Tomography of teeth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Dental tomography is a relatively new method of diagnosis. But, despite this, in a short time he was able to get full confidence and popularity.
The combination of CT, X-ray and MRI is an indispensable and effective way to acquire reliable information about the state of the human dentition.
To date, computed tomography of the teeth allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the jaw and bone tissue. Due to this, it is possible to identify a problem, diagnose it in time and prescribe a treatment.
A three-dimensional image, on which the channels are marked, their number and length, allow the doctor to penetrate the problem in detail and begin solving it. The implantologist in his arsenal has a three-dimensional model. This allows, according to the available sizes, to choose good implants or prosthesis.
In addition to prosthetics, dental CT makes a significant contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of the dentition. Thanks to the picture, the dentist can get an opportunity to see what actually happens with the teeth of a person.
The three-dimensional picture is irreplaceable in those cases when it is a question of strict calculations of movements of teeth. Complex jaw injuries require accuracy in the calculations. CT allows you to assess the situation and collect a jaw.
The doctor-pardantologist can not do without a three-dimensional picture. After all, it allows you to detect pathologies of bone pockets, which require immediate diagnosis. Therefore, dental CT is a very good method, which helps in many cases.
Indications for computed tomography of teeth
The main indications for computer tomography of teeth include prosthetics and some diseases. Thus, implantology, endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, gnathology and many others fall under this category.
If a person plans to put implants, then without dental CT is clearly not enough. After all, you need precise measurements, both the width and height of the alveolar process.
Endodontics requires the diagnosis of inflammatory processes and all changes that occur in the apical area of the teeth. It is impossible to detect this by yourself. Therefore, without modern equipment, you can not do. In addition, the quality of sealing is evaluated here, and the number of roots is also determined.
Periodontics and orthodontics are not possible without assessing the severity of gum disease. It is not always easy to determine this, so an extensive picture comes to the rescue. If we talk about orthodontics, then in this case the position of the retinas is determined.
Gnatology implies the diagnosis of joint diseases, which are located in the temporomandibular part. Children's illnesses also need to be determined in time and to prescribe quality treatment.
Without a comprehensive picture, dental surgery, maxillofacial surgery and otorhinolaryngology can not be avoided. In all these cases, a significant contribution is made by dental CT.
Preparing for computed tomography of teeth
Is preparation required for computed tomography of teeth? In fact, this procedure does not need to be prepared at all. There is nothing complicated in the diagnosis itself. A person should just make an appointment with a doctor and that's it.
You do not need to take anything with you, it's a purely hardware procedure. The patient has a lower jaw on a special stand, while the rotating part of the device in the meantime takes a picture.
Naturally, people suffering from claustrophobia will have to prepare a little. It is necessary to calm down and understand that nothing terrible will happen in a couple of minutes. After all, in fact, if you do not overcome fear, you can easily lose the opportunity to get a quick diagnosis and quality treatment.
It will be difficult for those patients who can not always be in the same position. You will also have to prepare a little. The procedure takes a few minutes, so it is possible to suffer. In general, dental CT does not require any preparation and is completely safe.
How is computer tomography of teeth?
What is the diagnosis and how is the computer tomography of teeth? When performing the procedure, the patient needs to stand in front of the device, a small occlusal bite plate is inserted into the oral cavity. Next, the doctor must choose one of the twelve programs on the control panel. After that, the machine scans the maxillofacial system.
The field of view is 8x8. This allows you to fully see the location of the dentition on the jaw upper and lower. A frame with an X-ray tube should rotate around the patient's head. During this period, about 200 separate shots are taken.
The time from the beginning of the procedure and until the results are obtained is about 114 seconds. But this is only one part of the Internet, the remaining fifteen minutes is the creation of a picture. After receiving the photo, the doctor examines it and makes a diagnosis. Diagnostic results can help to prescribe quality treatment. Especially when it comes to surgical intervention after complex injuries. Therefore, dental CT provides incredible help in many matters.
3d tomography of teeth
A fairly new method of evaluation was called 3d tomography of teeth. What is this procedure and how does it differ from the usual method?
When the doctor puts the patient's diagnosis, an important role in this process is played by an X-ray. Unfortunately, the usual panoramic and sighting "photos" are not able to fully show the state of the human dentition. For the purpose of qualitative diagnosis, a 3d dental CT was developed. This is a new and already successful method to gain popularity.
Thanks to it, it becomes possible to see anomalies of the dentition, adjust the treatment and thereby achieve a good result and avoid all possible complications. Using this technology will improve the quality and effectiveness of therapeutic dental treatment. This procedure is reliable, and lasts 18 seconds. This is very important for people suffering from claustrophobia. Advantages of this technique is not so small. Despite its recent appearance, dental CT has managed to gain universal acceptance.
3d computed tomography of teeth
What does "3d" computer tomography of teeth "talk about" and whether to rely on it? This method is one of the newest and most effective of its kind. When a patient is diagnosed, not only his condition is taken into account, but also the whole process taking place in the oral cavity. You can not always see everything on an ordinary X-ray. In this case, 3d CT comes to the rescue.
A modern apparatus can be called a universal diagnostic tool. It allows you to diagnose serious jaw injuries, notice anomalies and help in implantology. Thanks to this technique, it is much easier to provide quality treatment and develop an individual plan.
Using a tomograph will maximize the correct planning of treatment. And to achieve positive results can be the shortest way. In general, the procedure is simple. The total scan time does not exceed 18 seconds. The radiation load relative to other techniques is significantly reduced. Therefore, dental CT refers to the best method of diagnosis.
Contraindications to computer tomography of teeth
Is there any contraindication to computer tomography of teeth and who should not resort to such a procedure? The fact is that anyone can use this technique. True, pregnant girls should give it up.
After all, during the picture, light irradiation occurs. Harm to the body it does not carry, but the future mother should better abandon this procedure. Especially if this is the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, it is better to choose other diagnostic methods.
It is not recommended to perform the procedure for people prone to claustrophobia. During CT, a person has a lower jaw on the device and a "photographing" part of the tomograph begins to rotate around his head. This can cause a panic attack.
Patients who can not remain mobile should also refrain from this procedure. But this is a reparable condition, so you should not worry. These are the main contraindications regarding the use of this method. In general, dental CT is a very effective way of diagnosing many diseases.
Evaluation of computer tomography of teeth
What can say the evaluation of the results of computed tomography of teeth? In fact, there is no reason to doubt the effectiveness of the method. He managed to prove himself from the best side.
Thanks to the received data it is possible to define easily problems of the person. After all, an extensive picture allows you to get acquainted not only with the position of the dentition and the presence of nerves and other things in them, but also to examine the jawbone. In many cases this is very important.
Dental CT allows accurate diagnosis. According to the received image, anomalies of the dentition are easily recognized. Moreover, this procedure is widely used in implantology. Because for qualitative prosthetics, you need to know the length of the alveolar process.
It is simply impossible to underestimate the positive properties of CT. This is a new invention that allows you to receive images in 3d format. This innovation will allow you to deal with the most difficult cases.
CT results are always true. On the basis of these, an optimal treatment plan is appointed, which will make it possible to achieve positive results in a short time. Dental CT is a jerk in modern medicine.
Complications of computer tomography of teeth
Can complications arise in computed tomography of teeth? Naturally, there are no grounds for this phenomenon. Because there is nothing complicated in this procedure.
The only thing, it is necessary to avoid dental CT to pregnant girls and people with problems of coordination of movement. During the procedure, carry out a light irradiation. It does not carry a particular danger to man. But the pregnant girl, who is in the first months of her interesting situation, is better off. People who can not stand still for long or are at all afraid of enclosed space, CT will not do. Because of the constant mobility, the risk of injury to the jaw increases. If we talk about a person who is afraid of an enclosed space, then this can lead to panic. As a result, the patient is injured.
In this category of people, CT should not be done. In general, there can be no other complications. Much depends on the human factor. Therefore, dental CT is performed after the approval of the attending physician.
Price for a tomography of a teeth
Now the most interesting question is brewing, is the price for the tomography of teeth available? You can praise the technique indefinitely, but can anyone take advantage of it?
Naturally, the cost of the diagnostic procedure is affected by a number of different factors. So, first of all this is the apparatus itself, which produces the procedure. After all, there are newer models with a wide range of possibilities and old equipment. Much depends on the clinic, in which the procedure is done. Naturally, in a private medical institution the price will be much higher. But, the picture, as a rule, is more qualitative, and various force majeure situations are taken into account. So, in addition to the picture, the result of CT is recorded on the disk and given to the patient. This is not done in state institutions.
The average cost of this procedure in Ukraine is 200-500 hryvnia. Naturally, the closer to the capital, the higher the price. This criterion must be taken into account when choosing a clinic. In general, the procedure is really effective, it fully justifies its value. Computed tomography of teeth is the best way to quickly diagnose a problem.