Spasms in the stomach
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Spasms in the stomach are considered as a failure of the function of the digestive organ, which manifests itself in the form of periodic contractions of smooth gastric musculature. Such cuts cause pain in a person, which arise from attacks and last from 2-3 minutes to several hours.
In addition to pain, spastic contractions can provoke motor and gastrointestinal tract disorders, which will inevitably affect the digestive processes in general.
The international classification of diseases (code on ICD 10) refers to gastric spasms to the following categories of pathologies:
- R 10.0 - Severe tenderness in the abdomen (symptoms of an acute abdomen).
- R 10.1 - Soreness in the upper abdomen (pain in epigastrium).
- R 10.4 - Other undiagnosed abdominal pain (including colic and abdominal pain in children).
Causes of spasms in the stomach
The causes of spasmodic contractions in the stomach are a variety of factors, but mainly it is a violation of digestive processes and neurological disorders.
- Prolonged or frequent stress.
- Poisoning with food or drink (alcohol).
- Continuous hypothermia.
- Irregular diet, skipping meals, eating too much food at a time.
- Smoking, especially on an empty stomach.
- Eating strong coffee, in large quantities, or on an empty stomach.
- Allergy to food.
- Drinking too much rough or spicy food.
- Exposure to chemicals, occupational intoxication.
- The use of certain medications (for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
The most prone to spasms are people emotionally unstable, with a labile nervous system, prone to depressive states. Provoking factors may be neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia.
In addition, the cause of a spastic syndrome may be gastrointestinal diseases, for example, stomach ulcers, gastritis, duodenitis or other diseases of the digestive system.
Pathogenesis of spasmodic gastric contractions
Gastro spasm is a disorder of the motor function of the gastric walls, which is manifested by a painful syndrome, sometimes quite pronounced.
The basis of this phenomenon is the lowering of the threshold point of excitability of the visceral nervous system, with the simultaneous tone of the vagus nerve. Functional gastro-spasm is more common in patients 20-35 years of age, which in most cases is associated with an abnormal diet. In older patients, spasmodic pain can be the result of various chronic diseases of the digestive system.
Gastro spasm can occur in three versions: total reduction, partial or limited.
Speaking about total reduction, we mean the secondary appearance of a spasm due to an already existing disease, for example, a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system.
Partial contractile activity is a reflex phenomenon, when a portion of the stomach, sometimes quite large, is involved in the process. As an example of partial gastro-spasm can be called the appearance of a two-cavity gastric form (by the type of hourglass).
Limited reduction of the gastric organ is observed in smokers, as well as with occupational intoxication, unhealthy lifestyle. Such a phenomenon can appear in the disorder of higher nervous regulation of the digestive function, as well as in the formation of the mucosa after ulcer disease or tuberculosis of the stomach.
Symptoms of spasms in the stomach
The main characteristic sign of gastro spasm is acute acute pain in the upper abdomen, which occurs against a background of considerable discomfort and deterioration of the general condition. Pain can be accompanied by attacks of nausea, vomiting, and weakness and apathy.
Severe spasms in the stomach can also trigger a spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles, as a result of which the patient is forced to take a bent posture (chin to the knees).
This condition can be accompanied by tension of abdominal muscles, protrusion of the abdomen (due to increased gas formation), weakness, chills.
Individually, in each patient gastro-spasm can proceed in its own way. In most cases, the course and symptoms of the disease depend on the cause of the spasms, which causes a lot of questions from the patients.
- Spasms in the stomach after eating are observed less often than on an empty stomach. If this happens, then you can suspect such diseases as a stomach ulcer, pylorospasm or pancreatitis.
With a stomach ulcer, the pain manifests itself within 30-60 minutes after ingestion and calms down as the food mass digests. There is no pain on an empty stomach.
Pylorospasm (reduction of the pylorus of the stomach) often occurs in patients prone to neuroses, or with frequent stressful situations. It manifests a fit of pain and vomiting for half an hour after eating. Only after emptying the stomach cavity the patient becomes lighter.
In pancreatitis, pain occurs immediately after ingestion, and can be given in the lower back or in the liver region (hypochondrium on the right).
- Spasms in the stomach and diarrhea can be troubling after eating stale, poor-quality or unusual foods, as well as irritable bowel syndrome. With this syndrome, spasmodic pains occur about an hour after eating. Soreness accompanied by increased gas formation, a disorder of the stool (often diarrhea). Unpleasant phenomena in most cases pass after the emptying of the intestine.
- Spasms in the stomach and temperature often characterize acute poisoning or an infectious disease. The use of spoiled or unwashed products often ends with signs of food poisoning of microbial origin. Such pathology reveals itself paroxysmal pains, disorders of stool, increase in body temperature. With an infection of the digestive system, intestinal bleeding can also occur, which is detected by the appearance of blood in the bowel movements. In this situation, an appointment with a doctor is mandatory.
- Nausea and spasms in the stomach are signs of inflammation of the gallbladder, bile ducts or dyskinesia of the gallbladder. Soreness is observed, as a rule, in the right hypochondrium, after ingestion of smoked products, salty and fatty foods, sweets. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a thorough medical diagnosis.
- Spasms in the stomach and an eructation of sour talk about gastroduodenitis - an inflammatory process of the walls of the stomach and 12 duodenum. The disease can last up to several months, with periodic exacerbations and fades. Soreness is periodic, localized in the umbilical and epigastric zones. It is accompanied by a sense of gravity, bursting.
- Nervous spasm in the stomach occurs in emotionally unstable people with a weak autonomic nervous system. Soreness in the abdomen in such patients occurs after stress, emotional stress, emotional overload. Often this can happen, for example, after the exam, after a public speaking or a strong fright. Nerve pain can be accompanied by a disorder of stool (diarrhea), heaviness in the stomach, increased gas production. Symptoms subside after evacuation of the intestine, as well as when taking sedatives.
Periodic spasms in the stomach can be observed in any person, and often there is nothing wrong with that. The errors in nutrition, poorly prepared food, the abundance of artificial additives in foods, etc., just make themselves felt. However, if the spasmodic pains are of a regular nature, here one can not do without medical assistance: it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study and find the cause of the disease.
Spasms in the stomach during pregnancy
Pregnant women almost always have any problems with the digestive system. Difficulty of digestion is most often observed at the end of the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when the growing uterus begins to squeeze the nearest organs, including the digestive organs.
Flatulence, a decrease in the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, difficulty digesting and passage of food through the intestines, heartburn - frequent "guests" during pregnancy.
As the size and weight of the future baby grows, the uterus grows and displaces the digestive organs, the motility is impaired, the food masses stagnate, leading to constipation. The fermentation may start, which, in turn, provokes an even bigger bloating and aggravation of the situation. Spastic pains are also a consequence of all these processes.
What do experts recommend to ease a woman's condition?
It is important to observe moderation in food, do not overeat, consume more plant food and fermented milk products to ensure timely evacuation of the intestine and prevent stagnation of fecal masses in the lower parts of the digestive system. Reception of laxatives is not welcome, as this can cause hypertonicity of the musculature of the uterus, which is very unfavorable in pregnancy.
Where does it hurt?
Consequences and complications of gastro-spasm
Spasmodic stomach pain, arising periodically, may not pose a particular danger to the body. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to be examined to exclude the initial stage of the incipient pathology.
Constantly disturbing spasms with small and short remissions, combined with lack of treatment and malnutrition, can lead to adverse consequences: against a backdrop of banal inflammation, after a while, a serious illness may occur.
A patient with frequent spastic disorders should beware of developing the following diseases:
- erosion of the stomach;
- peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
- perforation, bleeding of the stomach;
- stomach cancer;
- gastric atrophy, etc.
Virtually all problems with digestion affect the condition of hair, nails, skin, tooth enamel. Weight can fluctuate sharply, both in one, and in other party.
Earlier it was believed that complications of diseases of the digestive system - this is the fate of patients 40 years and older. But practice shows that in recent years, the development of adverse effects in young people is not uncommon. The reason for this - the modern rhythm of life, the lack of a daily and nutritional regime, the popularity of useful and not very diets for weight loss, stress, overload, etc.
To avoid all this, it is important to take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle under any circumstances. Only in this case the prognosis of the disease can be favorable.
Diagnosis of spasms in the stomach
Gastroenterologists say that carefully studied history, assessment of risk factors, the definition of clinical symptoms of the disease in conjunction with examination and palpation of the abdominal cavity allow in 75% of cases in time and correctly determine the pathology. Difficulties in diagnosis can be associated with the presence of additional diseases of the digestive system, which complicates the picture and, accordingly, prevents the formulation of a correct diagnosis.
Additional techniques for studying the spastic syndrome can be divided into three groups:
- Instrumental diagnostics: ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, X-ray examination using contrast medium (barium mixture), as well as endoscopic methods. The most informative is fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, when a special fiber-optic tube is inserted into the gastric cavity, equipped with a camera and illumination. This method allows you to visualize and assess the condition of the internal tissues of the stomach and duodenum, to see erosion and their location, and also, if necessary, to take a tissue element for biopsy.
- Taking blood, urine and gastric juice for research is also an important stage of diagnosis. Analyzes for spasms of the stomach are the following: a general blood test (makes it possible to recognize a hidden inflammatory process in the body), determination of the acidity of gastric juice, a general urine test.
- Differential diagnosis can identify the disease. As a rule, with spasmodic pains in the stomach, first of all it is necessary to exclude peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, calculous cholecystitis, pilorospasm, gastric erosion and functional digestive disorders.
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of spasms in the stomach
Treatment of spasms is selected individually, taking into account the factor that triggered this phenomenon. Eliminate pain by taking certain medications, which we'll talk about below. However, in the first place, the doctor will prescribe a diet to the patient.
From the daily diet temporarily have to be deleted:
- heavy food (coarse meat fibers, fat, animal fat);
- fresh baked goods;
- Smoked products, fried foods;
- Spices, spices (including salted and peppery dishes);
- alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- coffee and cocoa;
- too hot or cold food.
Dietary nutrition should be observed not only until the absolute disappearance of signs of spasm, but also for several weeks.
The need for treatment with medications is determined depending on the diagnosis delivered by the doctor.
The following medicines for stomach cramps may be prescribed:
Spasmolytic drugs:
- But-shpa (drotaverin) 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day;
- Aqabel 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day, or 1 suppository twice a day;
- Baralgin (Spazmalgon) 1-2 tablets three times a day;
- Ganglerone for 0.04 g to 4 times a day before meals;
- Datisskan to 0.05-0.1 g to 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals;
- Papaverine inside for 40-80 mg up to 4 times a day, in suppositories for 1 pc. Up to 3 times a day.
Antimicrobials (with the detection of Helicobacter pylori): Amoxicillin (Flemoxin), Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin, Azithromycin).
- first generation (Colibacterin, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin);
- second generation (Bactisubtil, Sporobacterin);
- the third generation (Lineks, Bifiform, Acipol, Atzilact);
- the fourth generation (Probifor, Florin and Bifidumbacterin Forte).
Complete treatment of the spastic syndrome may also include reflexology, herbal medicine and homeopathy.
Homeopathy with spasms in the stomach is a specific kind of treatment that has not yet been sufficiently spread among medical specialists and patients. If you trust homeopathy, then among such drugs there are also means that eliminate the spastic condition of the digestive organs. Attention: before use, consult a gastroenterologist!
- Thallium Thallium (metal);
- Symphytum (Comfrey Pharmacy);
- Symphocarpus racemosa;
- Stronita (strontium carbonate);
- Senna (Alexandrian leaf);
- Quassia (Quasius is bitter).
Operative treatment is used only in extreme cases. This is mainly the case with neglected gastric ulcer, extensive erosion of the stomach, as well as oncology.
Alternative treatment of stomach cramps
Treatment with herbs can be effective with functional spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's try to share with you some useful tips:
- to eliminate painful spastic seizures should be prepared a mixture of the following plants: the color of chamomile, nettle and St. John's wort, 2 tbsp. Spoons. Collect the mixture in a container and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour. After an hour, filter the infusion and take one glass at a time. All the rest needs to be drunk throughout the day, dividing by 3-4 times;
- for a more rapid effect, it is recommended to take 1 tsp motherwort juice, diluted in 100 ml of clean water;
- A good spasmolytic effect is the usual tea with mint. A glass of water should be added 1 tablespoon of small dry leaves of mint. Pour boiling water, insist 30 minutes and drink throughout the day instead of tea;
- you can brew an equal mixture of chamomile and immortelle. Such a collection not only relaxes the gastric muscles, but also removes signs of inflammation. Brewed 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, insist for at least half an hour. Take 100 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 2-3 weeks.
With spasmodic pain it is useful to drink freshly prepared carrot juice with the addition of honey. You can also grate the carrots on a small grater, add honey and eat for half an hour before each meal. A good effect is the infusion of carrot seeds (for one tablespoon of seeds - 250 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos).
Preventive measures include the rejection of bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse), in a full and systematic diet, in limiting the consumption of fatty and smoked products.
In order to control the signs of a possible disease, and also to prevent their development, it is necessary to avoid overeating and prolonged starvation. Need to eat often, but little by little. Skipping meals is not advisable.
During meals, you need to make sure that the food is chewed well. For this reason, you can not eat on the go or in the dry.
Spasms in the stomach caused by diseases of the digestive system are treated long enough, and there is a risk of various complications. This should be taken into consideration starting to take care of your health in advance. Prevention of diseases is much easier than treatment, so do not bring the body to failure and dysfunction.