
Information about doctor

Aviram Nissan - Practical specialist in the field of oncology, has the highest academic title of professor of medicine, has the highest medical category. He is an advanced Israeli oncology surgeon.

He graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, improved his qualifications as an intern at the surgical department of the Hadassah Medical Clinic, and also completed an individual profiling at the American Oncology Center Sloan-Kettering.

Member of the Israeli Association of Surgeons and Oncologists and the European Society of Surgeons, is a member of the Medical Ethics Commission, and is a member of prestigious organizations such as the Society of Clinical Oncology and the Association for Cancer Research in the United States.

He regularly publishes his own articles on clinical surgery - today more than a hundred of such materials are already presented in medical publications all over the world. In addition, he Aviram Nissan is engaged in medical editing in various specialized journals.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Residency at the Department of Surgery, Hadassah Clinic
  • Subordinate at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in the USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Association of Surgical Oncology
  • Medical Ethics Commission
  • American Military Cancer Institute
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
  • Association of Cancer Research in the USA
  • European Society of Surgeons and Oncologists
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