Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At first glance, the complex and incomprehensible term "halitosis" means nothing more than the appearance of bad smell from the mouth.
This "aroma" is different and occurs with some painful processes in the oral cavity, nasopharynx and internal organs. In the vast majority of cases, treatment of a provoking disease allows you to eliminate the smell completely.
The causes of halitosis
The appearance of bad smell from the mouth is often associated with non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. Putrid or other unpleasant aroma in this situation is caused by the production of microorganisms, which settle on the surface of the teeth and on the edges of the gums. If the teeth are not cleaned for a long time, the microbes accumulate in a considerable concentration over the tongue, in the interdental deposits, in the holes of the removed teeth and in the folds of the oral mucosa. Bacteria multiply even more actively if in the oral cavity there is a favorable atmosphere for them in the form of carious teeth, periodontal diseases, gums, etc. In themselves, the painful conditions of teeth and gums are also capable of provoking the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
The second most frequent cause of halitosis is excessive dryness of mucous in the mouth. This condition of the mucosa can be caused by chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (when there is no nasal breathing and the person is forced to breathe through the mouth), smoking, drinking alcohol.
Bad smell from the mouth appears after eating some food, like garlic, onions, salted fish.
Galitosis often occurs with many diseases of internal organs and nasopharynx:
- infectious diseases of the respiratory system (bronchiectatic disease, abscess, bronchitis, etc.);
- pathology of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, gastritis);
- ENT diseases (laryngitis, sinusitis, follicular angina, etc.);
- kidney failure;
- diabetes.
In addition to the above, halitosis sometimes occurs in people who adhere to "hungry" diets with a violation of the drinking regime: in this case, bad breath appears as a result of the release of metabolic products.
Symptoms of Halitosis
Unpleasant odor from the mouth - a very, very frequent phenomenon. In many cases, halitosis becomes a real problem for a person who feels for himself some kind of barrier in free communication with others.
This symptom can be present constantly, or depend on the degree of fullness of the stomach.
For various reasons, a person can ignore a doctor's consultation, and mask the bad smell with periodic chewing "chewing gum" or using refreshers (aerosols) for the oral cavity. However, it should be taken into account that halitosis is often a sign of serious violations in the work of digestive and other organs.
The main and only symptom of halitosis is bad breath - a person may not feel. The appearance of the smell must necessarily be hinted by his friends or family members, which should speed up the patient's treatment to the doctor (dentist, therapist) and taking measures to eliminate halitosis.
What's bothering you?
Diagnosis of halitosis
Diagnostic methods for determining pathology are currently conducted in fairly reliable ways. Estimation of the intensity of the odor is carried out with the help of a specific apparatus - a halimeter. It can be used not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for monitoring the success of therapeutic measures.
To detect and identify bacteria that have become a source of unpleasant odor in the oral cavity, many experts resort to microbiological analysis, for example, examine the composition of the plaque from the surface of the teeth, or analyze the secretions of the salivary glands.
With the help of mirrors, the doctor will examine the base of the tongue, throat, tonsils, assess the patient's dental features and the quality of oral hygiene.
It will not be superfluous to consult the specialized specialists: otolaryngologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist, who will exclude the presence of diseases of the nasopharynx, digestive and endocrine system.
To obtain the most accurate result of the diagnosis of halitosis, it is recommended not to use medicines, spicy food, smoking or drinking alcohol (including beer) 24 hours before the test, brushing your teeth and not using chewing gums and oral fresheners.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of halitosis
Treatment of halitosis directly depends on what exactly was the root cause of bad breath. If the nasopharyngeal diseases are to blame, then you will have to undergo treatment of sinusitis or laryngitis, and digestive system diseases - in the therapist or gastroenterologist. It is also important to exclude pathologies such as diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases.
If the main cause of bad odor is the problem in the oral cavity, then it is necessary to treat inflammation, cure and seal teeth, remove those that do not respond to treatment. It is advisable to undergo professional cleaning and polishing of teeth, during which a superficial and sublimbed plaque is removed.
Great importance in the treatment belongs to the observance of hygiene rules. Brushing your teeth is necessary daily, in the morning after breakfast and at night. Before bedtime, in addition to a toothbrush, it is desirable to use a dental floss - it will effectively clean the interdental space from food residues. In addition to teeth, it is important to clean and tongue: even special toothbrushes are sold, the reverse side of which is intended for cleaning the tongue.
It is necessary to remember the principles of proper healthy nutrition:
- sweets, sugar, white flour flour products contribute to increased deposition of plaque and cause caries;
- Fresh fruits and vegetables stabilize the digestive tract, and effectively clean teeth;
- sour-milk products normalize the state of the intestinal microflora, which also contributes to good digestion.
Treatment of halitosis with drugs
Treatment of halitosis with drugs is carried out to eliminate signs of infection and inflammation, and also to sanitize the oral cavity.
To inhibit the life of bacteria use the following drugs:
- Triclosan is a strong antiseptic, which has powerful antimicrobial activity for a long time. It is used to suppress the development of bacteria in the mouth, and also serves as a component of many toothpastes;
- Chlorhexidine - is used as a rinse solution (0.005%). Has antimicrobial (affects both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria), antifungal action. May cause dry mucous membranes;
- cetylpyridine (cetylpyridinium chloride) - antiseptic, inhibits the activity of gram-positive and partially gram-negative microbes. Has no effect on bacterial spores. Kills some viruses and fungi. The drug, as a rule, is part of the rinsers and toothpastes;
- camphomen - a combined product, which includes furatsilin, menthol, eucalyptus, castor and camphor oil, olive oil, freon and alcohol. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Used as inhalation for nasopharyngeal diseases, as well as for irrigation and spraying;
- remodent - lyophilizate for mouth rinses. Contains manganese, iron, zinc, sodium, copper, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. Applied for the prevention of caries, acceleration of ripening of enamel and remineralization;
- etoniy - bacteriostatic and bactericidal drug, which is used for stomatitis, gingivitis, ulcers on the oral mucosa. The drug is applied to the affected mucosa in the form of applications.
In addition to these drugs, use hydrogen peroxide, carbamide (in the form of pastes and gels), as well as herbal phytopreparations.
Treatment of halitosis with hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has been successfully used for many decades for rinsing and lubricating the affected areas of skin and mucous membranes.
In cellular structures under the influence of enzymatic substances (peroxidase, catalase) hydrogen peroxide breaks up with the release of oxygen, which, in turn, is known for its antimicrobial and deodorizing characteristics. Hydrogen peroxide is able to eliminate bleeding, and in a significant concentration - to cauterize tissue damage.
Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is based on many years of successful experience in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.
For use on mucous hydrogen peroxide should be diluted. If this is not done, the concentrated solution can cause a mucous burn. In halitosis, as well as with various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and throat, from 1 to 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide is used for 50-100 ml of water.
With prolonged use of a solution of peroxide for rinsing, hypertrophy of the papillae of the tongue may appear.
Also, with an unpleasant odor from the mouth, it is recommended to brush your teeth with the following mixture: take ½ tsp. Baking soda, 4-5 drops of fresh lemon juice and 15-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix. With this mixture we brush our teeth. After a procedure of 15 minutes, you should not eat, drink or rinse anything with your mouth.
Treatment of halitosis by alternative means
How to try to cure this symptom by alternative means:
- 50 g of vinca grass fill in 200 ml of boiling water and insist up to 40 minutes. Infusion is used to rinse the mouth 5 times a day;
- you can chew the root of the calamus, or make an infusion of it - 15-20 g of ara are poured into a thermos 200 ml of boiling water, we insist about 1 hour. The oral cavity is up to 5 times a day;
- it helps to refresh the oral cavity of a carnation (spice) and lemon rind. A piece of lemon peel or 1 clove must be put on the cheek, chewing periodically;
- It is useful for strengthening the teeth and gums, as well as for eliminating inflammatory processes and bad breath in the mouth, chewing beeswax with the addition of lemon juice, or zabrus;
- we make tea from lemon balm - one tablespoon of lemon balm is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and we insist 20 min. Drink hot in the morning after awakening and before bedtime (preferably on an empty stomach);
- a dormant oral cavity infusion of chamomile - this will relieve inflammation and soothe damaged tissue. In order to prepare the infusion, take 1 tablespoon chamomile pharmacy for 500 ml of water. In the same way, you can prepare and apply infusion of peppermint or leaves of wild strawberry;
- Austrian recipe for getting rid of bad breath - mix 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 1 teaspoon of medium-sized table salt. The mixture is rolled in the mouth for 3 to 5 minutes. After the procedure, do not drink and eat for half an hour. Thus it is necessary to repeat twice a day, in the morning and at night.
Treatment of halitosis at home
How to try to remove the unpleasant odor from the mouth at home, that is, using what is always at hand? Indeed, there are several effective methods for treating halitosis at home:
- prepare a saline solution - 0.5 liters of pure water mixed with 1 tbsp. Spoon of salt. All 0.5 liters should be drunk at once from the morning on an empty stomach, and after 15 minutes you can eat breakfast, preferably with something dairy, so as not to provoke stomach irritation. This treatment is recommended to be repeated every day for a week. The method helps if halitosis is associated with gastrointestinal diseases;
- if you have digestive problems, oatmeal may help you. Every morning, you should eat a bowl of porridge on the water, without sugar, but with the addition of any vegetable oil. Already after 14-20 days they promise complete elimination of bad breath;
- it was noticed that people with a habit of drinking freshly ground coffee in the mornings are less likely to suffer from halitosis. The main point is that the coffee should be exactly ground, real, brewed in a Turkish. From the soluble and surrogate coffee, this effect should not be expected. If you do not have the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee, you can advise simply chew the coffee seed in your mouth;
- often a bad smell in the mouth appears due to an insufficient function of the salivary glands, or because of frequent eating dry. Yield: drink more liquid, better clean water. If it is mineral water - then still, if the tea - then no sugar. Try to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day;
- A good deodorizing property is possessed by chlorophyll - a green substance, which is present in large quantities in plants. The use of chlorophyll can be felt by eating dishes from cabbage, lettuce, parsley, cilantro, dill and spinach;
- you know, than advise you to brush your teeth if you do not have a toothpaste, brush? That's right: you need to eat an apple or gnaw a carrot. This remedy also helps to get rid of a bad smell, however, for 1-2 hours. However, in some situations, this method of great help.
Toothpaste from halitosis
In the market of dentifrices there are a lot of rinsers and toothpastes intended, in particular, for getting rid of an unpleasant smell.
Among specially developed toothpastes the following are known:
- Air-lift with a complex of essential oils;
- Biotene Antibacterial Fresh mint - Biotene refreshing mint with antibacterial effect;
- Brilard Active for getting rid of the smell caused by smoking;
- Halita Toothpaste - eliminates bad breath and persistent plaque;
- President Defense - eliminates the odor that other drugs could not rid;
- Royal Denta Gold with gold, eliminates extraneous smell, serves as an excellent prevention of tooth decay, periodontitis, whitens tooth enamel.
Of the more accessible and popular toothpastes, it is necessary to choose a product without alcohol content. Alcohol bases lead to excessive dryness of the oral mucosa, which can aggravate the situation with the smell.
Pay attention to those pastes, which include zinc and chlorine - these elements inhibit the activity of bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell. The toothpastes based on carbamide peroxide, for example, the paste "Rembrandt Plus" or "Rembrandt - a delightful whiteness" are also considered effective.
Prevention of halitosis
The main measures of halitosis prophylaxis are the daily observance of the principles of individual oral hygiene.
Young children from infancy should be taught to care for teeth with the use of special tools, as well as explain to them the importance of hygiene procedures. In addition to the standard cleaning of the tooth surface, it is recommended to monitor the purity of the tongue. With evening brushing of teeth it is useful to use floss dental floss, by means of which it is possible to effectively clean the interdental spaces, where food pieces often fall. Clear the space between the teeth with a toothbrush is very difficult, almost impossible, so you have to resort to using dental floss.
Do not forget about the proper healthy diet with enough foods with high fiber content. These are herbs, fruits, vegetables, root vegetables. Recommended dairy products - cottage cheese, whole milk, sour-milk products - first of all, for replenishment of calcium stores in the body and prevention of caries development. Additional use of vitamin and mineral complexes is also welcome, especially in the winter-spring period: this will help maintain immunity at the required level, which will prevent inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
Forecast of halitosis
Certainly, the prediction of halitosis depends on whether measures have been taken to detect and treat the cause of this condition.
If we continue to ignore bad breath, then no favorable forecast can be said. Such inactivity in the future can lead to loss of teeth, diseases of the digestive tract, the emergence of chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx or internal organs.
Galitosis is a question that requires a mandatory response. However, do not panic: in most cases, the usual hygiene procedures and regular visits to the dentist will help you enjoy a clean and healthy breathing.
Reviews about the treatment of halitosis
Most often, people suffering from halitosis - bad breath - use quick means to get rid of the problem: mouth fresheners (aerosols), chewing gums, mint candies and candies. Such common means are really effective, however, for a very short time.
As a result, most users agree on a common opinion: if a bad smell does not disappear even with a daily two-time treatment of the mouth, you should definitely contact the dentist first.
In 90% of cases the problem lies exactly in the state of teeth and gums. And outwardly, teeth can seem absolutely healthy, do not hurt or bother.
If the dentist confidently declares that everything is in order with your mouth, you will have to look for the cause further, inside the body.
Visit an otolaryngologist: illnesses (especially chronic ones) of the nasal cavity, throat and even the ear can affect the freshness and purity of your breathing.
If they are okay with these organs, then your next visit is to the gastroenterologist, or to the therapist. It happens that the patient himself does not suspect that he has a latent disease of the digestive tract.
If you take this matter seriously, the problem will eventually be solved. You just need to persistently look for the cause of the unpleasant odor.