


Sarcomas of the thoracic cavity organs

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sarcoma of the breast, as well as tumors of the thoracic part of the body, most often appear due to metastasis from the esophagus, lungs, mediastinum, and in some cases also the heart. The treatment of breast sarcoma is handled by an oncologist, cardiologist and gastroenterologist. The danger of breast sarcoma is that most often, the disease is asymptomatic. It is with this fact that a large% mortality of patients with malignant breast tumors is associated.

The patient calls for medical help too late, when the sarcoma goes into the uncontaminated stage. The bright symptomatology of the sarcoma begins to manifest itself at the last stage of the disease, at the moment when the patient begins to feel inexplicable pain, general weakness and weight loss. Symptomatology depends on the location of the sarcoma.

Breast sarcoma for today is not fully understood by a group of diseases. Little knowledge is explained by the anatomical specificity of the structure of the sternum. In the chest there are a variety of tissue rudiments and embryonic connective tissue. Breast sarcoma can affect soft tissues or refers to tumors of the skeletal system of the sternum. In the chest, most often diagnosed with such sarcomas as:

  • Liposarcoma.
  • Angiosarcomas.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • Neurogenic sarcomas.
  • Chondrosarcomas.
  • Osteosarcoma.
  • Synovial sarcomas.
  • Ewing's sarcoma.

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Sarkoma Rib

The sarcoma of the ribs is a malignant formation with a wide spread. At the first stages of the disease, the clinical picture is not clearly defined. The patient feels pain in the rib and sternum. Sometimes the pain syndrome also spreads to surrounding tissues. With the progression of sarcomas, pain sensations increase, and anesthetic drugs do not help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. In the area of the affected ribs there is a slight swelling, which is easily felt, but with palpation causes pain. The tumor develops rapidly and early metastasizes.

  • Once the tumor affects the autonomic nervous system, the patient begins to show neurological symptoms (anxiety, increased excitability, irritability).
  • Because of impassable pain, the patients develop anemia, febrile condition, fever, and the area of the body above the tumor changes color and hot to the touch.
  • Sarcoma of ribs can simultaneously develop from different types of tissue. For example, osteosarcoma affects bone tissue, fibrosarcoma - tendons and ligaments, chondrosarcoma - cartilage, and reticulosarcoma - vascular components.
  • The tumor of the ribs is widespread, which differs from most other lesions affecting the sternum. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, the disease disrupts important functions of the chest and the process of breathing.
  • By localization, the sarcoma of the ribs is divided into mono-osseous, affecting one rib and polyosal, affecting several ribs and sternum.

Sarcoma of the lungs

Sarcoma of the lungs is a malignant tumor that has connective tissue nature. Most often, the neoplasm develops between the bronchial walls and septa of the alveoli. Sarcoma of the lungs are characterized by heterogeneity, among them are: neurosarcomas, lymphosarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, angiosarcomas and other types of tumors. Depending on the location and volume of neoplasm, the method of treatment depends. As a rule, lung sarcoma is treated with the methods of radiation irradiation and chemotherapy, in extreme cases, resort to surgical intervention.

Sarcoma of the heart

Sarcoma of the heart is divided into several histological types. Most patients who have been diagnosed with a malignant heart tumor die within a few weeks to months. As a rule, sarcomas are localized in the right parts of the heart, germinating into the pericardial cavity and the hollow veins. Sarkomu left heart, very often mistaken for myxomes. Because of incorrect diagnosis, the sarcoma so affects the body that treatment and radical surgery are impossible. But even timely diagnosis of heart sarcoma, chemotherapy and radiation irradiation for a short time prolong the life of patients. An exception is the lymphosarcoma of the heart, which lends itself to the methods of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

  • The clinical picture of the disease depends entirely on the location of the sarcoma, its magnitude and degree of progression. So, some types of sarcomas can produce metastases, affecting a number of organs and systems.
  • Symptomatic disease begins with a slight increase in temperature, a sharp weight loss, general weakness and joint pain. In the future, the patient complains of various eruptions on the limbs and trunk. Gradually formed symptoms of heart failure.
  • If the tumor extends to the pericardial space, it results in hemorrhagic effusion in the pericardium and tamponade. A number of patients have ventricular failure and venous obstruction, which lead to swelling of the face and upper limbs. When the lower genital vein is affected, the patients begin to stagnate in the internal organs.

To suspect the presence of heart sarcoma can be on such symptoms as chest pain, hemopericardia in the absence of injuries in the anamnesis, general weakness, rashes, uncaused pain. Treatment of sarcomas of the heart is symptomatic. The patient is given a course of chemotherapy and radiation exposure. The prognosis is unfavorable, the survival rate is about 80%. Most patients die within five years of the diagnosis of heart sarcoma.

Pericardial sarcoma

Pericardial sarcoma is a tumor lesion of the outer shell of the heart, which consists entirely of connective tissue. The pericardium is separated from the inner layers of the heart by a slit, a cavity that is filled with serous fluid. If the neoplasm grows from the pericardial tissues, the tumor gradually spreads to the pericardial space other areas, forming a hemorrhagic effusion into the heart cavity, which leads to tamponade.

Pericardial sarcoma is characterized by the absence of normal heartbeats due to the squeezing of the heart cavities. This condition threatens life and requires immediate treatment. Symptoms of a malignant tumor of the pericardium are similar to those of heart failure. Treatment is used the same as with heart sarcoma.

Sarcoma of the esophagus

Sarcoma of the esophagus is a malignant connective tissue formation, which most often affects men. Tumor lesion of the esophagus is a rare disease that metastasizes to organs adjacent to the esophagus and to the chest. Most often, the sarcoma has the appearance of a polyp, which grows into the lumen of the food tube. Also, there are tumors that are located in the middle third of the esophagus or on its front wall. As a rule, with sarcoma of the esophagus diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma. The tumor can sprout through the entire food wall, extending beyond it, affecting the surrounding tissues and the fiber of the mediastinum.

The clinical picture of the disease is a violation of the swallowing process and pain syndrome with further progression of the sarcoma. As a rule, the localization of pain passes behind the breastbone, but discomfort can be given between the shoulder blades and into the spine. In almost all cases, esophageal sarcoma is accompanied by esophagitis, that is, an inflammatory lesion of the walls of the esophagus. The symptomatology of the disease is diverse. At first, the patient feels a general weakness, there is a progressive decrease in body weight and anemia.

Sarcoma of the esophagus leads to complete exhaustion, which is accompanied by painful symptoms and impaired swallowing. If the tumor grows into the respiratory tract, then this leads to a fistula between the trachea, bronchi and esophagus. This can cause airway obstruction. In addition, the malignant neoplasm of the esophagus early metastasizes, and, as a rule, the musculoskeletal system and the bones of the skull.

Mediastinal sarcoma

Mediastinal sarcoma is a rare malignant tumor. Sarcoma spreads throughout the mediastinal tissue, hitting and squeezing the organs located in it. If the neoplasm passes to the pleura, this leads to the appearance of exudate in the pleural cavities.

Treatment of mediastinal sarcoma depends on the stage of its development, the level of metastasis and the overall health of the patient. Most often, they are treated with radiation therapy. This allows to reduce metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes of the mediastinum. Obligatory is the course of chemo-hormonotherapy. Radiation irradiation is effective in the treatment of reticulosarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis.

Combined treatment of mediastinal sarcoma is possible only with lesions of the retrosternal goiter and thymus gland. As a rule, the prognosis for sarcoma is poor, as the mortality of patients is high. But early diagnosis and effective treatment prolong the life of patients and fight with painful symptoms.

When diagnosing the sarcoma of the chest cavity, the doctor's task is to differentiate the disease in order to separate the malignant tumors from benign tumors and complications, after the traumas suffered (bursitis, myositis, hematomas).

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