Hyperplasia of the stomach
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hyperplasia can affect any organ of a person, but especially often there is hyperplasia of the stomach. Therefore, with any suspicions of hyperplasia of the stomach should not be pulled, but you need to see a doctor, take all the tests, and in case of an illness, immediately start treatment.
Hyperplasia is an increase in the growth of cells in the organs, the formation of neoplasms. Appears most often as a consequence of cell division, that is, in fact, by their normal reproduction, but in large, excessive quantities. There may be hyperplasia in the tissues of the organ, in the mucosa or in the epithelium. In addition, with hyperplasia, not only does the number of cells increase, but when neglected, changes begin inside the cells themselves, their structure changes irreversibly, which can subsequently lead to the transformation of altered cells into malignant tumors.
Causes of the hyperplasia of the stomach
Causes, in consequence of which there is hyperplasia of the stomach, a lot, this can be attributed:
- hormonal disorders in the body
- neglected chronic gastritis, chronic inflammation in the tissues of the stomach and mucous membrane
- not treated gastric infections
- violations of intrasecretory work of the mucosa
- abnormal nerve regulation in the stomach
- action on the stomach of various carcinogens also promotes cell proliferation
- some types of gastric hyperplasia can develop due to the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body
- hereditary predisposition to the disease.
Symptoms of the hyperplasia of the stomach
Very often, hyperplasia of the stomach is not accompanied at first with any obvious symptoms, this is the danger of the disease, because in the absence of any symptoms, a person does not even suspect a progressing disease until it passes into a chronic, neglected stage.
Over time, hyperplasia of the stomach begins to be characterized by such basic signs of the disease:
- severe pain, resulting in involuntary contraction of the muscles in the patient, sometimes temporary, in chronic cases can be constant.
- possibly upset stomach robots, digestive disorders.
- at times there are signs of anemia.
Do not delay the examination, if the pain begins to appear at night, when the stomach is empty, this may well be the first sign of hyperplasia of the stomach. At the first symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor, you never need to engage in self-medication, let alone let the illness flow to its own accord, because it is fraught with aggravation and negative consequences. The ideal option is to visit the doctor every half year for diagnosis, so as not to miss the moment of the appearance of the disease and cure it at an early stage.
Focal gastric hyperplasia
Focal hyperplasia of the stomach is an early form of the polyp, manifested as a benign tumor in one of the stomach sectors, in the so-called "hearth", hence the name. It can have a different size, usually resembles a small outgrowth, with a modified structure, especially it can be considered in a study with contrast, when the paint hits the foci of hyperplasia, they immediately change color and stand out against the background of normal tissues. The outgrowths may look like a tubercle, or have a leg, can be single, or multiple. They are also called wart hyperplasia.
Most often, they are transformed from erosion of the mucous membrane. They are revealed during endoscopic examination.
Foveolar hyperplasia of the stomach
Foveolar hyperplasia of the stomach is the proliferation of epithelial cells in the mucous membrane or stomach tissues.
Foveolar hyperplasia of the stomach can occur against a background of chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and is classified as a disease that often does not cause either the formation of benign tumors or malignant tumors.
Usually, the appearance of the disease occurs asymptomatically in the early stages, and it is called an "endoscopic finding", as it is detected by a doctor at random. Despite asymptomatic in the early stages, foveolar hyperplasia of the stomach is considered the initial stage of the appearance of hyperplastic polyps.
Hyperplasia of the antrum of the stomach
The antral part of the stomach is most often prone to the appearance of hyperplasia, since, firstly, it constitutes almost a third of the entire stomach, is located at the very bottom and passes into the 12-colon. Its main function is grinding, digesting and pushing food further, so it is more exposed to loads and diseases than most other departments. The absence of symptoms at an early stage and the course of the disease in the antrum section is the same as in any other, the differences are only in the appearance of the outgrowths. Often, neoplasms in the antral part of the stomach are multiple growths, small in size. In the study of morphology, experts identify the elongation of pits and the presence of broad branched ridges.
Lymphofollicular hyperplasia of the stomach
Lymphofollicular hyperplasia of the stomach is a neoplasm of cells in the follicular layer of the gastric mucosa. There is such a hyperplasia of the stomach mainly due to various violations of hormonal processes, improper intrasecretory work and violations of the correlations. Products of tissue decay, which do not decompose in the usual way, can also cause the appearance of lympho-follicular hyperplasia of the stomach. In addition, blastomogenic and carcinogenic substances with which the body contacts, also affect the appearance of the disease. This disease can develop due to negative influences on internal tissues, disorders of hormonal processes, nervous regulation, correlative connections and improper intrasecretory work. Specific products of tissue decay, which are not degraded in the usual way, and carcinogenic substances can enhance the growth of the lymphocylic layer of the stomach.
It is very dangerous for human life lympho-follicular hyperplasia of the stomach in combination with gastritis. Such a compound can lead to the development of malignant tumors.
Hyperplasia of the gastroepithelial epithelium
Histochemical examination and electron microscopy reveal functional changes in the activity of cellular elements of the mucous membrane. Especially these changes are expressed in the cells of the gastrointestinal epithelium of the stomach, they are enlarged in size, contain inside a large amount of mucin, which fills the cell and pushes the nucleus to its base. In addition to functional changes, there is an intima-ventricular hyperplasia of the stomach, this leads to the appearance of new gastric pits, which gives them a corkscrew shape. On the symptomatology, it is also difficult to diagnose, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.
Foci of hyperplasia of the stomach
Focal gastric hyperplasia are polyps that appear due to a prolonged inflammatory process in tissues, epithelial cells and mucous membranes, with marked proliferation and dystrophy. Usually such changes are placed locally, and this allows them to be easily identified with the help of analyzes and quickly removed, thus preventing their reproduction and aggravation of the body's condition. The stomach has different parts in its structure, it is both antral, and cadial, and the bottom of the stomach, and the body. And unfortunately, all these departments can be susceptible to various diseases, including hyperplasia of the stomach.
Lymphoid hyperplasia of the antrum of the stomach
Lymphoid hyperplasia of the stomach is an excess lymphocyte neoplasm in the lymph nodes. Lymphonoduses are very important for the body, they suppress the reproduction of viruses, bacteria, the spread of poor-quality processes. Lymphoid hyperplasia is an inflammatory process in which lymph nodes themselves are involved and their enlargement, and not just a reaction to the inflammation of some other organ.
By locating the enlarged lymph nodes it is possible to identify foci of the appearance of serious diseases. For example, lymph node hyperplasia in the groin can trigger malignant tumors in the legs or cancerous metastases in the genitals.
Lymphoid hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa
Lymphoid hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa is a pseudolymphophasic lesion of the stomach, often occurs against the background of a chronic ulcer, but there may be a thickening of the mucous membrane, knotty overgrowth that can penetrate the mucosa and even into its deeper spheres. It is also possible the formation of polyps in the mucosa. Lymphoid hyperplasia is difficult to diagnose, it is characterized by the absence of atypical cells, the presence of signs of stromal fibrosis, the nodular character of the formations in the submucosal and muscle layers.
Glandular hyperplasia of the stomach
Glandular hyperplasia of the stomach is an excess formation of the glandular tissue of the endometrium, manifested in its thickening and increase in volume.
Hyperplasia of the glands of the stomach is revealed in the form of small polyposive growths, mostly round or oval, surrounded by a mucous membrane altered at the cellular level.
The body of the polyp consists of glandular elements or from the overgrown covering epithelium and the vascular-rich connective tissue, as well as the leg, which is the continuation of the adjacent mucosa and submucosal layer.
The glandular elements of benign polyps are similar to the surrounding tissue, the epithelium is not very altered. In some places, the glands can expand into the cystic cavity. The glands never go beyond the muscular membrane, no matter how extensive the glandular hyperplasia is.
Polypoid hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa
The polyp is a small tumor in the tissues or mucous membrane, it can be "sedentary," or located on a pedicle, be single, or multiple, has a different morphological structure.
Polyps with hyperplasia of the stomach can appear in any part of it, the causes are standard - a neglected stomach disease, although many scientists consider the reasons for their occurrence unknown. According to statistics, most often to polypoid hyperplasia are predisposed people after 50 years, but unfortunately with every year statistics show, polyps began to amaze the younger generation. It is often removed surgically.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of the hyperplasia of the stomach
Since it is almost impossible to diagnose gastric hyperplasia without special tests and examinations, doctors use a number of specific studies:
Radiography - shows the presence of polyps in the stomach, you can see its contours, shape, whether it has a leg, what contours, even or intermittent. In addition to polyps, you can see a tumor, or rather, only its outlines.
A more accurate study of fibrogastroduodenoscopy - using a special device to examine the inner walls of the stomach and you can specifically consider all tumors and distinguish the polyp from the tumor and from other growths.
A biopsy is done after the above tests, as this study is aimed at establishing the malignancy of the tumor, its morphological composition.
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Treatment of the hyperplasia of the stomach
First and for the treatment and prevention of gastric hyperplasia, it is necessary to establish control over nutrition, since it is often the use of fatty, severe, poor-quality food in huge quantities, improper diet and sedentary lifestyle is the first cause for problems with digestive tract, which subsequently lead to hyperplasia of the stomach. For the preparation of a therapeutic diet, it is better to contact a nutritionist, he will make a blood test and help pick up those foods that will have a beneficial effect on your stomach and will indicate what better to stay away from.
To eliminate the disease at an early stage, doctors prescribe medication, of course, depending on the cause, most often hormone drugs. If suddenly the diet and medications do not help, you have to repeat the course, or a surgical operation is prescribed to remove the affected tissues or polyps. In cases where gastric hyperplasia is not chronic and the reasons for its appearance are clear, treatment has a beneficial effect and the person recovers. Therefore, always, not only with pain and discomfort, you need to see a doctor, and at least once a year undergo a complete examination in order to protect yourself from hardly diagnosed diseases and prevent their appearance.