Postpartum Depression
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Long weeks of bearing a child are full of anxieties and fears: but is everything right with the way the intrauterine development of the baby is going on, are there any deviations and pathologies, and finally it happened! The woman became a mother, the birth permit was successful, the newborn is healthy and his mother's condition is normal. At first glance, everything speaks in favor of having happiness and fully enjoying life, finding great pleasure in caring for the baby, surrounding it with constant care and motherly attention. But often this wonderful long-awaited birth event of a child is overshadowed by the appearance of such seemingly incompatible with this joyous state phenomena as postpartum depression.
Every tenth woman prone to the development of postpartum depression meets with her symptoms during pregnancy. A woman who is preparing to enter into motherhood is in a state of tension of the nervous system, is under constant stress, her psycho-emotional sphere is unstable. And the very process of birth is also a tremendous shock to her. Due to the quiet factors, feelings and emotions can change over a short period of time in the widest possible range: the joyful euphoria can be replaced by fears and fears at some point, and suddenly something will happen wrong that can damage the baby. Rolling unreasonable sadness, there are problems with sleep - insomnia, appetite worsens, there is a decrease in sexual desire, a woman often remains in a depressed mood.
When this becomes regular and protracted in this case, talk about postpartum depression. The extreme form of this depressive condition is the occurrence of postpartum psychosis. It should also be noted the difference between postpartum depression and postpartum spleen. Handra comes after a few days from the time of delivery and is characterized by the appearance of excessive tearfulness, feelings about yourself and the child. There is irritability, nervous tension, a breakdown. It can happen because of hormonal imbalance after childbirth. The postpartum melancholy is mainly not delayed for more than one or a couple of days.
Postnatal depression should in no way be taken as evidence of the woman in whom she appears - a bad mother or just weak-tempered. Sometimes this may indicate a lack of psychological readiness to be a mother. Timely measures taken to overcome this state will help you learn to control your own emotions and get only positive from the child.
Causes of postpartum depression
As to what are the causes of postpartum depression, medical science is not currently able to give a definite definite answer. It can be assumed that the individual factors of the brain biochemistry are the basic factor. There are, however, a number of prerequisites for increasing the probability of its appearance.
So postpartum depression can occur because the woman before pregnancy had a predisposition to depressive states, and also was depressed during the period of bearing the child.
Further, it is able to contribute to the aggravation of the psychoemotional state experienced by a woman in childhood, the death of her mother.
Postpartum depression often develops out of a sense of guilt, because a newborn is sick or born earlier than in due time.
To put into postnatal depression in a state of lack of support of the man who is the father of the child, and also from groans of native and close people.
Not the last role is assigned besides the social status and the level of the woman's well-being. In particular, if it is very acute for it, say, the housing issue or such a negative material aspect as the fact that she recently lost her job. An additional aggravating factor with regard to employment may be dismissal precisely because of pregnancy, which in some cases takes place to be.
It happens that a woman who has never before given birth after the appearance of her first child encounters a multitude of problems and responsibilities that have fallen on her in connection with this. Undoubtedly, the baby was welcome and loved, but the young mother did not imagine everything differently. Of course, in theory, a woman who assumes responsibility for the birth of a child is ready to overcome all sorts of difficulties, but often in fact can not cope, get out of the way. Coming to an understanding of this, a woman experiences stress from the fact that the situation in which she was not in line with her previous expectations.
In the process of caring for the child and performing other household duties from the mother, it is required to give one hundred percent. As a consequence, severe fatigue occurs, and it is also not always possible to fill the reserve of forces during sleep sufficiently. The child wakes up, he needs to eat at regular intervals, and the woman at first will be difficult to adjust to the biological rhythms of the baby, and adjust to rest during periods between feeding.
A young mother can also feel helpless before something that needs to be done, but she does not have the knowledge and experience for this. Against the backdrop of this insecurity, she can begin to panic, and whether the child receives sufficient care, and whether she does everything right. In this regard, a strong sense of guilt can develop, which as a result, in turn, often leads to depression.
The causes of postpartum depression can be of a very diverse nature. It must be remembered that motherhood is a hard work requiring absolute dedication and a great deal of effort, both physical and nervous, mental, plus a constant sense of tremendous responsibility for the baby. All this, under a certain confluence of circumstances, can lead to a violation of the psycho-emotional stability of a woman and cause a depressive state.
Symptoms of postpartum depression
Symptoms of postpartum depression are primarily in a state of depression, in which the woman is almost always. With the greatest severity, this is observed in the morning or evening or, as in the mornings, and in the evenings.
A woman in depression after the birth of a child can be visited by thoughts about the meaninglessness of existence.
She is capable of developing a guilt complex, she always feels guilty.
The depressed state is accompanied by the appearance of irritability, the woman is inclined to show aggression towards her husband and older children.
Postpartum depression causes increased emotional sensitivity, so that tears are able to pour out of the eyes even for the most insignificant occasion. Psychoemotional exhaustion leads to a general decline in strength and, at the same time, with their recovery during sleep can become difficult, since insomnia appears.
A frequent companion of postpartum depression is anhedonia - the loss of the ability to get pleasure from anything. With this, it is also connected that the woman loses the sense of morality.
Against the background of depression after the birth of a child, a woman may have difficulty concentrating.
One of the characteristic features is the constant excessive concern for the health of the baby, which causes unnecessary visits to various doctors to clarify their condition.
Suspicions occur in women in addition and in relation to their own health, which leads to the search in the body for the symptoms of all sorts of dangerous diseases. The hypochondria develops.
On the other hand, a woman who recently gave birth to a child in a state of depression may take a position diametrically opposite to that of a hyperope, become estranged from a baby, declare that he is not her own, but a changeling.
Symptoms of postpartum depression, if they occur in the majority of the above-mentioned manifestations, make it necessary to seek medical advice from a specialist for subsequent correction of the psychoemotional state of a woman. Postpartum depression is characterized by a symptomatology that has a prolonged character, when a number of relevant phenomena are observed for a long period of time. But some of these signs may be situational at some point in time, but the appearance of one of them is not always unambiguous and with all grounds , that there is postpartum depression. All the considerable responsibilities of a woman become a mother put on her body a lot of work, and therefore some failures in his functioning are almost inevitable.
Postpartum depression in men
Depressive state after the birth of a child is a problem as it is commonly believed, mostly exclusively feminine. Nevertheless, this statement can be thoroughly criticized and questioned. According to the results of research by American scientists, there is some reliably confirmed dependence. In accordance with her, the presence of postpartum depression in women causes the possibility that postpartum depression in men may also occur. The ratio of cases in which she appears during the first year of life of the child - 14 percent of women and 4% (men), respectively. Researchers from the UK voice data showing that every tenth man who recently became a father is prone to developing postpartum depression.
The appearance in a married couple of a child often acts as a catalyst for all the available between the husband's wife, sometimes quite up to this point, implicit problems in relationships and disagreements. This is explained by the fact that the birth of a baby undergoes drastic changes in the way of life and way of life that has been established in a certain way, each of the spouses is now not just one of the two, from the pair of people who go through life together. With the appearance of their small third family member, they have to learn new roles for their mother and father, get used to perform all the related functions and responsibilities.
In this regard, women are certainly in a winning position, since from childhood in games with dolls begins their preparation for motherhood, in the form of playing the basic skills of handling crumbs.
And already during the intrauterine gestation of the baby the woman is at the woman under the heart, the future mother is talking with the baby, which leads to the gradual formation of a strong emotional connection. That is, for a woman a child, even if not yet born, already exists, this is already a fait accompli.
In addition, we can not discount the maternal instinct.
Men perceive all this a little differently. They often find it difficult to come to a final understanding that there is a new human life. Even when talking with the baby, they can not fully realize it.
But the main changes break into the life of a man with the first cry of a newborn.
Newly-mummified mother henceforth, from now on, turns all her worries, first of all, to the baby. A man in this situation has to be content with insignificant crumbs of past attention. When, of course, she has enough time and energy for this. As a result, a man experiences a feeling of loneliness.
Postpartum depression in men is inextricably linked with the depressed state of a woman after the birth of a baby, so if you have any of his signs for a psychological consultation, it is better to go together.
How long does postpartum depression last?
Depressive state is a disorder of the psyche and behavioral reactions often developing in a woman after the birth of a child. Postpartum depression does not belong to the number of mental illnesses that are very serious, but the period immediately after birth is a time in which the likelihood of its occurrence is high. Due to a certain set of factors, a woman can develop a number of mental states. These are: mother melancholy, postpartum depression proper and the development of postpartum psychosis.
Maternal melancholy, also known as the "sadness of motherhood," affects up to 50 percent of women who have recently brought a new life to the world. In this condition, there is increased emotionality, which is reflected in excessive tearfulness, a woman's appetite worsens, insomnia may occur. The greatest intensity of mother melancholy reaches to the 3rd-5th day, for the reason of which it is sometimes called "dejection of the third day". The duration of such despondency often covers a fairly long time interval and can be as little as a little more than a couple of hours, and can be delayed for several days. With maternal melancholy, it is not natural for a woman to be alienated from the need to carry out everything a kid needs, she regularly feeds it in due time and is sufficiently attentive and caring.
Maternal melancholy does not have the character of a mental illness, it appears against the background of postpartum hormonal imbalance in the female body and is transient. Nevertheless, the susceptibility to further exposure to stress factors is quite capable of causing it to flow into postpartum depression.
Postpartum depression often replaces maternal melancholy when a woman leaves the hospital. Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that it is only necessary to cross the threshold of the maternity ward - at once the depressive state rolls over. The beginning of this can be expected even when the baby is several months old. How long does postpartum depression last? The duration of postpartum depression can vary from one month to several years.
In the four-week period after birth in very rare cases (in the averaged ratio of 1/1000), women are prerequisites for the postnatal depression to develop postpartum psychosis.
On the basis of how long the postpartum depression lasts and what form and severity the associated depressed state of a woman takes, the necessary measure of medical and psychological corrective influence is determined in order to normalize the psychoemotional sphere and restore the joy of life.
Prolonged postpartum depression
The oppressed state of the psyche is found in many women in the period after they gave birth to a child. Most of this postpartum spleen does not stay longer than a few days or for one or two weeks. If after a certain time there is no obvious tendency to normalize the psychoemotional state, then this may indicate that there is such a significant problem as prolonged postpartum depression. Provide it with a variety of situations that occur in a woman's life, which are of a material, social nature, problems in interpersonal relationships, lack of understanding and support from relatives and close people, etc.
For the appearance of postpartum depression, there is no clearly defined time frame, as a rule it occurs in the first few months after the woman became a mother. Although it can occur at any other time during the first year of motherhood. Manifestations of the symptoms of the postpartum depressive state of a woman are calculated in months, and when it takes especially severe forms, then often its course extends for years. Whereas with the current favorable situation, postpartum depression gradually fades out, in this case it makes sense to say that it acquires all the signs of a chronic illness.
Postpartum depression in its long form is the most frequent guest in many mothers. And its appearance in no small degree contribute to certain of their, these moms, personal characteristics. In particular, the protracted postpartum depression is manifested by the predisposition of a woman to neurotic, prone to hysterical reactions, as well as to obsessive states of constant fear due to any actions to cause harm to the child. Another category of women who have a high probability of depression after delivery are those who, in childhood, were confronted with the lack of manifestation of emotional mother involvement. In view of this, they often have conflicting perceptions of sexuality and maternity, and as a result - low self-esteem and a sense of insecurity. Hence, in turn, almost one step to depression in view of the inability to cope with problems.
How long this depressed state may be and how long the postpartum depression will last is conditioned by a combination of factors, including the temperament of a woman who has recently become a mother, her psychological mood, and also some external circumstances. To make assumptions as to how long the depressive state caused by all this will last in every hotel case is often beyond the power even of a competent psychologist.
Postpartum depression after cesarean
Postpartum depression after cesarean, according to the results obtained in a number of studies, is noted in a much larger number of cases than when the birth resolution occurs naturally. As a justification for this, certain factors of a physiological nature may serve. First of all, it is inseparable from the functioning of the endocrine system, with the hormonal balance in the body of a woman.
During natural labor without opening the uterus surgically, there is active secretion of the hormone oxytocin, the peak intensity of its secretion is observed during the first minutes after childbirth. The action that oxytocin produces leads to a state of euphoria, against which the sense of pain is largely blunted. Thus, the appearance of a child is associated with the emergence of a woman first of all - positive emotions, and associated with this process, negative phenomena recede into the background. Speaking of oxytocin, it is often called the "love hormone". In addition, this hormone becomes very important in the future, during lactation and breastfeeding, as it takes part in the processes of milk production.
The situation is completely different when it is necessary to conduct labor through a cesarean section. Since in this case, the hormonal release of oxytocin does not occur, it must be administered specifically, in order to stimulate uterine contractions, and also to enhance lactation.
In addition, we can not exclude the importance of the factor of the state of the psyche and the emotional state of the pregnant woman. She is encouraged by the joyful expectation of the appearance of such a coveted baby, perhaps already had time to build a picture of how this should happen in front of her inner eyes, and at the same time (which is typical of mostly unnecessarily emotional and anxious people) may be concerned that the birth is only natural. In this case, what can be surprising is that objective testimony to Caesarean is perceived almost as a sentence. A woman can develop a guilt complex, because she could not immediately see her baby, she did not have an emotional connection with the child, something important passed by her.
Time, as you know, heals. Postpartum depression after cesarean can pass at someone earlier - for some days, and with someone not so hastens to leave, lingering for weeks. Anyway, and gradually such problems disappear without a trace, emotional contact of the mother with the child is established. The woman is covered with maternal feelings, the pain goes away, and fears are dispelled.
Consequences of postpartum depression
The consequences of postpartum depression in addition to the fact that they are reflected in the prolonged suppressed psychoemotional state of women are most unfavorably affectable also on her baby.
Children who are fed by mothers who are in a depressed state are prone to increased excitability. However, there are also diametrically opposite manifestations - the child can be anomalously passive, sluggish, sad. During the first year of his life, he is less inclined to demonstrate positive, vivid, intense emotions. There is a significant introversion, insufficiently developed ability to concentrate attention, lack of mobility. These children have a considerable share of the probability of delay in development, there is a later beginning of speech formation. There is a possibility that after reaching adolescence, they may face a number of problems. Such children often display aggression and cruelty.
Postpartum depression of the mother leads to a violation of the interaction between her and the baby. A woman in a depressed state after childbirth happens to be unable to give an adequate response to the behavior and spontaneous actions of the crumbs. Sometimes they can even cause a negative attitude and irritate her.
Interactions of the mother with postpartum depression and the child are reduced to a certain classification into four main groups.
Mothers detached from everything, immersed in their sad state, the manifestation of feelings they expressed extremely weakly, most of the time they remain silent.
Choleric women, whose inner tension is expressed in the form of involuntary mimic movements of the face.
Mothers occupying the position of a tyrant in relation to the child, showing rudeness and unceremonious handling of him.
Women in whom postpartum depression causes the appearance of a set of manifestations of the three above-mentioned types.
The consequences of postpartum depression are a significant risk factor that a child in the process of development, growth and development of personality can come into contact with the occurrence of his mental disorders of a different property. In all probability the prerequisites for this are, first of all, his insufficient attention to the mother and the absence of the necessary emotional contact in the mother-child dyad.
Diagnosis of postpartum depression
Diagnosis of postpartum depression appears to be substantially problematic and difficult because of the fact that it is characterized by specific negative changes taking place in the psychoemotional sphere of a woman. And the human psyche at the present time is still not sufficiently studied for an accurate unambiguous understanding of all the processes taking place in it. Feelings and emotions do not lend themselves to any laboratory analysis, as a result of which, with all the justification, it would be possible to affirm - here it is, postpartum depression.
First of all, the doctor should make sure that the depressive state does not develop due to a violation of the thyroid gland. To exclude, or, on the contrary, to confirm this possibility, an analysis is made for the content of hormones in the blood.
During a visit to a psychiatrist, a woman should provide him with exhaustive information about family members, whether she has had depression in the past, and tell about all the symptoms present in her.
Diagnosis of postpartum depression, since it is a special state of the psyche, amounts to judging its presence and assuming that it exists to be possible only if it takes into account the observed characteristic manifestations of behavioral reactions and changes in the female body having a psychosomatic origin .
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of postpartum depression
Treatment of postpartum depression provides for the implementation of appropriate measures in two main areas of impact on the depressed state of a woman who has recently given birth to a child. These include the use of medicines-antidepressants and possibly hormone therapy, in conjunction with the implementation of psychocorrection. It should be noted that the need to undergo the appropriate course of psychotherapy concerns both parents.
By resorting to the use of antidepressants, a woman during lactation is advised to refrain from breastfeeding, the child during the course of their use should be on artificial feeding. However, according to some of the medical specialists to protect the child from getting into his body the medications taken by the nursing mother and, at the same time, able to be present in her milk, it is possible by delineating the time of taking medicines and feeding.
To date, there is a fairly wide range of pharmacological drugs that contribute to the effective removal of postpartum depression. Among women, it is quite common to believe that the use of antidepressants is necessarily associated with the development of addiction and the formation of dependence on them. However, this is not entirely true. The essence of the problem in this connection is the correctness of their application. Take antidepressants should be strictly in the prescribed hours for this. Improvements, as a rule, should be expected not earlier than after two weeks from the beginning of the course of treatment. In order for medicinal products to have the proper effect, they need to reach a certain level of content in the body. Therefore, in the absence of expected results and visible effect, after some time after their first intake, it is not worth abandoning further application. The total duration of treatment with antidepressants is an average of six months. In the event of early termination of the course of such medication, it remains possible that manifestations of postpartum depression will resume.
At present, manufacturers of pharmacological products can offer antidepressants, intended for acceptance by their nursing mothers. The probability of negative consequences for the baby in them is minimized.
To treat postpartum depression, hormonal therapy may be prescribed. Injections of estrogen are designed to ensure the replenishment of the content of this hormone, decreased after childbirth. The result is a weakening of the severity of some of the symptoms of depressed women in the postpartum period.
In no small degree contributes to the normalization of the psychoemotional sphere of a woman with postpartum depression such an aspect as getting psychological support about who is able to listen and show understanding of feelings and experiences. Such support can not be found with relatives and friends, then it makes sense to go to a consultation with a psychologist whose specialization is postpartum depression. The specialist will be able to help select the best ways to cope with this problem.
The qualified rational treatment of postpartum depression contributes to the successful disposal of it in a few months, and only in a relatively small number of cases it continues for up to a year. The choice of the necessary measures of a medical nature should be done with an eye on the severity of the depressive state, and also on the basis of what individual, personal needs of the woman exist.
How to get rid of postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression is a very common phenomenon, and for the most part it is not a critical reason for resorting to medical care. The decision to address such a depressive state to medical specialists each woman takes at her discretion. In terms of choosing ways to get rid of postpartum depression, there are a number of some recommendations and rules, adhering to which it becomes possible to achieve a speedy recovery.
It is necessary to adhere to a healthy and active way of life, which means performing morning exercises, physical exercises, daily walks with a child in the open air. This includes the optimization of diet, with the inclusion in the diet of healthy foods with a small number of calories and a categorical refusal to drink alcohol.
You do not need to force yourself into anything. It makes sense to part with some expectations and certain views on what an ideal family should be, a woman should only deal with what she can do and leave everything else. When there is such a need, it would be nice to ask for help from close people or friends. Do not forget about the rest. When there is a feeling that the world is going out from under your feet, and everything starts to fall from your hands, you need to give it some time. To restore strength and to find peace of mind, you can go for a walk, visit your girlfriend, perform some assignment.
You should not deeply harbor your feelings, emotions, it would be good to share them with your partner, husband, close relatives, friends. From self-absorption into one's depressed state can distract communication with other mothers, in the course of which one can assimilate their experience useful in solving certain problems.
Postpartum depression can also find a reflection in the form of an emerging emotional strain in many of the close environment of a woman exposed to it. In particular, when his mother is depressed after the birth of a child, this causes an increased risk of immersion in the depressed state also of a man who recently became a father.
How to get rid of postpartum depression can be found during a consultation with a doctor who will give practical advice and, if necessary, prescribe treatment using medication - antidepressants, hormone therapy, etc. The earlier treatment for medical as well as psychological help, the more likely that this problem will lose its relevance in the shortest possible time.
Treatment of postpartum depression with alternative means
Treatment of postpartum depression with alternative means is based on the use of fairly simple methods. They allow you to start the treatment activities yourself and begin to have beneficial effects in the shortest possible time.
Among the most significant factors contributing to the overcoming of postpartum depression is the adherence to the principles of proper nutrition. From the results of special studies, the existing direct relationship between the amount of sugar consumed and the frequency of postpartum depression in women becomes apparent. The same can also be said for chocolate, whereby it is desirable to avoid their presence or minimize to the diet.
A considerable benefit in the depressed state in connection with the birth of a child is capable of bringing the use of decoctions and infusions from all sorts of medicinal plants and herbs.
Infusion on herbs from a bird's highlander is prepared by pouring two teaspoons of dry minced raw material with boiling water in the amount of one glass. After this, the infusion should be covered and allowed to infuse for a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes. Then filter and take half immediately, and the rest after half an hour.
Decoction herbal with peppermint - one teaspoon of dry minced raw materials for a glass of boiling water put on a water bath for 15-20 minutes with a weak boil. After letting cool and filtering, take twice during the day.
There is one condition - this kind of treatment with the use of alternative drugs has contraindications to existing disorders of the digestive system, in particular - increased acidity.
From the motherwort five-lobed infusion is prepared this way: one teaspoon of it in a dry shredded form you need to pour a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken several times (2-3).
As a very simple and yet effective method to combat postpartum depression, you can also bring a bath with added to the water infusion from the leaves of poplar black. For preparation, young dried leaves are used. As a medicinal raw material, swollen poplar buds collected in early spring can also act. 100 grams of dried raw materials are brewed in one liter of water over a small fire for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion after filtration should be poured into a filled bath. Take a bath should be for a quarter of an hour.
Treatment of postpartum depression with alternative means, thus, is reduced to a number of rules, among which we can distinguish the need to prevent significant overloads, both physical and mental, to walk more often outdoors, and correctly and rationally organize nutrition with the preferred content of plant foods in the diet.
Treatment of postpartum depression with antidepressants
Postpartum depression, when a woman's condition as a result of psychotherapeutic sessions does not show a tendency to restore her psychoemotional optimum, may cause the need for the use of medicines in the category of antidepressants.
Treatment of postpartum depression with antidepressants provides for a half-year course of their use. After its termination, the treatment continues for another 6 months with the aim to minimize the possibility of relapses in the future.
According to its pharmacological action, antidepressants used to treat postpartum depression belong to selective inhibitors, the action of which is the reuptake of serotonin. Existing drugs for today are good tolerability, but in order to fully begin to actualize the effect they produce, it may take quite a long time interval from the time of their application.
Prozac is the first drug from which the development of the industry of means to help fight depression began. It helps to stabilize the mental state during depression. Due to its use, there is a significant increase in the mood of patients. It is in the form of capsules of hard gelatin containing 20 mg of fluoxetine hydrochloride, which should be taken at the initial recommended total daily dose of 20 mg, regardless of food intake. Side effects can be: the emergence of nausea, vomiting, taste disorders, the emergence of tremors, seizures, nervousness, increased anxiety, accompanied by tachycardia, confusion, there may be insomnia, rashes on the skin, hives, itching.
Zoloft is available in coated tablets. One tablet contains sertraline hydrochloride 50 mg. In the treatment of depression is prescribed in an initial dose of 50 mg per day - 1 tablet in the morning or evening. The intake of the drug does not depend on the intake of food. There may be a number of negative manifestations in the form of nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, muscle cramps, fainting, drowsiness or insomnia, nightmares, dizziness, tremors, hallucinations, migraines, anxiety, mania, suicide.
Paxil - film-coated tablets in which 22.8 mg of hemihydrate hydrochloride is present, which is identical to 20 mg of paroxetine. Take 1 tablet a day during the morning meal. With the use of the drug associated side effects of impaired appetite, drowsiness or insomnia, nightmares during sleep, the emergence of tremors, headaches, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, drying of the oral mucosa, vomiting, increased sweating, rashes on the skin.
The drug Cipramil is a tablet in a film coat, each of which, depending on the form of release, can be citalopram 20 mg or 40. The dose prescribed for depression is 20 mg per day at any time, regardless of food intake. The application can often provoke the appearance of dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, lead to drowsiness, cause tremors, insomnia, severe sweating, agitation.
Treatment of postpartum depression with antidepressants is prescribed with individual selection of dosage, and also adjusted according to the achieved positive effect. If a patient shows obvious suicidal tendencies, she is subject to immediate hospitalization in a specialized department.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of postpartum depression
In such a question as the prevention of postpartum depression can not be said with all possible certainty what actions are required to take to ensure that a woman with absolute certainty be insured against its occurrence. There are only certain prognostic factors that can help reduce the risk of developing this phenomenon in the most pernicious way affecting both the woman and her child. Among such favorable moments it is possible to name presence of support received during pregnancy from close people. Thanks to this, the maternal instinct gets the opportunity to form and establish itself sufficiently. Therefore, a woman should pay the closest attention to her condition, take maximum care of herself. If possible, avoid stressful situations and maintain yourself in good physical condition.
It is one of the primary tasks in this is to take care not to bring yourself to the state of extreme fatigue. Undoubtedly, while the baby sleeps, his mother is puzzled in order to extract from this time with the maximum benefit and have time to remake a great multitude of cases. But with all the domestic chores at once it is often difficult to manage, so the woman falls off her feet with fatigue. It would be nice to plan, say, in the preparation of food not to take up dishes that require a laborious preparation process, but to choose ones that are simpler.
In addition, it is important not to forget that the psychoemotional state is in close connection with the physical condition. In order to come to the previous physical form of the previous pregnancy and childbirth, you can begin to perform a set of special exercises aimed at restoring the figure and to tighten the tummy. Excellent for this purpose can approach dance movements, while the child you have on hand.
When there is such an opportunity, one should not give up that at least briefly break out of the circle of tiresome daily duties. If there is someone with whom to leave the child for a while, it is worth to go out together with her husband to visit, or with a friend in the movie. When walking with a baby, it would be great to get acquainted with other mothers and discuss all sorts of common worries.
Prevention of postpartum depression, therefore, involves on the one hand to take measures to strengthen all the strengths of women - to strengthen health, improve physical condition, bring oneself in optimal shape, etc., and on the other - take care that the saying is not fulfilled: "Where it is thin, there it is torn". In this connection, in particular, if you have a suspicion of a predisposition to depressive conditions, it makes sense to see a doctor at least once a quarter. And if depression has happened before, it is worthwhile to pay a visit to the therapist during pregnancy.
Prognosis of postpartum depression
The prognosis of postpartum depression in certain unfavorable circumstances can be the transition of such a depressed psihoemotsionalnogo state of a woman who has recently given birth to a more serious stage of mental disorders called postpartum psychosis.
The degree of severity of the depressed state of the bridegroom after childbirth depends on how timely the signs of postpartum depression have been recognized and how soon appropriate appropriate steps have been taken to prevent the aggravation. After all, one must not lose sight of the fact that suicide is the extreme feature of the progression of negative phenomena in the female psyche, in some cases suicide, that is, speech can sometimes go about life and death. Postpartum psychosis, according to statistics, happens in one or two newly-born women of 1000. Suffer from its manifestations as women themselves, so this has the most negative impact on the health and development processes of children of such depressed mothers.
There is, however, the opposite, positive trend and prognosis of postpartum depression. If the mother and child are surrounded by love, care and understanding from close people who are always ready to come to the aid of advice and action, a woman feels protected. Because of this, all existing problems, worries and troubles do not acquire in her eyes an insurmountable scale. She is confident in the future and has a positive in herself that does not leave a place for depression.