help of an ultrasound transducer, which is placed on the gastroscope. This improvement has several advantages: it is possible to visually distinguish benign polyps from tumor formations and penetrate deeper into the walls of the stomach.
- X-ray examinations are procedures for examining the walls of the stomach with the help of contrasting barium suspension and subsequent computed tomography. This method is reliable when large polyps are detected. But it can replace fibrogastroscopy, which is the most reliable method of diagnosis.
- Biopsies are procedures for excising a sample of body tissue to determine its structure and functioning. In this case, the microscopic part of the polyp and part of the gastric mucosa that surrounds it is removed. Such a sample can be taken with the help of a gastroscopy and sent to a special laboratory where histological and cytological studies of tissue are performed. The material obtained by biopsy is used to ascertain the presence or absence of polyps, and to obtain information about which cells it consists of - benign or malignant.
The biopsy procedure is carried out using special small forceps that enter the stomach with a gastroscopy. At the same time, a lot of sites of the gastric mucosa are withdrawn, which increases the reliability of the study.
Procedures of fibrogastroscopy, ultrasonography and biopsy help to determine the type and size of polyps, which is important and useful for clarifying quality treatment. Also, laboratory studies of tissues confirm or refute the precancerous change in polyps, called dysplasia, as well as the cancerous transformation of the growth.
In some cases, if the polyps are tiny, they are removed during the biopsy. And then we can say that the examination procedure coincides with the treatment.
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Treatment Polyposis of the stomach
Treatment of polyposis of the stomach
Most of the detected polyps in the stomach do not mutate into malignant forms. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to know that some of the types of polyps subsequently increase the possibility of the occurrence of stomach cancer.
Therefore, the treatment of gastric polyposis depends on many factors, and most often the term "treatment" means surgery to remove polyps. In some cases, it is not assigned, and in others it is recommended and practiced.
Surgery is required for certain types and sizes of polyps. For example, with adenomatous polyps it is necessary to remove them, as well as for polyps exceeding one centimeter in size.
There are such types of polyps, in which conservative therapy with the use of antibacterial drugs is possible. But this treatment is not aimed at arresting the growth of polyps, but on the therapy of concomitant inflammatory processes in the stomach. For example, if a patient finds hyperplastic polyps and simultaneously gastritis, which is provoked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. This is necessary both to eliminate the infection, and to eliminate the environment that is favorable for the development of polyps. This type of treatment is called waiting tactics and applies only to hyperplastic polyps, whose size is not more than two centimeters. It was noted that more than eighty percent of this type of polyps can regress if the infection is successfully treated. But in order to control the process, it is necessary to undergo the procedure of fibrogastroscopy once or twice a year using biopsy.
The appointment of a certain diet for polyposis does not make sense, because it is not effective. The same applies to drug treatment - the growth of polyps under the influence of drugs does not stop (with the exception of the above type of polyps). It is also impossible to eliminate them with the help of drugs.
So, the main method of treating polyps is their removal. This procedure is called a polypectomy. It is produced, mainly by means of the endoscopic method, and proceeds as follows:
- The polyp is removed by a metal loop, which is inserted through the biopsy channel of the endoscope. The loop pounces on the base of the polyp being removed and with the help of a certain technology the built-up edge is eliminated and taken out.
- With polyps of small size, their multiple biopsies are performed by plucking.
- The electrocoagulation procedure is used - excision of tissues with an electron knife with simultaneous removal of the polyp and coagulation of the vessels.
- Endoscopic resection of a certain area of the mucosal epithelium of the stomach together with the removed polyp is applied.
Polypectomy is complete or partial. A complete operation type means the removal of the entire polyp. Partial type of intervention does not involve the complete elimination of growths. This is due to the following reasons:
- large polyps,
- the emergence of a threat of bleeding,
- deterioration of the patient's condition during the operation,
- occurrence of certain technical problems.
In these cases, repeated procedures are prescribed, which for stomach polyposis are shown quite often. Restoration of the mucosal epithelium after such intervention occurs in two to eight weeks, depending on the regenerative capacity of the patient's body.
With the relapse of polyps of the neoplastic type, which has a permanent character, there is complete damage to the mucosal epithelium of the stomach. In this case, there are strong suspicions of a change in the nature of polyps - from benign to malignant. Such assumptions are possible because with a large number of polyps there is no way to correctly diagnose.
In this case, a radical way of surgical treatment is shown, depending on the indications:
- segmental resection, which consists in the removal of a certain gastric part,
- gastroectomy, the essence of which is to eliminate the whole stomach.
Polyps tend to be permanently formed on the gastric mucosa, so patients must undergo a control procedure of examination - fibrogastroscopy. Such preventive diagnostics is shown exactly six months after the removal of the polyps.
Polyposis of the stomach: treatment with alternative means
Supporters of natural methods of recovery can draw some information for the treatment of the disease. And, most likely, treatment by alternative means does not eliminate the polyposis of the stomach itself, but creates favorable conditions in this body to stop the growth of polyps.
An important place in alternative therapy is proper nutrition. In all types of polyps, the use of carrots, garlic, onions, viburnum and spinach is recommended. These products are characterized by healing qualities, and also help to stop the progression of polyps growth. In some cases, it turns out even to achieve their decrease in the number and size. It is also useful to include in your diet pumpkin, turnips, watercress, and cabbage. They can be used for various localizations of polyps.
Invaluable healing qualities have germinated wheat. This is truly a mini pharmacy on the table, which is very simple to prepare, which is valuable and important for patients. Two spoons a day germinated cereal, eaten on an empty stomach will help to stop the growth of polyps.
It's good to take a little shredded thyme from the morning before taking any other food, and it's easier to say - sea kale. It can also be added to a variety of ready-made meals. The effectiveness of sea kale is the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. This is possible due to the fact that the kelp comes in many amino acids, alginates, fatty acids, vitamins, micro- and macro elements.
Alternative medicine also recommends changing the patient's diet by giving up a number of foods. These include sour-milk products, white bread, various pastries and buns, as well as sugar.
It is also important to reduce the intake of protein food in the body. In addition, it is necessary to observe the principles of separate nutrition, in which animal protein must be consumed separately from bread, starchy and carbohydrate foods.
All the refined and canned food, as well as those products that contain dyes, substitutes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavors are banned. The temperature of the food should be warm, hot and cold food should be forgotten, and for a long time.
Having dealt with dietary nutrition, we will list several recipes that are used in alternative medicine for stomach polyps:
- A mixture of honey, lemon and vegetable oils.
It is necessary to take half a kilogram of honey, half a liter of olive and sunflower unrefined oils, as well as juice from two medium-sized lemons. Then all components are mixed to a homogeneous mass with a wooden spatula. Everything, the drug is ready. It should be taken two to four times a day, one tablespoon one hour before meals. The course of treatment is the time that is needed to consume the entire amount of fluid. The mixture is stored in a closed glass container, in a refrigerator or other cool place.
- Infusion celandine.
It is necessary to prepare a tablespoon of dry celandine and pour it with boiling water in the amount of half a liter. The infusion is left for a couple of hours to insist, better - in a thermos. Drink the infusion on a tablespoon for half an hour before meals four times a day. The course of treatment is one month.
- Tui tincture.
Needles of thuja are placed in a jar, filled with alcohol and covered with a lid. After that everything is left for two weeks in a cool place, to get an alcoholic infusion. Drink a little diluted water, on an empty stomach in the morning in the amount of one teaspoon. The course of treatment is one month, then follows the same break and again within thirty days you need to drink the infusion in the mornings. 4.
- Decoction of young branches ate.
In autumn it is necessary to collect enough spruce needles. After that, the needles are crushed. Take a tablespoon of chopped pine needles and pour a glass of boiling water (two hundred and fifty milliliters). The broth is left to stand in the thermos. It should be drunk instead of tea in the amount of half a glass at a time.
Prevention of polyposis of the stomach
Any disease is easier and more important to prevent than to treat its consequences. But in the case of polyposis of the stomach, its prevention by means of modern medicine is practically impossible.
Preventative measures, rather, should be aimed at preventing gastritis of different types, which are a favorable environment for the appearance of polyps. In addition, if gastritis is detected, then it must be treated promptly with the help of adequate therapy. Because chronic forms of gastritis are a stimulus to the development of polyps in the stomach.
It is also important to confirm or disprove the presence in the gastric environment of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is one of the provoking factors of the appearance of polyps. If a given bacterial infection is detected, it must be eliminated by going through the appropriate course of antibiotic therapy.
So, the main preventive measures for preventing polyps in the stomach are:
- dietary meals, in which an important place is given to the regime of food intake, as well as the choice of foods and methods for their preparation,
- cessation of smoking or its strong restriction,
- a rare intake of alcoholic beverages or a complete refusal of alcohol,
- attentive attitude towards the used medicines: it is very important to take minimally gastrotoxic drugs, which include, for example, analgesic and antipyretic drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Those patients who have polyps in their stomachs should change their lifestyle and diet to the following:
- Exclude from use foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach - spicy, salty, sour, fried, smoked, pickled and canned food,
- to take out food that promotes increased production of hydrochloric acid,
- quit smoking - this habit reduces the protective function of the walls of the stomach, worsening their condition and resistance to various harmful factors, and increases the production of gastric juice,
- completely eliminate the intake of alcoholic beverages of any strength - this must be done due to the fact that alcohol damages the epithelium of the stomach and leads to erosion of polyps,
- stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are contraindicated in this disease.
If you follow the above recommendations, you can ensure that the polyps in the stomach do not begin to progress, and also remain exactly benign, not degenerating into malignant forms.
Prognosis of polyposis of the stomach
To find out, and what are the prospects for the development or disappearance of the disease, it is necessary to know the type of polyps that struck the patient's stomach. The prognosis of polyposis of the stomach also depends on the size of the growths and other accompanying factors. No less significant is the transition to a healthy lifestyle of the patient and compliance with recommendations for the prevention of polyps.
We can say that with chronic gastritis, even with the rapid removal of polyps, the probability of their reappearance is great. In addition, in the presence of Helicobacter pylori - a certain type of bacteria that provoke the appearance of polyps, it is not possible to avoid relapse of the disease until the gastric environment is completely rid of this pathogenic microflora.
In addition, polyposis that are hereditary, tend to recur permanently. To such kinds of disease carry:
- Gardner's polyposis,
- polypos of Peitz-Egers,
- juvenile polyposis.
It must be said that there is a kind of polyps that tend to degenerate into cancerous forms - these are adenomatous polyps located next to the gastric gatekeeper. Especially, the large growths of this group are dangerous, which have in size more than two centimeters. These polyps are prone to oncological transformation in more than forty percent.
After removal of polyps, the prognosis for cure is favorable, that is, the disease may no longer manifest itself and not develop into malignant forms. But also often in the surgical treatment there are repeated occurrences of polyps. Therefore, patients are recommended to undergo a survey once every six months, which can detect even small tumors and eliminate them with the help of minimally invasive methods of treatment.
After the transferred surgical treatment, the restoration of the gastric mucosa is observed for two to eight weeks. Moreover, the regeneration of tissues takes place in full, as does the restoration of the patient's capacity for work and quality of life.
Polyposis of the stomach is a rare disease, so it is easier to prevent than cure. For this, preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle are important, which are important to observe at any age and with any genetic inclinations of the body.