Gastric adenocarcinoma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Adenocarcinoma of the stomach is a malignant neoplasm in the glandular epithelium of the stomach.
It occurs quite often and ranks fourth among all tumor formations. The tumor is localized mainly in the antrum and pyloric sections. This phenomenon is caused by excessive consumption of food products with an increased content of nitrites. It is in the stomach that these substances destroy the mucous layer, and thereby cause malignant formation.
Causes of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
The main causes of adenocarcinoma of the stomach are associated with disorders in the body. Glandular cancer is a fairly common disease. It is based on malnutrition, as well as the effect on the human body of various harmful factors. As a rule, therapy is appointed based on the localization of the disease and its stage. But in most cases, radical intervention is used directly.
So, the causes of the disease can be: chronic ulcer, mucosal epithelial dysfunction, Menetries disease, atrophic gastritis, radiation, obesity and the presence of a similar disease in one of the relatives.
If there are no such diseases, and the prerequisites for them too, then it's just necessary to monitor the daily diet. Because the glandular cancer can develop due to malnutrition. It is necessary to exclude and pernicious habits. After all, smoking can also trigger the development of the disease.
Symptoms of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
The main symptoms of gastric adenocarcinoma are not easy to recognize. The fact is that the disease has very erased clinical manifestations. This may be a severity in epigastrium, nausea, lack of appetite, upset of the stool and overall weight loss. Therefore, to say unequivocally that a man has a glandular cancer is difficult.
These symptoms are collectively called the "small symptoms" syndrome. Because they are typical for many other processes. Severity and bursting often occurs when the intra-wall tumor. In this case, the affected organ remains tense and elastic.
So, the cancer of the cardiac department is also characterized by a violation of the passage of food into the duodenum. As a result, vomiting occurs, and in more neglected cases, pain in the epigastric part also occurs.
Glandular cancer metastasizes in almost 90% of cases. With regard to the method of diagnosis, it is reduced to an officially approved list of methods of treatment. So if you have any of the above symptoms, you need to seek help.
Low-grade gastric adenocarcinoma
It is a malignant enough formation. And it develops from the glandular epithelium of various organs. If the degree of differentiation is low, this causes a rapid and aggressive growth of neoplasms.
The prognosis for this disease is quite serious. Because there is a need for timely application for highly qualified assistance. The less differentiated the cells of glandular cancer, the more unfavorable is the prognosis. If you show any signs, you should immediately go to a medical facility.
This phenomenon is often considered an indicator for the removal of lymph nodes. There is a process due to the methods of radiation therapy. In many cases, chemotherapeutic drugs are prescribed. Vitamins, painkillers and high-grade food are also included in the general course of treatment.
Moderately differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma
This kind of cancer takes an intermediate position. It is a tumor whose structure is difficult to associate with the structure of the tissue, the cells of which it is formed. Therefore, to identify the disease is not so simple. There are no characteristic signs, it is necessary to proceed from general ones.
Despite the fact that the tumor is not so dangerous, it needs to be removed in a timely manner. Because much depends on this process. It is almost impossible to detect this disease on your own. It does not have any specific symptoms. All of them are similar to common problems with the organs of the digestive tract. In this case, you only need to see a specialist.
This disease is between well-differentiated and slightly differentiated species. But, despite this, it still carries a danger, because it is a malignant neoplasm.
Highly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma
All cancers, especially the highly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma, undergo a thorough investigation. This fact is explained by the fact that there is a need to establish the true causes that lead to the development of the disease.
To date, with respect to each variety of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma, risk factors have been identified that contribute to the development of this disease.
Highly differentiated glandular cancer develops mainly in the elderly. This disease is preceded by a number of reasons. So, first of all, this is a bad heredity. An important role is played by nutrition, because in many cases it is irrational. This indicates that the body does not receive the required amount of nutrients. Highly differentiated glandular cancer also occurs in the rectum, mainly due to anal sex, as well as during infection of papillomavirus infection.
In some cases, the disease is provoked by chemicals, including medications. The risk group is people with diabetes. Naturally, the diseases associated with other organs make a special contribution.
Tubular adenocarcinoma of the stomach
Another type of malignant tumor is tubular adenocarcinoma of the stomach. What is it? First of all, it represents branched tubular structures that are enclosed in the fibrous stroma or surrounded by it.
The forms of the tumor are very interesting, as a rule, they are cylindrical or cubic cells. But in some cases they are able to simplify due to the accumulation of mucus in the enlarged lumens.
This form of malignant neoplasm also requires immediate medical intervention. Because the variety of cancer is very peculiar.
Tubular glandular cancer is represented by simple or branched structures. For her, less characteristic are fine-calcareous structures such as antrum glands. If we talk about the level of intra- and extracellular mucus, then it varies. The degree of development of the cancer stroma can be different.
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Diagnosis of gastric adenocarcinoma
The therapist, gastroenterologist and oncologist are engaged in revealing an ailment, they also carry out diagnostics of adenocarcinoma of the stomach. Treatment, as a rule, is made by the oncologist. To carry out qualitative diagnosis, it is necessary to observe a whole complex of measures.
Initially, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy is performed. This is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods to date. A probe is inserted into the affected organ of the patient through the mouth. Thanks to this introduction, the doctor manages to take samples of epithelial tissue. Then the samples are examined in the laboratory.
There are also tests for Helicobacteriosis. They are of three kinds. The first option involves a blood test, through which it is possible to detect antibodies. The following species are the respiratory test and stool analysis, thus Helicobacter pylori antigens can be detected. If it is possible to identify the infection, then complex treatment is prescribed.
Another common type of diagnosis is X-ray diagnostics with contrast. If there are clear pictures of the affected area, then the cancer can be easily detected in almost 75% of cases. Before this procedure, the patient needs to drink a contrast mass. It is a liquid of gray color with a rather unpleasant taste.
In addition, a number of other diagnostic methods are used. So, this is ultrasound, endoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.
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Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
Most often, the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is to conduct surgical intervention. But it is worth considering the fact that the body is not always ready to take radical measures. Because this method of therapy takes a lot of man's strength, which has been wasted. Proceeding from this, doctors recommend to include in the process of treatment physiotherapeutic preparations.
The process of removal of the glandular cancer of the esophagus consists in the partial disposal of the esophagus. In some cases, it is appropriate to remove the upper part of the stomach. It is from the remaining part of this organ that the previously removed esophagus is restored. If the stage of cancer is neglected, then the esophagus must be removed completely. In this case, the human stomach practically passes into the patient's neck. During this procedure, open cuts of the abdomen, chest and neck are used.
A new, but well-proven method of treatment is tomotherapy. In this case, a spiral tomograph with a coverage of 360 degrees is used. It allows the doctor to consider all the changes that occur during the therapy. Thus, many therapeutic measures can be continued, while protecting healthy tissues from exposure. This system allows you to change the shape, size and amount of radiation that is delivered by the tumor.
Treatment of low-grade gastric adenocarcinoma
Complex treatment of low-grade gastric adenocarcinoma is the most effective. So, the tumor needs to be influenced by various methods.
- Surgery is the most common method of combating a tumor. The surgical intervention is aimed at complete removal of the neoplasm. And not only in the redistribution of healthy tissue, but also with additional excision of the affected lymph nodes. To date, minimally invasive surgical intervention has become widespread. It occurs from thoracoscopic and laparoscopic, using the latest technology. Gentle operations allow not only radical removal of the tumor, but also to preserve the patient's health.
- Radiation therapy. The affected area is irradiated in order to reduce the tumor and further remove it. The method is used also in the postoperative period, it allows to destroy malignant cells in the wound. Thus, the risk of recurrence of the tumor decreases severalfold. To date, only the latest radiotherapy techniques are used. They cause minimal damage to healthy body tissues.
- Chemotherapy. This method is an integral part in the fight against low-grade glandular cancer. This procedure allows you to destroy malignant cells throughout the human body. Chemotherapy is used together with cytostatic drugs, which fight against tumor cells and metastases before and after surgical treatment.
There are other modern methods of treatment of glandular cancer. These are laser radiation, ultrasonic waves, nanopreparations and other techniques.
Treatment of moderately differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma
In order to achieve a positive result, treatment moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach should be done using all modern technologies.
It is natural that you can not do without surgery. Because the tumor must be removed in any case. So, surgical intervention is the most radical method in the fight against malignant neoplasm. It is the removal of not only the tumor itself, but also the lymph nodes, together with soft tissues. To date, preference is given directly to minimally invasive surgical interventions. Because they allow you to do everything as quickly as possible, and at the heart of them is the use of modern technologies.
Chemotherapy takes a leading place in the fight against cancer. It allows you to get rid of malignant cells throughout the body. In addition to chemotherapy, radiotherapy is also widely used. It can significantly reduce the tumor, which at times will facilitate its removal. To date, only modern technologies are used in the fight against this ailment. Naturally, physiotherapy plays an important role. In general, this cancer includes several treatment options, the main one of which is surgical intervention.
Treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma by alternative means
Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is performed by alternative means, although without surgical intervention it is still impossible to manage.
- So, the first tool to take is Aconite. This is an ordinary tincture that you can prepare yourself. You need to take 100 grams of anokonite root, rinse it and put it in a liter jar, then pour boiling water. Allow the tincture to stand for about an hour. Then the roots are removed and cut. Then they need to be poured with 60 degrees vodka or alcohol and let it infuse for 21 days. Take the tincture you need to 1 drop of diluted in 200 grams of warm water. It is advisable to use the remedy 30 minutes before eating. It should be noted that the number of drops should be increased, adding one each day. To drink the tincture you need a course in 10 days.
- A good remedy in the fight against the disease is the potato color. To do this, collect potato flowers during their flowering and dry in a dark place. After that they are crushed and poured with boiling water. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of a remedy and a half liter of boiling water. All this is insisted on for 3 hours. Tincture of 150-170 grams is taken three times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Then you need to make a week break and again drink the tincture. All this action lasts about six months.
- Nutty tincture. It is necessary to collect thirty-three nuts, cut them and grind them. Then put in a 3-liter jar and pour vodka. Then all this can be preserved for 40 days. Every day a bank needs to be shaken once a day. At the end of the allotted time, the product is filtered through gauze and wrung out. It is desirable to pour the tincture in a container of dark glass and store in a dark place. Take one teaspoon of tincture three times a day for a month.
- Birch fungus. Birch fungus helps with cancer. It is often taken when surgery is contraindicated. Grated mushroom should be used for two days in boiling water, after which it can be consumed. So, every day you should drink a little tincture 30 minutes before meals, three times. The remedy is stored no more than 4 days and then, in the refrigerator.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
In fact, the prevention of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is to completely eliminate many of the reasons for which it may occur. In most cases, it's just about the wrong diet.
So, to avoid the development of cancer, you need to reduce the consumption of salty, smoked and dried foods. Nitrates can cause this disease, so eating vegetables and fruits is only necessary in season, when they are grown without the addition of excipients. In addition, one should abandon bad habits, including alcohol and smoking. Every year a person should undergo a survey. Especially those who are at risk. These patients are affected by heredity, with congenital polyposis of the intestine, and also with a high probability of developing gastrointestinal diseases.
It is necessary to understand that at the age after 45-50 years, it is necessary to undergo a preventive examination absolutely to all.
Prognosis of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
Usually the prognosis of adenocarcinoma of the stomach is positive. But much in this case depends on the patient himself. So, for the prediction of tumor treatment, the special term "five-year survival" is used. If after therapy, a person manages to live 5 years, then it can be considered absolutely healthy. Such a patient has a chance, will never become infected with this disease.
The overall survival is about 20%. Such a low percentage is due to the fact that diseases are recognized at too late stages. But despite this, each case is individual. Therefore, talking about general statistics is meaningless.
At the zero stage, cancer cells are still in the inner layer. They have not yet managed to spread into the depths, which facilitates the task. If a competent treatment is selected in a timely manner, the result will be good. Perhaps even a complete recovery.
In the first stage, the tumor managed to penetrate into the inner layer. But, again, it has not gone deeper yet. If it is time to notice that the therapy will give a good result. Full recovery is possible.
In the second stage there can be two forms. The first is when the cancer cells already hit the inner layer, as well as several lymph nodes. In addition, the cells may not affect the lymph nodes. The second form says that the cancer cells infected the inner layer and more than seven lymph nodes. The process of recovery after 5 years is not more than 50%.
The third stage. One of the most serious stages of the disease. In this case, all the walls of the organ and lymph nodes are affected. Survival is between 10 and 40%.
At the fifth stage, everything is affected, distant metastasis occurs. The five-year survival rate is only 5%. The fact is that the process of recovery is affected by the nature of the tumor, the patient's body and the treatment performed.
Prognosis of low-grade gastric adenocarcinoma
Often the forecast is positive. But only if the person asked for help at an early stage of the disease. Usually after the operation, the patient is observed for five years. It is this period that indicates whether the person has fully recovered or not.
The prognosis in cancer patients is determined by the possibility of carrying out a radical operation. Because only a small percentage of people live more than five years. If the operation was performed by means of gastroenterostomy or laparotomy, the patient will live for about 5 months. When performing non-radical resection for about a year.
Remote metastasis can significantly shorten the life expectancy of patients. In this case, even a radical operation can not help. The presence of residual tumor allows you to live no more than 2 years. The remaining factors that can influence the patient's survival are already of secondary importance.
Prognosis for highly differentiated gastric adenocarcinoma
To say that the outlook is positive is difficult. Because this is a figurative concept. Only after 5 years after the operation, one can say, whether the person has fully recovered. After all, much depends on the stage of the disease and when it was discovered and the treatment process started.
In medicine, even there is such a thing as "five-year survival". This term is really relevant. Therefore as soon as this way it is possible to determine whether the person has been cured completely. As a rule, the overall survival rate does not exceed 20%. This is due to the fact that cancer is mainly found in the last stages.
The prognosis in cancer patients is determined only by the possibility of carrying out a radical operation. Because a small percentage of untreated patients can live more than five years.
After gastroenterostomy people live about 5 months. If non-radical resection was performed, then about 11. Remote metastasis significantly shortens the duration of life. In this case, unfortunately, even a radical operation is not capable of helping. So, a person will live no more than 2 years. The fact is that adenocarcinoma of the stomach is a serious disease, it is not so easy to combat it.