Sprout teeth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Periodontitis of the tooth - in the people it is still known as the flux - it is a purulent disease, the site of which is an inflammatory process that has arisen in the periosteum of the face-jaw section.
For the most part, the push to develop the disease is a complication of periodontal and dental tissue.
Causes of periostitis of the tooth
To prevent, or at least minimize the consequences of the disease, it is necessary to understand and understand the reasons that become the basis for the development of periostitis of the tooth.
- One of the main typical causes of inflammation of the periosteum can be called dental disease. Carious lesions of the tooth, periodontitis ... - all this is the source of infection and the "gate", which are predisposing factors for the development of periostitis of the tooth. It's not news that many people panically fear a dental office, and sit until the last moment when to save a tooth in many cases is not possible. But the worst thing is that the infection affects the periosteum, there is an inflammatory, and then a purulent process. And as a result - periostitis of the tooth.
- Another cause of periostitis of the tooth, less common, but not so rare, is a jaw injury or fracture. With such injury, damage is not only to the bone, but to soft tissues. This allows the pathogenic flora to penetrate through the wound more deeply.
- Rarely, but still can infect tissues through blood transfusion, injection, as well as from another inflammatory zone through the blood vessels. This cause of the disease is more common in children, less often in adults.
If the disease has already struck the body, and a person tries to fight it on their own without referring to doctors, for a while the disease recedes, the pain is weakened. But the disease does not leave the patient, it continues to develop, but with "blurred" symptoms. Through the dental canal, the infection gets to the root of the tooth, destroying the nerve endings that approach this area. Degraded nerve tissue is an excellent breeding ground for the propagation and development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Inflammation begins to capture an increasing area, while microbes exert a toxic effect on the human body. The tooth itself and the gum enveloping it become a "time bomb" - the focus of infection, which is ready to break free and spread through the body with blood through the vessels.
Inflammatory process passes to the periosteum. As a result, the patient acquires such a disease as a periostitis of the tooth.
Symptoms of a periostitis of a tooth
Our body is a single, self-sufficient organism and all the processes that take place in it are interrelated. The same can be said about the diseases that affect a person. Therefore, many of the symptoms of periostitis can be attributed to several diseases, but there are also individual characteristics, which together give a complete picture of a particular disease.
- The swelling of the gums begins to appear, gradually it also flows onto the victim's cheek.
- There are painful sensations in the area of the affected tooth. The pain increases with nibbling and when tapping on a sick tooth.
- At the end of a couple of days, the inflammatory process already seizes the periosteum, where an abscess is formed.
- Depending on the location of the infected tooth, the edema captures the lower eyelid, cheek, lipstick, which eventually begins to grow dull (with damage to the teeth that are located on the upper jaw). If the focus of infection is on the lower jaw, the swelling can cover the lip, chin and go to the cervical region.
- Quite often this disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature - up to 38 o C.
- When the case of a periostitis of the tooth is started, abscesses start to appear purulent masses that can go out through the affected gum.
- After the abscess "broke", the painful sensations for a short time subsided, but after a while they renew with renewed vigor.
The most common complication of this disease may be the development of the osteomyelitis of the jaw.
Periostitis after tooth extraction
Periostitis (or as it is often called in the people of the flux) is a disease accompanied by inflammation occurring in the deep tissues of the jaw area with the rapid development of purulent sacs. This disease is very part of the activates in the infectious lesion and inflammatory processes in the pulp, carious tooth, often enough to develop periostitis after tooth extraction.
Dentists consider several varieties of this disease:
- Acute form of serous periostitis.
- Acute form of purulent periostitis.
- Chronic form of periostitis.
- Diffuse form of acute flux.
The periosteum of the tooth when diagnosing the serous acute form of the disease progresses very rapidly (for two to three days). The basic symptomatology is sharply expressed. In this case, the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process, the course of the disease proceeds with the formation of exudate. If the exudate is formed as a cyst with a place of localization under the periosteum, during the course of the disease there is exfoliation of the tissues and necrotic damage to the bone. Most often this form progresses after pulpitis, caries, or due to unqualified tooth extraction. It is not uncommon for the appearance of a periostitis of the tooth after getting injuries and severe bruises in the face of the jaw area.
The acute form of the course of the disease with its purulent manifestation is characterized by strong throbbing pains. Depending on the location of the affected tooth, pain can be manifested in the temporal region and in the ear region and in the eye cavity, and also spread to the chin-neck region. In this case, it is absolutely counter-indicative to warm up and superimpose warming compresses. This only stimulates the development of pathogenic microflora, and the inflammatory process begins to capture new regions with increased speed. To, on the contrary, reduce the intensity of pain manifestations, it is better to apply cold. The cause of this form of periostitis can be a trauma or a distant tooth.
The form of chronic periostitis is less common. In this case, the place of development of the inflammatory process is most often the periosteum of the lower jaw. Chronic flux is symptomatically mild. Swelling small, may progress for several weeks (less often even years). At the same time, facial features do not change much. Periostitis reminds of itself quite rarely, with weak bursts of symptomatology. The process is characterized by bone formation from the inner sublayer of the periosteum, accompanied by inflammation near the bone tissue.
Diffuse acute flux. With the development of this form of periostitis of the tooth, there is a sharp pain in the tooth area, accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37 ÷ 38 ° C. General deterioration of the patient with the appearance of a symptom of intoxication of the body.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of periostitis of the tooth
If you have recognized the symptoms of a developing periostitis of your tooth, or someone from your relatives, do not postpone the trip to the doctor - dentist. The faster a patient gets to a specialist, the less difficult will be his treatment and subsequent complications.
The dentist will listen to the patient's complaints and will conduct a thorough examination. Only after this and even on the basis, if necessary, of laboratory and radiographic studies, diagnosis of periostitis of the tooth will be completed and the diagnosis is made.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of periostitis of the tooth
Diagnosis and treatment of periostitis of the tooth should only take place in specialized dental clinics, under the supervision of a doctor, since the independent treatment of any disease, including periostitis of the tooth, is fraught with serious complications.
Primarily, when diagnosing, the doctor prescribes radiography. This study is necessary to not miss a deeper inflammation - the osteomyelitis of the jaw. The picture also shows the exact place of localization of the inflammation focus.
Treatment of this disease is complex. Most often it begins with the removal of a sick infected tooth. But if the victim turned on time and there is an opportunity to save the tooth, the surgeon will very carefully clean it, remove the nerve and close the seal channel. After this, under local anesthesia, the dental surgeon cuts the gum, giving the accumulated fluid and purulent masses the opportunity to exit. Special medical antiseptics treat the wound and the focus of infection. Still some time from an incision there can be allocation. For better outflow, the doctor introduces drainage.
Further, on the basis of the degree of neglect of the disease, the dentist attributes intensive antibiotic therapy. Usually the patient receives antibiotics, physical procedures (ultrasound and laser therapy). If necessary, also, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs. All this is attributed to the patient only after the drainage has been removed.
In order to calm the pain, the cold is applied to the inflamed area, the doctor recommends rinsing (by any infusions of herbs that have antibacterial properties, or simply an aqueous solution of baking soda), and also prescribes pain medications. Until the recovery, the patient should exclude from his diet hard food, capable of injuring a sore spot, as well as peppery foods and food, which has a salty, sour taste. It is necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed, especially juices. In normal course, the healing process takes about a week.
If the patient has turned in time to a specialized clinic and received treatment at the proper level, then, as a rule, side effects and complications do not arise.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of periostitis of the tooth
The disease is much easier to prevent than to subsequently undergo a course of treatment, while spending your health, time and a fair amount of money.
Prevention of periostitis of the tooth is not complicated:
- More carefully you need to treat your health, periodically showing the dentist for a preventive examination. This will prevent the disease or recognize it at the initial stages.
- Pay attention and hygiene of the oral cavity: you need to brush your teeth twice a day, after eating, rinse your mouth with plain water.
- Pay attention to food that is included in the diet. They should be rich in vitamins and minerals.
- If you have a diagnosis of periostitis of the tooth, do not delay the trip to the doctor for later and finish the course of treatment.
Prognosis of periostitis of the tooth
Any forecasting is based on some basic factors. If the patient did not tighten with a hike to the doctor and completed a complete treatment course, the prognosis of periostitis of the tooth in this case is uniquely favorable. Even if the case is neglected and complex (or its chronic form), with effective treatment to defeat this disease without getting complications, it is possible. The result depends, first of all, on the coordinated work of the patient with his attending physician.
More than once it has already been said that it is not necessary to run to a doctor when it is no longer possible to tolerate more, and periodically undergo an examination. This simple procedure can prevent many diseases, including periostitis of the tooth. Even if the doctor puts you this diagnosis, then it will be easier to manage at the initial stage than at a later stage, when there is a need for already operative intervention and complex medical treatment. Treat your health more closely, and it will not let you down in the future. Be healthy! Take care of yourself and your family!